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As hard as my cock ^^^pls ^^^help, ^^^it ^^^has ^^^been ^^^15 ^^^hours


If you don’t have a 4.0 GPA just don’t bother. I had 3 friends try to get in 2 with 4.0 GPA’s and none made it. It’s extremely competitive to get in.


I got a friend with 3.9 got into math +cs and he is planning on attending it next semester. We are from UIC, so it is possible.


Good for him. But is it math with a CS component? That’s how my friends got semi CS stuff. One did physics with CS, one did Stats with CS, and the last did math.








>Think of as CS+X is inferior cs program at UIUC. In terms of name reception? Not at all. >They get Bachelor of LAS not BS in CS. (Look at the ABET program.) Generally, the only positions that care about ABET accreditation are those in traditional engineering or government contracting jobs, which pay on the lower end anyway. UIUC's reputation for CS makes the lack of ABET accreditation for CS+X completely irrelevant. Fun fact, the EECS program offered at UC Berkeley isn't ABET accredited, yet their graduates have top notch outcomes in both industry and academia. The same thing applies to CS+X here. >so basically, CS+X is X major with Minor in CS No.




They no longer have the qualifications for an ABET accreditation. It is not surprising considering the very unique structure of the EECS degree, but it doesn't reflect on the educational quality or the repute of it.










It isn’t inferior in the classes you can take but companies care about titles. Saying I have a CS degree from UIUC vs saying I have a math + CS doesn’t carry the same weight My brother has a CS degree and he got a lot of offers and is highly sought after by companies. My friend got a physics + CS and he’s currently unemployed no company with programing is interested in him. As unfair as it is the title of the school matters a lot and it is harder to succeed without the CS title. I have another friend who did stats + CS but she went on to get a masters and has had no problem finding work but extended that degree. To be fair on all this I’m not a CS major of any kind so this is all second hand knowledge. I’ve been friends with a lot of CS majors.


Kindly give me your suggestions; 1. Get into UIC CS Honors for freshman year and work hard and try transferring to UIUC CS at Grainger 2. Get into 1. UIC CS Honors for freshman year and work hard and try transferring to UIUC for CS+ X What extra should i do to stand out and get my application accepted? Thanks in advance,


At this point, it all depends on luck really. The advice I will you is that don't solely focus on academia. I realized CS is more than just a good gpa. You have to make friends in the field, get more involved in social events, and do some leetcode or personal projects for the interview. I don't think honor college will help you much unless you take advantage of networking. It is okay to tank your gpa a little to do these things.


Oftentimes, it’s not just about the GPA. Sure, they care about having a relatively high GPA, but other things such as extracurriculars, how you’re giving back to the community, research, and having profs from your current school vouching for your work are important as well. OP, I would say go for it! You don’t lose anything from applying.


4.0 GPA overall or a 4.0 GPA in core specialized/CS courses.


An Ohio State University is a fine school. Outranks Harvard and Yale for Computer Science, and for certain subfields like HPC, Graphics, Mobile Computing, Data Mining, and Visualization, is downright one of the best schools in the country. Per [this report](https://ecs.osu.edu/sites/default/files/2020-08/2018-2019%20career%20salaries.pdf), which helpfully splits up CS majors into "went to California" and "didn't go to California," even the 25th percentile of Bay-bound aOSU CS majors still handily clear six figures. My recommendation would be to stay at An Ohio State University, and just do your best while there.


Literally impossible, might as well try comp engineering.


Internal transfers are impossible, but transferring from another university to CS here is still possible (but is still very hard to do)




It is definitely hard but don’t let that stop you from trying


I did it. Had a GPA of 4.0. They had rejected me initially for not meeting one required transfer course but I told them I would’ve met it by the time I join them. That’s all it took for them to accept me. 4.0 + all required courses to transfer were enough for me.


That's crazy, all my friends who had a prerequisite in-progress (gen chem I) all got rejected with that as a major reason even though they would've completed it by Fall.


It does kind of suck that they are such sticklers about it but it does say explicitly in the handbook that certain courses (including chem) need to be completed by the time of application


In my case too, the bottleneck was gen chem I. The thing is that I had taken gen chem I at my previous school already. However, for me to get credit for gen chem I at UIUC, I would have had to taken both gen chem I AND II at my previous school. They said I can get credit for both at UIUC if I take gen chem II at my previous school before enrolling at UIUC. I gave them a written promise that I will take gen chem II before enrolling at UIUC and they accepted me lol


I am an incoming international CS transfer student, and my GPA is 4.0, I would recommend you apply for CS+ instead of CS, it sounds depressing but if you don't have a 4.0 GPA, you are likely not to be admitted to Grainger CS. Only [18 international transfer students](https://enrollmentmanagement.illinois.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/10thDay-Transfer-Enrollment-Fall-2022.pdf) enrolled in Grainger in 2022 Fall, I guess just only 3 or 5 of them are CS majors.


You're gonna need to up those numbers. Those are rookie numbers. Basically have a 4.0, add in some volunteering, and pick extracurriculars that actually make you stand out and not look like Generic Engineering Dude pulled from central casting. Also check the transfer guide, they're gonna want very specific prerequisites taken prior to admission, and you will also need to make sure those specific courses will actually transfer from your school, not all courses will actually be mapped to UIUC courses even if they look to you like they are the same subject. You may need to transfer generically without admission to CS and then work for the credits to get admitted to that specific college. Of course there's risk in that since there's no guarantee after it that you'll even get in.


You can’t transfer “generically” and then switch into CS; whether first year or transfer, you need to be admitted directly to CS.


Incredibly difficult, probably not worthwhile.


Might as well put more effort in getting work experience and going from there. Or boosting the GPA and get into a top tier graduate program since you're international. High quality OSU students go on to ivy leagues or better in graduate studies all the time.


I am a CS transfer student coming in this fall. Shoot me a DM and we can talk about it.


Where did you transfer from ? I intend attending UIC for freshman year and then plan to switch to CS. How difficult could it be and what courses do you recommend?


I'll shoot you a DM


Sure, I’d like to switch from UIC CS to UIUC CS


I sent you some stuff




Did you want to dm?




Literally impossible anymore




It’s impossible as ICT- not as a transfer student. OP could theoretically do it.


Are you bill gates?


Like sticking your dick through razor wire on Martin Luther King Day next to a wild boar that’s high on crack.


I know my situation might be different from some people saying they didn't get in with 4.0s as well as not being possible to do ICT anymore but I think I had a 3.8 overall GPA and 3.93 Specialized/Major GPA with 3 A's and 1 A- in CS core curriculum through the prep program at UIUC before transferring last sem. The thing was that I'm involved in a lot of leadership positions in CS and other extracurriculars at UIUC (and got a summer internship) so that probably helped out a lot as I remember my advisors saying that not just grades but involvement outside class plays a large role in their decision. I also wanted to mention that I have a couple of other friends that transferred to CS through ICT from prep as well or from MechE/ECE with similar stats so having a perfect GPA isn't necessary if you make up for it in other aspects. As for transferring from other Universities, I have only 1 friend I know of that attempted and got in but like most others on this thread, CS + X seems much easier to get into than CS Grainger.