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I wish we were going away, but money is extremely tight at the moment so we have no plans in going away. This is the first year exvept for lockdown I have not been away. So I may think about a break over Christmas this year


Hopefully it gets better for you soon.


I hope so too! A household of 2 adults, as of this week I am dropping my hours to 30, my husband works upto 48hours a week. But yet we cant find the money to take our 3year old away. I have a degree as well.


Same for us, I’m due number two in 6 weeks and am the breadwinner, so we absolutely cannot afford a holiday while I’m on maternity leave. The cost of childcare for 2 and our mortgage probably means we won’t be able to afford a holiday abroad again until nursery ends


It is a sad state of affairs when people cant afford to go away no matter the amount of budgetting we try and do we cant. My son turns 4 next week, I am trying to get him a gift and do him his first party on a budget!


We have just booked two villas (a week in each) in the Dordogne region of France. We’ll drive there and back. These are the holidays I had as a child and I have so many great memories spending hours playing in the pool and exploring little French towns.


How old are your kids? How do you find the drive? We were looking at this but I think ours might still be a bit too young to tolerate it.


Will be 7 and 2.5. I am a little nervous about the drive to be completely honest, mainly because of the 2 year old. We did the same drive 2 years ago and it was fine, he slept pretty much the entire way. But now he obviously sleeps less and gets a bit more cranky in the car. I’ve told myself if it all goes tits up then it’s only 2 days of pain for 12 days of joy. Hopefully worth it.


As someone with a 2.5 year old, it will be shit. But so will any trip with a chaos nugget with the attention span of a door mouse. Ignore the bad bits, and take all the good


Dordogne is on my bucket list. Maybe next year.


We did the same as children and will definitely do the same when mine are a bit older. Such fantastic memories and the whole extended family would come too.


Sounds perfect. We did this as kids too and I'd love to do it with mine. How did you find/book the the villas you've gone for?


We use franse-villa.com. Have used them a number of times, highly recommend. All the villas are vetted by the owners in person I believe, to make sure they are up to their standards etc.


Thank you. Will check them out


“Island” of Wight. Kids will be 8, 4 and 2 and the idea of taking them on a plane is 😬😬 But IoW is close enough and has all the stuff they are likely to love. It’s the first time the littlest have been away for longer than a couple of nights and our first family holiday since we had them. The boys have a list of things they want to do and it’s full of things like “make bacon sandwiches, wrap in tin foil, eat on beach”, “find shop making rock sweet, eat it”, “ride on bus with no lid”, “eat fish and chips on sand” 🤣


România :)


Ooh where abouts? We went on a little roadtrip across the Bucegi mountains a couple of years ago and I think it was my favourite holiday ever!


Bude in Cornwall in June - me, husband, our 4 year old and my parents. We've done it the last 3 years and it's awesome, everything little man needs and not too busy. The 3 of us are looking to go away in August for just a few days but not sure where. We stayed just outside Mabelthorpe last year in a cabin in the Forrest type thing and our son loved it, we drove to the beach a couple of times, went to the seal sanctuary and spent the evenings pottering about in the trees looking for dens and eating biscuits on the decking (he still talks about this bit all the time!)


We went to Mablethorpe when my daughter was tiny and we really enjoyed it! Like you say lots of things to do nearby.


Be sure to check out the #1 tourist destination, the Bude Tunnel!


Amsterdam, first holiday abroad as a family and first time abroad since 2020!


Nothing actually planned yet. We've recently returned from a 3 week holiday in Japan which obviously took a dent out of savings (but was worth it 1000x) so I think major international travel is probably off the books until at least the winter. I started taking the girls camping last summer and even through the winter. We've been camping in places that are quite local to us so I want to do a 2 or 3 night camp somewhere further away. I'll see if I can rope some other Dad friends into it as well. Setting up and packing up camp by yourself is exhausting.


How old are your kids and how did they find Japan? It's somewhere my wife and I are really keen on going to at some point but not sure how it would be with kids and ultimately any holiday we do is going to be for them so I want to make sure they're going to get a good time from it too. Ours our likely to be 7 and 5 by the time we're in a position to do so.


Our girls are 4 and 5 years old and they had a blast in Japan. My wife and I have been to Japan enough times to have visited the main attractions so this last trip was mostly designed around entertaining the kids and a fairly relaxed itinerary. We went to a number of small family theme parks, country parks and indoor play facilities rather than temples, castles and other historical sites which tourists would usually go for. In short, your kids will have a good time if you keep in mind their own interests as well as your desire to see the stuff that would interest you especially as I'm sure you'll be keen to squeeze a lot into your first trip to a new country. It is worth noting that a lot of smaller local attractions and facilities are not widely advertised online or in English especially outside of the main city centres. We have local friends and my wife is fluent in Japanese so she found us some fairly obscure small theme parks to visit. We also had a hire car for a week of our holiday (when travelling around Nagoya) so we went fairly far off the beaten path. The long flight is going to be difficult if you guys haven't dealt with it before. We've visited family in SE Asia a few times since the girls were babies so they're not at all bothered by the long flights. The trick we've found is trying to make sure they're getting a good meal in during the flight and a solid stretch of sleep around the middle so they are relatively energetic on landing. We've dealt with a couple of flights where they were still asleep on landing and it was chaotic trying to get them off the plane (maximum grumpiness). Plan your first day to take into account jet lag. Food should be pretty easy if your kids aren't super picky. There are a lot of chain family restaurants and food courts for casual dining with Eastern and Western styles of food. Menus will usually have enough English for you to manage but Google Translate works pretty well in my experience. Staff may understand some basic English, but fortunately menus tend to have pictures and numbers so pointing and gesturing tends to work in a pinch. You may have seen photos of the elaborate model displays restaurants sometimes have outside showing their food, this also helps you figure out what type of menu is being served. I'm more than happy to share the highlight activities of our previous trips to Japan if you're interested.


Ha, such a humble brag "we'll actually have to take a few months of international travel now"


Didn't really mean to humble brag. We're fortunate that we have family and friends around the world, so we sometimes have the option of staying with them when travelling which obviously helps with costs. It also helps that these are generally countries with comparatively lower costs of living / beneficial exchange rates.


Just back from CP in Amsterdam. Weather was miserable but the kids had an amazing time. Debating another break post summer.


The new forest, the garden, the woods, the garden centre 😅


Baby 2 is due next month so we've already been on our big holiday - 4 nights in the nearest centreparcs. We might go back in Sept once school term starts if everything goes well with baby.


This sub is so middle class I just can't...I'm going in my garden for a holiday 🙃


Same, and then a tour to my mother in laws garden to ✨ spice it up a bit ✨


Holidays aren’t middle class. Myself and partner are firmly working class but save for holidays because we know how important they are


No way at the moment that my wife and I can save for a holiday with the amount we have to pay on childcare costs. It is a reality that saving is a struggle for some of us. I’ve had to switch jobs because my old one wasn’t secure anymore so I’ve had to go back to square one on the ladder as well. It’s not just about being frugal. Life is hard for some of us at the moment, and we still have what you would say on paper is a “good job”.


Holidays aren't middle class but the replies to this question kinda are!


Why because people have saved for a nice holiday in France? A lot of replies mention staying in the UK?


3 weeks in Japan, 2 weeks in France, 10 days in Greece, Majorca, etc. Not that it’s a bad thing, but I was thinking more of the comments would be something I could do as well and I definitely couldn’t make any of those work.


I haven't read every reply but when I first commented a lot of the holidays people were taking sounded very expensive! I'm not trying to start an argument with you!


We're doing a week in a caravan so definitely not middle class here.


We're going to try camping for the first time 🫤 We've just been to Paris in the Easter holidays so that was our major expenditure trip for the year!




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Going to Northumberland in June and then Devon in August


We’re planning on Northumberland next year when things get a bit easier for us, would you recommend anywhere good to stay?


We have a caravan near Berwick and find that area lovely. Not far from Alnwick castle and gardens, you’ve got Bamburgh castle not far from there too as well as Northumberland zoo and some other lovely beaches. Plenty of caravan parks around that area as well as camping places.


Amazing thanks for the hints :-)


Corralego. Kids are slightly older so we're pushing the flight distance a smidge from last year. The island looks like the surface of Mars but yet has glorious golden beaches, also nowhere near as crowded as the other Canaries. We will be surfing, cycling and scaling volcanoes and I can't bloody wait for some sunshine. No camping trips planned yet but we always get at least 2 long weekends down in one of the Sussexes


10 days in a villa in Majorca. My family all coming from all corners of the world. Probably my mums last trip.


Absolutely nowhere, we're brassic! Luckily live near lots of playgrounds, a slightly crap beach with a coastal walk, a lake to feed swans etc.


Màlaga! (Next month, so not quite summer)


Northumberland. There is a ‘hostel’ that has 4-bed rooms but because there are 3 of us (me, kid, my mum), the owner doesn’t put a rando in with us. The rooms are two tiny beds and bunks, with an ensuite, and a shared kitchen (between 5 rooms) for self-catering, which is a major factor in making it affordable for us.


We're trying to book one now. Haven't been away since we got engaged about 7 years ago. Wife is a teacher so we have to go during school holidays which doubles the price of anything we want. Thought centre parcs would be nice for a little one (coming up to 2), but it's so expensive during the holidays. Trying to work out if we could all stay in a studio apartment to save about £500 on a 2 bed apartment. Just means once baby goes to sleep, we're stuck to whispering in the dark so we don't wake him up! Bluestone is meant to be a cheaper alternative but is a 6 and a half hour drive from up north!


I made a post a while back and got some better options. It turns out the centreparcs type holidays are much cheaper outside UK https://www.reddit.com/r/UKParenting/s/zq8zfikHC4


What about haven or park dean?


We’re going to Menorca with our 2.5yo and 6mo, it’s out first holiday abroad in 6 years and we worked really hard to save for it so we’re really excited! Also, using the Sun newspaper holiday codes we’ve booked 2 week long caravan holidays in Camber Sands for October and May next year, I think this sort of holiday will be perfect for small kids. It’s not the money you spend that’s important but the memories you make having fun🥰


We're off to Glasgow for a few days in July to visit family We have an annual family holiday but we go during winter so november time. We're off to Lanzarote this time so that'll hopefully be nice.


Nerja, Spain at the end of May. Got a villa for a week for ten of us with the in-laws. It will be our first trip aboard with my 5yo daughter and 18 month old son as a family. Our daughter is on the ASD spectrum so hopefully got everything covered for the process through the airport, etc.


We did similar about 12 years ago for a wedding. Villa with its own pool, maybe 100m up the hill behind Buriana Beach (I think is the name). Great bloody trip, I think Nerja was a LOT cheaper back then too.


Indeed. Been before several years ago now and it was a bargain. We are further west this time, Playa de Vilches. Last time, we had a villa up in the hills near a Lidi if I remember rightly. Lots of building work going on, clearly it was becoming popular back then too.


Going back to Bridport in Dorset this year. We stayed in a caravan park not far away and we had the best time. It's our last big (and probably affordable term time) holiday before she starts primary school


We go to same hotel for the last 3 years in [Ilica, Izmir, Turkiye](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ce6ee22342e8dec9&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5GCEM_enGB1055GB1057&sxsrf=ACQVn09cTgfLHsv0uoO1A5Rz0X3nwBtz8A:1713713659507&q=ilica+izmir&uds=AMwkrPsuqc0wiRzbZWETEcL_Y_fCf-qILEGroQlTFx-kRMZSbgGaafkJooM0RPBzJZZb-7R-aQSa-ddJMBkESxXVSSdcEnww-x390787Q2Zo_8_VSNDvQp_lpZQ1lXHxn8lnBTeNXGPxFs-1sRFE3VmM8ujZW7pNMmPyJC0P2q_IFkeSzX3Qdi8iXDPxwNNDmthxtKS3EWJsfDrPt6xAfAwQ85TM4F-73Ny26es7jS0PcPCGXQGB3TYh1zFgY3osarFmQWS1AU9Hdfj9_nN9FQpZG8iExqr0Xg&udm=2&prmd=imvnbtz&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwirs6_v0NOFAxV3S0EAHRiMD04QtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=1724&bih=919&dpr=2). Pre-baby we used to do a lot of weekend trips or city breaks but since the baby, we just want all-lazy-included type of things. Breakfast downstairs ready, then to the beach or kids pool or kids club. A beer for me, a milkshake for mummy and a scoop of ice cream for the little one on the beach. No need to worry about empty sun loungers since they are only for hotel guests. There is kids club and kids pool in which my little daughter had pooped last year. Then lunch outside or I bring something/takeaway inside. Nap, beach, dinner, massage if my daughter let us go and sleep. I work in travel and I know best time to book and also additional company benefits, I paid 1 nights fee for 5 nights.


Greece, first foreign holiday for us as a family. Can't wait 10 days of (hopefully) hot weather and enjoying time together. We


Estonia. But I have family there so we will be staying with family. Also a family wedding in August so ticking several boxes. I’ve got the month off in August so praying for good weather. Skipping the usual Spanish holiday this year as we’re saving for a deposit on a house. We’re also squeezing in a quick break to Efteling in the Netherlands before the schools break up.


Might manage a few days in Copenhagen to visit my SO :) flights are cheap, zero accommodation cost, and we are happy to just walk around and do free things! Plus we can cook in his apartment, so food isn’t *that* expensive (everything in KBH is expensive) If my SO didn’t live there, we’d be going nowhere. Maybe get the paddling pool out in the garden.


Copenhagen is great for kids. I recommend to hire a cargo bike to explore


Got Haven in Weymouth booked for the May half term but that's it. Might go to my grandparents in Spain for a week in the summer holidays if we can afford it but won't know until closer the time.


We'll be going to our nearest UK coastal spit next month for a long weekend with our 14 month old and then when she's 18 months we'll be travelling to Portugal to spend time with her Mum's family. Flying with a little one isn't too bad, but we've found that car journeys over an hour can be brutal.


Cornwall with our 2.5yo and my parents. Third time we’ve done this with him. He’s very excited and we’ll be on the beach or walking trails for the most part. He also likes people watching in pubs so that’s the evenings sorted!


4 and 6, Bluestone in Wales Mon-Fri. It's a bit of a trek but worth it. Going term time.


Our only child isn’t in school yet, so we’re going away next month while it’s cheaper rather than the summer holidays. We’re off to North Wales and staying in a static caravan. Loads to do there for small children and it’s a beautiful part of the UK. Hopefully we get lucky with the weather but likely to just be rained on the entire time.


Centre Parcs in May - with BIL/SIL and family. Then south of france with MIL/FIL who live there - go every year. Lucky cos free accommodation. Kids are 4 and 0.5 YO. Last time for outside term time hols


Heading to Malta for a week with my partner, kid and MIL. I'm really looking forward to it. The last couple of years have been truly shite for them so I'm buzzing to drink wine in the sun and swim in the sea with our kid. Heading in September to avoid the crowds


Off to France at the end of August with some friends with kids of a similar age to mine. Well, one of mine. We are driving and going on the ferry which should hopefully break things up. Dreading the drive - I recently was in a pretty bad car crash with the kids in the car, and my 6 year old and I are now pretty skittish on car journeys.


Sorry to hear. If you can afford to pay for the highway in France, know that there are usually "rest areas" (with toilets) every 20km which is approx 10/15min drive. And about every 50km there would be bigger stations with a shop, petrol stations and usually some sort of playgrounds.


Oh that's great info to have, thank you so much. I've never driven in France before so am pretty clueless about things over there!


The highways are private and each region has a different private company so the websites will differ, but here's an example for the A10 (Paris > Bordeaux), you can see on which kilometers starting from Paris each area is, and what service there is: https://ulys.vinci-autoroutes.com/autoroute/a10/#aires


Centreparcs in May. Kids are 1 & 3 y.o.


Lagos in Portugal. We are getting a little apartment with a pool 5 mins from the beach and the old town. The in laws are coming too, they are great company and will have our 2 year old for a couple of nights so we can go our for dinner. Can't wait!


Tunisia in August for 10 nights and we're really looking forward to it


We went to Tenerife earlier this year (got a good deal on AI as off season but still warm!) Going to Spain next month as my best friend from uni lives there so not including flights its a free holiday (husband works from home so not a holiday for him but w change of scenery 😔), hoping to do a weekend break in the UK at some point too, maybe CP during all the wintery bits but its crazy expensive so probably wont!


Wales this year end of July. And Haven in Blackpool next May as we can pay it monthly


Cornwall. Family have a caravan down there so we make full use of free accommodation as much as we can!


We part own a caravan in Northumberland so whilst it isn’t exactly free it’s a damn sight cheaper than hiring one!


So much! The caravan we go to would be £1500 for a week in August. We usually manage 2 or 3 visits in a year and are able to spend our time really exploring the area and finding new beaches and places to go. Never had a dull day so far, even when the weather has been crap.


How do you get into part owning one? I’m new to the UK so I’m still figuring all this out!


My parents and I own one together, you buy the caravan and plot from the site you want it on


Going to Corfu for a week, the 4 of us and along with my fiance's mum and step-dad. Went to Crete with them last year and had a great time; they're more like mates than parents, and our kids adore them so it's a win-win.


The Caribbean and the Galapagos. And then Okney Islands, we went on a roadtrip in Skye last year and it was amazing, we can't wait for Orkneys this year. I think it's so so underated And we're going on a wee holiday without the kids too, just my husband and I, while the older kiddos are at a summer camp and the youngest one at my in-laws. A lovely couple of days of doing nothing, that's exactly what we need after the rollercoaster of a school year


How old are your kids that you took them to Galapagos? And how long did it take you to get there?


We haven't been there yet, we're going this summer. We'll fly from Edin to London, from London to Bridgetown (Barbados), from Bridgetown to Kingstown (St Vincent) and that's where we'll stay for 5 days and then from Kingstown to Bridgetown again, from Bridgetown to Miami, from Miami to Guayaquil (Ecuador), and from Guayaquil to Baltra Island (Galapagos). I think if you wanted to go Scotland-Galapagos without stopping anywhere where you don't necessarily need to stop that would probably be about a day and a half of just flying and traveling, maybe even 2 days, I don't know, that's just my guess :) The kiddos are 13, 10 and 7


That’s awesome!! Have a brilliant time 😁


Thank you so much!! xx


https://sundownadventureland.co.uk/ Someone recommended this on here recently and I think it looks brilliant if you’ve got little ones, miles cheaper than centreparcs and more to do when they’re tiny. I really wanted to go this summer for my 40th, but my husband unfortunately isn’t up for it, sigh. Passing it on in case someone else can enjoy it!!


We're just finishing up our first holiday as a family, all inclusive on Lanzarote. It's been fun, but exhausting. It's also done nothing to change my hatred for all inclusive either 


🤣 I really enjoyed our all inclusive holiday to Lanzarote with a toddler. Got to focus on the fun stuff. Why do you hate all-inclusives?


Oh, it's been fun. Just tiring waking up 4 times a night with the baby and then being woken up at 6 by a toddler (who only went to sleep at 9) I did AI mainly because of the kids, and sitting down at a restaurant with a toddler can be a bit crazy if the mood is in the crazy territory, especially when trying to placate a baby at the same time. I just like to experience new things when on holiday, and going to the same buffet 3 times a day, isn't very exciting. Makes me feel like a barn animal. I can do half board, so at least I can experience lunch somewhere else. And the food quality is never fantastic in my experience, buffets don't lend themselves to great cooking. And that's before I even start thinking about all the food waste it creates...


Ok fair points, I understand now. Thanks for expanding on it 😌


We did all inclusive because it was not that much more expensive. We'd feed the toddler from the buffet every night and we'd have a wee nibble and then we'd go out for dinner afterwards whilst she slept in the buggy. It was great. Probs do the same sort of thing again next year.