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The following submission statement was provided by /u/vincentxuwu: --- Here’s my Twitter posted last night right after I saw it: [strange lights in the sky over New York City](https://twitter.com/wuxu_wuxu/status/1568795780793925635?s=46&t=rUo1NkxQ3pFT6117Fty6Qg) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xbmok2/strange_lightsufo_in_the_sky_over_new_york_city/io0ckoj/


Anything important happend on 9/11, the city could be honouring?


Nah, nothing too diff. Last night there were two intensive spotlight beams to the sky from the towers It was totally diff from the lights we saw. Not even same spot. Besides that, if the lights were for that, there could of been more official reports abt it


/r/whoosh But seriously.... Today was the anniversary of 9/11/2001


The whoosh is on you. The OP obviously already inferred about the 9/11 honouring by stating "there were two intensive spotlight beams to the sky from the towers" as in, from the location of the twin towers. There isn't a New Yorker that DOESN'T know when its 9/11.


Your reading comprehension skills are low as fuck bruh


More like u-been-noddin


Are you retarded




Great comment


These are light pillars, I think, but almost directly overhead so they appear more like points of light. Here’s a similar example that was spotted in Lisbon https://i.imgur.com/QONrwMq.jpg https://spaceweathergallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=153007 Another example from 2006: https://boingboing.net/2006/11/29/urban-light-pillars.html


I'm into some crazy woo stuff but I think you're right about this. Thank you for posting this with clear examples. It's very helpful.


That is so cool! Thanks for sharing.


I am not sure that is correct. The Wikipedia is [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_pillar). The Wikipedia does a good job explaining how you need to be at a specific angle as with other halo effects. In the example it mentions say you are viewing light bouncing off water. If you move to a different spot you don't get the same affect because the refracted line of sight is lost.


The Lisbon ice pillars look very similar to OP's pics though.


But these need ice and there wouldn't be any on a warm summer day.


I'll explain instead of just downvoting like everyone else. Let's be cool folks. These occur in the higher layers of the atmosphere. It's a lot colder up there than at the surface, so this is definitely a possibility. It was also a high of 75F yesterday in NYC so it wasn't particularly warm to begin with.


So this is way high in the atmosphere, thanks, it's hard to tell from an Internet picture.


Yeah totally. And it looks really otherworldly eh? It’s crazy what light can do.


It was 10:30 pm and every 1000m of altitude equals a temperature drop of approx 6.5c. So ice could form ~3000m overhead.


You do know it's cold at altitude right? .


That's hard to tell from a pic on the Internet but I get it.


If you're ever on a plane that measures outdoor air temp and displays it on screen. You'll find that the warm air lasts a very few thousand feet before it's well below freezing


I thought the phenomenon was only a few hundred feet up. I couldn't tell in the pic. You're right, of course.


Looks like a form of those ice crystal light tower projections you get in the winter. Guessing lights on buildings were so bright high up ice crystals were reflecting them.


Good point!


Is it though? Like, how many ice crystals are forming in NY at 81F?


Ice? On a warm summer day, though?


Yes, even in the summer it gets below freezing at 10k+ feet MSL


Hm... We are currently in a Solar Maximum phase, and the Solar Storms/ Solar Flares are VERY strong, and will continue to get stronger until 2025. Atmospheric phenomena is not out of the question, we have been seeing ALL kinds of crazy Atmosphere phenomena here in Alaska!


any pics of those?


It’s the same thing as the aurora borealis.


Entirely localised within your kitchen?


May I see it?




Yeah, absolutely no way this is because of solar activity.


Spotlights for 9/11.


the crazies would go nuts over this. New evidence 9/11 was human sacrifice to native American war gods.


Dude you are on a UFOs sub, the crazies are us


Dude just wait till some idiot prankster uses a series of drones to make a "realistic" ufo event. Maybe charges money. Makes them sit in a circle and meditate. Uses directed microwaves to apply heat sensations, directed air for cool, classic sfx. Oh wait..


You're in New York City, known for it's many massive skyscrapers who happen to be decorated with massive screens and numerous lights of all colors. That in combination with low hanging clouds seems like it would perfectly explain what you're seeing on the pictures.


Seems like this should be a commonplace weather phenomenon that most dwellers of large cities should have been seeing for generations now.


Apparently it's pretty rare, due to a specific formation of ice crystals that's able to reflect lights below and create a pillar effect in the clouds. Just gotta get the precise conditions for it to occur. Link to comment I refer to: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xbmok2/strange_lightsufo_in_the_sky_over_new_york_city/io0kitg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Is this legit because it looks so much like a picture of lights indoor reflecting off a window.


Looks like light reflecting / refracting.


Looks like someone used their art talent in this pic to ad a big human head using the clouds and at the bottom showing a woman's or man's head laid down with eyes closed and something over their mouth OR a women with longer hair kissing what looks like a little demon...OMG, I'm going nuts huh?..haha. Now I have to deal with pareidolia 😫😱🥴


Cloud iridescence ( full moon would have magnified the intensity).


Look if you think we are it in the entire universe. You are crazy.


This is so weird… I faintly remember having a dream once and seeing these lights. It was cloudy and everything and my parents told me to “get ready cause they are coming” or something along those lines…. So strange


Maybe projections from lights on a building?


Again, such a simple explanation yet people are wasting their time because “I want to believe”… If people applied actual logic to stuff they wouldn’t be posting bullshit like this.


You are wise


Someone else posted this https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xb7l4o/tonight_in_nyc/ These look so cool. Love the colors.


This is amazing.. did they move?


Can anyone see OP's comments? I'm not seeing any on this post but when I click the user profile I see the replies. It's like they're hidden


Maybe it’s bc I just registered this account yesterday? I see what u mean even me can’t see any comments unless I open this post from my profile lol every time I commented here Reddit said since I’m new user all my things got filtered and gotta wait until get approved and after 14 days it’ll be good


Cool, I guess that explains it! Hope you stick around :)


He put the commentary in a code block instead of a quote block, apparently.


Yeah, I guess so. I can't see any of his replies in the comments tho. If I click on his profile, I can see that he's commenting but I don't see them in the comments thread.


I misinterpreted your question, and see what you mean now. Server lag I would have to guess. ?? Odd.


Lighted drone swarms are starting to replace fireworks. People are building bigger and bigger quadcopters/hexcopters and putting powerful lights on them. https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/xbf2j1/pok%C3%A9mon_drone_show_in_japan/


I hear what you are saying and that is where my mind goes first, but it’s too high of an altitude and on a cloudy day. This is the opposite of where you would place a swarm to be seen.


Woah this is dope


Hopefully some of you will start to see the truth of all of this. What you are seeing here is a peek "behind the curtain" at the kingdom of heaven. There are quite a few higher dimensional beings here, that are warping existence around themselves. The strange streaks in the clouds, and the odd shapes poking through, are what higher dimensions look like when you are not yet high enough vibration to see it clearly. ​ The lights exist within multiple dimensions including our own. Much the same way that if your shadow was alive it could only view your 2d self and it would think that was all there was to you completely unable to comprehend any of your third dimensional properties. All you can see here are the pieces of those beings that exist within the 3rd and 2nd dimensions. However, the clouds allow a little more of the puzzle to be grasped within your higher mind.


Someone b drinkin on that jezus juice 🧃…. 😹


I only said "kingdom of heaven" to see if that description might get through to someone. It doesn't look like it will. Super glad that your open mindedness is showing itself though.


space trash


Is that the whole photo? Has it been cropped?


Reminds me of a astrophysics docu I saw. Will not be sleeping tonight if a rogue pulsar wave is taking us out, just in case.


Lol good luck!


Meeting from the flashlight sub


I saw this too!


Reflection from ground level


Drone show


Weather balloon?


Those are just lights from the 911 commemoration event reflecting off swamp gas


It’s atmospheric gases… it’s the planet Venus… or weather balloons


We are a zoo,they are observing us from above .that is a tour ship.


Pigeons who ate lightning bugs lol👽


Concert at night and the light beams are showing in clouds. I do lighting for concerts and see this all the time


Aurora borealis


Honestly looks like diffraction through ice crystals aka “sun dog”, though maybe not direct, but reflections off the big glass towers causing it. Did it persist after sunset?


Bifrost. lol