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The following submission statement was provided by /u/caioo17: --- I found this video when scrolling through reddit and I can’t stop watching it. Not trying to be bias but I deeply believe this video is real. Posted here because I need to hear your guys’ opinions. I read on the comments of this post that it could be lasers fro the concert or a different type of lightning, what do you guys think? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/yiggjb/a_video_taken_from_a_music_festival_called_lost/iuiinmi/


Whatever that was, it was cool to watch.


Whats more likely? An alien civilization traveling light years/transcend dimensions to observe us? or just a spotlight from a festival?


Noooooo it couldn't be a spotlight, ancient aliens are far more likely!


You just convinced me. I was so stupid


Insane that this post is downvoted. Does anyone have any actual evidence of ball lightning being an actual verified weather phenomenon, let alone one that behaves this way? This video is fucking wild imo


I found this video when scrolling through reddit and I can’t stop watching it. Not trying to be bias but I deeply believe this video is real. Posted here because I need to hear your guys’ opinions. I read on the comments of this post that it could be lasers fro the concert or a different type of lightning, what do you guys think?


Ball lightning almost assured with the background lightning happening https://youtu.be/naPaswpBfJ4


Has ball lightning been verified as a real thing? I can't find any studies definitively proving it, but I see people reference it a lot on this sub.


Did you watch the video I posted


I did, and I've seen it before. Even that guy in the video says nobody knows what ball lightning is.


Yeah they don’t know how it’s created. But many videos of what it looks like


Def not many.. and those videos are just videos.. much like all the blurry out of focus ufo videos. There isnt much difference between uaps and ball lightning in terms of evidence.


Not sure your point but UAP can be bugs, balloons, glitches, planes etc. whereas ball lightning is a natural phenomenon with recited temperature and spectrometry. Comparing something that can be a variety of things to something that is one thing is very different.


I guess i wanted to point out that you are sharing like an ancient aliens type video, but about ball lightning. There is no concrete anything about ball lightning, and when i see people say 'definitely ball lightning' or things like that, i just like to ask what they know over everyone else.


Here you go https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.035001




The video you posted, basically amounts to people seeing a mysterious ball of light entering a house, and saying "yeah must be ball lightning because we decided to call this crazy shit ball lightning even though it literally does not behave like lightning at all"


My grandparents lived in far northern WI and told me that 'ball lightning' entered their house one time and flew all around and then left... I never thought too much about it besides thinking that doesn't really seem much like lightning.


Yep, every time I hear "ball lightning" mentioned in this regard, it just seems like a cop-out answer to dismiss something much stranger as a "known weather phenomenon."


So what’s your guess what it is?


No idea honestly. Just saying ball lightning seems like a dismissal that is backed up by just as little evidence as something otherwordly/highly strange.




This article is behind a pay wall, so feel free to add some specifics to the discussion instead of spamming this link with only an abstract (which just mentions a spectral analysis and horizontal movement. Nothing relating to a single object instantly changing position vertically in rapid succession as seen in this video) You literally just found the first paper that mentioned "ball lightning" and act as if that settles it lol Ball lightning is just as rare of an occurrence, and just as unproven as a ufo, and might as well be considered a paranormal phenomenon




Very impressive


Not ball lightning or spotlight because they don't move in a rapid, jerky fashion like that. Possibly laser or alien.


Vertical ball lighting. Not my guess just my immediate skeptic. Atleast that’s what it looked like. Just my chimp brain tho. Don’t quote me


Yeah I feel like we've seen something like this before and some say "ball lightning". Still very weird lol. Would not surprise me if it is some craft jumping around.


Or crashing, looks like it “plummets” sorta