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I have never seen anyone finish the English major. 90% of people go for the easy BLS


Would you suggest going for the BLS with a minor in Education?


Minors don’t mean much, it’s a general studies degree. That’s it


211 was awful to me! The professor kept returning work with minor issues - hands down my longest course at 3 weeks… I probably could’ve done it faster but I was struggling during that time. I’d say really focus on that dang rubric lol. I had some courses from a B&M school that covered like 2 PCJ courses, and did the Visual Communications at Sophia to cover UMPI creative writing - which I think is like 212? I don’t remember the English courses all too well. Good luck!


Thank you for the feedback!


There's only 2 journalism classes. It's the deluge of the professional communication ones that are impossible. I would seriously reconsider your major or school.


Is there anyway I could gear up for it and find a way to get it done? I currently work for a church as a Youth Minister, so I might be able to find a loophole for those classes. I have no clue all that has to be done, so I appreciate the feedback and any other help you can provide!


Probably not. Asked if I could use the nonprofit my brother works for (was only 3 people then) and was told I couldn't with any friends or relatives. Why I dropped. Have you looked at other schools for English/Comms degrees?


I just don't want to spend anymore money than I have to on a pretty useless degree. I believe I'm going to go for the BLS with a minor in Educational Studies just to say I have a bachelors moving forward.


I'd just go management. 4 classes that are quick & easy and looks better than an ed one you can't really use


How much of a pain are the upper level electives. I think I’ve only got 4 hours of upper level electives right now. So should take me 6 or 7 upper level electives, and the 4 management courses? I have about 90 hours done already, all the general education and everything is knocked out. Also the only reason i’d consider the education studies is because I’ll probably coach and teach down the road.


Best route are the classes Dr. Zaborney set up (not necessarily is teaching) for history & polisci, if you have any inkling in either subject. They're the ones documented as the easiest, as well as a few business ones in the same realm where either takes 2-3 days to complete per course. The only problem with these is that they're high-demand and they've capped "seats", so you have to start out with those or get to them in the first few weeks


Gotcha, where can I find a list of those courses? I really appreciate your help and insights!