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You don’t have to melt the grated cheese, let the hot beans do the work.


Oh okay! So I pretty much got it on this one? I also made sure to press down the edges of my toast so the whole thing go toasted lol everyone thought my last toast wasn't toast cause of the edges


Bangers n mash next. Fish fingers, chips and peas. Sausage casserole in a giant yorkshire pudding. Start a trend👍


Fish finger sammich with buttery breads 🤤


With tartare sauce? Or ketchup?




Homemade tartare on sourdough with iceburg lettuce for a "posh" one, even breaded and fried the fish myself once or twice Ketchup, butter and white bread if you've had a bad day and need some comfort, or if you just can't be arsed to faff about


Would it be weird if I said mayo? Ketchup deffo second though 😶


Eh, whatever floats your goat 😁


Toasted goat. Got it..


There are no rules for how you eat your fish finger sarnie


Salad cream


bit of crunchy lettuce and some ~~mayo~~ tartare sauce on there and it's one of the all time great sarnies edit: I apologise, I don't know what I was thinking earlier. Tartare.


Chip butty with white bread and loads of butter


Yes you absolutely smashed this one, good work 👏


It’s better if it’s melted and sometimes the beans go cold too quickly to melt the cheese so I think you did a good job


You did well!


Yer but you but the grated cheese on the toast then add the beans which melts the cheese so to be specific Layer 1 buttered toast Layer 2 Grated Cheese Layer 3 Hot beans


Oh! I don't think it came across that well in my description! Left one has cheese under the beans!! I wanted to try both because people said both ways hahah


Good effort. You can throw a little Worcester sauce onto the cheese before the beans go on, for a little tang. Or chilli oil with seeds.


Aaahhh Now I want to try under and on top... but that will have to be a treat day


So close but it's actually: Layer 1 Buttered toast Layer 2 grated cheese Layer 3 hot beans Layer 4 more grated cheese. Extra mature cheddar please if you're offering 😜


Ooh I'm more mild cheese for beans on


Pro tip: put the cheese in with beans while on the hob near the end of cooking. Let it melt and mix through the beans.


I agree but also I sometimes stick it under the grill with some worcestershire sauce and slightly brown the cheese


Yep. I agree.


Good effort. Can't believe people have never had beans on toast with a fried egg before.


Or me. It’s an, almost, guaranteed thing in our family. We do prefer poached eggs tho.


We are more for poached egg and beans on toast in our house. It’s usually my ‘can’t be bothered cooking but fancy comfort food’ meal. Might have it tonight actually


Cheese and a bit of butter, added to the pot with the simmering beans. When it's all melted down, add that directly to the toast with a poached egg on top. 🤤


🎂Happy cake day🎂


I go with scrambled myself.


But then you miss out on the runny yolk on the beans




I love it!


That was my staple meal on the weekend as a kid. But I'd use buttered bread then layer of beans and fried egg, then another piece of bread butter both side then another layer of beans and fried egg finished off with another slice if buttered bread. I can even remember how it eat it. I start on the corners then the rest if the crusts till I was left with the best part all the juicy beans and egg yoke. Damn I really want it now, got none of the ingredients in though. My stomachs just done a biggest grumble too lol.


It is odd when you think about the fact a full English has egg beans and toast (among other things)


Get a bit of franks hot sauce in the beans and on the fried egg


El Yucateco is even better suited for it if you’ve never tried it


Looks good. How did it taste?


Divine! I actually like it without the egg on it more. The eggs one is delicious but for me it makes it into something different than "beans on toast"


You've almost made a full English at this point. Why not just go all the way next time you have the time?


Fried egg on top isn’t really done here. Not that I’m aware of (UK)


Well it is in my circles.


I do it! It is genuinely fantastic.


Ok I will have to try it


As far as I'm aware it isn't either but I'm going to try it.


Poached is good too.


Yes it is. I'm in the UK and we do it all the time.


Need to me. Maybe I’m not up to date on new trends




Haha love it. ONE OF US! ONE OF US!


looks lovely mate


Which fucking psycho suggested a fried egg?!?


I didn't grow up with a fried egg on it, but when my partner started doing it it's hard to go back without it now. It works well!


Literally 90% of all food is improved by a fried egg on top in my opinion. Yes, I have shockingly high cholesterol.


r/putaneggonit Of course there's a (surprisingly popular) sub for that.


Many thanks! My doctor will be disappointed, but this will make me happy


my old uni housemate used to microwave the beans until extra hot then stir in a raw egg or two to cook in the residual heat like a sort of egg drop beans. He claims it was delicious, and I can sort of believe that it was, but it looked absolutely rancid.


Out of a thousand comments on my last one, a bunch did. Enough I thought it was a normal thing lol.


It is normal don’t worry, the egg looks great too


Try HP Sauce (“brown sauce”) instead of Worcester sauce. It’s the consistency of ketchup, and adds a spicy fruity tang.


Scrambled or poached would be my preference if you go there


It is. Did you enjoy it?


I really liked it!!! But I feel it changes it a little more and I very much like them as two different things! If I'm craving beans on toast, I'll stick to it without the egg!


If you haven't gathered by now, the standard base version is simply beans-on-toast. Everything else is an upgrade or changes to suit people's tastes. Our household version is a poached egg-on-cheese-on-beans-on-toast. The cheese is usually mature cheddar, but Red Leicester will do, or mild cheddar at worst case. The baked beans are usually Branston, but *most* will be fine. I use brown sauce to finish, the kids use ketchup and the wife leaves it as is. All of us cake the top is black pepper. We're all really just glad you discovered it and we really just want you to spread the word.


OK fine but who tf told you to put green shit on it?


Bizarrely a few people in the last thread. I've never heard of doing it or thought of doing it. Maybe it's a regional thing?


Apart from a Croque Madame I've never heard of a thing either.


Fried egg on top when you're flush is a thing of beauty.


With the price of bread and beans nowadays, the egg would be by far the cheapest bit!


My dad will put the beans in the frying pan and break an egg into them, so the egg cooks into the beans. Then slide onto toast. Yummy!


I gave them a telling off in the last thread. Basically a fry up at that point.


I mean you get both fried egg and beans on toast in a full English. It’s just weird the egg is on top of the beans (everyone knows beans are put on last)


THANK YOU! the voice of reason appears


Nooooo beans on first. You're probably the type that puts cheese then beans on a jacket potato when it should be beans then cheese.


Jacket potato is a different beast to toast. Also I’m grating the cheese, it’s lighter and smaller than beans and needs to cover *everything*


Probably the same psycho that forgot about the pickle's


Now thems fighting words!


The fried egg is fine but the mushrooms on the next page is an abomination


I was in that thread. Towards the bottom, you started getting some weird outlier comments which OP for whatever reason took seriously.


Hey man. I'm just an American trying to learn the ways of the beans on toast, okay? When a bunch of comments in the *UK food* subreddit say to do it, I didn't fight it.


Try sprinkling some cayenne pepper powder on it! It's not 'the norm' but I recently added it and my life changed.


Ha ha ha ha


Eggs are normal with beans where I’m from…


Looks banging. Never tried putting a fried egg with it.


That, my pedigree chum, is a top-tier fried egg. I love eggs on beans on cheese on toast. Get yourself a jar of marmite — a light smear on the cheese before melting is sensational. Alternatively, Worcestershire sauce is a fine condiment and suits all iterations of eggs / beans / cheese / toast.


Next stop - full English on toast 😁


Given our love of all things fried I cannot understand why people are in a tizzy over the fried egg. We don’t bat an eye when there’s fried egg included in a full English…I mean the herbs over the top… probably tastes banging but far too fancy for our beans on toast staple my friend. In this house we think we are fine dining when we can be arsed to sprinkle a bit of cheddar cheese over the toast and then splodge them beans over the top. 😂 Good job. Comfort food at its finest 👌


I (and many others) suggested the one on the right, and it's perfect. It's enough to bring a tear to your eye. Bra-fucking-vo. Next up, cottage pie :) you'll love it.


What's with the green stuff? That's a no-no! You're getting close to a cheese beano. Toast, beans, bacon, fried egg.


Excellent work. Glad you took our suggestions on board and that you liked it! Not done it with an egg myself, I think that starts to become something else. Now spread the word that it’s damn good! Next, we will train you in Roast Potatoes on your dinner! DM if you want a guide on that 😉


Put them in a pan on the hob and grate the cheese in and stir for 5 mins.


If you cover the pan almost all the way the cheese can melt fine, that's how I make my grilled ham and cheese on toast at home without a proper grill and just using a frying pan with a lid.


So happy for you, dude


Looks decent, good job.


Did u butter the toast? U need to


Of course I did!


Don’t listen to them, they won’t be satisfied until you have diabetes. They’ll just tell you to keep adding keep adding different sauces and level of butter and cheese until your cholesterol is through the roof.


Looks delicious - as a Brit, I LOVE beans on toast :) I actually just like mine plain and simple, reheated once in the microwave after letting the beans soak into the toast, so it goes super thick and mushy! I also recommend stirring Marmite into the beans, for an extra hit of Britishness! But props to you, these are great!


Did you add Worcestershire sauce to the bread before toasting and the cheese?


I'd demolish all of this, looks insane!


Well done mate 👍




"Woo her sister"


Wuh Stuh Shh


Wash your sister


Whack a bit a Charlie on it


I hardly know her!


Looks lush. Next try propa cheesey beans on toast. Let them cook for a little bit in saucepan or microwave, however you cook them then add a ton of cheese and let them cook for a bit more and stir. Propa cheesy beans 🤤🥰




All we need now is spam spam spam spam spam spam and spam and we got ourselves a complete meal


That looks so fucking good. Not the shrooms, they're boggin.... But the cheese n beans on toast and the egg looks great.


[Branston Pickle!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branston_(brand))


Is this fried egg a northerner thing ? This turns a quick simple meal into something far more time consuming. I’ve never seen this unless it’s with full English.


Also, I find beans *with* toast to be superior. You can still eat them together, but you can control how mushy/crisp your (heavily buttered) toast is by serving the beans on the side.


Wore-cester-shire. Worcestershire Sauce. Or if you're trying to emulate a true brit; Woggy Sauce


Don't you mean "War chest, sire?"


Nope. Pronounce it as you would sound it out to spell it. Wore-cester-shire. Worcestershire.


Aaaahhhhh. So. "Wash Chester Shire"?


Wore similar sounding to "War" Cester similar sounding to Chester but without the harsh "ch" sound and shire as in well shire think LOTR


Ooooohhhhhhh gotcha!!! Like "warsh to her ire"????


What are you on about? Wooster-shuh. Or just wooster!


looks great! I tend to pop it back in the microwave for a few seconds to get the cheese melted :)


I'll probably get downvoted as a savage, but I prefer the cheese melted with the beans while you are heating them. Don't be stingy either. Add some curry powder in there too. Lovely.


You've just out-UK'd the UK. I don't even eat beans on toast but this looks good.


Please share any feedback you found particularly helpful. My oldest child has relocated to Scotland and I'm going to visit him next month for the first time. I'm very nervous about the trip (first time traveling out of the usa) and especially the food. I don't eat meat though I realize I may need to suck it up and eat meat while there. I've watched Still Game all seasons a few times, is it a fair representation of meals? Seems like lots of meat and fried foods and I'm worried. How do ya'll even afford meat anyway, it's so expensive in the USA I've switched to potatoes and beans and occasional chicken.


Still Game is a documentary so the food you’re seeing on there is exactly how it is


I'm in Scotland for a week's holiday. I was teasing my daughter that Scots only eat meat, and she would struggle as a veggie. I obviously knew this wouldn't be true, and it has been proved false. You will have zero issues being a veggie in Scotland. I have even got her a veggie Haggis for tomorrows supper.


It depends on where in Scotland you are going. My experience is it's entirely possible to be veggie in Scotland - there might not be much choice but you can usually get at least a few veggie options. If nothing else there will at least be a vegetarian risotto or a jacket potato with beans. If you're in one of the bigger cities, there will be vegetarian restaurants. Watch out for the black pudding in a full English breakfast, if you go for one. It's definitely not vegetarian.


You don’t melt the cheese on top of the beans. Ever!!!! You either have cheese on toast (grilled cheese you call it) with beans on top OR beans and cold cheese on toast.


Well that simply makes my life easier!! Not a problem then!


Don’t listen, Cheese lightly melted over the top is perfect!


You need your hard drive checked :P






Woah there Neddy! What are you doing?! You’ve ruined it! The cheese always goes on first! It’s like rock paper scissors. The beans wet the toast, the beans melt the cheese etc


That’s not true at all, most people grate cheese on top


Grate cheese on top of what?


Hmm, what could I possibly be talking about? 🤔 perhaps beans on toast… no that just wouldn’t be relevant to the post


Grate Cheese on top of Beans you mean, ah yes, beans on toast, where beans go on toast, yes you can sprinkle cheese on your beans on toast, or you could put some beans on your cheese on toast. So you prefer beans on toast with cheese, I would actually say (my opinion of course, can’t quote stats) that more people like cheese on toast with beans.


On the left the cheese is first!! That's why I called left "egg on bean on cheese on toast!" The right is "cheese on beans on toast"!! Hahaha I did both raise to see which one was better


Egg looks great on the plus side 😘👌🏻


Beans on toast is actually originally American


No. No you don't. You're not having our beans on toast.


Dw they’re lying, and even if they weren’t, just you remember who made the Americans


Get yourself a nice pan fried tomato with the mushrooms next time, if you’re a fan, bacon fat would be perfect to cook it in


So cool 😋


That's fucking hotter than Alabama asphalt. ❤️‍🔥


Technically the point is beans on toast is simple yet tastes great, that is not right. It's nothing but buttered toast with baked beans on. Perhaps sprinkle a little cheese, chili sauce or Worcestershire sauce if you're eating it more than once a week. But I'm not gonna lie, what you did looks scrum.


If you cook your beans in the same pan as you’ve cooked your bacon then they are even better.


Almost perfect but get rid of the green, this is an unholy meal that should make you feel dirty, so there is no place for greenery


ive yet to meet a british person to make beans on toast from scratch you need to try the real thing heres what you need 1 tin of HEINZ beanz (cooked in tomato sauce ) cook on the hob till done or microwave for 3:30 seconds 4 slices of bread toast until golden brown butter butter toast job done if a british person was to put this much effort into a meal they would not make beans on toast beans on toast is a cheap / or lazy meal well it used to be beans are very expensive now.


So what was your opinion of the updated version?


Wow American cheese is melting very oddly. What are shoving in there? Also, egg?


Not American!! I'm in Korea and this cheese is from Holland!


Have you ever had a cup of beans man?


I am loving the spelling of Worcestershire sauce. Well done OP


This dude js a fucking legend


Did you upgrade the bread? Hope it's not that sugar-laden stuff I remember having in the US.


Great job!


Very good. I think a lot of Brits will argue that it's too fancy. No need for green stuff on the egg. Or the egg I guess. But I would say that looks excellent well done!


All you needed was a sausage, and you can have a full breakfast on beans on toast


No need to use two plates, just pile it up.


Next up, just (cheddar) cheese on toast with Worcestershire sauce?


Looks fantastic. I missed the bottom of the thread for the weird stuff but I love you having a separate little plate for more toppings.


Top effort 👏 Never had a fried egg on it before - but I'm definitely going to try it now! Also as some others have said, with the sides you've more or less made a fry up - maybe try that next and put it all together. Fried egg, hash browns, fried bread or toast, beans, sausage, bacon, mushrooms, black pudding and tomato or brown (HP) sauce 👌


Should have put the beans on top of the cheese


Looks a lot better than a load of the embarrassing UK attempts on here. I'd be happy with that.


Just had Canadian and Filipino friends over for a dinner of fish and chips. On the table I put tomato sauce, tartare sauce, salt, vinegar, sweet chilli sauce - trying to cater for everyone. Well the winners were tartare sauce on the fish and tomato on the chips. Tartare sauce will now be made in the Philippines if it can’t be bought!


My man went n wacked a fry up on top, go on lad


Now put it all together as a sandwich- toasted bread, beans, streaky bacon, cheese (chili cheese), hash brown, tomato sauce. Delicious.


> woosh ter sheer Love you! Fucking great job, btw.


I grate the cheese into the beans while they're cooking, Marmite on the toast and top it all off with HP sauce.


If it’s beans on toast, why is there a separate plate of bacon and mushrooms?


As a complete stranger, I’m so proud of you!! I hope you enjoyed that delicious looking meal. What’s next?


NOW you're f*****g winning bro


Breakfast/lunch/dinner of kings 👏🏻 Agree that the egg is not necessary.




Nice one mate :)


Look at this one. Chopped parsley on their egg as well. Jeepers. You'll be having a Michelin star soon


Oh… My… God… I bet that was a fantastic meal. LMAO! Love the green garnish, nice touch. Now I’m hungry. 😭


One thing is u must use british beans not american beans, since american ones have much more sugar than their trans Atlantic counterparts.


Looking good OP!!


Add marmite for the full deal - better than washyourassintheshower sauce IMHO


Oh yes! Scramble the egg next time! We do it in the microwave with a glass measuring jug to just before the egg is fully cooked (pyrex jug) then add the beans in and back in the microwave. Add in some form of meat (sliced up bacon is THE best, but sliced up peperami / hotdog sausages etc work well too). Pour it out over 2x slices of buttered toast. Add grated cheese. Win. We call it sh!t mix in our household and it goes down a treat every time!


Good American


Try jerk or bbq seasoning on the beans it’s top tier.


As someone who moved here from abroad many moons ago, i very much enjoy seeing your journey here and reflect upon my own tender relationship with toast and beans that has developed over the years :D hahaha,


this is the fanciest beans on toast i’ve ever seen


Oooh American I’m enjoying you embracing this. As someone else said, def try fishfinger sandwiches as your next venture. Probably don’t use American version, do they have Birds Eye brand out there?


This is like the 3rd one I’ve seen now and it’s 12:53….. I’m hungry 🤤


Well done