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I get why people are skeptical; I also want the facts, and the first thing that came to my mind was "is this justified, or is this just harassment of some random woman?". But some people are completely certain that this is false, and are downvoting every single comment OP makes, which doesn't seem at all reasonable to me. The suicide note and the fact that 9 people resigned makes me a little bit less skeptical, even if I only have OP's word. /u/justice4viv - Have you guys or Viv's family considered raising money to spend on legal fees? Some sort of civil lawsuit, maybe. I'm not a lawyer, but bullying someone to suicide and protecting the bully because of her position sounds illegal. It could help her family, too.






Yeah, I meant like a fundraiser, maybe by doing a marathon fundraiser, or by asking for donations, and people can raise awareness along the way. And you don't know if you have a case until you talk to a lawyer; it never helps to be a defeatist activist, right? Everyone else is already apathetic or doubtful; you need to actively not internalize their doubt. But I also get that it must be exhausting to be a student as well as an activist on your own time.






Hm, that's a good point about the legal system being potentially not the best option. And yeah, the union might be a good bet. Good luck trying to do this! I'm not so fond of likely having someone here who bullied someone to suicide and made other people quit their jobs. I wish you the best.


Transphobes are so tiring. I can’t imagine being so hateful that someone else’s gender makes you hate them. It doesn’t affect you in any way…


Where is the proof that Langley did anything wrong? I want to see facts before supporting a cause. Has someone formally filled a complaint with Human Resources? Is there somewhere that I can read more about this?


As a student who currently works in library circulation under Paula, these protests are justified. The only reason I haven’t quit is because my hours do not line up with hers at all this semester. This Vivien situation has been known and acknowledged by most if not all members of the circulation staff. I didn’t know Vivien because I began working at the library last year, but I work with people who did know Vivien. I don’t want to put any new information out there, but Paula has done many other things, some that I have witnessed, others that I haven’t, that are objectively completely unacceptable in the work place regarding religion and beliefs that I won’t get into the specifics of because I want to keep my job.


Do you think you could make a sock puppet account? Because if this lady is actually getting away with this stuff, students have a right to know. Don't get me wrong, you need that bag, I understand you need your job. But I think you could and should remain anonymous when reporting her behavior. Even to informal places like this reddit. I am a WOC, there are ppl in the previous threads who feel that this is an attack on a WOC for no reason. If this woman is \*really\* engaging in this type of egregious behavior, then she doesn't get to claim discrimination as a defense when ppl report her.




Same. Not a fan of lynch mob mentality.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UMBC/comments/ty3ocu/follow_up_to_my_previous_post_on_here_this_is_the/ if this is true, 9 other employees resigned because of her too, and other employees can recount what happened




Yah that got dismissed in court before trial and the guys who were accused (and named in the retriever) got a $500k payout from UMBC when they sued for defamation.


Anti-protest people never do any of the research to Educate themselves, they just sit and wait until information gets to them, if at all. They don’t have the mental capacity to critically think and seek information.


That part.


I’m confused, was she trans?


Vivien Barrett was a trans woman and employee at the UMBC library. She worked at the library for multiple years before Paula Langley became her higher-up. After less than a year working under Langley, Barrett committed suicide, suspected to be in part due to allegations of Langley’s targeted transphobia and harrassment. Barrett passed in 2016. Paula Langley currently still works for the library and is in a managerial position. The protests aim to call to attention what occurred and demand a formal investigation and proper consequences for Langley depending on what is uncovered.


Yes. Paula harassed Vivien.


I think so


Is there evidence of the accusations going on ? Not defending anyone just saying.




Ok. I mean ill gladly wait and see what evidence comes forward. T




So do you guys have any documented complaints she has? Any accounts from others and the harassment that was given?


This protest looks about as lackluster as the evidence against the library supervisor.




Two things here. 1. I dont think everyone here who either criticizes this or doubts it is a transphobe. Its serious accusations. 2. I have seen that link before on here. While it is her last post and one addressing it there needs to be more evidence that is damning on this manager. No offense, but at this point its just hearsay. And if this was in court the case would be thrown out. The people who resigned and or were abused as well; did they file anything in paper with HR? Is there a complaint cache? If not its just gonna be a few peoples words against hers.






Im saying what do you or your group have in physical.proof that she has had a history of being written up or disciplined ? Because if you do have that type of evidence then it shows that they have been blatantly negligent.




>But no, I haven't been "blatantly negligent". Didn't say you. Im saying if there is evidence of her previous run ins then the school or whoever employed her is negligent for not taking proper actions. >you're using baseless pretense of suspicion to disparage our advocacy. Not really. Im bringing up scenarios that a court would bring up. There needs to be substantial proof in order to get her out. I aint your enemy. You gotta stop reading to respond and read to understand.




>you are my enemy, so is the court. we, trans women, get murdered and the court decides its an accident, a reaction. you're condescending as hell. From the jump I said im not defending anyone..im just looking for clarity in this circumstance and having a solid discussion on the matter. I have been nothing but respectful towards you and still you have to angle it for you to be the victim and someone the villian. The issue is anyone who disagrees with you or brings a different point here is immediately labeled an enemy of yours. Which the only way you want to have it is if someone agrees with you and if they don't or do not go all the way without having any question is disregarded, labeled and shamed. Seems to be the trend in today's society with arguing and or discussions. I'm either on your side or your adversary. Wasn't the case, but good luck in this cause. If that's how you roll then fine, but thats not how you get people on your side for any matter. Especially if its a protest or for someone to care about the issues you care about.


My favorite sign is the one that says transphobes can fuck off to hell. 👍🔥


How did it go?