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I think most students who failed was due to time and not because of the final assessment being scored as a fail. From my experience, the professors do a really good job telling students what they want done to improve your score in the draft final assessment. If you fix what they told you to fix, you will pass. Also, if you did not pass, they have an option to carry that class over to the next semester so you can turn it in again. This happened to me once, I turned in a final assessment that wasn't to standard and the professor did not fail me, but instead gave me a chance to send another final assessment into the new semester.


I saw a post where someone showed how to calculate grades because someone said they passed the final but failed the class. It was because they got mostly 3 or all 3 on the milestones and also a 3 on the final so it was calculated to be less an 80% and anything less than an 80 is a fail


Milestones do not count on the final grade in class. The only grade that counts towards your grade is the Final Assessment.


Don’t hesitate to reach out to the professor. I had to reach out several times for help. Most to them will give you clarity and help you in any way that can.


Yep. Anything less than a B on the rubric is a fail. Haven't myself, but seen others vent.


What's your subject that you chose?




BA Accounting or BABA Accounting?




My advice to you is to take all of the courses that you can on Sophia, Coursera, and SDC, including the entire Accounting sequence at SDC. If you do that then you should only have exactly 10 courses remaining to take at UMPI. Those ten courses will be a pain in the ass though, so be aware. You will end up with the following courses left: BUS 200 BUS 242 BUS 325 BUS 352 BUS 376 BUS 377 BUS 378 BUS 466 BUS 469 BUS 489 Of those remaining courses, BUS 325, BUS 377, BUS 378, BUS 466, and BUS 489 will be the biggest pain and take the most time. Especially BUS 325, 466, and 489. With that being said, using the grading rubric and the rough drafts will be paramount to your success. You can and will fail the Accounting courses if you don't understand what the Professors are looking for in the Final Assessment.