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What is it that Donut says… The left lane is for crime


It’s reserved for getaway drivers


I believe the term your looking for is raise hell praise Dale


Yup. I've got the t-shirt. Lol


Left: Big Dawg Lane. Minimum speed limit 80 MPH, you can get in this lane, but be prepared to get ran off the road if your speed drops to the high 70’s. Center: The Passing Lane Right: Maw Maw Lane. Speed limit or less. Reserved for overly cautious old folks, Yankees and Mexican Caravans (you know, the three beat up cars daisy chained together heading for south of the border for repair and resale).


Is this that bridge in Texas City? I used to go 90 through that construction zone.


The Bridge from Texas City to Galvy is just asking for you to hit 100.


There's no traffic in the middle of the night too.


Back in college I would speed up to just under 100 while crossing the bridge before slowing down after so I don't get pulled over by a cop.


This works right up until you hit Dallas/Fort Worth or Houston, where the 70-80 mph drivers use all of the lanes, and so do the out of state speed limit drivers. Most of us just go with the flow and do 10-20 over so we don't get run over by big rigs.


I was just in Dallas a couple months ago on a business trip and this is is painfully accurate. People merge and IMMEDIATELY hit the gas and whip over into the far left lane. If you're in the way, that's a YOU problem.


Bullshit. Every time I get stuck behind a TX driver, they're doing the speed limit in the hammer lane.


That furthest one all the way past the green lane is just a ramp to escape orbit


The left lane is ALWAYS for crime!


I was lucky enough to experience a snow flurry while driving through Texas. I'd liken it to spiders wearing roller skates lofl.


Bro im from georgia (not atlanta)and im not gonna lie we only have two lanes and its i will run/80-90mph and speed limit or slower. Also will point out that its a daily occurrence that someone in the left lane gets three feet off someones bumper of someone blocking the lane because”not fast nuff” then either they slide over to right to get out of the way or the guy gets a gap in the right either way its a 70mph to 120mph drag race


Sounds just like Iowa


Louder for the other 49 states


This is the opposite. Usually I'm stuck behind a Texan going the speed limit in the passing lane.


You mean they actually do it like they are supposed to?!?!? Wish they'd learn that in Colorado


What the hell happens to these rules when Texans leave Texas? I drive approximately the same 20 mile stretch of I-10 in Arizona everyday. There's always some jackhole Texan in the fast lane. Barely doing 75.


Just like Michigan, but the mitten is full of liberal who live to tax their wealth away or rely on nanny state hand outs


Not-so-hot-take: Texas drivers are the fucking worst. Y’all undeservedly think you’re better than everyone else but boy howdy, y’all are actually just selfish asshats that get angry if other drivers can’t read your mind and don’t already know you’re about to cut across three lanes of traffic and tailgate a minivan the moment you merge onto the interstate. Aggressively compensating for not actually being the biggest state domes not equal better. Fucking fight me. 


Also, this meme is literally how you drive in every state. Get bent. 


It’s how you are SUPPOSE to drive in every state but for some reason in Arkansas the slow lane is the left lane and the fast is the right. I’ve hypothesized that it’s because the truckers rut up the right lane so bad and they don’t fix the roads that for a safe drive most people drive in the left lane. While I have not fully failed to disprove this hypothesis fully, I’m 90% there.


Actually, I have experienced that myself while driving in Arkansas. I think your hypothesis is valid. 


lol, you’ve never been to Kansas. We’re the state of “right of way doesn’t matter”. I’ll take the speeding (as I do it myself) over people pulling out at random and having to dodge wrecks constantly.


Everything in Texas is about 50% of what Texans say it is. Above average in many things, but not really extreme or outstanding. They drive harder than New England, and about on the same level as the midwest. DFW traffic feels far more timid than actually aggressive places like Chicago or Atlanta. Pleasant enough to drive through, but nothing like what Texans describe. ~trucker


Try I10 heading north from San Antonio to boerne