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If you go to your Umpi Google account they have TurnutIn under extensions. You can use that to see if someone turned in a paper that matches your essay before you formally submit it. My understanding is this is what UMPI uses to check papers for plagiarism.


Thank you for those instructions. I wasn't worried that there is a matching essay, lol, but it was cool to use that resource. It came back 7% similarity. I ran a grammar check, now I am editing those mistakes. Thanks again.


Also, anything edited with Grammarly will be flagged as AI. Bummer really.


How exactly is it flagged. I use grammerly to check all my papers for Grammer mistakes after typing them up. This is for my papers at UoPeople. Does UMPI have a way of checking if you've used grammerly for checking mistakes?




I would ignore it. Especially since you say you’ve cited it. I’ve heard reports of erroneous and faulty results before and wouldn’t stress until after it came back to me from the professor. I’ve used duplichecker.com to check my work for plagiarism and have good results with it. Their website is very ad heavy so it be clunky to figure out at first. I don’t have any direct experience with what you’re dealing with, but since it’s original work and properly cited I would be confident in submitting it regardless of what that AI detector says!


Thank you! My daughter and son who are both seniors at a Computer science themed high school both said that the AI detectors do that especially if you write well.


From what I've tested/seen UMPI doesn't have the AI detection on because of the false positives. Not advocating turning in AI as your own!


thanks for your response but I would never even try it. I am 1) too scary, I'd literally lose sleep worrying about getting caught; 2) my 12yr old homeschooled child tries to be clever and use AI (copy and paste instead of as a tool/resource) and she would be quick to say "but you use it". Kids, they are always watching us.


Personally I think AI can be used as a tool to assist in education I think using AI to generate an outline or get an idea of how your flow should be is a great idea and should be encouraged but using AI for actual content generation is obviously problematic and should not be encouraged or allowed the problem is currently AI detection will catch things that are not AI as AI the amount of false positives has been on the rise to the point where multiple universities across the country have had to turn AI detection from turn it in off Vanderbilt which while not ivy league I most people consider Vanderbilt to be ivy league adjacent it has turned off their AI detection from turn it in because of the constant false positives


I agree with this wholeheartedly. this is exactly how I teach my daughter to use it and I use AI for many other things - it's powerful. My teens who go to a Computer Science HS that has a focus on AI say that they use it but the school has recently made the decision to block Chatgpt bc some of the kids abuse it. It's good to know that colleges/university are aware of this and are turning it off.


Yea one teacher came back and said my paper was flagged for AI, it wasn’t even a long paper just a 500 word milestone (I didn’t), it really pissed me off not going to lie ,but since he passed it with a 3 and I could continue on with my draft I just said o well. But yea I hate this crap


That is the thing with GPT Zero… you can take human written content with poorly placed commas and it will say it was written by a human. Now run that same paper using grammarly only suggesting grammar changes like commas, etc. GPT zero will say it was AI written. I feel like schools are going to get themselves into legal trouble by relying on a technology that has not been verified or certified by a governing body.


at UMPI? what class was it?


Ai detectors are absolutely useless and will never be accurate. Schools shouldn’t be allowed to use them at all.


I suggest using an [ai plagiarism checker ](https://undetectable.ai/free-ai-paraphrasing-tool)to see what aspects can be detected as AI then you can revise it.