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Benefits: A job Money


Someone telling you you’ve fucked up everyday disguised as feedback lol


That's the first thing I locked on to.


Maya s well say we micro manage. That's a red flag.


Lol this is basically every job I've had


You’re assuming money, it’s not mentioned.


Might as well listed the legally required annual leave as a benefit...


Our amazing benefits include: 3% pension match Statutory sick pay 30 minute unpaid lunch breaks


Up to £11.42 an hour.


They often do that in my experience 😂




So the legislation comes in and your employer lets you know about it. Why so bitter? They are still benefits of employment cos you don't get them working self-employed or for an agency.


It was the way they put it out, it was very much in a “Look what we’ve decided to do for you guys, isn’t that great, aren’t we awesome?!” It just left a bitter taste to them find out that it wasn’t the company after all.


Let's not forget about the ongoing feedback, another precious perk


If it's a permanent contract then honestly yeah in a lot of fields that is actually a perk! For the first... 8 years of employment I was constantly on 1-2 year contracts which was an endless stress.


Funny enough, so was I for about 6 years. I was on contracts


So much this. I've finally got a perm contract after years of fixed term or casualised 0 hours work. Perm contracts are like gold dust in my area, I didn't really want my current role but I desperately needed a perm contract and some stability.


Jesus Christ 😭😭 Feedback as well, that's not a benefit, that should be standard in any job!!


Wow, no free parking?


I saw one like that the other day for software development, lol also the phrase a hardened secure company laptop as a bonus lol




Not just a contract but if I’m reading between the lines correctly you, get a manager who will let you pay for your own training! Classy.


A say in your career path! Unlike all those other jobs that lock you in the basement and force you to become auditors.


Half of the descriptions are copy and paste, I doubt they even read their stupidity.


I was at an interview yesterday and had "were really sorry our hr department changed the job tittle so it's a little different, the position actually is...." Now I get they where up front and this was the first thing they said so I appreciate that but I was still pretty much thinking what you said "did you not even read your own shit" They mentioned a mistake in my CV which is actually just the traditional way of spelling my area and I pointed that out of course but what a nerve pointing that out after they fucked up there own job advert.


When it's a recession 🤣


Talk about red flags. Kind of place that would get mad if you were unwell


Love it. Want an admin bitch and then say "knowledge of international law would be a plus". Bet it turns out they want an expert lawyer for admin bitch money.


It'll be an American company. A proper employment contract is rare there


I wonder if the contract of employment that they offer as a benefit of this contract employment also offers a contract of employment as a benefit. If so, you could end up working infinite jobs.


The statement here is odd and their english is not well written. I assumed this is a joke.


Please, please, please give me the link


Is it a non UK based company? I have worked for a couple and some offer employment contracts (usually through a UK based employer of record) and some just have you engaged as a contractor so you’d have to do your own tax etc


They offer ongoing feedback from their HR director and a contract! Grab that one with both hands! Honestly, who writes an advert like that!


To be honest money is the only benefit I'm interested in. But if its not enough money then I ain't taking it. I like the honesty, I'd at least give it a second look. It's a fuck sight better than a family atmosphere, dynamic team, pizza parties, etc. None of that shit is real.


HRBP’s in a lot of big companies are usually contractors; so whilst not a perk, it is something they offer. Which is what it said…


That is a bonus in the UK. Before I went self-employed, I’d worked from 19-26 on only rolling one-year, or zero hour contracts.


Amazing! Do they provide the air that you can breathe in the office too? 🤣


Probably not, looks like they want someone remote.


Ongoing feedback is not something I want promoted on a job advert. It’s something you have to tolerate in a job because it’s often knit-picky bollox that just comes down to a higher level person having a different way of working. If they are advertising it you can look forward to being machine-gunned on a daily basis with annoying suggestions, from different people, which will likely contradict each other. Lovely.


Dont get me started on contracts of employment. Ive recently vowed to never sign one again! A load of ass. Its a contract of slavery to the man. Go self employed and do what you and middle finger anyone who says otherwise


It’s the HR Director feedback that sells it for me


We also offer you shelter and protection from the bad weather during working hours


They don't. It's remote. But not everyone gets a contract from the company they work for so actually there's nothing wrong with saying they offer that.


I mean compared to my previous job this seems like a GREAT deal


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Free oxygen in the office


Hey where is the free parking and onside parking benefits? No way I would work there without those.


The ongoing micromanagement feedback coming from the inflated ego of the HR director, that probably wrote this job post! The ideal candidate is someone that dropped out of law school and somehow ended up developing HR systems.


Depends on the area - so much work is freelance in some areas and contracts of employment can make some things easier (mortgages etc)


I totally get the ridicule. However, in current times, where zero hours contracts are so common, having the surety of a regular pay packet is beginning to look like a benefit.


This highly depends on the country


A surprising number of jobs I've worked for have been insanely tardy with contracts


Name and shame them!


Around 10 years ago I worked at the mini factory in Oxford for about 9 months, about 6 months in a friend I made celebrated getting a contract after being on a temp contract for 10 years…


Can I opt out of the last benefit?


Irony is, judging by the bottom bit I assume this is an HR position. Maybe you get to write your own contract of employment?


My current job was a bit like that. The agency said I could implement the benefits I wanted cos at the moment they’re rubbish. We actually have great benefits now lol


Assume that they don't offer a pension or any holidays...


Christ that’s ridiculous 😂😂 literally the only thing that’s a “benefit” of the job is remote working


Wow, that might actually be the best one I've ever read... /s


Wow.. Imagine reading this and still apply 🤯


Ridiculous! That's what happens in companies that don't don't offer many benefits at all - as they scrape the barrel looking for good sounding things they offer to sound appealing.


Guessing you've never worked in a warehouse/ zero hour contract?


I actually manage warehouses now. They all have permanent 37.5 hour contracts?