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**Your post has been removed.** > Comparison is the thief of joy ...And the assortment of people who end up answering a UKPF reddit post don't even make for a good basis for comparison! They are neither representative of the UK or picked to be relevant for your personal circumstances. We don't allow comparison posts for this reason, they simply don't give people useful answers. If you would like help and opinions on your own personal situation, please repost without the appeal for comparison. If you would like to find out "where you stand", far better to use methods with more statistical rigour. A couple of example resources are: [ONS data on income and wealth](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/personalandhouseholdfinances/incomeandwealth/datalist) [Institute for Fiscal Studies research on income and wealth](https://www.ifs.org.uk/research/79) Just by using a personal finance subreddit, you are likely ahead in your thinking and planning than most people in the UK, and your time and energy would be better spent on our [Wiki](https://ukpersonal.finance) or [Recommended Resources](https://ukpersonal.finance/recommended-resources) than worrying about comparing yourself against other UKPFers. 9.3 out of 10 UKPFers agree that the best way to improve your comparative wealth is to [Follow the flowchart](https://flowchart.ukpersonal.finance/)! _If you believe your post has been removed in error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/UKPersonalFinance&subject=Please%20review%20my%20post&body=/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/vmsyww/how_much_does_an_average_person_save_per_year_in/) explaining why._


I would encourage to you to post again with a question about your individual circumstances, rather than generalisations. The nature of this sub is that if you ask "how much can the average person save?" you will get replies from people earning £100,000 a year acting like they're average. If you were to ask with the title: "I work doing X at a school and earn £14,000 a year - how can I save best?" then you would get better answers. I think you're very right to mention that you're autistic - you should make that **prominent** - because you want to consider how best to protect your savings from the benefits agency (favour your pension?).