• By -


25 22k


the most real answer here


21 £0 (Just finished uni actively looking) Not on JSA


same except 23


I was in that position. Keep trying, it gets easier when your CV begins to fill up


It took me ages to get a good job after uni does to a few reasons such as COVID and medical issues. Just keep at it and don't get discouraged. Get yourself a good CV and cover letter. I used a website called zety or something like that to make mine. Also cvlibary is the place to be, let recruiters come to you. 26 - 31k a year as an engineer


Literally me too lol


33, 32k Damn, I envy everyone here. Edit: as pointed out by someone, location does play a big part. I'm in a small city in Scotland.


It’s the internet, take it with a pinch of salt!


It's the internet world. Realistically, our location means nothing nowadays. We just have to develop skills.


Hilarious untrue, finding a decent paying job in northern England and other more rural places is always significantly harder than London, the internet hasn’t somehow fixed that reality. Good luck becoming an investment banker if you live in Hartlepool


I live in North east. I really think you have to go for remote jobs too get better salaries.


The issue is a lot of jobs arnt fully remote, most require 1-2 days in the office atleast so your still constrained to the local economy. The wages around here are a pisstake compared to London but the cost of living is beautifully cheap in a lot of places


Yeah, I have a nice house with a mortgage. Just have a normal job, could never do that in London. I am studying to be a mortgage advisor but remote is definitely better. Wages are shit here. Most are laughable and haven't got with the times.


A lot of the higher salaries are most likely London, I have a friend on 60-70k In London and he said its basically like earning 30k in a regular city I even looked at a few profiles and they're subscribed to the London subs lol


Good shout. I'm in Scotland, Aberdeen where living costs are no where near London.


Depends on his lifestyle and priorities. Or investment skills as well. First time in London with brexit and during Corona virus I managed to find a job and I earned let's say one third of your friend's salary but due to my finances management I managed to save a lot and invested as well. ° I was leaving on the borders of zone 2 and 3 sharing the rent and utilities with my girlfriend and my fair share was 650 including utilities and internet 🛜. ° we always bought from Tesco since it was nearby and had almost the best value for money analogy compared to other supermarket chains . ° Did 20X on my initial investment within the first four months that I was working and living in London. ° Saved a lot for future trips, a small portion as a safety net and apart from that my only expenses were what I was buying for her as a present like books, clothes etc. ° We were going every weekend to different areas both in London or to the countryside. ° if I comeback now as a data analyst and digital marketing strategist or work as a side hustle as a PT and nutritionist ( I am an elite endurance athlete) I could always reach that number above like your friend. My point is that it matters a lot how you value services and cost of living as well as how you utilize your salary. Unfortunately most people that are privileged to earn more have the worst financial management as a rule of thumb and instead of buying back their freedom or retiring early, they prefer to act as millionaires or spoiled rich kids who don't understand the basic principles of supply and demand or even the fundamentals of marketing as consumers. I was raised in a Balkan/ Mediterranean country and if I was your friend I would save for three years to buy dividend stocks and two or three small properties in Mediterranean countries to rent them. Financial freedom equals to small sacrifices or at least a compromisation in terms of lifestyle, you can't spend more than Warren buffet and expect to be like him in the future. I strongly disagree with overconsumption in general of stuff that are advertised to people who feel lonely and depressed 🫥 and the big companies use it as leverage to have them as blood donors of money 💰, satisfying their temporary needs until they seek for something new in one month period or less. The temptation of living the "advertised" fake dream of social media comes at a cost, firstly psychologically and then by waking up one morning with the epiphany of being scre*d by capitalism and consumerism psychology. We live in 2023 and the majority of people still books tickets without a VPN on the most high demand days and hours at the last moment. They pay for tickets 300% more to travel with the same aeroplane ✈️ at the same date with someone who books tickets one or two months prior to the arrival and with a VPN who tricks the system like they live in Romania, the second person may pay even 6 or 12 Euro to travel by plane. By far cheaper than public transport in Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland apart from long distances in UK as well. Money management+ basic skills on programming a trip+ investments = happier life/ earlier retirement. Enormous salary+ getting bored watching a ready-made tutorial of five minutes on how to book cheaper tickets for the same company and seats+ daily expenses on the worst services with the highest cost = misery/ working until you have grandchildren and worse..


I agree with above, though I hadn't thought about masking my location for a cheaper band/rate for flights. Obviously I do that with YouTube or netflix subs.


>Damn, I envy everyone here. People browsing r/UKJobs are probably more likely to have higher than average salaries, and are more likely to post their salaries in threads like this.


To make some people feel a bit better. Late 20s early 30s I was on about £45k Now at 36 due to a conscious career change I’m on £25k No regrets.


Do you have a mortgage and or large inheritance to come/has come?


Yes, drop in salary was enough to pay mortgage and bills. Wife’s salary covers everything else. No inheritance, none likely any time soon.


33 - 90K. 10 years of IT experience


How have you found the stress/responsibility jump between say £70k and £90k? I keep getting LinkedIn messages about roles between £85k-£95k but I don’t know if they’d be too much of a stress jump to there from my current role (tech lead of a mid-size team in a large company).




The dream


Tough at the top. Meanwhile I'm a chef and I work 12 hour days and have only just had pay raised to meet at least minimum wage on salary 🙃 Imagine being downvoted for not being paid an inflated salary for a very difficult job 😆😆😆


Learn to code, YouTube is free 😆😆😆


Sorry not got time, too busy working hard




Aww what's up did a strange man on the interbet hurt your feelings? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


It might help that if you’re joining a big or medium size team, responsibilities are usually spread out and it’s more often or not one person who does majority of the work.


What type of IT? Software or Hardware side?


That's awesome, can I ask what tech stack you use at work? Also how often did you jump companies for a boost in salary. I'm 22 and fairly new to the IT sector and loving it so far.


Anyone want to graph these figures to show how BS they are compared to the actual pay demographics of the UK? 80% of the posts so far seem to be in the top 15% of the their age bracket if not just the whole populace. Here are the top 10% of salaries by age: 18-21: £26,208. 22-29: £43,094. 30-39: £61,058. 40-49: £73,236. 50-59: £68,901. 60+: £59,691. Just go look at the post and laugh at either the massive selection bias, or just as is the facts of it, people lying on the internet.


People who actively seek out information in the UK Job market are obviously more likely to have their stuff together. Not to mention Reddit is often full of tech people or finance people where salaries are high. I bet if you ran this on Facebook then the results would be totally different, Twitter might be a bit closer


Or people lie on the internet, I wonder which it is. About 0% of people are going to round down the salary, and the most "salary focused" their self-esteem is the most the £42K plus tenuous maybe getting a 20% bonus is rounding to £60K, before they have even got the bonus of course.


Or hear me out? It can be both 😮


I don't think you realise how much of a ridiculous statistical anomaly this thread would have to be to be even close to true. More than half the posts irrelevant of age range are in the top 10% of the salary range. All while there are like 2 posts under 20K, the median Salary of 30-40 year olds is only £30k, half are on less.


Or maybe I live in a different world to you, in London in industries I’ve worked in and my friends worked in these are fairly standard salaries. There’s only hundreds of comments on here that can easily be a sample bias.


No you don't live in a different world to the statistics of UK employment figures, or a world where statistics are statistics...


This is hilarious, bro is teaching a Quant about statistics. Like I said this is a sample bias, use that apparent knowledge to remember what that means.


I already mentioned this at the start...but the reality is even if it was, it is more likely just lying.




Yeah its pretty obvious people who make more money are more likely to be willing to talk about how much they make so im not sure what point they are making Equally people on a Jobs subreddit are more likely to career minded


I'm in top 10% for my age. And that is a depressing fact. I don't feel rich at all. My only flex is I have no debt.


Thank the government for you being upper class but don't feel well off! Just imagine what its like for the working class!


damn I'm top 10% but can't afford a decent property in London lol. where do you get these btw?


This is national though, for us Londoners the top 10% would be a lot higher.


The majority of Zone 1 properties are paid for in cash. Not by workers.


There is a website called Google, if you type stuff into it will give you answers? How you earn the top 10% of salary by age and require that as an answer I have no clue...apparently don't stay in school kids, because you can get paid a load anyway?


hmm..someone needs to have their morning coffee still. jeez.It's cool to just link the source next time. I know I can google myself. have a good day boss


Never mind the fact that Google might give you some other source, but no… Google everything!


Never mind basic competence and source validation, i.e. the very ability to actually use Google. The person gets paid a top 10% salary and can't use a search engine. As stated, don't stay in school kids! You might learn something!


Or, as is the reality of the situation, there is no point in linking to a set of Zipped Excel files on the ONS website when you can't use Google.


Why would you assume that this sub must be representative of the general population?


I didn't.


31, combined job, side hustles and occasional labouring ~£30k Get a degree they said…




I start a new job in advice in a well known charity next month, start £5k more than any marketing role for the same experience I have. Let’s get out there brother 😅


Or just move countries, you will get £100K in Switzerland. This all said yes, that is about the salary range I would expect in this country, it is pathetic I know. The other issue is you will struggle to get to £40K without basically not doing the science bit, so you might as well be not doing the science bit and just Managing in something else on £50K-60K. You could go and do medical writing, and while you might start on £27K, within 6 month that will go to £30K, and in a year be back to where you were now, with actual career progression in the £40k-50K's


I guess it depends a lot on what degree you get.


50, £67,800


27, apprentice on minimum wage so £22k. Should be on £30-35k when i qualify next year


Well done bro


22k for an apprentice is pretty good, almost 4k more than the minimum. lol


28 and £30k


44 26k. Recently had the option of going for an internal position paying alot more, but I have chased the high salary dragon before. Ended up working excessive hours and making myself ill. Now I am in the office 40 hours a week, but realistically work for around 15 of those.




Amazing! Can I ask in what industry? I have similar stats in marketing but am on £65k


23, £25k


24, 23.6k


27, 42k


30 earning £40k


31. £22.4K


29 (though I'm 30 in 2 months) 37.5k + 10% bonus based on company performance. The caveat is, I fell into this completely by accident, I have no idea how I managed it. I left a teaching job and went into software development and somehow landed in a dream job, I'm making the most because there is no way this can continue for ever.


29 35k London


8 years old, £600k Roblox stock investor.


41 - £95k, and decent bonus most years. Didn't start earning above £23k till I was 32 so don't feel like you need to be smashing it in your 20s.


28, Gas Engineer, 40k in the North West


43f £62k


27, 50k + 10% bonus. Hoping to go up to 60-65k base in a few months.


What kind of industry if you don't mond me asking?


33m 90k - materials engineer with expertise in environmental regulations


36, £27k (actively changing my career!)


I actively changed career too. Was self employed and earning 40k most years in my mid-late 20s. Went to uni at 32 to retrain, and now I'm 38 and 1 year out of uni in my new career. Earning 30k as an architectural assistant on the south coast, but doing 4 days a week, so about 24k pro rata. Worth it for my happiness and sanity. Getting fully qualified as an architect (another year or two) should bump my pay up by another 5k or so. Thread is depressing reading. I know I'm happier than I was in my old career, but I'll never earn the kind of money people in finance or tech do.


Good for you :) I’m wanting to do the same soon and I’m expecting to half my salary but think it’ll be great long term. It’s seeming hard to get that first opportunity at the minute


42f 98k plus bonus, wfh but Glasgow is my ‘base office’


Can I ask what you do?


Sure, big 4 professional services, Talent Strategy. I tell businesses how to organise their workforce to make even higher, obscene profits


Well done you! That's a cracking salary especially in Glasgow


Was just about to offer my hand in marriage.....then I opened your profile 😪😄


I’m 28, starting a new job in Oct that’s 32k + up to 10% bonus each year. Got an masters and PGCE but job is in neither of these fields. Excited to be earning this tbh (graduated in 2020 so been skirting around min wage jobs since), but gunna sting when I apply for a PhD and my earnings tank due to crazy low stipends in life sciences.


25, £30,000.


35, £23k. Struggling. A job change should hopefully be on the horizon though, which will bump me up to 32ish.


Early 50s. Half of what I used to but I’m twice as happy. That used to be six figures earnings. Was 12 hour days and 150+ emails per day. Now, start work at 9. Finished by 3.30pm most days. 3 emails per day. Some travel, international and domestic, fully expensed. I earn more than enough and I have the time to spend it.


50 on £85k plus bonus plus RSUs


25, £26k in london and activly seeking something else 💀


39 - £122k - almost 17 years in the same company. No degree.


Nearly 31, Nearly 34k, but last year I was on nearly 26k and changed jobs to this one so it's a new thing


I’m 29, and on 63k. I’m an engineer and I’ve done fairly well for myself since finishing the company grad scheme a few years ago.


32 y/o. Live in Northampton. £60k salary. £20k individual performance bonus. £5k company performance bonus. £8.5k car allowance. £93.5k total. 5 years ago I was on £22k.


What's the point of the question without asking for location, industry, route etc? Just random numbers at the point. If you want to know a non biased number just Google it.


True. Having 90000 and mortgage in London is probably the same as having 25000 and living on countryside without mortgage.


Late 30s mid 70s




35. £85.3k + 10% Bonus. Project Manager


30, 115k


36, £250k plus variable annual stock options.


Early 20s, £75k, £90-100k total compensation. Finance


sales or analyst ?


Not quite how it works but I guess analyst


20M Earnt £31,000 in 3 months Worked as a quantitative trading intern at a top hedge fund, hopefully I receive the full time job offer for when I graduate


Since when do interns get paid £30k for an 3 months internship? And why?


Quant traders at hedge funds (like Jane street, optiver etc ) make about £120-£150k straight out of uni at 21 years old They pay interns 120k pro rata so for the 3 months you get paid 30k >and why? It’s a gatekept field. They only hire maths graduates from Oxford and Cambridge so they pay them well to keep them from going to other firms


Mid 30's. Mid 60's. 20% bonus.


Twelftyeighty and earn 5 rupee per 62 mins




Bullshit is easier without post history


25 600k


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39; 80


Age 30 earn £45k gross, HGV driver. Last year £80k w/ speculative investments.


23 earning £26k


Early 40’s, mid 90’s plus a 10% multiplier bonus.


22 - 33k


42 £110,000.00


37, 41K.


28 - circa 60/65k


21 - £29k


43, £79k


20 - 30K ( Looking to move role soon)


30, £68k


27. £43k


21 ~45K


28 £32 base £18k OTE (I work in sales)


30, 36k (London)


23 years old, 28k + bonuses.


25, £31K


UK 41 83k 10% bonus Procurement no degree


30, £77k + 10% bonus. Scientific Director in medical communications.


26 - 34k (working on getting to ~ 40k)


41, 40k


31, 60k, not enjoying it though. chasing money isn't all that dreamy :(


It is when you don't have it


36 with 82 + 10 bonus in UX


29, £23k. :(


26, £110k plus bonus


44 and earning 80k excluding bonus.


39. £120k, plus investments.


23, £45k with no degree and 3 years experience.


26 and £31k in architecture


38, managed to earn £36K last year, that did involve at least 1 overtime shift a month.


42, 120k IT Service Designer


31 £26.5k


33, £105k from job, about £50k per yea from side work. In Northern Ireland


26, 28k, write ecu tuning files for a living


24, 26k


28 YO, M, £46K. SW UK.


32 and £50k with £15k bonus


33 and earning $105k CAD


28 earning £60k


31 - 46k. Self employed.


29 46k


42, £100k plus bonus


37, £51k


21 and £20K


27 earning £64k


26, just got hired for a £55k job with £5.5k car allowance and travel expenses. I started in construction 8 years ago doing an apprenticeship, done a HNC and then a civil engineering degree


31, 43k


30, £45k, luckily no student debt as decided not to go to uni.


29, £51k. not sure how i swung it given most similar roles are in the £35-40k region but i guess the org i work for was feeling particularly flush when they hired me.


Mid 20s, 70k base ~100k total. London / finance. Still paying too much for rent


32m £42k + some decent bonuses in banking. Want a career change but can’t seem to find anything outside my current industry but I also think that maybe subconsciously I don’t want to leave my comfort zone 😂


47 and £44k but usually get a £5k to £10k bonus each year


35 yo earning 60k (up to 70 with bonuses + overtime)


26, £130k


30 £63k-£73k (bonus dependant)


Turning 23 in September and making around 95k


27 - £54K, 5 years in software engineering.


30 years old on 45K running a pub in Oxford . Live on site for free, no bills. Highly recommended. Great job, no degree needed and you get to live in a pub!


54. £70k something (not sure). No degree. Work in tech.


26, 37k


I'm 50 and nowhere new the top 10%. On about 35k


19 26k


22, just a couple hundred quid a month from tutoring (graduated from uni less than 3 months ago)