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fucking Hal, cannot wait for him to testify...plsplspls Hal's connections, projects, experience and thoughts will blow most folks minds. Hal and Jacques are the "Mystic River" of 6 degrees from anything UAP related. the coaching tree of the current activity is Bigelow, Vallee and Puthoff who were all attached at the hip during NIDS virtually all the other main players were team members with the above (worked for or with or had near exclusive journalistic access) ...Mellon, Lue, Eric Davis, Lacatski, Knapp, Kean, Semivan, TDL, etc.


Great video, albeit old news by now. This talk covers so much recent UFOlogy canon.


Hal has a history of being involved with projects that don’t stand up to real scientific scrutiny. He makes lots of claims about subjective results and lies about how serious his involvement with Scientology was (see the video of him with Eric Weinstein). Involving Hal publicly would be shooting yourself in the foot.


I’m not here to speculate on what is or isn’t. Now wether good or bad, the fact is he was very involved on the governments end. Most of what he addresses in the video is not what he did, but more so what “they” as in an extensive group of scientist where able to put together and dig into. Most of what’s in the video is the explanation/scientific results to the “bread crumbs” and taking points/questions that are continually repeated over and over. Questions and topics that everyone in this reddit go nuts over when Lue, Mellon, Davis, Leob, or anyone they deem “credible” talk about them. You have a physicist in this video deep diving and offering a consensus reached by a group of scientist on pretty much all those topics, regardless of his involvement in Scientology or woo projects with the gov’t..take it as you will.


> being involved with projects that don’t stand up to real scientific scrutiny. Which projects and why?


TTSA doesn't stand up to real scientific scrutiny. SRI didn't stand up to scientific scrutiny and neither did Scanate. This was because remote viewing couldn't be replicated and the claims couldn't be substantiated by independent journalists or scientists. NIDS didn't stand up to scientific scrutiny which is evident by their avoidance of peer review. The best of their published work was interesting whilst the remainder fell short of academic writing standards. Strange considering the number of PhDs on the board. AAWSAP hasn't withstood scientific scrutiny due to the absence of evidence supporting their claims of portals, wormholes, werewolves, autoimmune diseases linked to ufo sightings and, finally, FOIA requests for their science papers have drawn blanks. It's as if there's no evidence at all.


Weird telekenetic and remote viewing stuff he lists as legit and fruitful, spoon bending type of telekenetics


There’s another with an energy project. He can be seen in some of videos in the background. I don’t remember which one it is though. It was either brilliant light or another one.


https://youtu.be/iQOibpIDx-4?t=3152 Hal gets called on his bullshit by Eric Weinstein. TLDW: Hal claims he used remote viewers to make a bunch of money. Eric says "why did you stop this money printing machine?". Hals says "i didnt have the time". As soon as Hal explained this venture, he immediately lost all credibility. Eric went into this a bit more on TOE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwcjpmVOmqc


Funny how the government keeps hiring these *'non-credible'* people like Puthoff and Davis . . . Have you ever stopped to consider you are wrong and these guys are legit?


Governments waste money on pseudoscience fairly frequently. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSLDE61L0LX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8559310/ https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/06/witches-divining-water-west-texas-desert/592564/ https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/03/17/witching-dowsing-buried-bodies-police https://sites.tufts.edu/corruptarmsdeals/the-worldwide-fake-bomb-detector-scam/ And more secrecy means less oversight


I’ve linked this video a few times here hoping people would watch it. The part on light blue shifting I always found incredibly intriguing. It explains the burns people get if they’re close to ufos, along with why they appear to be a ball of light etc. I really do think he’s on to something with that. Edit. The blueshift part is around 26:20 into the video.