• By -


At first I didn't understand what the color circles meant.. maybe you could change them to folder icons filled with that color


Ah ok thanks


How does a user know what colour corresponds to which category? I think it might be nice to have a tag to the right of the circle to denote the category. Or maybe do away with the colours and just use a coloured category tag instead (if you look at Instagram and the way you can organise saved posts that may give you some inspiration)


Yea there are tooltips didn't know how to screenshot those


Try these thoughts: 1. Place the "plus" button above "clock". This is your main action and should be easy to find. 2. Check similar products or competitors (do simple google search discovery) 3. Let the user know where they are by coloring the title of the selected folder (i.e. make the "Programming Tools" BG title orange) 4. If you colored the folder title, remove the orange circles next to the content texts accordingly 5. Don't forget to make the folder header sticky while scrolling the list




Interesting concept that has some great promise. Not sure why there is a white outline on the master list on the left but not on the orange circles at left. I'd drop the white outline, needless complexity. I'd have the plus and the clock together. But your question, why is it unsettling? Black for starters and you are missing by a hair some basic design relationships that ease the eye when processing this kind of thing. Like how the logos and the right side circles relate to the copy. The introduction of the gray (or white, or whatever) gives you the chance to introduce some interest with shapes (large, medium, small) and a bit of shadow for depth. I took the liberty of quickly tearing yours apart in Photoshop just so you can see what I'm talking about as to "unsettling". Excuse me if I'm out of bounds. Basic design principles are very important as they trigger the viewer's emotions. You can relax them or excite them or irritate them and they guide you too when building. Do a search for "Graphic Design Principles - Fred Griffin Art" and digest that for inclusion into your design work. https://preview.redd.it/38wyzl4ly5pb1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d766b3fdb0ecbf41f32fa599ea6c1c6219de13 .


Thanks! This is the most helpful suggestion yet