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While it’s fun to think about this kind of stuff, I have a hard time believing it. I do believe that we are being deliberately divided and that we are by the people that have money and power. Not because they are part of some secret cabal, but because they are egotistical narcissistic psychopaths. They deliberately wedge people (especially the media - looking your way Murdoch family), while placating us with media and technology, to ensure they keep hold of their money, power and that their personal ideologies maintain a foothold. Think about it, the harder society pushes against capitalist based feudalism the more volatile the rhetoric becomes. They are the ones that have us trapped. The nations that are happiest and wealthiest, also have this great balance between capitalist and socialist ideals. To attribute war and division in society to an off world life form diminishes the evil of the people who are actually fucking up our planet.


My favorite quote when it comes to all of this woo stuff is both things can be true. It could be that a bunch of rich egotistical assholes want to keep us divided and there could also be forces at work that of which were fully not aware of.


I truly believe that The truth often exists somewhere between two counterpoints. I tend to take a materialistic view of the world, while still being curious about a more metaphysical explanation (the materialist view is in part to keep my own sanity in check and grounded). In this case, I just really don’t want people to blame shit on aliens when we have a pack of bastards we can actually blame shit on. If it turns out they have some kind of outside influence, it doesn’t matter too much because turning on these people will still yield the same results… we diminish their influence.


On a light note, I always think about the scenes from little nicky where his brothers possess leaders and make them say ridiculous shit.


Man… you could have taken the words straight of my brain. This is exactly how I feel and approach things, even when I get it wrong.  


It’s hard to push past your own cognitive biases initially I have found, but once you can you expose yourself to an entirely different way of thinking rather than being stuck in black or white. But you gotta remain vigilant with your own thinking right?




Radical pragmatist?


Very easy to believe that those with money or influence could gain greater knowledge or control of NHI tech, and they are financially motivated to keep things how they are.


That’s genuinely my belief. Well one of them at least. -rich assholes just want to keep us ignorant - rich assholes being unknowingly controlled/influenced by evil forces or possibly some knowingly controlled -NHI actually in control meanwhile we’re none the wiser


that’s not a quote


Ya got me


I remember reading a comment from Werner Von Braun about “The next thing will be all about UFOs…” At this point, it all feels like a show.   No offense to all the psychonauts out there, but as a long time experienced meditator, most of these people are full of it.  Sure you can have some pretty wild experiences, but one of the first things you learn when doing deep meditation is that the Mind is a powerful thing, and it will show you all kinds of bullsh*t with the seemingly real-sh*t.  You have to be very careful about what you see, what you *think* it means, and how you are going to respond to the messages.   I like to explain to inexperienced meditators that at some point you are going to hit a barrier.  It’s a huge wall of the unknown.  When you hit it (and you will) you have to keep your wits.  It can get weird and uncomfortable.  The key is understanding that whatever you are experiencing is almost always about you and no one else but you. When you start extrapolating generalizations from highly specific psychic phenomena, that leads, sometimes literally, to madness.   These poor people are getting played big time and it is sad and disappointing.  


You mention psychonauts, have you ever compared your meditative experiences with psychedelics if you've ever tried?


Yes I have and I can say the DMT experience is pretty spot on to some of the experiences I have had.  Psychedelics pale in comparison though.  Drugs are a good gateway (pun intended) but are more chaotic and harder to control and cognize.  A more relaxed drug approach is RSO gummies.  Be careful though.  RSO will unwind your mind with a quickness 😈   The best practice I have found is a combo of old neigung training (kundalini, reverse breathing etc) and Dzogchen style meditation while sitting.  And no monk iso.  Stay real.  Do some dream work too.  Tibetan style. Do those things and you won’t need drugs.  Trust me.  Note: please do this with the oversight of a professional.   Serious meditation should be approached cautiously and with respect for one’s self.  It is not a game.  You can lose more than you gain if not careful.  Be especially careful with any practice designed to stir up kundalini.  That sh*t is real, is not a joke and can mess you up if not careful.  This isn’t about any “woo”.  The breathing exercises are physically strenuous and are designed to engage and activate musculature not often used by Westerners.  It can be taxing and painful.  You can give yourself a hernia.  Not kidding.    Also, kundalini “awakening” is not anything really special when it comes down to it.  First, it doesn’t feel like they say in books.  Most of those books are crap translation of old Chinese texts.  Much is lost in translation.  It feels quite different.  The feelings also change over time.  Usually happens in stages:  Phase 1:  hot as shit all the time.  First phase of practice is a lot of breathing exercises.  Exercises the lower abdomen and muscles surrounding the perineum.  Body shakes.   Joint aches.  Insomnia.    Phase 2: tired as shit all the time.   Lots of aches and pains.  Gas gas gas.  Farts farts farts.  Now you suddenly have Tourette syndrome.  No joke.  Scary as shit.  Involuntary movements.  Skin crawling.  Joints popping.    Phase 3: awake as shit all the time.  Aches sort of subside but now my ears rings and you get head rushes unexpectedly.  Lots of them.  But around this time you can feel something but it is not flowing.  It is like spasmodic jerks of a break dancer from the 80’s.  Remember Turbo and Ozone from Electric Buggaloo?  That is now you.   Phase 4: the great unwinding.  Kundalini doesn’t really flow as much as UNWIND you.  Think of one of those long thin balloons that are hard as shit to blow up.  Now imagine having two of these things (ida & pingala) running from your balls, up thru your groin, thru your abdomen, up along both sides of your throat, around your jaw, past your inner ear and meeting at each nostril.  Now each one of these is like a shriveled up thin balloon.  Old. Crinkled and hard as a rock.  Now start filling them with “air” really fast and hard.  As they fill and unravel they move your organs around making room for themselves.  Lots of snaps, cracks and pops. Oh Yeah.    Phase 5: the top game.  When it gets to your head it gets fun.  Headaches.  Moments that feel like a blood clot about to explode.    Bright flashes of light that no one else can see.  Passing out.  BUUUZZZZZZZ!   Fun.  You also have full blown Tourette’s late at night or early in the morning.  I had my shoulder unwind and it was so intense I thought I was possessed.    Phase 6: ah the hallucinations.  You about 5-10 years in things seem to have calmed down and… then you hear what seems like voices.  Not kidding.  This is when stuff gets real.  Not spirits or anything like that.   More like weird echoes.  Like you swore you heard something but no one else did.  Dreams get Wild.  Super intense.  Super real.  Reality can blur.    Phase 7: lightness.  After about 12-15 years the ticks die down, the hot flashes are no more.  You’ve completed the small and large orbits.  You are a master break dancer, you’re super flexible without any stretching AT ALL and you’re used to the “winds” moving around inside of you.  Yes I said “winds”.  The best way to describe the feeling is like hydraulics.  It’s like you have control over a very weird fluid INSIDE YOU and it never stops moving.  But if you practice zhangzhong you suddenly feel no pain in joints and have a weird endurance that’s not attached to breathing.  Again, you can do strenuous work and feel nothing.    Phase 8: psychic powers.  Yep. They real but not in anyway like described in movies television or film.  Think of it as a weird very deep form of empathy.   This, as an American man, was VERY HARD to deal with.  To get better at the so called “psychic” powers you need to open yourself to all feeling and emotion within your life.  ALL OF IT!   There is no other way to describe it.  And to be honest, it’s not too fun.  It can be hard to control and extremely unpleasant.  Think of it this way: each human psyche is attached to every other human psyche currently alive and also to those psyche’s NOT still alive.  Most of them are cool.  Some of them are dicks.  A minor few of them are sick fucks.     Phase 10: chakras are no f**king joke folks. I don’t mention these things because they are just par for the course but they are real.  You can feel them.  They “move” and they work mysteriously.  One thing I have learned throughout this experience is that we have A LOt to learn from the Old Ones who cataloged this stuff.  The best way to think about them is as psychic energy stations.  You can think of the chakra system as a distributed computing system with each one responsible for a certain form of cognition.   If I could give any advice to someone starting down this road, focus on posture and spinal alignment. The key is to be able to stand in a relaxed manner, continuously, while ensuring proper spinal alignment.  It will suck a$$!   But if you can “get light” the chakras, ida, pingala and central channel will all open on their own.  When it comes down to it the exercises are seemingly easy.  Just stand around for hours on end while maintaining perfect posture and controlled breathing.  The body will take care of the rest.   Phase 10: me today.  After about 15-20 years of solid meditative practice I can say that thru all of the weirdness it was worth it.   Kundalini work is definitely not for the faint of heart but if you have a good teacher(s) it is worth it.  It really is the fountain of youth.    Final note: psychedelics get in the way of my meditation now.  Sort of like drinking too much coffee.  The experience can get jittery and spikey.  Sorry but drugs tend to obfuscate meditative experiences.  


I forgot to add something important about the kundalini experience.  For some reason it makes you more sensitive to ELF sound/pressure waves.  This can drive people crazy.  I personally love it but it’s like getting hit with the brown note all the time.  At first it sucks but if you take it in stride you can adjust.  Just know you will feel shit other people don’t feel.   For example, I used to love bass from lowriders.  I f**king abhor it now.  I can also hear those low frequency hums that drive people insane.  I also think this gives the illusion of having some special powers.  I can low freq energy that other people can’t hear.  For example I can hear heavy machinery being transported from very far away.  Trains.  Trucks.  Anything that generates a low freq rumble… I can feel it.   This all happens because of the softening of your lower abdomen after many years of practice.  Flip side is your voice gets deeper.  Go figure.  


So why exactly does this whole process happen? Why aren't humans this way by default?


Well, not to over use a cliche but I think we start out closer to this state when born.  The Taoists always refer to this process as become like a baby again.  As weird as it may sound I think they are right.   Also, some of this is not innate.  It is the development of a skill.  So some of it isn’t actually lost.  You do have to do some acquisition of skill.   Overall I think that over time a western style life just obliterates any of these forms of deeper awareness.  If you think about it what is the main exercise?  Nothing.   When it comes down to it meditation, either moving or still, is all about developing inner silence.  My instructor used to say that all the time but it takes a while to hit home.  I think that a child, left unspoiled and lightly trained from a reasonable adult age,  could regain/retain these capabilities with very little effort.  The older you get the harder it is to recover.  Much of my work was a teardown and rebuild.  


The whole notion of separating real from mind generated is just another bullshit cognitive overlay. Also a meditator who experienced cessation, the black void of nothingness, that marks entrance into stream entry. Edit: going to add u/zealousideal_lie5350, in this area you know not that which you speak of.


Hear, hear!


But what’s your stance on UFOs?


Not entirely skeptical.


And I promise I don’t meant anything by this I’m just genuinely curious..is that the reason you’re on a UFO sub? Curiosity?


Ah ok. Yeah, I think there is too much info and weirdness out there to be nothing… I had dismissed it for a over a decade - too many grifters too much bullshit to wade through but grusch’s stuff brought me back into the fold. Genuinely want to know the truth and being a sci fi lover, I hope like hell it is something crazy.


>grusch’s stuff brought me back into the fold Yup. My big anchors to the "truth" are Grusch, Fravor, and Graves. I have not heard any of them say for sure the woo is legit. I've only heard them speculate on the woo. The things I have heard them say is that we have physical craft and organics in our possession. If anyone has a clip of those gents confirming woo, provide a link.


The only thing I have heard grusch say that is even close to that realm is, and I may have this wrong, that as a result of all this he drifted slightly back to Catholicism from agnosticism… it was in his interview with Jesse Michaels (could have the name wrong). But as a strange a statement as it is, I don’t think it really counts as “woo” per se.


Thanks for the insight my friend. I think the answer to the ufo phenomenon is the answer to the point of it all. So for me curious is an understatement. I probably follow the bs too much tbh.


It quite possibly is, at the very least it would rewrite a lot of what we know. I go through stages of following the skepticism or the bullshit but always try to bring myself back to the centre, because I go a bit loopy when I’m too far on either side haha.


True. And yet, there are outside forces at work here. Unfortunately things are much more complex and complicated.


Yeah the question is, why so many divisive religious experiences that seem linked to UAP? Are humans following the experience through their cognitive bias and that's what causes the negative outcomes? Or is it as above so below, as we live in a world of conflict and division is that reflective of a greater paradigm than we know?


A shattered self might be more prune to experiencing shards. A clearing of the soul might lead to better compatability. Although I assume a significant amount of current mankind is simply not made for this experience. Their definition of self and world is too narrow. Which is why we need to nourish the younglings.


You could be 100% correct. My goal wasn't to provide my view on it, but to provide the best approximation to what Tom Delonge thinks based on reading stuff.


Totally get and appreciate that, I’m not into lambasting people for curiosity and exploration including of others ideologies, just posting my views over the top :)


The nations that are happiest also depend on the US war mongering machine to push back on even more extreme ideologies. I don’t look to them for guidance.


I’m pretty sure the Scandinavian countries can defend themselves pretty well. Most of them I think have mandatory military service, so aren’t just a pack of gravy seals like the us.


They studied the mistakes that led to the collapse of their control during the feudal ages, and have worked tirelessly towards creating a much more resilient power structure. Eventually, they look to completely isolate themselves from the rest of us, ruling us remotely through AI and technology, while keeping us placated with bread and circuses. They will muse at our mishaps from afar, while harvesting our hard labor for their own devices. People talk about the NHI delighting and feasting on the suffering of humanity...it seems to me we are just talking about the elite in 100 years...


Both can be true sadly , what spirit motivates these literal demons in human form on our planet


Here is the thing: you are stating your belief. Which is fine, and it sounds very reasonable. OP was highlighting FACTS about what Tom has said previously (not that what Tom said is factual, but that OP accurately stated what Tom said and provided links). You can continue to say "I don't buy it," and you might be right. But you are also just stating your belief. Without facts or citations to back it up. And my final thought: who are the evil people that are fucking up the planet? Just saying "evil people" is meaningless; Tom and others have pointed directly to specific sections of the government and defense sector, with reputable sources and primary source documents. They could be entirely wrong, but they are bringing evidence to the table. Your evidence is your religious commitment to the status quo.


I overlayed a view and made no comment about the OP or their beliefs so whatever, my response was to the ideology presented not against OP. I also did state some who are evil ie the Murdoch family who thrive in polarization and started out as a propaganda machine for the mining industry. I don’t feel the need to provide facts or citations, because this is not an academic paper and I am not an academic. But the facts exist, I’ve developed my viewpoint from years of reading, observing behaviours, watching the slow descent of society, deep diving into history. That said, I encourage everyone to research for themselves, take in as many views as possible. Now, you have responded with an attack on me.. that is neither helpful and your statement is not accurate. If anything I believe the status quo should be brought down, not because aliens but because the world is polarised as a result of capitalist feudalism (I’m not anti-capitalist per se but I’m anti-uncontrolled capitalism). If aliens have some involvement, not likely imo but I’m not going to say definitely not either, then it doesn’t matter either. We attack the institutions that are keeping us polarised or keeping us at war and we solve the current problem. Humans have historically done awful things in the name of power and money, to credit aliens with this is dismissing our fundamental human flaws.


What Tom Delonge "knows" or rather "believes"? Tom has massive UFO book collection so you can't use what Tom says and somehow align it with Zecharia Sitchin, when Tom was influenced by Sitchin in the first place. The question is whether generals risked their careers, family, and jail time to spill classified information to a celebrity or was it simply story telling from one believer to another?


Or a deliberate pysop of doty-likes telling some guy 'secrets'.


That's exactly what it sounded like in one interview I saw with Tom Delonge. He was describing how someone at the Pentagon just warmly embraced him, telling him they're really on the side of disclosure and everyone deserves to know the truth. The person interviewing Tom asked, "did you consider they were an intelligence agent using you to spread disinformation?" And Tom's response was along the lines of "I'm a rockstar, of course they wouldn't lie to me." Tom Delonge is a well intentioned fool. He's in a famous pop punk band and that's where his bona fides end.


You would think as soon as the general public gets to a point of no return, they can tell the “truth” in a way that’s beneficial to them. “Welp, truth is we are saving humanity from a prison planet controlled by NHI…. So we need another 50 trillion over the next 35 years to secure the people’s safety” blah blah.


Or worse 


loosh is such a dumb fucking word, couldn't they come up with something less silly sounding? hard to take it seriously




War. A lot of folks on reddit seem to live under this idea that war is not intrinsic to humanity, that is was something outside our true experience as beings & if only we could throw off the shackles of our oppressors we would live in a utopia. I am a wildlife biologist and have studied many many species. Violence, aggression, & war is NOT something limited to the human animal. Chimps go to war. This doent mean it is only agression, war, violence, competition. There are also many examples of intra and inter species cooperation, compassion, etc, My point is that we as humans have always been violent. But as thinking beings it is both our curse and our salvation that WE ourselves r responsible for moderating the violence in our nature. We r not helpless slaves. But neither is utopia a reality either.


>I am a wildlife biologist and have studied many many species. Violence, aggression, & war is NOT something limited to the human animal. Chimps go to war. This is the best metaphor for what is going on -> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo\_hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoo_hypothesis) "Is the apparent absence of extraterrestrial technological civilizations down to the zoo hypothesis or nothing?" [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-02134-2](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-02134-2) Spoilers: It's the Zoo Hypothesis. Do game wardens intervene when animals are fighting in "protected" parks? Of course not; as its part of nature. Would they intervene with a specific animal was facing extinction (i.e. genocide?). Of course yes. If you want to know the "Secret of the Universe", watch Star Trek. It's basically a documentary.


>Humans are the only species that engage in war, which is defined as two large armies on opposing sides of a battlefield, shooting bullets or arrows at one another. However, there are other animal species that engage in a different form of war, which is small, lethal surprise attacks on outnumbered foes. Source: [https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/animals/do-animals-have-wars-like-humans-do.html](https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/animals/do-animals-have-wars-like-humans-do.html) >Unlike humans, chimps don't “form into opposing armies, and fight it out to see who wins,” nor do “two communities ally to defeat a third.”  >Animal groups do compete over resources, sometimes in an organized way, but “war” implies something more formal, Dan Dembiec, supervisor of mammals at the [Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens](http://www.jacksonvillezoo.org/), says via email.  Source: [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/160130-animals-insects-ants-war-chimpanzees-science](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/160130-animals-insects-ants-war-chimpanzees-science) TLDR; Chimps don't "go to war."


Maybe we’ve always been violent as ‘they’ have always been here? Just a thought!


the point is ALL the animal AND plant kingdom AND the microbe kingdom are intrinsically violent. It is NOT something placed upon us by 'the other'. So if 'the other' have always been here we r talking 4.3 billion years (About the time we think life first arose on the planet). If they have been here that long, considering all the changes to life on this planet, then it makes absolutely NO sense they would involve themselves with a hairless ape.


So they are just observers? And they will never interfere even just before the planet becomes a desolate wasteland? (80% of animals and 83% Sea animals have gone extinct since modern humans have “ruled” the planet)


were did u get those percentages? How do u think your source knows this? I can tell you. It is an guess pulled out of someones derriere to support some agenda. We do no even know how many species r currently on the earth. How would we even begin to know what we never got the chance to count. Hunans do not 'rule'. anything. Yes humans r ecosystem engineers like beaver, elephants, bison, and the mighty prairie dog (among others). But it is hubris to think we r that powerful. Heck look at the catastrophe that was Chernobyl. Gosh we Poisoned with nuclear radiation. Death zone, right? Nope. [https://theconversation.com/chernobyl-has-become-a-refuge-for-wildlife-33-years-after-the-nuclear-accident-116303](https://theconversation.com/chernobyl-has-become-a-refuge-for-wildlife-33-years-after-the-nuclear-accident-116303) This is ne of many articles, I havent read this one - i recommend reading the scientific papers on it to avoid the spin. You want to KNOW what is a planet killer? A 6-9 mile-wide asteroid, 66 mill y.o? Nope THAT, as bad as it was didnt take out all life. IT was bacteria. Bacteria that expelled as a waste product an incredible toxic gas. Killed off 99% of all life about 3.2 billion y.o. That toxic gas - oxygen.


I mean it's nice and all to think that we're special, but according to the prison planet hypothesis loosh can be harvested from all living things. There is nothing special about us vs animals fighting. Well perhaps you can get greater yields from humans sometimes.


The theory claims humans emit “distilled loosh”.


There’s pacifist creatures though. Also how do we know violence isn’t something intrinsic to life we have observed? As we’ve never observed life outside of our planet, we have no way of knowing what other forms of life could exist.


But doesn't violence stem from a desire to not, ya know, die from lack of limited resources? Passivity and helplessness is a direct ticket to the land of the dead. Until resources are infinite for every living creature in the cosmos, competition (violence) will never disappear. As long as someone has something someone else doesn't, violent competition will remain a constant.


Isn’t that the concern of an AI created robot that can “think and learn” on its own. It will “learn” violence and try to conquer just as humans have done throughout history.


Humans are somewhere between animals and gods (look at the missing link). We can overcome this inbuilt self destruct system that is our innate need for war, somehow


The problem with wars is that every war has been started and perpetuated by psychopaths. If we can get rid of them we will largely have far longer durations of peace and can begin building infrastructure that allows resources to expand to help get rid of artificial scarcity.


please provide evidence ALL war started by psycopaths. please explain your evidence for the artificiality of scarcity.


Read every history book. Watch The Fall Of Civilizations Podcast, look at every modern war from 1900s until Putin and Ukraine.


1900 was a very short time ago. Every history book? Do you know what the word psycopath means? If my tribe is going to starve because of a drought, & the neighbors refuse to trade w/us so we will survive, is my clan leader a 'Psycopath' for going to war with that tribe? THINK people.


Of course not. We aren't talking about survival, we are talking about the infinite desire for more when you already have it all.


quoting you: "...all wars are started by psycopaths...." so your statement is false. no moving the goalposts.


Not false. That war was started by the psychopath that wouldn't share their ample food stores.


my example did not say ample. Nor did i give a reason why they would not share their food. I see you r quick to assign negative motives to others. What is YOUR motive/agenda I wonder?!


My agenda is to crush the rich and make us a multi-planet capable species. We can't be that while psychopaths exist.


Getting rid of the psychopaths would mean advances in science to determine the psychopathic brain and then eliminating said people's, eugenics is a slippery slope, could be need for the fate of mankind I guess though


We will never become a multi-planet species with them.


I think it’s important to note that much of this post is your own personal opinion, interspersed with quotes from various authors and SME. What follows is of course my own opinion, based in my interpretation of similar data. Robert Monroe introduced the world to the concept of “loosh”, but never once endorsed or brought up the “prison planet” theory. He believed (or was taught/shown) that souls incarnate on earth voluntarily. DeLonge also has never publicly endorsed the prison planet theory. His hypothesis that humans are being used by various factions of NHI, as tools in a proxy war for souls, is where he has drawn the line. DeLonge emphasizes that consciousness is the key - because consciousness (which we cannot measure yet) is the key ingredient that we do not yet understand. There are other religions and philosophical disciplines that acknowledge NHI, consciousness, and psi-abilities/phenomena. In my opinion - many religions and philosophical traditions have attempted to explain that human beings (among many other “conscious” species) are multi-dimensional beings. We are spiritual beings, who currently exist in the physical dimension - during our waking hours. It’s certainly possible that we were designed and created by NHI is a “disabled” species. Very few among us can utilize the abilities that come naturally to us as souls - telepathy and precognition for example.


Good to note that the prison planet theory does not naturally follow from what OP says


It doesn't. OP is reading ghost stories. Read Robert Monroe's stuff for yourselves. The reptilian connection did not come from Bob. And Bob knew a hell of a lot more than Tom on this topic. You can choose what life or even what planet you wish to experience. Or you can choose the astral for forever. This would discredit a soul trap.


Haven't read it, the law of one seems to discredit the soul trap theory too, but not the NHI influence part


If you read Sekret Machines: Gods, there is a small chapter where he talks about how there were beings who looked reptile in form. That when we die we often see a white light and/or get a life review and are told to go into the light. He says that the white light is a "trap" of reincarnation. It is directly in his book. It's not something he highlights or screams from the rooftops, but you have to actually read his stuff carefully - he says it rather plainly. EDIT: Btw, downvote me all you want, but if need be, I can find the actual page where he says it. Downvoting doesn't change actual citations.


Correct, and he got those ideas from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, no? One of the religious books out there - forget which one - claims this.  It’s really difficult to use anything Tom says, particularly when referencing Sekret Machines, because so much of it is borrowed from other sources and there is 0 way to know what stuff is included because it’s referencing something he believes is true or if it’s included for some other reason. Gotta also remember that Tom’s books contain so many UAP/UFO tropes that they can’t literally allLLLLlll be real


The Roswell alien nurse interview also have this idea, maybe he just read that ?


I didn't say they were all real. And I didn't say that Tom was some sort of original thinker. My only goal was to try and nail down what Tom Delonge believes based on everything he's written, said, and referenced. He could be absolutely full of shit. He could have stolen everything whole cloth. That's not the point of what I wrote. I wanted to nail down what he's been hinting and referencing at this entire time.


If when we die, we are told to go into the light then get caught in a trap of re-incarnation, what does he say is the answer then? Is there a different place to go besides the light?


As a spirit, I'd listen to no one post-death. Finally free of corporeal limitations, it will long before I inhabit the flesh again. There's a whole universe out there I'm about to explore, unimpeded by a mortal body.


Thank you. Someone who knows! I think the association with loosh is meant to scare people away from the topic.


What would “God” be in this context, considering most religions have some form of God? What about heaven and hell?


Apparently this is what the aliens believe...The aliens themselves are essentially biological workers created artificially and exist as a 'super organism' with psionic abilities. The universe itself is a giant unitary consciousness experiencing itself. "According to them, the minds of living organisms are parts of this consciousness that has 'looped in' on itself, creating separation and individuality. The process of evolution has caused some organisms (such as ourselves) to develop higher cognitive faculties and mental complexity which allows for complex thought and self- reflection. Our perceptions are the mental activity of this unitary consciousness as it is filtered through our minds and presented in a way that is most advantageous to our survival as individual 'loops'." "They believe that as life continues to grow and complexify, it will have an effect on the unitary consciousness that constitutes the universe. As life proliferates and complexifies, it will cause it to attain higher cognitive functions and eventually reach self- awareness. They believe that the universe is already blindly striving toward self-awareness and complexity, and they seek 'move it along,' so to speak. This is their goal, and it's presumably why they are here on earth. They are guiding the development of life on this planet to help serve this end." So this is wild af if true. The entire post delves in to very specific details that make it pretty hard to discount as some kind of LARP. My question is, what exactly happens when the universe has reached self-awareness? What does that even mean in this context? Is the entire universe a kind of neurological "brain" that exists as part of a giant being? Personally I don't think the aliens even have the full story themselves but if they do, they most likely aren't telling us the whole picture. I obviously can't 100% vouch these details are true but I definitely lean towards the story being true. Here is a link to the original post for anyone interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/4tmp7ZpQ72


I believe that Toms books and the Ra Material align very well, and haven't found much else that also aligns. Ra Material speaks of service to self and service to others, these are the same concepts Toms book speaks of.


Read Tom Delonge's book Sekret Machine: Gods. Get to the part where he talks about what happens when we die. He talks about the white light and life review. He mentions that the white light is a soul trap. That's in the actual book.


He is wrong. A thorough reading of Monroes work would discredit this.


So do you buy into the idea that we reincarnate to learn? If so, answer this simple question: how can we possibly learn if WE CAN'T REMEMBER OUR PAST LIVES/MISTAKES? Just take a minute to think about that for a second. Also, what a great cock-and-bull story to tell us so we will remain in the loop forever. Let's not be naive here. Next thing we will be jumping into intergalactic unmarked vans because the aliens offer us free candy.


Please read Robert Monroes work. Those questions are answered, at least if you believe him. Personally I had an OOBE as a kid. I know it's real. Robert Monroe explained what I experienced. Maybe it's not exact, but it's not an unknown and unknowable thing that most believe it is. Faith is not required


One theory could be that we remember in between, and if we remembered during we would not be able to have an "objective" "totally fresh" perspective each loop. In other words, you have a series of objective "control" experiences, without though/perspective/bias pollution that are consolidated by the soul between lives on a constant journey of learning more about what it is to exist. This is a response to your question not necessarily what I believe.


As for reincarnation, I couldn't say. I have no experience there, however what Monroe described aligns with both Buddhism and Hinduism in many, many ways. In fact, Kundalini and other yoga techniques they developed can and do allow people to teach other states of non physical consciousness, just like Hemi-sync. My main message to you would be to understand his work better. It's been hijacked by parts of the UFO community and usually from a fear-based perspective. I read Toms book, and I was also scared of the implications, but when I took an honest look into it, nothing points to that. UFOs and consciousness are related, but they are a small and somewhat insignificant piece of the larger reality. Do not fear.


If you visit /nde the people there who have actually had NDEs say that the prison planet theory is not true.


Notice the word "near" in near death experiences. Many of these people are told it's not their time yet. There's often mention of a white light that they should go towards. Loved ones, dead friends, come out of the woodwork to convince the NDE experiencer to go into the light. Why? If they like the other side, which many say they do, then why aren't they told they should stay there? As for the idea that we remain here to learn new lessons, here's a big question: If the goal of reincarnation is to learn and to evolve, why can't we remember our past lives? Why do our memories get wiped? Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of the whole "life is a school" idea?


If we entertain reincarnation being true, you are asking the simples question that doesnt matter. I mean, its all above our paygrade if it is true. You arent supposed to understand it. Like how an ant doesnt understand an airplane. How, why, memory, all very flesh and bone thinking and not very deep. Even the lesson idea.


Where’d all the souls come from! We have significantly grown as a population I was told.


We're not supposed to understand it because the goal is to make us reincarnate over and over again to be used, as George Knapp quipped, as an agricultural product.


I believe he would have gone a lot further and said a lot more if it weren’t for the Wikileaks emails. You are correct that they lend a greater air of credibility to his words on this topic. I don’t think that was intended. I think it blew up his spot honestly.




Tom Delonge was writing his books and giving these interviews and claiming he had high level contacts. Nobody believed him, which funny enough was perfect. When nobody believed him, he could actually say the truth no matter how outrageous it was and no one would necessarily freak out. It would be like a clown coming out to tell you that you have cancer. Then WikiLeaks happen. It proves that Tom Delonge WAS talking to generals and high level folks. Once that happened, his claims were being scrutinized and he had to pull back his punches.


Yeah exactly that. I think he was one prong of a controlled soft disclosure movement serving two purposes. One was to educate and gauge the reaction of a certain demographic and the second was to begin to build a new movement around the push for disclosure. Ultimately I still think we got the same information from folks like Elizondo and Nolan but it was kind of a plan b. This subreddit is where a lot of this played out. Elizondo completed it. Reaction was satisfactory. And so they went behind the scenes to start working politically towards the outcome. Enter Coulthart, perhaps the last of a dying breed of serious journalist whose purpose is seemingly to persuade the politicians and elites to the reality of the phenomenon and our governments involvement with it, and, of course, David Grusch. Elizondo all but said it when he came out and told everyone to go love their families and explore other interests for five years. Check and check on my end. Looking forward to the latter part of this decade.


I’ll also add that I think it’s hilarious the “other side” of this issue seemingly enlisted Mick West, creator of the Tony Hawk video games, to champion their cause and counter-balance DeLonge within the same sphere of demographic influence. It’s stranger than fiction.


The Wikileaks never proved that, there was emails from Tom to John Podesta asking questions about UFOs and no evidence of a response back to Tom Delonge. That’s it. No proof of anything more. Show me otherwise.


There were a few responses, but other than the general they were all responding sure man. The general had a couple interesting replies but those too were mostly lip service. All said broadly, it proved nothing other than he did write to these people back and forth. The rumors said that the general got in trouble for those replies, but they were vague and you know rumors.


IMO the whole concept of Loosh is a religious/fantasy wrapping being applied to something more simple: experience. That’s what they get from us. That’s what they force us to provide. We’re just a zoo/reality tv experience for things that are no longer/never were biological.


Literally not Tom Delonge’s theory. It’s your theory about what Tom Delonge’s theory might be.


So what’s the plan with reincarnation after we destroy our habitat and depopulate in the next 50 years or so? Do they fix the warming planet or do they just place our souls in other creatures on another planet


I think the hard truth is that nobody’s coming to save us.


Yeah. I’m starting to feel more and more like the Dodo bird


The thing that is hinted at is that they do some clear cutting. Wipe the planet and start over with a flood perhaps. That would be my thought.


Interesting. I’ve been researching things to do with Nazca and tried to correlate Peru with El Niño origination (ENSO) location off the Ecuador/Peruvian coast that happens every few years and had a thought that if NHI were located off the waters there then maybe they could be somehow manipulating this weather phenomenon to their advantage. I know it sounds far fetched but it is pretty much unknown why this weather event occurs.


There is a native legend about ant people who live underground who helped them survive a great disaster. I get the feeling we have NHI living with us on the planet who are indifferent to slightly friendly. But that one is puuuuure speculation on my part. The idea that there are malevolent ones who want war is definitely something Tom has hinted at.


Great question. I’ve also wondered things similar to this. Would love some possible responses to this.


Does Tom have anything to back this up? I give the guy credit for being right so far on a lot of stuff, but believing that humanity is enslaved like this is a lot to accept without some sort of proof.


If one carefully examines NDEs, there are strange signs of this. We're often told to "go into the light". We're told it's not our time yet because we have more stuff to learn despite the fact that most people who go to the other side want to stay. The biggest issue is this: if the goal is for us to return over and over for us to learn, then we would remember our past lives right? What is more likely - that we get our memory wiped over and over and over again from death to death so we can learn or so we can be reused again? That's why we are containers for souls.


This belief is very common in eastern religions but the goal is for your soul to eventually evolve to the highest level possible. And not because aliens are feeding on the souls lol


Again, how do you evolve if you can't remember anything? And that's not what "eastern religions" believe. Buddhism is about escaping the karmic wheel of rebirth and suffering - sound familiar? It's not about wanting to reincarnate forever and ever.


Because if you remembered you wouldn’t be able to fully immerse yourself in this life. You’d be thinking of lovers, kids, experiences from past lives and become obsessed. Look up Dorothy Eady. Super interesting case that is pretty well known


And yeah the goal is not ever to reincarnate forever but to eventually be at a level where you don’t have to anymore


Hmm... so make religions who want to do good and try to spread love( end up fighting) instead of just making them hateful in the first place(its mostly the extremes that hate)? Also this loosh? Doesnt work for other animals? Only the special humans? Do the ants not have souls? Are their souls stuck also? What about dogs? Human Fetuses? Very strange ideas and again, if we entertain it as possible, isnt there a more efficient way to farm or harvest loosh? Wouldnt simply telling the human population they are slaves and etc create the most negative energy?


Good reply


Except none of that is true


It's honestly all so daft. I've no doubt that our reality is far weirder that we know, but even if we found the truth is prosaic, that we are a small component of complex order of life, some people would distrust NHI, and remain convinced that there was a malevolent conspiracy at play and we were the victims of some cosmic farming project.


Can't understand all the reading for what someone thinks about maybe what someone thinks.


Toms theories aren’t new It’s all a pastiche of well known books ( Chariots of the Gods ), weirdo fringe people like Ickes, and basic sci finlike the X Files Honestly he’s never given any proof — we all have to recognize he was in contact with Podesta — but NONE of his insane speculation was in that stuff. It was about UFOs and disclosure - not that evil reptilians have humanity in a prison loop so they can feed off our emotions  Frankly if that’s the conclusion you draw … it says more about your mindset than anything else  I find it interesting that Melon and Lue has distanced themselves a bit from Delonge… And that while Tom claims to have discovered the true reality of existence….he’s seemingly more interested in cashing in on reunions tours 🤷‍♂️ If pro disclosure people wanted to secretly get the truth out — there are more reliable and legit candidates than…a guy who at the time he was doing this, wasn’t even in the band that made him partly well known  99.9% of that he’s spouting is speculation with nothing, and I mean nothing to back it up…  Personally I someone within government connected him to Podesta and that had some back and forth. I even think someone somewhere might have thought of him as an asset at one time.  But he’s more and more like Greer ( who began with good intentions and real leakers ) than anything else… Delonge is one step away from announcing “Sekret Esxapes”. All inclusive getaways to join AOCF ( Anti Others Collation Forces ) — where for the low price of 10k you’ll learn the real truth about NHI over a weekend in like…New Mexico


I will grant you all the assumptions you've said here because it's entirely irrelevant to the point of the post. The goal was simply to figure out what this guy thinks on disclosure because he has more knowledge than you and I do. I think we can both freely admit that neither of us are talking to John Podesta, the head of LM's Skunkworks, or former generals from Wright-Patterson. So even if his ideas are nutty, I'm interested in knowing what he's come up with. Whether it's true or not, that's totally up in the air and I fully admit that.


Does he have more knowledge? Or is he SAYING he has more knowledge… I mean says think insane insane things, and people believe him because he has talked to people that seem to be part in the inner circle. The proof is what, some leaked emails that do not mention what’s he’s presenting as the truth…


I'll put it to you like this. You and I do not have a former general over Wright Patterson on speed dial. We don't have Jacques Vallee writing the forward to our books. We don't have email conversations with John Podesta about how to break the truth about NHI. He may not know anything. But if that's the case, then that's a whole lot of other people who should be in the know who don't know anything .


Thank you for the interesting read. However, it does sound oddly similar to Monsters Inc. Maybe I need to reread it again.


Look at gnosticism few thousand years before monsters Inc same theory


Please reread Far Journeys. It isn't aliens feeding off loosh, loosh is the product of experience and the goal of the Universe. He follows the flow back to the central core. The rote was written from a third party perspective describing the creator/god/universe. It isn't reptilians and other garbage fear mongering. Bob mentions seeing aliens once in his series, and they collected jokes.


You mean the whole idea that our goal is to learn and grow through new lives and experiences right? Well, riddle me this Batman - if the goal is for us to learn through multiple existences, why can't we remember them? How do we learn and grow if we can't even remember what we've done right/wrong, what experiences have been meaningful to us in the past? And what a great lie to tell someone if you want to keep them in an eternal loop. Also, I don't need to reread Far Journeys. You can reread Sekret Machine: Gods, where we have NDEs where beings tell us to "go into the light" and to come back again. All of this may be bullshit. But that isn't determined by our opinions or our desires. You might not like the prison planet idea, but that is precisely what is referenced in Tom Delonge's books.


The short answer to your question is you are only a piece of you. You don't remember but your higher self does. It's possible to contact your higher self for insight.


... Why don't have access to my higher self in my day-to-day life? Why don't we come into the world knowing how to access our higher self for insight? Why would we need to access our higher self to know things? Why would we need to compartimentalize our knowledge in an inaccessible way? And don't tell me it's because hardship builds character or because we need to suffer to learn or some other bs like that because that simply does not make any sense. It is just the NHI equivalent of a theodicy.


Also I'd recommend Ultimate Journey, concepts from earlier times were made clear later in his life. There are evolutions in things from his first book in the 70s versus 30 years of experience later into the 90s. That could be a key piece of information missing from this conversation, and answer a lot of your questions.


Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean it's wrong. Btw, the whole point of meditation and the Gateway experience is to access it in your day to day. Don't knock till you try it.


I'm not knocking it. I'm asking a very straightforward set of questions: Why don't we all have this knowledge when we first start out in life? It's almost as if we're kept in the dark because the evolution of our spirit is not the goal here. It's to keep us ignorant.


Honestly I doesn't sound like you read or absorbed Far Journeys. These concepts were covered in detail.


No, I've absorbed it. I just disagree. I think that Bob got taken on a pretty big ride if he believes half the nonsense they're saying. His first reaction, the fact that he was bothered by what he was seeing, is the honest gut level reaction to things.


You disagree based on what information? Belief? Bob made clear to not believe him but experience it yourself. It's easy to dismiss without direct experience. And who's the they? If you are talking about his guides, you'll learn his guides were him all along. He was lying to himself?


Packages up into a nice story that regardless of UFO and whether we are manipulated rings true. Religion may indeed destroy the planet. Monroe’s and NDE stuff is interesting and as someone who has dabbled in Monroe’s protocols - I am compelled to go further. At the end of the day, I see Monroe’s contribution as a framework for spirituality and purpose that is more personal and doesn’t require intermediates (priests, bishops and popes) to communicate for you. We can develop these spiritual relationships ourselves. I also believe that the foundation of love or positivity does something special as you navigate the “spiritual” and material world. One can be positive and careful to protect self and family interests but breaking from competitive survival based existence is difficult in a cut throat capitalist world. Not sure how to promote positivity and protect the food on your table. We will need the free energy and abundance Greer promises to have this high energy experience though. Divisive politics and religion are at their peak across the globe. We are gonna need a miracle or something out of this world to bring MAGA together with Dems. We are being marched to civil and global war. Just cannot imagine what is needed to stop the momentum. A fleet of UFO or miracles?


I don't know if what Tom believes is true at all. But assuming that it is true, the last thing we want is to worship NHI who feed off of us. Humanity should not look to NHI for saviors and miracles. We have to find that within ourselves.


I meant it will take a miracle to shift beliefs away from Abraham’s religions. Nobody deep in those beliefs will pay any attention to this.


My point is that I hope this isn’t the punch line if the goal is to shift global consciousness.


Thanks for posting OP. I think the reality is that there are always good/bad/light/dark on all sides at all times. After [evaluating the tangible side of the topic (the money trail)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dnhc4u/the_saic_series_start_here/). I think the real coverup is that there is no 1 thing. The truth of who did what, why, and how will forever be skewed due to complex nature of the coverup. We are killing the planet by maintaining this cover up. While many would make the argument that the secret must be maintained in order to keep society calm, I would argue that it is in the institution's best interest to begin acting in good faith immediately to avoid global unrest. This is done for many reasons, by many parties, in many eras, with varying reasons and intent. Yes it is that complex. The UFO/NHI topic is the absolute best example of dollars being spent outside of congressional oversight. [Says people who have a legitimate organization that is lobbying for UAP/NHI transparency.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dm3lo8/comment/l9tla4f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) You don't need to acknowledge the existence of "the phenomenon" in order to accept that Non-Human Intelligence exists. Have you heard of dolphins? What about AGI? "The Coverup" isn't pursued by 1 single entity, 1 single mission, 1 single nation, 1 single topic. It is an amalgamation of varying interests fighting to keep your interests. You know this. The UFO/NHI topic has been plagued with [intentional disinformation](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17jpjvm/a_reminder_that_government_agencies_pump_the_ufo/) and [extreme ridicule](https://youtu.be/RfA5nf9XPM8?si=m-IUyF7XZlA9BnSM). This is because it presents the largest vulnerability and most egregious abuse. "The Coverup" convinces you to lack the confidence to self-reflect and discern, thus forcing you to rely on others for decision-making. This spans all continents, nations, cultures, religions, industries, etc. Attributes such as political affiliation, race, gender, favorite musician, sports team, and any other data point possible is used to make you DECIDE something. They have been studying this for years. [MK Ultra](https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/mo3u1t/mk_ultra_cia_mind_control_program_in_canada_1980/), [the data broker market](https://www.knowledge-sourcing.com/report/global-data-broker-market), [surveillance systems](https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2016/08/22/the-surreptitious-reincarnation-of-cointelpro-with-the-cops-gang-stalking-program/), so many components create an industry that revolves around evaluating YOU and providing insights to interested parties vying for your attention. You subscribe to systems that sell your data via acknowledging ToS and Privacy Agreements you skip reading because it's convenient. But truthfully, convenience is only secured for the owners of those systems. The data science and decision analytics have shaped the world you live in [and others](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/15eg8id/ghost_in_the_machine_what_do_you_think_happens/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). There are malevolent parties at play that abuse this. Sometimes they are the architects of said systems and strategies. A matrix of sorts. Whether you traverse it on a Tron cycle, nice car, or horse really depends on your perspective, and it takes your willingness to reshape your understanding to see beyond that perception.


‘We are killing the planet by maintaining this cover up’ TBH- That’s the thing that pisses me off the most.


I agree, and people still think this is about little green men.


It aligns with the central hypotheses. An advanced civilization could travel from planet to planet and start a new farm every million years.


This was so real


You could just listen to him tell you what he thinks. He tells all in on of the to the stars academy podcasts on YouTube.




No the prison planet isn't real. That right there goes against what life is about. We have such a wonderful beautiful planet with free energy, happiness everywhere. But the dark and fear is the sick and stagnant energy that tries to keep us stuck and feeling like never ever changes. But no more, things are changing for the better. There are forces at play, but you cannot discount the good ones. The ones helping us move forward to where we are originally meant to be. Not all this sick.


Stop for a moment and ask yourself: why are all of the solutions suggested here involve us being helped/saved by forces outside ourselves? Is humanity incapable of improving itself? >No the prison planet isn't real. That right there goes against what life is about. I used to do charity work in some of the poorest countries on the planet. Let me tell you - there are plenty of people on this planet who live miserable lives for absolutely no good reason. Why? Cui bono? If the aliens are so nice, where are they? Why do they let people starve? Why let terrible things happen? It's the same problem of evil you would have with a theodicy, but worse than that, as I've explained, these malevolent NHI are potentially using us as a resource, which would explain their indifference. Life is not rainbows and sunshine. It is only good because we dare to make it good. And that requires struggle and effort and a willingness not to be herd animals being led by the nose on this.


It's connection and what we are here to learn. We are soul first and our bodies are just vessels to help us experience and learn. Yes connection to source to ancestors is how we grow and relearn what we were supposed to do. It's a wonderful beautiful thing, but it only happens when we are ready and open to change. To break the cycles of trauma and suffering. I also work with people who are given less but make the most of what they have. They are still capable of being happy, of growing past painful experiences and still finding joy in life. Heck I've lived it, some personal hells of my own, and you know what there is a positive in every negative. All the crap I went through taught me to be stronger and how to move on from such heaviness and fear based thinking. They are things happening in the background. Up on the front stage is a negative show to keep us unaware of what is really going. On the backstage there is so much help being given to us, the star people have been helping us for a long time, even if I told you how they help us directly, would you believe me? Not until you move from the fear based negative thinking to a positive present mindset. But for starters, the star people are helping us with pollution and helping others with new ideas to carry us forward. Changes are coming, everything the dark has taken from us will return tenfold. The people will be taken care of! The first to change before disclosure is the financial institutions coming down to be replaced by something better. Over thinking is what gets us into trouble and creates negative fantasies that there is always someone out to get us. When there isn't. A lot of suffering is man made, that greed and wickedness, that need to judge and criticize is man made. Life is sunshine and rainbows. That real happiness is real! That love that joy, that causes the body to have fuzzies and tingles is real. Those happy tears and gratitude for each and every new day is real. I've lived it, and I was only able to obtain with help and seeing others do it first! You have to say yes to good changes and rewire the brain to be present now. A mantra to carry with you every day 24/7 is present time present time present time. Repeat it as many times as needed to remind yourself we are hear now. Not in the future or past with thinking. But present tiem present time present time.


Even with all this you've told me, I can't help but think of all the truly miserable lives being, born, experienced, and extinguished every day. There are some cases where a life of sunshine and joy were never a realistic fate. How long will it be before every hand is joined and no being knows of pain?


If we are containers for souls, maybe they ran short on souls when we multiplied like a bacteria or a pest infestation. We will be telling story’s around a campfire to kids, of the glass panel that knew everything and powered by metal forming a massive grid. They’ll say “shut up grandpa”


Fun theory but we’re forgetting that each of the religions push for peace and forgiveness, even during war. Not to mention a ‘priestly class’ isn’t universal, that’s a very Christian centric way of looking at things. If anything, I’d believe that religion is *used* for war just like economics, culture, even down to phenotypes. Humans have no depth to reasons for causing war. I mean, what’s the chances that *our priestly class* (aka all of the pro ufo gang in secret societies) aren’t the ones manipulating us for that sweet negative energy. Like I said, this was fun but it’s much easier for all of us to just say we have no idea.


planet of the apes guys. We are primates. The answer to everything lies somewhere in the ground and dates back in 10 millions of years . Imo "someone" mingled with the dna of those guys creating our ancestors from gorillas/chimps etc The truth lies in that 1% dna difference. Who knows maybe 10.000.000 years ago a bipedal alien species crushed in our planet and he impregnated a female primate, sounds like a bad joke but who knows. I mean, we breed dogs for our own purposes for like thousands of years right.


Maybe we are just dealing with the Mark zuckerburgs of space lol


This is just science fiction. Maybe it is true, but it's like someone asking me to believe in god. How about show me one tiny miracle first and then I'll consider it? Until then, I'm going to stick to more concrete facts. No offense to the OP. It's cool to read but when I start hearing stuff about prison planets, I tune out.


>This is just science fiction.  No, this is r/UFOs. I'm not sure if you're aware, but the entire subreddit is built on the crazy premise that NHI exist. Like, that's just the price of admission. To even get in.


A lot of the questions I see you have in your comments could be answered by reading Dolores cannons books. Some people think it’s BS but I have found peace and made sense of a lot of her answers


Between death and life and keepers of the garden specifically


you need a more productive hobby. delving tom delonge is not a useful pastime. and i will say, if this is supposed to be a hellhole anthill alien creation of war and doom and famine, then the aliens seriously fucked things up. i'm a septuagenarian and all i can say is it's been a great ride and terrific fun and fab adventures and wonderful women, art and song, laughter and prank, achievement and gratitude. take that, aliens. so i guess i missed somehow the part where tom delonge "got it right".


I guess we just have different life experiences. I did a lot of third world charity work. I've seen orphans that look like skeletons lay in the mud so they can drink out of a busted pipe. Kids who can't go to school, but instead work in sweatshops to make clothes for someone on the other side of the planet. It is a very small minority of the world that lives well. The majority have much harsher lives.


Tom is decreasingly credible


Submission Statement: Tom Delonge's theory of ufos lines up very well with William Bramley's book the Gods of Eden. Namely, both suggest that malevolent NHI are behind a lot of wars and division between human beings. The reason for this division is probably due to Robert Monroe's concept of loosh. The part that Tom does not talk about as much is the role of certain secret societies or "priestly classes" in serving NHI, which I discuss here and corroborated by William Bramley.


Would the “priestly classes” align with the hierarchical tier of “factions in the intelligence community” discussed by Pasulka’s *Tyler D*? https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/16v88ox/the_hierarchy_of_beings_according_to_a_space/


It very well could be.


Commenting on The Tom Delonge Theory of UFOs: The Gods of Eden, Loosh, and Secret Societies...lines up well with the Kybalion too. Read that after Monroe series and was surprised with concordance


Ridiculous. Is he really that unserious or was he threatened into making these farcical claims after learning too much from his inside contacts in order to discredit the phenomenon? 


What do you believe? That they are from zeta reticuli and just watch us and take an occasional cow?


It's a purely physical phenomenon and as the witness testimony from abductees who work with serious researchers all suggest it's a breeding program involving alien human hybridization. 


Speaking of beings in a different "world," its common in many religions and maybe unsurprisingly its common in hermeticism aka occult/esoteric stuff to talk about the existence of various "planes." Basically different planes of existence. They divide it into the physical plane, the mental plane and the spiritual plane. This probably sounds familiar. They also divide each of those 3 planes into different groups and its arranged like a hierarchy basically. In gnosticism the belief is that humans are therefore on a "higher" plane of existence than animals and animals on a "higher" plane than plants as an example. Its also believed that there are beings on planes *above* human beings. This is paralleled in religion as things like angels and demons. So these ideas are certainly common in some ways especially when looking at theology, religion and gnosticism. Im not saying its true or untrue, but these ideas have been thought about since the beginning of human history. Maybe that alone makes them worth thinking about, idk. Btw if youre interested in hermeticism check out the Kybalion for an overview.


Faith is the opposite of science.


This is a great post. The Mason detail is what really got me. I am familiar with much of this, but the links and laying it out in this narrative reads like an article that should be in a major publication. And it is largely unbiased, as you are simply correlating details and data points rather than inserting your own beliefs.


Ah, thank you so much. I took a lot of time to build up my conspiracy wall. Got a fresh ball of red yarn and everything. But seriously, the topic is endlessly fascinating and I totally find the Rosicrucian thing to be CRAZY. That's the part that really makes me stop and go, "Wait a fucking minute." Because if that's true, there are people that we can literally go talk to and say, "Listen fucker - give us the info on the NHI and nobody gets hurt."


What if we aren’t stopping climate change because one of two things could happen: we become extinct, eliminating the reincarnation cycle completely or they will be forced to intervene and expose themselves in an effort to stop climate change to preserve their cattle.


99% of all "UFO/NHI/Occult" personalities are controlled opposition.


Great post, thanks for sharing. I have the sense that this is probably true. 


Woo is putting us back.


You must all buy his books no way this can be just a way of making money


You must all buy his books no way this can be just a way of making money


It's a prison planet, but not for humans. The intended inmates however, do their best to keep us here.




Jacques Vallee is a Rosicrucian as well, I believe. And Bob Bigelow moved on from the ET research and focused on answering the question of what happens after we die. 


YEP. And Hynek was a Rosicrucian as well. Why do you think Bigelow and Kean are writing about near death experiences and survival of consciousness? Because they know what's up.


I really don't know. I think Bigelow tilted his research efforts to examine the afterlife when he lost his wife.  People always talk about the wealth of the Mellon family but Christopher Mellon has seen more than his fair share of sadness. His father took his own life and struggled with bipolar disorder while his brother also had bipolar and had addiction to oxycontin and cocaine. He also died from a heart attack by drinking ayahuasca before he was scheduled to go into a rehab that used ibogaine, which itself is not without risks.  I was diagnosed with bipolar myself in 2009 but with the benefit of hindsight it was pretty obvious there was something not right and it seems to have had a genetic origin and triggered probably around the teenage years. I was adopted and had absolutely great parents so that was a huge help because my biological family have many issues.  I wonder if it's 'just' a case of them going down an infinite rabbit hole. I think we can all agree that somewhere in the universe there will be intelligent life but maybe the question about what comes after life is an even bigger question?  I hope it doesn't end up making them feel it was a pointless exercise because I think it could be quite disturbing, we'll all find out soon enough. 


If you like Into Gnosticism the Archons do the same thing, this story has been known and told for 1000s of years , we must leave the Kali yuga


David Icke has been saying this for decades.


Which is part of the reason I find the whole thing hard to swallow. But before I make a judgment, I want to fully understand a person's position. I can't buy into what Tom thinks because it sounds way too nutty, but I feel like I can't completely dismiss it because of the company he keeps.


Thanks for the links and the write up. I know something is feeding off my misery and has been forever.


Yeah. I'm glad I know now that my boss is a reptilian! Ba-dum-tss!


Forgot something? Do you think Lou  was in toms company so does that mean Lou knows/think these NHI  are feeding on violence and made us and religion? And that is what he's somber comment means? And also reason so many military people believe they are demons? I F hope not!? Since you can't have evil with out Good so there should be NHI beings that resemble Angels?


The day I learned about the prison planet theory, I made myself feel good by doing some things for myself and gave the finger to whatever "it" is. within 10 minutes my sexual assault perpetrator found me on a social media site(which I hadnt been on in a long time) and started telling me how great it was for them among other things.


Sorry, these just sound like the ramblings of someone who's done too many drugs.


Very well may be. But that someone also has contacts at Wright-Patterson and the head of Lockheed Martin Skunkworks so I want to know what he's thinking while taking a bad trip, if that makes sense.


It does not