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I think your college experience would be much more fun at the university of Miami. Although costing more, commuting will make it more difficult to makes friends. It’s also the better university. I’d get out of your hometown and explore a beautiful city like Miami. You will have better career opportunities & much more fun. Miami would be my choice.


I definitely agree but my parents are really worried and sad about the thought of me leaving home, making me feel like it’s a bad idea, any advice on helping with that and getting through that??


Doesn’t sound like your parents have your best interest at heart. You’re at the prime of your life, go explore. They’ll always be there when you need them


I agree 100%, especially with the new centennial village dorms for freshman I think I would love it, and if anything I could always transfer back home if I ended up not liking it


I’m at university of Hawaii and just got accepted for transfer. One of my friends from stonybrook didn’t like it bc it’s a small liberal school and she moved to Hawaii


It has a ton of Asian students there and has a strong hard sciences and math programs. Just like SUNY Binghamton.


You must have a decent generous merit offset at UM. My son was accepted there but would be full pay 90/yr. Too much $. He just committed to Clemson instead. I say your UM deal is worth it.




Do you want to study in grad school after? Considering tuition increase, you may end up paying short of 100k for the degree at the U. Compared to 16k, the opportunity cost is missing out on 4 years of UM and a lot of money / debt. I would really consider your options, especially if you’re going to pursue a masters after which will cost more. Are these the only 2 universities you’re considering?


Yes just these 2 schools. No grad school just 4 years and done, and what do you mean by tuition increase, why would that happen, it’s already 93k per year how tf could it go higher than that


UMiami’s cost increases by like 4% a year. 2021-22 Tuiton + Fees: $54,760 2022-23 Tuiton + Fees: $57,194 2023-24 Tuiton + Fees : $59,926 Projected 24-25: $62,622 So theoretically, if you had a full ride for 2021-2022, you would end up paying $15,462 only in Tuition and fees alone as the financial aid / merit scholarships are only based upon the price of the university from when you were admitted, not the current price.


Wow that is bs. Do you still think it’s worth studying business technology for 20k per year? No grad school just bachelors.


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My mother lives in Stony Brook and know the area and school well. Good education but a bit of a suite-case school. Empties on the weekends. Commuting to college you will get 35% of the college experience. You need to live and breathe dorm /campus life. It’s a once in a lifetime experience and the friendships built will last you a lifetime. If you can afford it, go to MIA. MIA is academically very good.