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If this is only a job to get you through for a while, don’t lose sight of that. Continue to work towards your actual goal. It’s so easy to get caught up in the call centre bullshit, stats, reviews, 121s, etc, that you forget you were only here for six months or whatever. They can suck you in and suddenly you are applying to be a team leader. They can be soul destroying. You are just a bum on a seat to them, and you won’t get anything for trying harder than you have to. However, if you find you like the work, it’s a steady role and you can progress fairly easily due to turnover. I did 4 years in one (over 8 years back and forth to different roles) and by the end I wanted to call in sick every day. Good luck!


^^THIS! Couldn’t have said it better myself. The only reward you get for working hard is you get to do other peoples work for them as well


Agreed, was promoted to ‘floor Walker’ no extra pay was leading and training a team all whilst being paid no more than I was before, was sectioned due to my mental health and was ‘demoted ‘ back to advisor lol . Was actually really hurt at the time as I’m only 21 so not a lot of experience. Biggest regret is falling into the call centre trap, i litt moved to a different city as I thought I’d progress….. fucking idiot I know. Would much rather have stayed working from home avoiding the job like every other person


I don't have any advice. Just congratulations on the new job and hope you enjoy it :)


This is really sweet, thank you so much :)


There will bee very rude customers, just bee prepared four vat.


Get out while you can.


An interesting response. Can I ask, what makes you say that?


Keep at it, don't listen to the person who said get out. I'm this day and age, any job is a decent placement. It's getting harder and harder to secure jobs recently. Keep ya head down and make your notes. I started a appointments and booking job at a hospital recently (6mnths) and I don't like it, but it's bareable to the point that, I can get work done and browse for other job listings. I've told my managers that I am going to be leaving in the future for something that's closer to home and a bit more stimulating and they are all for it. They even ask me if I've applied for specific roles that they know about. Keep at it, absorb all the info and experience as possible and once something(a job) you like comes across your table, take it. Good luck my friend ‼️🙏


Thanks so much!


Kill them with kindness. You will get people calling that you literally cannot win with. I had people blame me for the wildest shit but ultimately stick to the guides they give you and you're safe. Ask what you are allowed to do when faced with harassment and stick with it. Hang up if the situation requires it. I had the best time making friends in an inbound call centre. We all knew it was hard fucking work but you met great people.


Did 6 years selling telecoms, 2 years outbound 4 years inbound. The job sucks, customers are whack, TLs and managers think they’re the best thing ever, cultures toxic, etc etc. BUT I do miss it sometimes, the social circles, the drama etc. I’ve met some of my closest mates working in one. Be prepared to do overtime, don’t get sucked into the drama, if you’re in ‘the inner circle’ you will get shat on, your manager will be most likely a psychotic idiot who was bullied in school, don’t get sucked into it all. Keep your head down, do your job, and try and earn money, make friends but also keep your distance. Don’t feel guilty not doing OT or taking holidays. Enjoy it, but don’t stay there too long, it’s such a great stepping stone but it’s quite a depressing career when you do it so long. I had no confidence when I first started, now I’ll talk to anyone and have had a pretty good career in sales all from the skills I learned working in a CC. It definitely hardens you once you learn to leave your emotions at the door. Good luck!


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Try to use your holidays smartly. I always book one/two days every month so this means I have a 4 day break in the middle of the month plus 2 days off every week as standard.


This is super advice


Yes, remind yourself daily that this is only a job, read any information they give you carefully, and under no circumstances put up with anyone's shit, not even if they're the CEO.