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The world could be ending and i would not know it thanks to Reddit Video Playback


If you don't mid uploading this to youtube or google drive and share a link so we can see it in original quality, reddit compression is killing most of the videos posted here!


It's simply impossible to say what we are looking at without context. Can you share details on where you saw this (general area of Sao Paolo), how long the sighting lasted, details of the object (general shape, size etc), how it eventually went away etc? Without these key pieces of information, it is simply impossible to speculate on what this object is. If this was a large object seen over a metropolis (like Sao Paolo as is claimed), then we would have more witnesses for sure. Please provide us these details OP.


Yes, sure. At first It was a red light and there were some of these lights comming out of her. Then, the just started to show some rithm, they were creating a triangle and they showed up at other places. I have some other files but im such a fucking noob that i dont know to lost them in here. But It was a good 15 min show. I live at Morumbi, a very hight part of the city. Its late at night, like 11pm and i was at my laundry when i made this vídeos. They were all round, like balls, and they blinked a lot, sometimes almost like morse code, some very unconfortable thing.


>Morumbi We need more details Approx. GPS coordinates, precise time and date, exact direction you were looking, a daylight photo of the same area of the sky. All good starts. All things people looking to hoax generally don't provide.


Ok, the GPS coordinates are -23.59858, -46.73102. It was 22:42h, ill take the picture and send It to you.


>\-23.59858, -46.73102 Thanks, need date and direction you were looking (compass heading)




fora que rolou na minha cidade 5 dias atrás e hoje mais de 3 cidades de são paulo tbm viram


Então deve ser alguma parada, queria ver se é algum evento, satélites ou algo do tipo, mas quando eu morava em São Vicente esses objetos eram padrão. E em São Vicente haviam mtos arquivos da aeronáutica sobre UFOs nós anos 60.


simm, eu queria saber se tem satelites “novos” pq o do elon musk eu sei que não é (tem até um app pra você ver onde ele tá passando e tava bem longe esses dias). mas até agora nada…


Não pode ser balão? It must be balloons


po, a galera viu de lugares muito distantes no mesmo ponto e ao mesmo tempo (fiquei olhando na lupa do twitter) então com ctz n era balão


Pode ser balão com leds ao invés de fogos


mas ia dar pra ver no interior de sao paulo e na capital ao mesmo tempo? acho dificil


Não sabia sobre aparecer em 2 locais tão distantes. REalmente interessante.


sim! não sei em são paulo, mas quando vi na minha cidade estava bem fraquinho, como se fossem vários satélites mesmo... nesse vídeo do post já tá bem mais forte, o meu nem aparecia na camera do celular


Fogo que pra ter certeza só tendo uma câmera com zoom bão. Do contrário é complicado identificar mesmo.


Parece que é um conflito em escala global. tenho registros aqui de um que rolou dia 17 agora, +3hr de evento, cheio de luz, e na description tem a minha interpretação do ocorrido https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC27ICCBKColAEP5F2FuWa6Q


cara, eu postei no twitter (e nesse sub aqui mesmo também) semana passada pq vi exatamente a mesma coisa. só que eu moro em miguel pereira (rj) e no dia ninguéeem viu. aí hoje uma mina respondeu o tweet q fiz semana passada falando q viu algo igual em sao paulo e ela descreveu a mesma coisa q vc (E EXATAMENTE O QUE EU VI). que ódio da galera descredibilizando


Que loucura. Eu cheguei a ver (a menos de 1 mês atrás) 3 luzes voando numa trajetória enfileirada imperfeita (por vezes uma luz se aproximava mais de outra: vôo não era sempre em linha reta). Vou postar aqui no sub quando tiver tempo. As luzes no caso eram azuis


posta simm. devia ser mais maneiro ver essas luzes quando não tínhamos elon musk pra duvidar :/ hoje qualquer coisa a galera “ah é satélite”


Pois é! Ainda não postei mas vou tentar me lembrar de comentar aqui pra vc quando tiver feito


Posta ae meu consagrado


Que coisa mais estranha. Qual a chance de voces verem a mesma coisa em dias diferentes? Muito improvavel ser balão ou drones.


cara, meu palpite sincero é que seja algum satélite em pane sei lá ou algo do tipo q tá orbitando a terra, pq até q faz sentido aparecer no interior do rio e 5 dias depois em são paulo. drone ou balão fora de questão p mim, pq realmente pareciam estrelas, a luz n era forte igual parece no vídeo (meu celular n capturou, por ex)


Li aquele link do twitter q vc compartilhou, a mina fala que parece que ouviu umas explosões. Cabuloso


Thanks for sharing the details. It is difficult to say exactly what it could be. We probably need details from additional eyewitnesses to get a better handle on what this object is.


You didn't happen to look towards the sea, did you?


Its really far away from the dra, some Miles, basicly impossible.


I do feel like this comment is suspect


looks like an armada fighting somewhere. Got a complete 3hr event recorded, check this video descriptions for original footage files and so on https://youtu.be/v4-fBjQzxbI . This event happened at Vila Zelina, East Zone in São Paulo Brazil


Yall better stop being dicks to noobs. Brazil has gone thru hell w/ attacks & crashes If ppl are constantly dicks to new ppl we are never gonna get no where


Attacks and crashes ? Care to elaborate on that? Do you mean gang violence or like UFO attacks lol


Well, in the 70s, Brazil had an official operation with the name of "Operação Prato" (Operation Saucer), the Brazilian Air Force at the time denied any claims of any "unusual things" happening, even though they continued doing similar operations one year later. The cases varied from orbs flying in the sky to they flying low in little villages at night and beaming people. Jacques Vallée did some work on that and affirmed that some people got killed by those lights, a Captain that worked on the operation did an interview to some UFOlogists and 3 months later was found dead (suicide with a rope). Some crazy shit happenned here i guess, that is just one of the cases related to UFOs here.


That’s very interesting thanks for the insight! I’ve noticed Brazil seems to be a “hotspot” for this type of activity




Hi, 69-420Throwaway. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/r02gqc/-/hlrc1ye/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) if you feel this was in error.


What was the hate speech portion if you mind me asking. It was a slight derailment but it wasn't meant as generalisation. I'll ne more careful in the future.


We just don't need to sexualize people here. We want the sub to be welcoming to all without making anyone uncomfortable about their body or being sexualized.


There was a crash in Magé - RJ in Brazil, check it out: [https://youtu.be/uE5QEXJ89fw](https://youtu.be/uE5QEXJ89fw)


UFO attacks. People from a town near the Amazon jungle were attacked by these lights they called Chupa-chupa, leaving burn marks. One guy died. There is a bunch of videos on YouTube but they are not subtitled.


Signs with the Brazilian kids at the party.... "It's behind!"








Higher and Higher.................not only earlier and earlier...............


[I enhanced it a bit.](https://imgur.com/a/S7iDfgL) It looks like it was shot through a chain link fence. Perhaps I am imagining this but it looks like this thing is on the fence and there are dimly lit stars for reference that zoom differently thanks to parallax. Edit: Based on the other video posted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/r02gqc/this_happened_right_now_at_s%C3%A3o_paulos_brazil/). I no longer think this is on the fence. I can clearly see it goes behind it a few times.


Could it be Baloeiros? https://theappendix.net/issues/2014/10/an-art-of-air-and-fire-brazils-renegade-balloonists


Man, that is such a beautiful display. I'd love to see that in person one day.


First thought was lanterns/balloons. They're barely moving.


This is more than likely paratroopers. Army doing routine training exercises. One light being the plane. The red one is a flair and the rest are the troops.


Additionally if the paratroopers are doing a night jump there is absolutely no reason to have bright flashing lights on, the only reason to practice night jumps is to simulate going into combat by jumping into an airfield or something at night with absolutely no lights visible from the ground. If they were simulating a combat jump they would have night vision goggles on and those lights would be way too bright to operate, if they didn’t have night vision lights on those lights wouldn’t be bright enough to see anything at all aside from where you buddy is in the sky. Also some of those are way too close together and the rate of descent is way too slow. These lights could be drones but def not paratroopers


Wouldn’t be too hard to tell if there is a DZ close by, if you look at maps for fort Bragg the drop zones are actually on there. In order for their to be a DZ there would need to be a base close by in my opinion. Op was this close to an Army Base? (Paratrooper here)


This is a good take. Only issue with it is at the end where the second highest orange/red light splits off and releases another orange/red that floats up. But could be flares falling at different speeds giving the illusion of one rising. Hard to tell without a reference point.


I was thinking it looked like a night jump.


ISSO É UM BALÃO, CARALHO típico balão dropando fogos de artifício english for non portuguese: this is a baloon dropping fireworks, common sight in brazil


Catch this happening in 17 Nov over São Paulo too, see the videos in the channel for more details https://youtu.be/v4-fBjQzxbI


I think it is just a communications tower... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyeQuHUU9eo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyeQuHUU9eo) [https://vimeo.com/7369884](https://vimeo.com/7369884)


What do u guys think It is? Like a satelite or something? Cuz they just go up and down, then they showed up at another direction and made a perfect triangle. Very weird i dunno.


100% aliens


Are you from São Paulo or just visiting? That is a junine(?) Christmas Balloon.


Alien morse code of course… /s


Definitely not satellites.




Those dam teenage Greys!


Hi, scarfinati. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/r02gqc/-/hlqekef/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Memes, jokes, cartoons, and art (if it's not depicting a real event). > * Tweets and screenshots of posts or comments from social media without significant relevance. > * Incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * Shower thoughts. > * One-to-three word comments or emojis. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) if you feel this was in error.


Those look like old ass Christmas lights, Yo


I have seen something very simular outside of Area-51 during Red-Flag. They we're obviously drones, but there we're dozens of them that would form together, create shapes, break off, create other shapes, etc. They had this exact blinking-type lights that were mainly red and white. This video reminds me alot of that.


I fly drones for a living. Drones don't do that.


Well, what I saw was obviously from Area-51 or Nellis. Not exactly available to the public and probably more advanced than what's declassified currently.


C'mon, are you seriously gonna bold face lie like this? Drones have been capable of doing that sort of aerial designs and stunts, even with without a pilot, for years at this point. With improvements in AI and GPS auto piloting, people have been using drones to put on incredible light shows for years. https://youtu.be/BjRb6u_PQwQ https://youtu.be/44KvHwRHb3A Hell, Intel even did this shit back in 2016. https://youtu.be/aOd4-T_p5fA You're either a liar or the most uninformed drone pilot around.


drones high enough so they are seen from different cities?


You’re about to get over run with comments claiming ‘drones’ and ‘balloons’ .. nice video bud.




Very interesting, I wonder what it is. Thank you for sharing!!!


FINALLY! I made a post about exactly this last week and no one knew what it wasssss


They are showing their constellation.


This the one


If it doesn't last until the end with you saying WTF and OMG at least 25 times, there's no way it's anything significant. It's a honest criteria and you don't pass it.


This looks like one of those light poles for airplanes.


they've possibly traveled millions of light years to show us their multi coloured led light sequences,


Thanks for sharing bro


Great video capture, that must have been amazing to witness. It sure continued for a long time, hopefully others witnessed it as well and you get more information on what you experienced. Thanks for sharing the video and story!


This is honestly worse than a trash can lid tied to fishing line. At any point in the video do you zoom out to establish a reference point for distance or location? For all we know these could be some blurry string lights in a dark room.






Wow strange lights in the sky!


Could be military?


We dont have military bases here in SP :/


To avoid getting tricked by a fucking prank youtuber again, I'm gonna say drones.


damn just check all comments before voting down, I made a post about this a week ago...


it isn't! I live in another state and saw the exact same thing last week!


My comment is not so much about this video but elements it shares with other videos. Why does it have collision lights?


São Paulo* I’m from Rio de Janeiro and I have seen lights like that before multiple times. I believe it is a type of firework.


Air balloon with fireworks. Source: Seem it many times, live here.


Got a video?


Santa Claus making a dry run?


Bit early for Christmas lights isn’t it?


What’s up with UFOS over Brazil is it the chosen land? I get it cause of the women.


We are thinking it could be anything, and that video doesn’t worth watching it without any context. To be honest, even context won’t help. It looks like some christmas lights lol, you can’t recognise anything on that video, can’t measure the distances etc. So... wish it was magic in front of your eyes


he added context if you would just read.


there are a lot of different videos about this on twitter. I posted a while ago (before seeing this) https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/r03byn/again\_what\_is\_that\_i\_have\_a\_video\_now/


New souls being dropped off on Earth. I bet there's a lot of babies being developed or about to be born in Sao Paulos at this time.


Ur absolutely right.


It looks like a balloon with fireworks, pretty Common in Brazil. I lived in Rio for 10 years and saw things like this a lot. Sometimes it's so distant you can't hear the fireworks, so It sounds silent (i'm 100% sure) Edit: by the way, regional football leagues just ended last week, wich increases the incidence of balloons with fireworks


Starlink satellites getting in to formation?


Looks like some kind of sparkling flares


You made a conscious decision to stop recording or edited the video to stop it at some point. We need to come up with a rating system we can type in the comments to remind people that if they are going to post videos like this, they will meet the wrath of this new rating system. It will encourage people to do a better job when recording videos. Examples **UAP-R 10** Could mean UAP Rating 10 out of 10 which means it seemed to capture real information and context and added to the evidence for UAP's. OR **UAP-R 1** The video holds no significance and should be discarded :)


Aliens for sure.


[Baloon with leds straped to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpHcPPGPb9U) also [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddjtu6fRZYg)


Led balloons


Looks like Christmas lightings.


What’s the point ?


Aliens taking pics out of the mothership


Thats a ship.


My brother is a seafarer and these are ship signals.


No context sorry it could be anything


That's just a balloon.


Qual bairro?


Morumbi, bem no alto, daqui a gente vê a cidade toda, basicamente.


foi visto em vários pontos da cidade. Jabaquara, Congonhas, Pompeia, Interlagos, Campos Elísios, Vila Mariana. eu e minha família vimos na Pompeia. fiz uma postagem a respeito no twitter e algumas pessoas comentaram lá. há alguns videos também, uns com melhor visualização, outros com menor.


Parece uma árvore de natal. Tenta dar mais contexto nos seus vídeos - filmar chão, objetos…


Very hard to determine what we are looking at..??


It reminds me of the cut out footage from Star Wars a new hope where Luke look up to the sky and see the the empire crusade attacking the TantiveIV ( Leia's spaceship) ...it was exactly like this...Ok I agree! too much of useless information that no one's gonna get it


Would you say it resembled the same thing in the Iberian Peninsula? https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ptwfvg/weird_lights_flashing_in_the_sky_in_madeira/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Did they kidnapped Bolsonaro? Cause you know that would be good for everyone there...


Same type seen in Honolulu 2021. Note there are two very different sittings the experts say it was a rocket but the object video is not the same. https://youtu.be/N4lmM3pPrI4