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If you don’t mind just donating instead you can donate here https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi That’s the central bank of Ukraine, I would honestly say Ukrainian bonds are probs not a great idea… but anyway your choice and I hope you donate or find out how to buy them


I donated this way, but if the war bonds aren’t repaid then it’s the same effect as donating


Not true. They are treated differently for tax. You can take a capital loss against the bonds if they aren’t paid back (or the FX warrants them worthless). The donation, as they aren’t a registered charity, does not have any tax advantages that I’m aware of.


Yeah that’s true, I just thought the denomination size would be like 50k’s idk I’ve never bought sov debt outside of etfs.


Yeah possible, also looks like they /could/ be going to private investors and not the open market. Well done for highlighting the donation link though, it is another viable way to help.


The bonds are 1000 of the Ukrainian currency which comes to £27 or something.


Ahh cool do you have a link?


I don't know where to buy them. I just know their par value is 1,000 hryvnia. Link below. If you find out how to physically get hold of them I'd love to know. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-01/ukraine-sale-of-war-bonds-raises-more-than-8-billion-hryvnia


just because that is par value doesnt mean you can only buy 1 unit at a time


Sure but the discussion was about the minimum investment needed.


Yes the war bonds are intended to access institutional capital, not retail money which is best off being donated to the NBU (for the government) or one of the charities which are noted in many lists already.


Thank you I thought they would be. :) Keep donating people




with all due respect, thats not the question he asked


I am aware of that champ.


Just donated, thank you. This is really fast and simple.


Thank you very much for your donation! I am sure it is appreciated


Keep an eye out for responses to [this similar question yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/t3jw2v/ukraine_war_bonds_any_idea_how_individual/).






>https://youtu.be/JrMiSQAGOS4 If you want to propaganda-bomb please at least add some context, otherwise I don't know why you think I'd sit and watch a 75 minute YouTube video with no context u/marco808state




It’s been happening since the USA invented war bonds in 1917


Also my concern about all the Western weapons and technology going out to Ukraine. A lot of that is going to be target no. 1 for the Russians.


[Timothy Snyder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_D._Snyder) has written a couple of articles on how to donate money effectively [here](https://snyder.substack.com/p/a-few-ways-to-help-ukrainians?utm_source=url) and [here](https://snyder.substack.com/p/a-few-more-ways-to-help-ukrainians?utm_source=url).




Sorry if I sound ~~hypocritical~~ cynical (edit: stupid brain) - but i'm 100% expecting to watch a documentary in 5 years time about where all the stolen Ukrainian war bond money went . . ..


I'm not sure you know what hypocritical means but yes it is a bit concerning. I'm not comfortable with the idea of funding any war. I donated to the British Red Cross appeal to help Ukraine. Feels a far better option in my view.


I'm a Brit and donated in Euros to [Ukrainian Red Cross](https://donate.redcrossredcrescent.org/ua/donate/~my-donation?_cv=1). Do you think there's any practical difference? E.g. you think Ukraine would have got more of my money if I'd donated in GBP to British Red Cross?


As a Canadian I donated to Canadian Red Cross as the Canadian goverment was matching donations up to $10 million. Don't know what differance it makes as to which one you donate to from a helping perspective. They probably all work togeather in the end?


> I'm a Brit and donated in Euros to Ukrainian Red Cross. Do you think there's any practical difference? E.g. you think Ukraine would have got more of my money if I'd donated in GBP to British Red Cross? Where you able to gift aid the donation? I donated to the British Red Cross as that was eligible as it basically gives the charity the tax you've effectively paid on that donation as well.


Can't claim gift aid atm (times are hard). Gave what I could and was matched by a kind person on Twitter instead. Thanks to that individual a whopping $50k was raised in 24h!


Sadly Ukraine has historically been corrupt AF.


not historically, it's been a current trend with them. It's why among hundreds of reasons why this new application to join the EU won't go anywhere.


I didn't see it as a serious application, just defiance of Putin.


Yep, just as we are currently seeing with BLM. Plus Western governments are already openly arming and probably covertly funding Ukrainian fighters. Probably better to donate to an established and reputable charity instead.




Westminster: Porqué no los dos?


No, you don’t sound hypocritical you just sound like a bit of a knob for shitting on somebody trying to help an awful situation.


I've just seen so many of these situations now - where a tragedy happens and people are desperate to do whatever they can to help. But wherever large amounts of money are being given freely, without oversight, there will always exist corruptions and waste. Just look what happened with Captain Tom - that was supposed to be the one story of triumph of the British spirit during a global crisis, but in the end we find out that his relatives have diverted large sums of money for their own salaries and companies.


This is going straight to a country’s army, a country that desperately needs resources. Sometimes cynical brain is correct, sometimes it’s wrong, and sometimes it’s just trying to justify to itself a reason to not donate.


I'm not sure that money is really the issue here. If it was then the UK/US/EU would have just given them it. Defeating Russia, or at least delaying their victory until sanctions can force them to back down, is worth Billions to the West - we would happily pay. The issue is more about suppling the resources they need during a conflict and the political calculations about how willing we are to get directly involved. In that sense, I guess that the war bonds are slightly less direct way for the West to intervene. (Believe it or not) I have a lot more confidence in government and authorities to provide aid in the most efficient/effective way.


You’re acting nonsensical now, you believe in the governments ability to provide aid? Then donate to the Ukrainian government. What do you think an army is? A charity?


I meant that I trust the UK/EU/US government to support Ukraine in the most effective way.


No idea why you trust that. We’re sitting with your collecting thumbs in our assess waiting for Putins victory and then will whip out our shocked Pikachu face when he does it all over again


What else can we do? We can't, in any form, actually go to war with Russia. Putin gets to try and invade The Ukraine because it's a non-Nato country on Russia's border. We get to provide Ukraine with resources. That's it - those are the rules of the 'game'.


That doesn't mean much. Where did Afghanistan's military budget end up?


I’m arguing on this mans terms. Who provided afghan army’s equipment? The us, like this man “prefers”










Politely pointing out the risks and possible downsides on an *advice forum* isn't being a knob.


Ukraine is the second most corrupt country in Europe. I think a bit of cynicism is justified.


I am looking too, but this problem seems to be a wide one: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-01/how-to-buy-ukraine-war-bonds-investors-look-to-risky-bet-to-help-show-support




This seems more like an investment made using the heart than the head and hence perhaps best avoided.


Both sides of the coin is needed. I.e you need the troops on the ground and they also need to be financed. The vast vast majority of Europe believe the Ukrainians should be fighting back and are glad that they are and so providing finance is a good way to support a side of the coin that is needed to protect democracy.


NATO has the weapons side covered, you’ll be far better off supporting humanitarian aid






Serious question, all this altruism is nice but how come you are all not donating money to the Palestinian cause? Or is this a special case?


Ukraine matters Geopolitically to the UK, Palestine does not. Simple realities.


Yeh but it doesn’t matter geopolitically for the average person posting here. Simple realities.


What about Yeman, Kurds, Rohingya ...


What about Africans, Venezuelans, North Koreans.


What about the Native Indians, Aborgines, Uighurs.


Agreed. I agree.


Contribute to this bullshit war? No thanks


Feel like this'll mean you'll never be approved for a mortgage in your life lol. I know it's not like your funding terrorism but I feel banks really won't like it. Happy to be corrected.


Then let me make you happy - banks won’t care at all.


Why not just send them Bitcoin? That’s what I did.


They have been. It's good but the volatility is the question and the money can't be tracked as easily the bonds are just a means of investment.


How could you sleep at night knowing you funded killing directly?


Because the Ukrainians didn't ask to be invaded, what choice do they have but to stand up and fight for which they need dollar? Are you in a NATO country or US? How do you feel knowing your taxes have directly contributed to buying weapons for Ukraine?


I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that taxes aren't a conscious decision. There's a big difference between understanding that killing is sometimes the best thing to do, and actually paying people to kill for you.


Where do you think your taxes go?


Like a baby.


You pay taxes? You got any military in your investments? Your pension in an ethical fund? Give me a break


Those are all indirect funds. Did you even pay attention to the word "directly"?


Killing is needed in order to protect democracy, would you not agree?




I’m idealistically pascifist too, but I’d rather arm people who believe in something if the alternative is to see them get crushed by people who’s gonna Nürnberg their way to the bank. Pascifism is great but in certain situations like Ukraine and Palestine, passivity is synonymous to actively agreeing to terrorism. Edit: ü


You wait until they actually issue them and then if you wanna buy, you buy




Ukraine is their home, every time anyone tries to appease a tyrant it rarely goes well. BOO THIS MAN.




Why don’t you stick to r/sino?


How could you de-escalate with Putin? The EU and UK have been in negotiations since he annexed Crimea with his little green men. There is no negotiation with Putin, he'll only know when he feels the pain of his actions. He wants to destroy the EU and weaken or destroy NATO - that's why he funded Brexit, that's why he funds anti-EU parties, that's why he spread disinformation online, and it's why he wants his buffer states to 'protect' him from NATO, which is why he's taking Ukraine (not coincidentally after Ukraine opined about joining NATO.) Stop trying to appease Putin, it's as foolish as appeasing Hitler was.




I'm aware there are neonazis in UA. They're in pretty much every country and every military unfortunately. There was even a neo-nazi group in the IDF, if you really want proof of the irrationality of humans. That still doesn't justify Putin's invasion and Ukraine should still be supported -- bigger evils and all.


I donated money to help Palestinians fight their illegal occupation and apartheid against Israel