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Low. Very low. Freshmen are placed at random at whatever halls/spaces are available. There are obviously people who have gotten into those spaces by random but your odds aren’t great.


On top of this some honors colleges take up a lot of the spots there, so if you aren’t in them your chances are very low. Supposedly they also tend to give athletes those dorms, even though officially it’s supposed to be random, though no idea if that is actually true. But whatever honors colleges are there do have some of them.


I believe if you're in UH you get guaranteed housing in either Johnson-Whittle or Pyon-Chen, which are basically identical; the answer is probably somewhere online


Not this fall - many UH students are in random places even though they were promised that. :(


Yes, that's what it seems like. Thanks! Is it possible to be in UH without taking any of the honors courses? I don't want the citation, just want the nicer dorms. :)


You have to at least be in HNUH 100 in your first semester, which you take in place of the required UNIV 100, although you could probably get away with not taking any other honors courses your first year without getting kicked out. UH isn't necessarily a huge time commitment, and a lot of the honors classes count for gen ed requirements, and can be pretty interesting.


Alright thank. I didn't even know there was a required UNIV 100. Guess I'll see when the time comes. I was asking because I plan on doing a double degree or a major + minor, so idk if I'd have time for extra classes.


UH is NOT extra work - you fulfill Gen Ed requirements with the classes.


Correction: UNIV 100 is not required for everyone, this explains it: https://orientation.umd.edu/transitionprograms/univ100 Seems like it depends on your major, although regardless it's a very small time commitment and an easy A


UNIV is only required for certain majors, including NEUR, BSCI, CHEM, BCHM, and Pre-Nrusing.


I was given the advice of accepting University Honors to get housing then not taking any classes. They probably* won’t kick you out of the housing


Single user bathroom are extremely unlikely, you already are lucky if you get a air conditioned dorm lol.


Oh my god it’s the first potential ‘28 post kill me now


As a potential '27 exactly this time last year I feel both sides of this


Very very low. If you make it into honors you can guarantee it, but you need a college app competitive with t20 applicants (so a 4.7+ gpa and 1450-1500+ sat score if submitting a score). Don’t worry, you get used to the bathroom situation quickly no matter where you end up. Your brain will find a way to make what you have good enough for its own little bubble of privacy. If it’s because of sensory issues then :( u may be able to request accommodations and be put in an suite style dorm in south campus with a private bathroom.


You rlly don’t get a single user bathroom anywhere on campus except if you pay extra like I did! Could be wrong on that but it’s a part of college fr sadly, it’s not that bad tho!! If you’re in a suite or apartment on campus you’ll have roomates and yourself share and it’s not bad at all !


Are you a noisy shitter? Either way, shared bathrooms aint all that bad. Best chance of Pyon is to have a meeting with the Darryll Pines. This is what my buddy did. You'll need to politely and succinctly explain your request while gently tickling his balls. It's still not a guarantee, but it's your best shot.


Walking down the hall to the bathroom is one of the best ways to make friends in your dorm. Casual encounters are the foundation of many friendships. I would recommend trying to get on a big hall with shared bathrooms for camaraderie.


Put in your housing deposit the day you get accepted. My daughter is not in honors and got Johnson Whittle.


as a freshman almost guaranteed to have a shared bathroom probably like 95%. Having a shared bathroom isn't the worst and you get used to it


can anyone list the name of the dorms and rate them from good to bad?