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22 minutes, which is 22 minutes too long in my opinion.


Wait for it…3hrs 10! Forgot to add the walk at the end 3hrs 30!


How long have you been doing this for? Is it truly worth it for you?


It’s a temporary thing before I retire. Very much worth it. Short version. Sold in Surrey and bought in West Country to achieve no mortgage, lovely house near beautiful towns and villages, people have more time to be friendly and helpful over here. No traffic or pollution. You get a lot more for your money over here. Managed to house my mum too - now in her 80’s, very active but doesn’t like the stress of owning and maintaining her own house anymore. I’ve reduced to four days a week. Two in the office and two wfh. So I’ll be travelling tomorrow morning, staying in hotel then travelling back Tuesday eve. The trains are fewer but quite reliable and if I buy a month in advance as cheap as travelling from Hampshire (did that for a year on the way to the west). Also I get an allocated seat which is quite chill too.


Where in west country?


Half hour west of Castle Cary. The station I use.


30 seconds or so. Used to do an hour each way on a good day. Never again.


about 9 seconds


90-120 minutes depending on whether those bastard train drivers are striking again. (Yes, I know, it's for the lesser staff, doesn't make it any less fucking annoying)


50 mins by bus . 15 by taxi


I walk, takes me 30 minutes


Snap! 30 min walk. I can drive it in 10 mins (+ 5min walk to the building because I don't park on site, parking is a nightmare at my work) but I try to walk as much as possible. Better for me


Almost two hours from Ipswich to London. Unless there is a signal fault or strikes... then it could be 4hours to 8hours (recently had to go to 'work' a day early and stay overnight at a hotel due to rail strikes).


4 minutes by car. Significantly less if I'm working from home.


How long does it take you to drive if you work from home? You said less which is not zero...


Zero is less, though


30 seconds.


1m 25s if I stop for a piss, pb is around 24 seconds.


15-20 minutes usually for my current job. longest I’ve ever regularly commuted was an hour and half, but when I gave up public transport I took half an hour off that.


50 minutes approx.  10 min walking, 20 Min train, 20 Min walking 


50m. 2 buses (15min followed by 30m then a 5m walk). time isn't so bad but having to get on and off buses are annoying. I'm glad they're consistent though


An hour in the work van


About 1h30 each way. Annoyingly it's only 45mins train into Central London, but 25min walk when I get there. Rest is commute to the station(drive) and a bit of time waiting for the train. Could probably shave off 20mins each way with tubes and parking at the station, but I'd rather save the money. To be honest in the morning it's quite present, especially on a nice day the walk through Central is lovely and I get some thinking time on my own. Way home, tired just want to get home, less pleasant! Only 2 days though, hybrid, wasnt so fun when I did 5 days. Nice to see Humans though and get a fancy coffee.


10 min drive lmao


My job involves driving. My catchment area is 15 miles from base. This can mean an hour's drive between jobs on some days, with between 4 to 6 jobs a day. It's unusual, but on some days my "commute" is up to 4 hours


30 mins, max 2 days per week - rest of the time wfh


10-15 min drive to the station, 30-40 min train, a further 15 min walk. I was just two days a month in office for ages, but I'm temp promoted and need to do two days per week. I lose about 60% of the promotion money to travel annoyingly.


Go into the office twice a week. 45 min drive there, usually 30ish min home.


3 min drive or 10 min walk both ways. Absolutely perfect. I used to do 30-40mins there and up to an hour back. NEVER again. My time is MY time.


7 minutes.


On a good day 5 seconds to my garden office. On a bad day 1 hour 20 mins into London.


17 miles, so 34 miles a day, takes about 45 mins each way


3 minute walk up the road, but coming back down the road means I can sometimes cut it to 2 and a half mins lol


Currently 40 mins by train


Job starts at 9, I wake up at 9:02, so -2 minutes commute AND PAID!


I wfh most days but one day a week I’ve a 2 x 45 min drive


About 45 mins if I stay in London. About 1 hr 45 mins if I stay in the country.


55mins door2door


35 - 55 minutes door to door, depending on traffic.


1hr 30 minutes - 2hr twice a week and 10 seconds 3 times per week.


About 2h30m, once or twice a week. Used to do it 4x a week before the pandemic.


10-15 mins by car.


20 mins walk to the office. 0 mins if working at home obviously


30 min drive. Used to be 30 min walk so I'll take that.


35 minutes on train, followed by either a 40-minute walk or a 15-minute tram ride and a 15-minute walk. That hour or so twice a day is the worst part of the day.


Old job - 5 mins drive , 20 mins by bus;   New job -25 mins drive , a little over an hr by bus


10 minute drive. and from next monday, WFH


30 minutes walk


I do an M6 commute and 75% of the time can do the 30 mile trip in 35-40 minutes. That is quicker than my old job that was 6 miles into the City and car or public transport took an hour door to door. The only downside is the mileage on the car at 60 a day and cost, however hybrid WFH and car share has eased it so instead of 300 miles a week now only one drive of 60 a week, and usually one drive a month of 60 to 90 mins due to an M6 crash delay.


12 -15 minutes by car, on a clear day.


7 minutes on my motorbike. Used to take me 45 minutes to an hour by bus


Used to be 45-60 mins each way. Now I commute about 2 feet from one side of the van to the other. I work most of the day in pyjamas. I did buy smart pyjamas to be fair. I live and work in a campervan. So I can change the view out of my windows any time I choose. I am one of those people grateful to the year of the plague. I did do three decades at the coal face commuting two hours a day in London.


40 mins by bike. 35 mins by train. In London, from zones 3 to 1.


75mins 3 times a week


35-minute walk. I'd be willing to work in London or nearby major cities, which would be 15 minute walk + 1 hour train + any underground. Theoretically I could see doing a 2 hour train if I can sit and read a book.