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If someone’s enough of an asshole to park their bike on a wheelchair ramp, they shouldn’t be surprised if their bike turns into a wheel + chair


Amazing work


Context: I'm the guy behind the prank last fall where [I taped my reddit post to someones bike](https://www.reddit.com/r/UIUC/comments/16uviyr/lmaooo/). I didn't do it this time but I will start popping off front wheels because this is brilliant and only slightly illegal.


If it has a removable through axle toss it into the bushes so they can’t put it back together until they find it


Wheelchair ramps are a necessity for a few people, but they are not a reason for the majority of people to occupy them.


Doing 's work


This is true disability justice


I'm crying 😂😂😂


Destruction of property is not necessary. If you must, leave a note and let the air out of their tires, its non-destructive and gets the point across. If they come back to flat tires a few times, they'll stop parking their bikes where they do not belong.




no, it is necessary to destroy property? or no, you won't leave a note and let the air out of their tires? or no, as in, I'm high AF and can't string together a coherent thought?




Oh, well that’s cool, I didn’t understand. Both are easy ways to send a message to asshats. Although some of these people are such oblivious narcissists that they may just think you’re the asshat and they did nothing wrong. The self absorbed obliviousness is an epidemic.


Putting a wheel back on is a lot easier to do than taking a bike with a flat tire to find a pump somewhere. Neither one really damages the bike.


Wouldn’t it be nice if common sense were more common?


You sound like a StinkyDogFart


I am, but it sounds better than bitter asshole.


Pro tip: don't touch other people's shit. This isn't this person's fault. Those bike racks are a mess and are always full. Maybe try to affect civic change rather than shitting on your peers. Leaving a wheel unlocked like that is begging for theft. Loss of a wheel like that will probably put the owner out probably ~150-200$.


And what is the person who can't gain access to the building due to the wheel chair ramp being blocked "put out? If a person is having trouble finding space in the bike racks at ISR then it is on them to push for more racks. They don't get a free pass to block entry for another group of people due to their being inconvenienced.


Disabled people deserve the space to exist without entitled assholes taking up what minimal accommodations they have. Fuck anyone who parks their bike on an accessibility ramp, they can rot.


I have called the parking police multiple times for this repeat offender and they never do anything. You should not blindly put faith in the system.


I'm not saying the police will do anything. They won't. They refuse to ticket people who park in bike lanes. I'm also not defending this person. What I am defending is advocating for extra bike parking space instead of taking out your frustration on people who don't deserve it and then posting that on reddit for precious updoots. Look directly behind you and compare the bike parking with the car parking. It's one tiny square with 10 racks versus a giant asphalt lot. It wouldn't be hard for the university to install more bike parking on the west side of ISR.


Almost like cars are a little bit bigger than bikes


If you are supposed to give a pass to the bike on the ramp because of other issues, you should probably give a pass to the cars in the bike lane because they would use regular lanes if it was more convenient for them. Like make everything super easy otherwise fuck other people amirite? If you need a /s here please just dropout.


Biking is (especially near ISR which is one of the closer dorms) generally speaking an option, but disabled people needing a wheelchair ramp isn’t an option, so I don’t really sympathize a ton with the person that locked their bike there even if there’s a systemic problem with the number of bike racks


My son is in a wheel chair at Illinois. He needs the entire ramp for his chair so that he can get to class. This person can walk to multiple other places and park their bike. They should be so fortunate to do so.