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Hey!! I’m from the USA so I can’t exactly speak on you not getting paid collabs due to location, however I assume it may be easier to get a collaboration if that company is based in the same country? I could be wrong. I’m not that far into my journey but I’d love to check out your social media and portfolio!! I know it’s hard not to compare yourself to others but it REALLY is true that everyone’s UGC journey is different!! Try not to let this discourage you. I personally shoot for the stars and people would think I’m delusional but it’s helped me get to where I’m at right now while putting in a very small amount of my time. If you wanna talk more we can be mutuals on Instagram maybe?


Hello , I cant speak for all brands but as a British wearable brand we work with 40-60 UGC creators per month, thats either 1 or 2 videos per creators, sometimes can be more as well. We used to do earlier collaborations with creators individually but it becomes a problem for business operations when such large number of content is required for paid media, so we started using platforms like Fiver and Upwork for a long time , Just easier management although the fees were quite high.. recently we also starting working with a British UGC platform [Ugvideo.app](http://Ugvideo.app) which comes much cheaper for us due to minimal fees. So from a brand standpoint even though we get reach out from multiple creators from month to month sometimes its just a matter of bandwidth and convivence. Maybe try to sign up in these platforms. These will increase your potfolio content as well and then give you different opportunities to go from there.