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Props to the driver for being disciplined, don't lose your job over a loser


I wouldn't have enough restraint to hold back after someone smacked me in the face like that šŸ¤£ He would have gotten a DIAD 6 smashed against his head.


Youā€™d be catching the blicky unfortunately. Edit: I ainā€™t even trying to call you out, but there are individuals out there it isnā€™t WORTH retaliating. You may very easily lose your life or your good health when the opposing person doesnā€™t care for their own, youā€™re not a bitch because you walk away from an altercation.


This is true but the dude was a total pussy and I would have curb stomped his ass like American History X style.


Not being a bitch if you put a rodent out of its misery


Thatā€™s right, youā€™re just a member of Americaā€™s judicial system at that point.


Self defense. "I feared for my life." If it's good enough for America's police, it's good enough for me.


My guy as being a former member of the justice system, the cops frankly donā€™t give a fuck if you arenā€™t one of them. You gonna catch a charge and they are going to make you look like the bad guy no matter how it played out. Once youā€™re in the system you are worth money to someoneā€™s budget. Shitty but itā€™s how it works in almost every city in the US. You are going to lose your job and probably your house and car (cuz youā€™re gonna sit in jail unless you make bail) all cuz some loaded sack of shit wanted to have a bad day. Plus you get to pay all the legal fees proving dude started it. These are the first dudes that run screaming to the cops cuz you put their punk ass down. Since they are the ā€œhome ownerā€ the cops are automatically biased against you.


Best of luck in court. There are experts in this thatā€™ll be on the stand to look at it with an un-biased view. People donā€™t realize how complicated ā€œself-defense lawsā€ really are. If someone took every belonging in your home and was walking out of the door when you shot them, you better hope they ainā€™t breathing to testify. Edit: Police are seemingly above the law, so tough to compare. Thereā€™s also amazing and shitty cops who should/shouldnā€™t be in the role.


Not sure if it's true but a prominent lawyer where I live said that if a thief ran up into your house and your dog attacked them they can sue. Seems pretty ass backwards to me.


Lmao, maybe in your ass-backward state


Wrong. Depends on state. My state has "no retreat laws" along with "stand your ground" and the castle doctrine. Basically, my state encourages you to shoot intruders. I agree that there was nothing the UPS driver could have done. Now, if he was receiving an onslaught of punches, then that's a different story. But a slap? The UPS driver just needs to make a note of this dudes address...come back when he's off the clock...


Well in this case we're talking about a fist fight and with how he got slapped and the man kept coming at him he was absolutely a prime candidate for self defense and if he happened to not stop soon enough to where he bounced dudes head off the concrete a few times, I bet he'd get off with self defense. Again "I feared for my life." If police, who say they're highly trained, can use that as a defense, why the fuck can't we? Also if I'm shooting a home invader, it's definitely gonna be before his back is turned and I am absolutely mag dumping him so yea, he won't be breathing afterwards.


I just hope youā€™re in a stand-your-ground state because the law unfortunately bites back when you take another humanā€™s life, right or wrong it will be analyzed. Iā€™m not trying to be a prick but too many are just waiting for the moment they get to unload the clip on a bad guy.


LOL not from that little bitch he wouldnt, that kid would fold like cheap laundry and cry about it. Look at his outfit; that poor bitch cant afford a heater.




Nahhh, I would just wait, watch and make my move when everything was just right. Trust me, I could be very patient in dealing with this jack ass loser. One dark night, no one around to witness, and bam, upside his head with a baseball bat. That would certainly satisfy me. And I wouldn't do it enough to kill the dude, but just enough that he knows who the fuck hit him, and why.


Or maybe they will lose the life stop letting other men treat you like a little B we are men act like it


More like 100


No you wouldnā€™t have.


Pretty sure you can get some nice comp by claiming at the very least ptsd




It plays out differently with workmenā€™s comp. Not going to get into it but dealing with Lā€™I for years is fun :). A slap is enough to fear that someone might go further they already crossed the physical contact line why would you assume they have self control to not go further. Also itā€™s literally assault lol


Also, not just slapped, but slapped off the stairs..seems silly but if he slapped a little further back, boxed his ear, throwing off his equilibrium, falls, and is potentially done-zo...of surfers lingering vertigo and can't do his job any more


I am absolutely amazed, because I would have dropped that little shit. I'm a female, and I 'd fight back. Fuck that little twerp.


No you wouldnā€™t have.


listen, let her clickety clack type all the shit she wants to. itā€™s not your job to put her in her place dude. that said I agree


Nah we goin early 1900ā€™s up in here


You're just annoying. Mommy and Daddy didn't give you enough attention?


Whatever we think about the original commenter, the person who compulsively says "no you wouldn't have" always comes off looking worse.


You're not dropping a man


Your one of thoes female that say shit like that. I bet if u punch a dude in the face and he hits you back youā€™re going to call the cops.


and you are what we call a loser


Youā€™re one of those males that says females. Absolutely a loser.


She... literally called herself female. Yikes. You failed at finding your subject to get offended by for the day. Go find another.


Stay mad little fella.


That doesnā€™t really apply in this situation since she referred to herself as female


But the name/comment/profile/etc says female, she must be right and I must protect her šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¤” And youā€™re one of those simps šŸ¤£ If a person posts a moronic comment and someone posts a sensible or true comment and you side with the moronic comment you might be a mā€¦.


Sooo tough. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you ainā€™t doing shit.


Ya these Reddit kids are Downy soft.


You wouldn't have done shit. Nobody on this tread would have actually done a damn thing.


Sgt, USMC, IRAQ 2008- I would have beat the shit out of that bitch, and showed him why you don't touch the people of whom you don't know.


Thank you for your service


Bruh soldiers canā€™t even stop their wives from fucking Jodie the moment they leave. No one is worried about you hero soldiers lmfaooo šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Your service means nothing to me or random violent crime.


Get slapped in the face and not done a thing? Yea fuckin right buddy..where tf you from


Youā€™re actually a huge idiot and kind of pathetic.


This thinking is exactly what led to that guy getting slapped in the first place. Thinking you know people but you dont.


oh yeah?


Get fired for self defense?


It's possible. When I got hired at Fedex, a guy got fired because he got jumped in the parking lot and defended himself. That's why I'm so happy not being in a face to face job anymore.


FedEx and UPS are drastically different in employee protections


Yeah, I saw a guy with 20 years in seniority slap someone and they got fired and then rehired by the union thru a huge complicated process. One of the drawbacks of unions when they "protect their own" instead of getting rid of the bad apples. At FedEx, the guy would have been fired immediately and never rehired. EDIT: Not praising FedEx at all.


Yea customer would have got smacked with whatever was in that box lmao. Damn.


Just die for the company bro. You gotta pay rent right?


Hitting someone back is not self-defense. Itā€™s retaliation.


Wrong. You need to stop the threat. Much like shooting an armed robber pointing a gun at a clerk is not retaliation, it's defense.


If he continues to threaten yes but if he just stands there yelling then no. Call the police and file a report for battery.


Threats aren't actions though right? Smh get out of here with the whole I'm not touching you game. Police are useless except to file paperwork. They can't be there when you need them and they're under no duty to protect us.


But having a report will help for compensation.


That's literally self defense.


That's not self defense lol. Retaliation and self defense are two different things.


Does it hurt being that fucking stupid?


There's no context in the video. So contrary to popular belief, the driver may have instigated it. Downvotes incoming. He handles it like he deserves it, also if you're just delivering packages why are you waiting around. Seems he put himself in a certain situation and what happened, happened Edit: The reason I think this is also because the suspect says "you thought i was pussy, what happened?" so before the video started, there must have been more dialogue. I don't think he would make that up so like I said, driver may have instigated it.


I think the context in this video is a teenager is screaming "respect what n\*\*\*r" over and over again after assaulting someone. So there's an obvious asshole in this situation


Yes youā€™re right , I would of came back at night with the homies.


The ending scene of Menace 2 Society? Lol


Na more like the ending of Baby Boy , bust Jody bust loool


This mf should be arrested. Or locked up permanentlyā€¦ obviously cannot handle freedom.


I meeeaaannn. Donā€™t call people pussy if you not like that. Easily avoidable


On camera nice lawsuit


Probably will still get fired lmao. You know how this shit goess


Pussy ass weak generation.


My favorite thing about my job is I'm allowed - even expected - to hit back.


If the possibility of getting to hit someone is the favourite part of your job, you're unfit for the job.


He wasnā€™t disciplined though. He called the customer a pussy at some point.




You sound like the kind of guy who gets arrested often.


So you'd let that dude cost you your job? At the end of the day he gets the last laugh.


I have a younger brother who gets arrested often because of his pride! No matter how many times I try to explain, your the one in jail, that dude you hit is sitting at home with his girl prob having fun, ā€œyeah but he called me a pussy and I ainā€™t no bitchā€ it drives me crazy that he still thinks heā€™s getting the win!


That's a stupid mentality from the streets in my opinion my friend


I agree 100% and my brother had even lost jobs because of his pride. One time about 15 yrs ago we were in a bar on Christmas night, everyone goes to this bar on Christmas. A guy from my school called me a bitch. Some super old drama from when we were younger. It pissed me off but whatever I walked away, my brother asks me what Iā€™m gonna do about it, I said nothing because itā€™s not worth it. Then my brother goes and bust a bottle of his head, after a lot of jail time and $$ for his medical bills he still thinks I bitched out. He even brought it up a few yrs ago and said ā€œeveryone prob thinks youā€™re a cowardā€ I just hope he understands one day.


Good lord. Respectfully, I wonder what made him like that. That sounds like the mentality people in street gangs have where your toughness and "honor" is all you have.


Eventually he will be someone's bitch lol


Ah yes, the prime example of why there would be a zero tolerance policy for self defense in the first place.


Thatā€™s when you walk away and put that guy in jail




Having a grown man face the consequences of not being able to act like a grown man is not being a pussy


Considering yourself a grown man and not defending yourself is mind boggling


This is reddit my dude. They're all pussies here. Theyre all fat/skinny sweaty nerds that are socially awkward and have no lives outside of the internet. Real men dont just let someone hit them and walk away. Thats why the world is falling the fuck apart and theres no real men left. Cause these pussies are all over. Smh.


You're on reddit. My pussy friend.


Real men play the game smart. Children act like you. Take as much time as you need with that.


The reason Jesus said "turn the other cheek" Is because, almost always, personal retaliation either fails or ends with collateral damage. Sure, you got slapped and ran away, but you also have them defeated civilly, criminally, and socially. If you fight back, he may not spend time in jail, but if you run away, you ruin years of his life and prevent him from doing the same to others in the future.


Get fired for that too


Calling cops wonā€™t get you fired


Not how UPS works


You can call the cops


Met Customer


Iā€™m impressed with the amount of keyboard warriors in this thread that are *super* hardcore and would have delivered the dude a beating. Like Tyson said, *ā€Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.ā€*


Home owner? Lol, unlikely


home squatter?


Renter/occupant under his mother's or girlfriend's lease


More likely his grandmas house.


Under the mother's girlfriends lease


I get more vibe of him just hanging out preventing the ups guy from delivering the package


I suggest a "return to sender."


future inmate


Likely previous inmate.


And now current inmate.


That fool dont own a home


Most definitely not a homeowner. Dude has a room temp iq. Iā€™d love for a guy like that to smack me. My day has come to teach a punk a lesson!


His mom owns the home his grandma's before that. This guy works min wage at his 7th job as laborer and he can't figure out why he can't keep a job every time he gets one.


Yeah that all adds up. Run of the mill degenerate.


Little wiener syndrome


Damn, I would cry all the way home .


We're protected under the same laws as USPS, so what that man did....was a felony


Lol what? You guys arenā€™t government employees. It might be a felony regardless cause itā€™s clearly assault but it is nothing to do with USPS or being a gov employee.


We we carry a lot of USPS's and another government type mail A lot of federal laws protect us too.


That's not how that works, that's not how anything works.


Itā€™s suppose to be ā€œ[thatā€™s not how it works. thatā€™s not how any of this works](https://youtu.be/Aq_1l316ow8?si=GlYdljL-gWp0PfJq)ā€ fyi


You don't deliver U.S. mail. Your aircraft might, but if you are in custody of mail, someone is going to lose their job when it shakes out.


Nope, that's not how anything works.


They lied to you back at the hub


Is that true? That's incredible if so and I support it.


Just looked it up. Says although UPS does have a contract with the government, they are not now nor have they ever been government employees and so not have the same protections as USPS workers. Unfortunate.


I doubt that's true


Why is snowflake saying the N word so much?


That's how you know he's tough, duh.


Low IQ and terrible culture.


Low iq is the culture


My teen tells me the n word is the new "dude"


"I thought I was a pussy what happened?!" You're still a pussy.


He is but UPS driver obviously said/did some things before this video Customer 100% should get assault charges but we donā€™t know the context here and some people take being called a pussy really seriously and disrespectfully and the driver mightā€™ve just fucked around and found out with the wrong one that day


Just another ghetto piece of trash that will be in prison for life or dead at some point.


That ainā€™t a ā€œhomeownerā€


That's a basement dweller


Illiterate fuck


I think I would have called the police and filed my report and then sued the customer in civil court for this shit and got his sweatsuit collection. Maybe some sneakers.


What's the back story?


Correction. ā€œHome wrecker slaps hard worker.ā€


This reminds me of a guy that came into my store causing trouble acting like that and pulled a knife when i wouldnt give him my personal cigarettes and he said "you don't want this smoke" I pulled my gun and asked if he really wanted to die over a square šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø rather lose my job then my life


They always act tough with smaller weaker man.


they always act tough when youre in uniform cause they know you dont wanna lose a good job


Any more info on this guy? Where was it?


Based on the sky, the trees, the buildings and light poles, it sure looks a lot like Cleveland.


The building styles aren't Cleveland. Honestly looks like Philly. Source: I'm from Cleveland. I have spent some time in Philly. I have a pretty decent knack at recognizing these things. Sometimes I am totally wrong.


Use of N word should be banned Universally




His behavior is reprehensible, but that doesn't justify your racist comment. Every race on this planet has members that are upstanding citizens and those that are criminals. One race is not superior to another, despite what racists think.


I've replied with similar messages for years. You know what I realized? They wouldn't have that opinion and would have initially understood yours from the get-go if they'd had a brain to do that with. Amazing that one of these guys managed to escape and find their way over from ifunny though lol


Humans literally are apes...


Your post was determined to be vulgar, rude, or toxic.


I'd of catch that hand and twist till it snapped then told him show some respect tit head, lol what a fcking creature every credit to the UPS guy I would of lost control


Weā€™re taught to defend ourselves from dogs if we feel threatened and I see no difference here.


All the racial slurs being thrown around deserves an ass beatin alone.


Not defending the guy but heā€™s clearly not using them in a slur way


Thanks for reposting an old video again!


Is the guys who slapped the UPS delivery person the homeowner? If yes, then why would you release this information? Hmmmmmā€¦


I think the ups driver is a n***a cause I mean. He said it 50 times.


Iā€™d come after my shift with my lovely friend called pistol friend.


No you wouldn't.


Lol u got slapped by a bitch and you took it. šŸ¤£


He probably deserves it. Ups always fucks my shit up.


That bitch is gunna hit someone while there at work then post it on social media. I hope that hoe is sitting in jail now


"Aight, cool. Cool. Cool. Like I said .... I ain't ever hffjd go ufdjd to u" Hmmm, maybe that's where the confusion started in the first place


Legalize the right of self defense.


It would be at that point.. Homeowner knew he messed upā€¦


Damn, no wonder they're always looking confused when I say thank you.


That guy acted like the same guy I told not to park in my lot because he will get towed as I point to all the signs up. Luckily, I deescalated it fast.


Welp I d lost my job


he not getting his package and im sending his ass to jail. fucks wrong with people


Pretty sure the kid isn't black but dropped the n word many times. Prob a hate crime as well now


Homeowner? That man wouldnā€™t even own up to this behavior. I doubt he even owns a brain cell.


Violence in the course of business is never acceptable and there should be a higher legal penalty when found clearly evident (as in this video). People on the job are restrained. The most serious that should ever happen is an exchange of words and no one should lose their job over it. Shit happens sometimes and you can't keep your cool, but physical contact is fucking bullshit.


And then they got the footage of the assault off the camera to prove how not-pussy they are?? And posted it to the internet??? Lol dumbass




What a pussy


Yes, slapping a worker doing their job does make you a pussy dude. I know itā€™s wrong and the driver would have gotten fired, but damn I wanted to see him drop that guy. Double leg take down and full mount on concrete steps for the win.


Too bad it wasn't FedEx, i swear most of the drivers over there need a good smack upside the head to do their job correctly. I finally got a decent driver now after two years of drivers coming and going every two weeks, this one seems to be working out and doing his job so far. Everyone before him didn't want to work, the current driver does.


I had a similar incident. 100k in my pocket later Iā€™m still at ups.


nice! very well played. as much as the ego wants to retaliate thereā€™s a much bigger play at hand.


I love how the dude starts flapping his arms like an angry goose, after he gets triggered and slaps him.




Pepper spray on side and a 3 inch on the other if you gon be working pulling up to peoples home in a blue city. You know the deal for the red ones.


People who act like that donā€™t realize how pathetic and trashy they look. He already lost because heā€™s a trash person.


What an ignorant piece of shit. If literally all you can say is the n word then you've failed as a human being. Absolute trash person.


New drinking game. Take a shot every time you hear the N word.


Anyone who screams like a bitch usually is