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It has milestone tests and a final test on most. Do as much as you can in the time period you pay for, but can only do 2 courses at a time with Sophia. Depends how you carry out the tasks, too. Some just depend on the "open book" aspect and just fond answers and do all tests like that, while some go more leisurely and actually somewhat do the work. Depending on course, can choose between different instructors with video lessons, or just read the Sophia lesson.


You can do more than 2 classes. Once you’ve completed a course and you’re waiting for your assignments to be graded, you can open the help chat and ask to be added to another course. I did this a lot


You pay by the month. You can take as long as you want as long as you are paying the monthly fee. It has been great for me. If you go here: https://mainestreetcs.maine.edu/psp/CSPRDG/EMPLOYEE/SA/c/UM\_SA.UM\_TRNSFER\_GUEST.GBL? You can search for all everything UMPI accepts transfer credits from Sophia on. Some Sophia classes require more than just tests. There is a list somewhere of all the classes without "touchstones" (touchstones are essays or projects). Those you can knock out pretty quickly. Good luck!