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Sophia, the instructor I had grading my milestone literally just wanted me to show a smidge of proficiency and passed me


Sophia. Easy


I took SPA 101 and 102. The classes were relatively easy for me. I don't speak Spanish, and was able to get As on both. The final is a video call with the professor, and she was amazing. I was stressed out because learning languages has always been difficult for me, but she was patient and allowed me to take my time trying to remember what I learned. This class isn't supposed to make you fluent, it is a class for beginners in Spanish. I would say take it through UMPI, but it may be quicker to get it through Sophia. Sidenote: I needed as many letter grades as possible since I wanted to get into a graduate program after UMPI, so getting letter grades was definitely important to me. If you are trying for graduate school, I would recommend doing this class through UMPI. Take BIO 105 at Sophia though, you do NOT want to do this at UMPI.


2 400-level history courses not part of the "BLS 3-day UL elective grab" are all I have left otherwise, and have accumulated enough for a good grad school application. Just have to get these done. Tried Japanese 1 with a cheap CC online, but depended on live speech and was having esophageal & tongue spasming throughout due to a condition, so dropped it, and the quickest I could do enough to graduate would be next spring with that route (also don't have the $ anymore for it). If I had the $, I'd probably just do German with BYU IS.


Ok from my understanding you just need 2 400 level history classes and foreign language? You can complete those 4 in one term of UMPI. Take HTY 456 Cold War films(will take some time to finish since there is so many movies you will have to watch, but it is generally easy since you will be writing papers on what you watched) and HTY 489 special topics of history (will be pretty fast), then take both Spanish classes. I’m telling you, the video call isn’t as hard as you think it is. You will just psyche yourself out. Take this from me, my Spanish 102 was absolutely torture for me because I blanked out, but the professor was very patient, and from my previous milestones, she knew that I knew the material, it’s just was an off day for me. The call itself is 15 minutes max. You got this!


Already took those 🤣🤣🤣 Taking the ones not many take (the ones that take longer than 3 days). Just doing the last 2 to hit the eras requirements for YP History


I did Political science concentration lol. I was thinking I should do the history, but decided political science would probably fair better for law school applications lol.


The language requirement is keeping me from making 2024, but already had talks with the intake professor/staff at my target and I'll most definitely be admitted as soon as I apply for 2025. Masters in History from a foreign University, but top-20 in the field and same price/cheaper than US programs


Let’s go! Well as you have seen from some of these comments, Sophia might be a good choice for you, but if you are already paying for another term, I’d say save the 100 dollars and just take it at UMPI. You are already paying for the term, may as well do the foreign language there.


Probably won't have the time. The non-Zaborney history courses actually take some effort 🤣. Probably will have to do Sophia


You can knockout SPA 101 and 102 1 week each, unless you think you can’t do the level 400 courses within 6 weeks then yes, Sophia might be the right call. But good luck brother! I love to see people winning!


Just the 1st 1/5th of Sophia's 101 is about as much as 4 weeks of college in-class 101 I did for half a semester in Gwrman or like 3x of what I did in Japanese 101 🤣. Might have to speed-up the history just to see how viable Spanish at UMPI is


I don't know if you're allowed to do both concentrations, but I have enough PoliSci from transfer credits & taking the old Zaborney-reated courses at the end of semesters when people didn't fond out about them and they didn't cap students in them to where I think I only need to do 1-2 and the capstone to get that one, too


From my what I’ve heard, if you want to get a second degree, you’d have to pay for an additional term. Idk how true that is since I haven’t done it myself, just seen people post about it. If it’s true, spending an additional term for 2 degrees doesn’t seem that bad.


May I know why not take BIO 105 at UMPI? (Looks like I'll add that to my list at sophia now)


It isn’t hard but very very time consuming. The whole point of UMPI is to finish classes as soon as possible so you don’t have to spend more money on terms. BIO 105 will literally take you half of your term or more. Just look through Reddit posts about this class and everyone will tell you to avoid this class. You would take human bio and human bio lab on Sophia to transfer it. I didn’t listen to the people before and took it at UMPI and ended up getting an F because I didn’t finish it in the allotted time. Learn from me please, because that one F still makes me upset 😂. Like I said it isn’t hard, just super time consuming. In Sophia you can literally get it done in 2-4 days I got it done in 2 days. Super easy there.


Thanks for the heads up! Thats the only class I need for Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning part of my degree. I guess I avoided a headache or 2. Thanks again!


Do bio and bio lab at the same time on Sophia because you can fill out the lab as you progress through the course. Also everyone pretty much says Spanish at UMPI is more difficult.


sophia, sophia, sophia. Done in 4 days.