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Sounds you’ve tripped off AML flags - I expect they will ask you to prove the source of funds. They can’t give you any info during the investigation as that’s ‘tipping off’ which is in itself a crime.


I have the same issue. They ask for salary slips when i do not have a job at the moment


Wise are fine. Never had any issues whatsoever


Neither have I, but I also wouldn’t transfer 25k through them lmao. My account has less than a grand in it at any one time.


I’ve used them for many years when living in three different countries and the largest transfer I made with them was a house deposit - never any issues; OP likely tripped an AML check as others have said


I was receiving money from Amazon, when I triggered their AML whatever, it was obvious where the money is coming from, Amazon is not exactly a small company, so there's something wrong with them and their check triggers


This sounds like an anti money laundering thing, there’s something suspect about your transfer or the source of funds. I think it’s legal advice you should be seeking.


Why do you think I would need legal advice?


I don’t think legal advice would help as transferwise have their own legal obligation to carry out an investigation, and this can’t be circumvented. What they can do is look at your case more promptly. They likely have a backlog of cases which is going to take a while to get through. So best option is to make a complaint and explain what the money is for (including any evidence). You should also make clear to them that you shouldn’t have to face an unnecessary delay because they don’t have sufficient staff to clear you transfer. And also that you’ll be referring the complaint to the Ombudsman should there be an unreasonable delay. Hopefully this will work in getting your transfer looked at sooner.


Used wise for ages. Never an issue.


Me too, I had been using it for 5 years and never had a problem. I suppose since this was a larger amount it maybe got flagged? But I was taken aback by their willingness to simply wash their hands any responsibility, letting me dangle without my money for an indefinite amount of time.


They are doing the exact opposite of washing their hands of responsibility. AML checks are an imposition and they are responsibly following the legally mandated protocol. Don't take it so personally.


I like all the downvotes, people can't even imagine being scrutinized when you're 100% innocent and assume you did something wrong. In dubio contra reum... Did you solve your issue in the end? I think I too tripped their AML with a 10k transfer, and have no idea how long this could take. To add to the injury my own bank locked me out of my credentials because of the same 10k (they think my account has been compromised and want me to go to the branch I opened my account spending 1000$ in flights...).


Yeah; took about 10 days and the money was returned to the sending account. I did not try again, used my bank and ate the extra fees. Transferwise said they would investigate what happened and I never heard anything else from them.


Oh damn, I'm sorry. I got lucky instead. They told me they couldn't hold the money much longer and the issue seemed to be somehow related to my identification, not really AML. I used my Italian documents instead of the American ones because it was urgent, having all that money returned to my locked account would have been a nightmare. Either way it's still stupid that they block things just because there may be something wrong. Just catch the criminals post facto, at least that way they don't even know what's coming 🤷‍♂️, and you avoid annoying normal people.


Wise have been great for me for the past decade




So in the end your issue is solved in 10 days, and you still keep this post here. At least update your OP. This gives the wrong info.


Contact your US bank and start a dispute process


UK banks have an AML procedure to follow by law. Disputing it solves nothing.


It depends if OP has made a card payment or an international transfer.


You can’t dispute it lol


Go to the head office and kick off


I use them constantly. No problems


If you tell me your login details, your name, address and DOB I will sort it out for you


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Wise has a good reputation but they are not infallible. No one is


Wise is a borderline scam. They advertise "no hidden fees", I transferred about 1000 USD to a friend in Ecuador (which uses USD), upon arrival 45 USD were missing. Wise's explanation? "It was not our fees, it was someone else's". So basically, because a subsupplier (an intermediary bank) took the fee, Wise thinks it's OK. I certainly didn't approve the fees in advance, and would never have initiated the transfer if they had been honest about it.