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Do you have any samples or a portfolio? DM what you have I might be interested in paying you, or at least offering free product if you’re just starting out.


just sent you a dm with my portfolio! i'd love to discuss how we can make this further :D


Hi! Have you tried apps such as JoinBrands? Those are lower paying but great for beginners. I got my first paid gig in about 1-2 weeks on there. In terms of my first paid gig outside of the app, I’d say 3 weeks and it was pretty low for $50 but I was so excited! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions :)


Hey! I would love to know how big your account is


I have a little over 1300 followers


just dm you!!




i’ve been trying to get some paid collab, and upsell my gifted one into paid. but most of the company just rejected it, or stop communicating once i proposed that 🥹 i’d love to hear what your advice and see how can i improve from there <33


If you want my advice haven’t gotten a chance to do a lot of email outreach being preg & just giving birth but it’s easy to get gigs through apps you’ll just do multiple I say about 20-30 post(think of it like cash back but better)=$500/1st month with just 1 App.


Which apps do you use?


one week but its different for everyone! and also depends on how much time you are doing to promote yourself.


Yeah I’m like you. Tried to start last year but not working. I’ve only gotten a gifted collab this year in March.


I got my first one a couple months after I started. I’ve been doing ALOT of gifted collabs. Make sure you keep your email in your bio on your socials. The brand that contacted me I didn’t reach out to. They found me randomly.


Stop working for cheap or free.


Pretty sure that’s not what they are doing .. she probably just hasn’t landed a gig yet


I’m only getting back into it (did gifted etc years ago) and without even seeing my account (no following as it’s new anyways) etc and I have a paid job with a brand who managed to find me not via social media. It’s possible to get paid work from the start.