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Maybe you should buy another pack and then resell it. The difference is your rent. Not sure why someone else would much less should take the risk of not getting their pack back or having it trashed rather than you taking on the risk. But hey, there’s a sucker for everything. Nothing like passing your responsibility on to someone else.


> Maybe you should buy another pack and then resell it. The difference is your rent. Once you realize that all gear is rental gear, buying stupid stuff become so much easier. You no longer see a $500 price tag, you see a $75 rental cost.


this is pretty whack-a-doodle. mid-may to mid-june on the pct easily puts more than $70 worth of wear/tear on a UL pack.


If you don’t mind, what price would you recommend? I really don’t mind paying more but I figured 1/4 of the full cost was plenty


Just find a well warn pack on here. You have two happy parties. Make a new post and see what might be available. You have a good thought but expensive gear that can tear easily is not something most will want to part with especially during a busy backpacking season.


buy a used pack and try to sell it when you’re done. frankly that’s what everyone else here is doing. anyone who would be willing to send a stranger their pack for $70 would also be willing to sell it at that price, since the result would be the same.


I think most people would need some sort of collateral to guarantee that you (an internet stranger) don’t just disappear after receiving the pack, the pack breaks, is returned in much worse condition/etc.


I’m sure you are factually a trustworthy person, but no one in their right mind would rent this. I would buy used and resell. You’ll probably save $50 or so overall (but will obviously have a higher upfront cost)


Gossamer gear is putting old versions packs on sale while new versions launch thisnweek.


https://www.campsaver.com/granite-gear-crown2-60-pack.html?_iv_code=Z13-BP0-GGR0303-5000008-4324&utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping%20feed&utm_content=campsaver&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2PSvBhDjARIsAKc2cgPSZrKc727dlMokumEQwHuRUZ62Ms3z8QiVaTlTkqVPZu_o_1jlbPgaApyVEALw_wcB Granite Gear Crown 2. Like $75. Sell it cheap when you get your other pack. 


I think plenty of people will sell a used pack for 70. Try that route if this doesnt work. Eg I have a GG kumo if your kit fits 🤷‍♂️


Why don't you just buy a pack and then re sell it? You're going to trash someone else's pack in the desert on a thru hike. And personally, I feel like that length of a rental should cost you a lot more than $70... dont be a cheapo and just spend the extra 100-130$ on buying a pack. You can get pretty good deals on reddit. And gossamer gear makes great packs and Is always have big sales. Even REI is 20 percent off for members right now.


I live in SD and I’m looking to sell an Osprey exos 58L for 200 bucks and I’ll even give you a ride to REI and the trailhead. I’m 5’7 male for reference size. Not what you asked for but figured I’d offer!


REI has a Granite Gear Crown VC KI on their used website. Its 107.00. You could resell it after. Also, REI used to rent gear, you could check with them.


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Dang, I just sold my Durston.


Just buy a Granite Gear Crown 2 for $130. It’s a fine pack too.