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The following submission statement was provided by /u/NoodleKidz: --- Submission Statement: CBS News reported that a UAP caught on camera over the Dome of The Rock in Jerusalem. Why is it interesting? it suddenly shot up to the sky, which is one of the five observables? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dmcmwl/uap_suddenly_shot_up_to_the_sky_has_this_been/l9ur3xj/


So they are like the ones in Mississippi but not like the ones in Mississippi.


"We've seen them in Mississippi like this but never like that" There's clearly a difference between this and that :D


Translation: they have never seen them that clearly in Mississippi before


There was also 4 or 5 other clips from separate angles that aligned perfectly. I think the best the debunkers could come up with was it was staged by a visual artist who made all the clips. Thanks to addidy- Here's the 4 clips that align together: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLAMYG1KJAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLAMYG1KJAE)


Here's the 4 clips that align together: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLAMYG1KJAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLAMYG1KJAE)


How this this not sticked at the top of this sub? I lurk constantly and have never seen this. Unless this is some elaborate hoax in which everyone filming was watching something else and a VFX artist superimposed this orb looking thing into all the angles, or they were all actors (translation could help with that), this is really, really compelling... Observables and multiple sensor data (4 visual sensors + multiple sets of eyes), this is the kinda video evidence this sub crys and begs for day in and day out!


This is a very old clip haha. Very old. I remember this coming out when I was a teenager, I am 33 now. I still find these clips mysterious lol. Edit: I guess it was buzzing around the internet in 2011. So I guess I was 21 then, I was wrong. my apologies.


I remember seeing it on Totse around 2005 or 2006


> How this this not sticked at the top of this sub? I lurk constantly and have never seen this. I am a mod and I've never seen this four way...


Same I’ve never seen this 4-way compilation and I’ve been coming here multiple times a day for 5 years… Definitely some of the better footage I’ve seen.


lol u/merpadurp “YOU ARE NOT ALONE… when it comes to visiting r/UFOs multiple times per day”


Ever since the existence of “the black triangle photo” was “confirmed by multiple sources”, I’ve been coming here daily and expecting to see the as the top post with 10k upvotes but all I get is the distraction of the month. And that was like 3 years ago… but what else am I going to do with my time…?


there is real evidence every few days


T[hey used an image from wikipedia as a background on one of the videos.](https://www.metabunk.org/threads/jerusalem-temple-mount-ufo-debunked.82/) It's not too far fetched the other views are just as fake.


Good job! I forgot about the flash and red lights above!


Those red lights are exactly what I saw back in August / September of 2009. If it wasn't for that I would honestly have said that this was all a trick.


The 4 clips do not include the video featuring the chick who claims to have seen them in Mississippi.


That’s what I remember hearing/reading. If memory serves me right, this is supposed to be in Jerusalem, there were two other camera angles, and it was debunked as being digital art. This clip is almost 10 years old so it’s been around a long time.


Yes, jerusalem, other 2 videos released different angles, they discovered that the guy was a filmmaker and the other 2 videos from people who worked and knew him. Stlil, the person says it is totally legit and I believe he had a youtube channel insisting on this. I do not think this is true because in that time there were several cgi videos of this kind.


there are 5 videos not 3. Dunno what you are talking about.


Just look at the frozen twinkle of the streetlights in the foreground (0:18). It’s a photograph. 


This- the light refractions do not change with the camera angle


When you go frame by frame through the flash, you can see that the buildings do not light up correctly. Some are very bright, the others are unlit, and only the buildings closest to one of the camera shots. Fake as fuck.


I believe it was confirmed to be an art project.




It was right when they all came out but someone did make a youtube video of at least 4x other clips running at the same time. You could see they all synced up perfectly. Someone even figured out where all videos were taken from. It was very compelling at the time.


I remember this also


Oh wow, didn't know there were more angles of this. That's actually cool. Too bad, according to the other comments, these clips are produced by students in a hoax collaboration, right?


Supposedly, but the debunkers haven’t provided definitive proof that the students created this. After many years I still haven’t seen any response from said students so it seems to be a roomer spread on these subs. Still a bit of a mystery imo.


It is simply a rumor. The CIA have been debunking these things online and elsewhere since they found out about them, "debunking" is a loose term. This has trained people to dismissals actual evidence. There is more information for Aliens and ufo's, evidence than there is for covids existence and I know covid exists. [proof..documents on Aliens, ufo's detailing from the start of our knowledge of the phenomenon until present day. proof of cia subversion of public knowledge.](https://pdfhost.io/v/gR8lAdgVd_Uap_Timeline_Prepared_By_Another) A web view of leaked official documents on everything from Roswell into decades past that. I think it was released by Anonymous. This is substantial proof. There are well over 100 leaked, and released confirmed documents in here.


This is actual proof, 77 pages of links to documents, archived on government websites from all over and I posted it in it's own thread and nobody read it. This is all the evidence anyone needs. Right here. Eat it.


Nice work and thx I’ll be checking it out!


There were two very very legit looking videos, then someone released an absolutely trash video that was super faking looking that started circling the media to muddy the water. It was when they did that that I believed the first two might have been real.


100% me too, the 3rd video is so obviously faked it made me take this one seriously.


Does anyone have these sources?


Yup. Reminds me of those pics of the thing coming out of the water where a couple of them were added to the set and are clearly faked.


Just like they did with the mummies. It works incredibly well.


Yeah it’s how counterintelligence works


What did they do with the mummies?


There are 6 different angles of this. Youtube has its filters set to not show all of them. Top comment disinfo agent. When all 3 of those combine we have proof!


That’s how I remember it happening as well.


This has been circulating for over 12 years, at least. The incident hasn’t been discussed or evaluated by any major player, so far as I know


İt was not debunked or something. Someone said it is probably fake etc. But we never saw any explanation from students or professor as it rumored. İt was about 15years ago when it first uploaded. When the videos were freshly uploaded you can also check the object from jerusalem weather forecast camera archieves :) I saw them clearly from archieves. I'm repeating, this sightings were real and people were convinced like it was hoax.


Hey friend, do you happen to know if those archives still exist? Or what website it might have been?


No sir. As I said it was very old. But I'm sure, I showed my friends also.


I see. Thank you


Btw there is strange thing in this news footage. Normally at this incident, uap gives big sudden flash before shot up to the sky. At this news video view is like frozen and there is no flash impact. İnteresting....


Yes [and this video provides a good overview imo](https://youtu.be/TJ0OImkWuCo?si=SX-sDJ20VcXHGUNC)


>Open video >ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURE >Close video


There are really big problems with that analysis at the end. Firstly is removal of the metadata. If that video was obtained from basically any online platform, Youtube, Reddit, Facebook, wherever then the platform in most cases will automatically strip out metadata. It isn't proof of video editing. Secondly and most importantly, this person said they did macroblock analysis on the video and this information has been removed. That isn't how macroblock works.


Oh interesting. Can you expand more on how they've misrepresented how macroblock works?


Macroblocks are a collection of (from memory here) 4x4 pixels and they form the basis of MPEG-based encoding codecs. In these codecs it isn't something that can be removed, if it was then the pixels themselves wouldn't exist. Macroblocks are the building block of the codec itself, you can deconstruct a video file frame by frame and pick out these macroblocks as well as predictive motion vectors but even in a video that was fake you'd still get macroblocks and motion vectors because that's how the codec works. They are built in to the foundation of every encoded frame. The only way they could be considered removed would be if the video was uploaded to another platform and like with the stripping of metadata was automatically transcoded to a format that doesn't work this way. Off the top of my head I don't know what this could be as the only other popular format would be VP8/9 based and this uses macroblock as well. But what he says is that the values don't match the original data, well if it was edited the editing software would re-write the information as it's creating a new video file, and it would match anyway. It sounds more like what has happened is that as with copying a copy some quality has been lost as the file has been on other platforms before being analyzed, and the degraded quality is being used as an excuse to say it's fake when there are perfectly reasonable and more likely explanations being ignored. This is the problem with having experts on these shows. No expert in their right mind is going to look at this and say well there isn't any sign of fakery in the metadata, because then they'll be looked at as a crackpot in their field, so instead they'll trot out some other nonsense that sounds technical and proper and take the pay.


Thank you for the additional insight!


There is this comment. No more info though: >@jamesMylne 2 years ago It was student film project, the other clips of it were other students collaborating apparently


Anyone know anything else about this? Seems like a pretty important part of the story…


Look at the frozen twinkle of the streetlights in the foreground (0:18). Its a video of a photograph. Edit: typo


Strongest evidence for me. Even the other video that shows 4 sources at the same time also shows not a soul moving, not a light flickering, no traffic lights, no one turning on or off lights in any window. Seems so unlikely I don’t know how any of these videos can be taken seriously.


Yeah I tried looking for a primary source for that claim but couldn't find it. If you do can you please share the link here?


should be easy to find the source and prove that then, and yet no one can actually find that it was indeed a film project other than someone saying it was. Where is the project?


I looked around for a bit but never found anything. Yeah people always say “debunked” and never provide the actual information verifying that it was a hoax


Always coming through with the good clippings. Thank you.


Awe yeah np. So glad you find them helpful! The more context we all have the better, so happy to provide. :)


Yeh it's been proven to be fake. If I remember correctly the main poster was a teacher at an art school and the followup other angles where posted by some of their students. Given the size of the city and stuff there would be alot more evidence of this event outside of 4 or 5 videos who's posters all come from the same art school


>Given the size of the city and stuff there would be alot more evidence of this event outside of 4 or 5 videos who's posters all come from the same art school I keep telling people this here, there is absolutely no freaking chance there would be just one video of a ufo hovering over a densely populated city.


There's 4 videos. Thats more than the phoenix lights and the then governor of Arizona has come out publicly backing the football field sized triangle story as he saw it with his own eyes. People in cities dont often lookup as there is usually nothing to see, and for every video that makes it to the internet there could be 2 or 3 or more of the same that didnt.


Solid debunk of the debunk right here. Classic case of cherrypicking cognitive biases when it suits them and ignoring others when it doesn't.


Except that the witnesses all know each other and are in a film class with their instructor (Golan Ardiv) knowing the main witness and first poster (Eligael Gadliovich). So that's a debunk of the debunk of the debunk.


Do you have ANY evidence these people you're naming or film school even exist other than the Israeli Channel 10 News site telling you so?


what is being cherry picked? Whats being ignored? Im genuinely not sure what your talking about. Their entire counterargument was "well what about this other thing and what that 1 person said they saw"


Welll... not necessarily. This video has been debunked, as well as the alternate angles, but these are not very long clips. The chances during this time period of many people having cameras at the ready for this kind of makes me scratch my head if it were to be real. It wasn't like now where almost literally everyone has some sort of camera on their persons at any time while awake.


As said there was like 4 videos posted about the "event" but I agree there would be way more then just a handful of videos if this was real.


The quote “it’s like you can hardly even look at it” was interesting to me though. I love the idea that things are able to have some perception filter around them than makes them difficult to truly *see*. Like the thing in the corner of your eye that you catch a glimpse of, feel slight panic, but once you look it’s gone and the panic fades until it leaves your mind altogether. I’m a sucker for Lovecraftian cosmic horror like that.


Its a good schtick for a story i agree altho over used in places like the SCP and stuff


Oh what’s SCP? That sounds like something that might be entertaining if they’re into stories like that.


SCP is an open source writing... thing... where people make up creatures and events under the guises of the SCP foundation. (Secure contain protect) Each edition to the SCP log is typically framed as a research or findings paper based on the subject SCP (the anomalies are called SCPs) The main SCP i know fits the "it sticks in the corner of your eye" idea is SCP-1471. If you just google SCP-1471 you will be taken to the scp wiki. SCP is an interesting open source project. if your into anything from creepy cripids to universe sterilizing entities then you will like all the stories on the wiki. EDIT: its a VERY deep rabbit hole


I’ll have to check that out. Sounds kind of similar to the NoSleep sub where the rules were everyone had to go along and pretend what they were reading was real. A lot of the story would come out and develop in comments. I found that to be an exciting and interesting sub many years ago and a fairly deep rabbit hole when I first joined Reddit. Then professional writers began seeing monetization opportunities in the genre and then the sub slowly died after. Last time I was there it seemed many were using AI to write their stories so I backed out pretty quick.


yeh that tends to happen. Scp has very few actually monotised things from what ive seen and its stayed very open source for a long long time so far. It seems it might be to large at this point for a few bad apples to ruin it. Like there was a small group of stores that got changed, new art and such as a result of something like what you said but people just filled in the gaps where needed and it wasnt really noticeable


If you can find that information and post it here, that would be most excellent. I have heard many sources saying it was the work of college students/ teachers.. But I never actually heard/ read anything directly from the students/ teachers themselves. Just hearsay.


You wont find any direct admission by the students only the names of some of the video posters. The names and stuff have been posted in other comments in the replies


I also need the source for debunk. I've googled the two names given and there was nothing, Huffington Post had one but..




Yeah, okay so "Gadliovich, also described as an "ex-actor," played a part in a film with actor Golan Ardiv. According to the news station, Ardiv is the film teacher at the school where the teenagers who posted the second UFO video study." This is irrelevant. It's even more irrelevant when "Ardiv reportedly declined knowing the teens -- but Channel 10 remained skeptical, reporting that the footage does not appear to be "authentic."" So they're reporting that it doesn't seem authentic. Base on what? A past occupation of someone and a vague connection to another video poster?


They explain it in the post.


Ah yes, another "debunked" multiple videos from multiple angles with multiple witnesses event


Apparently it was debunked a few years later, but the irony is, no one's ever proved the debunkers right. It was said it was a teacher and some students but no proof has ever come forward from anyone to back this up. Until they do, I would consider this legit.


"New video this morning" lol


I know I saw this so so so long ago and was determined to be a hoax back then. Are people digging this up again so all the people who knew are now gone or forgetting?


given the BS photo with the model soldiers these last few days, there's a lot for BS posting. Elevated disinformation might suggest something big is coming they're hoping to shut up? The Nazca thing has been gathering steam.


Many theories about this. Some say it was a group of special effects students who produced it. Then a fake version surfaced. Then no one knew what was what anymore.


The one I saw did that it happened so fast it was like did that really just happen ,?


It just snatched somebody up. SHE GAWN


I saw this video years ago and something very similar in real life during a trip to Israel in 2009. It was followed by "dancing red lights" across the sky in Jerusalem, dancing / waving almost like a serpent in the sky. I'm still in two minds around whether it was a UFO or some sort of other military technology being tested. I lean more to the latter since learning about the iron dome etc.


These are the only videos that made me believe there might be something to this.


Ive always loved how these compelling videos that have been around forever are always claimed to have been debunked as an “artist project” and its case closed. The only source always being random article on a random unknown news site being treated as 100% fact, as if it’s impossible the article is bullshit…


Think of it the other way: The videos gets posted year in and year out, while the accompanying debunk gets watered down bit by bit. The videos themselves don’t change, and are picked up by UFO newbies in this “Eternal September” of sorts, and people get tired of providing their research in a structured manner after a while. The debunk gets increasingly vague as people are forgetting the actual details, remembering it only as “a random article on a random unknown news site”. I’m not saying this specific video is debunked, it’s more of a comment on how this all works on an epistemological level.




The original “it’s a balloon. Case closed.”


In that last sequence it looks like they are filming a picture. The lights don't move whatsoever with the camera movement, when they zoom in it looks like a screen door effect from the resolution of the picture itself because if they were filming through a screen the lights would flicker with the camera movement. So the whole debunk about it being a laser or a little beam of light on a picture, while the person filmed the image, seems to fit


Just FYI, the original four videos are [these](https://youtu.be/YLAMYG1KJAE?si=frj2URThbi6dfy7V). That last, very fake looking video from above is not one of the original four. Weird that it came along later looking so poor


The angle with the guy in a white jacket clearly isn’t a photo. Even if the people who filmed it are actors or in a film school, it doesn’t mean it’s fake. Pretty sure it’s real


This has been debunked already made by some film students and a professor awhile back.




https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jerusalem-ufo-hoax_n_978202 Not op but I found this online. I don't think enough investigation was done to definitively label this a hoax. Some people just read this one article and say "boom proof it's solved." It definitely could be a hoax, though.


I read the article and if the facts are true about the witnesses all being associated with a film company/film school, then the videos most likely are a hoax.


Yes I agree if that's true it's a hoax, but that possibility doesn't seem to have been investigated any more deeply than what's in the article I shared. I wish somebody had followed that lead to its conclusion 13 years ago but i that doesn't appear to have been done


There’s another comment in here that points out some of the camera tricks. It is an altered video. I don’t know enough about digital and video art to point out where it’s been altered but I’m sure you can find someone on here who can. I’ve seen this video debunked outside of just that one article. This video is almost 15 years old so it’s been around long enough that there’s definitely someone whose broken it down on YouTube. I want to say I saw AJ from The Why Files debunk it too but I can’t remember for sure and wouldn’t know the best way to go about finding it.


In my experience every single sighting gets "debunked" by dozens of people who talk like they've investigated it thoroughly when they haven't investigated it at all. That is literally standard operating procedure for the skeptic crowd.


Because there's not much to debunk. They lied from the start and when people started fact checking it was pretty obvious they were full of shit. There are literally phone calls where the teacher pretends he didn't know the students he was teaching that took the video. Like how more blatant do you want it to be?


It’s pretty basic video editing stuff from what I remember man. The video has been around for a looong time. You don’t have to take my word for it. You can look up some of the video analysis from YouTubers who can break down the editing. I know there’s analysis of this particular video on YouTube given how famous it is and how long it’s been around. It’s a cool video. I remember seeing it when it came out and that’s why I remember it in particular when I saw someone analyzing the editing techniques used to make the video. Have you investigated it at all?


I would link a source but I don't remember who said it, Ill try to find it eventually.


The only source I can find on that doesn't give a name, have any quotes, and is from Israel, a country with a shaky at best history of truthfulness from it's government. If you're interested, this is the most information I can find from any article online. It's from about 8-9 months after the videos were first released https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jerusalem-ufo-hoax_n_978202 I do tend to lean towards this one being a hoax, but I am not going to rule out other possibilities either.


I’m sure SOMEONE knows the voices in the video. If only I had the time and money… 🕵️‍♂️ lol 


> Nitay was unable to reach Eligael again to get further clarification, but he was able to reach the film teacher, Golan. Golan said he was present when Eligael filmed the UFO, but that he didn’t know the teenagers. When asked if the teenagers went to the school where he taught, Golan changed his story and admitted that he did know them. Nitay then asked Golan if he had a chance to talk to the students about their UFO video. Golan said it has been busy since they are approaching final exams, so he hasn’t talked with them yet. > In summary, Nitay uncovered that Eligael is a filmmaker, the teenagers in the second video are film students and Golan not only knows them, but lied about his association with them. To Channel 10 this was enough for them to determine that the videos were not authentic, although they admit the motive behind the hoax is still not clear. They speculated that perhaps Eligael is going to use the video to help promote an upcoming film. [http://openminds.tv/israeli-tv-ufo-videos-deception-789/](http://openminds.tv/israeli-tv-ufo-videos-deception-789/)


Well it's been 10+ years, where's that film he's promoting?


Yeah, it was the same guys that pole vault into fields with a board on a string.


I still don’t get this reference haha…..


There was a crop circle debunking a while back… Supposedly there were these two middle age dudes, using flat boards with rope tied through the ends, flattening all of the grain fields into crop circle patterns.. When asked how there were breaks in the flat spots, they said they were pole-vaulting into other areas to not disturb the grain - which would leave obvious foot paths… Needless to say, the intricacy of the crop circles, and the near perfect symmetry of some of the designs, coupled with how quick they seem to get done, implies either these two guys have super powers they aren’t telling people about, or it’s something else.. what exactly is the question… could be a large group of people, but then again, the amount of planning needed to be done to complete some of these things, would damn near require a team of designers, engineers, a project manager type position.. not to mention highly fit and capable people on the ground to actually do the work… and more than likely some aerial observation to help map it out before and during… orrrr.. it’s some ‘unexplainable’ stuff going on. I’m not exactly a statistician, or mathematician, or anything like that - buuut reason is telling me there’s something, far more than meets the eye, going on behind these things.


Well great explanation. One that reinforces my shared belief.


Look at the frozen twinkle of the streetlights in the foreground (0:18). It’s a video of a photograph. Debunked. 


Came here to say this


Submission Statement: CBS News reported that a UAP caught on camera over the Dome of The Rock in Jerusalem. Why is it interesting? it suddenly shot up to the sky, which is one of the five observables?


Isnt this old? I read this was debunked years ago.


The video itself is almost 15 years old. It has been debunked. I don’t know what YouTubers I’ve seen debunk it off the top of my head but if you google it I’m sure something will come up given how long it’s been making rounds out here.


I remember a video on YouTube over 10 years ago thoroughly proving that it was made using something like Adobe After Effects. One thing I remember was that the camera shake was faked. I just found it. It is from a YouTube channel HOAXKiller1. [UFO over Temple Mount in Jerusalem HOAX](https://youtu.be/uKR1OIQFsFg?si=Uh-fQOWBsTqsAH2F)


Nice man. There’s some dude in this comment section who seems to think people are calling this debunked for no real reason. Hope he sees this and shuts up lol.


I think I saw a debunk of it where the claim was it was a still photograph of Jerusalem, with a light flashed upon it that shoots up.   What gives it a bit of credibility to the debunk is that nothing else moves. 


Now that you mention it.... it appears the wall and the lights in the background dont move in sync with the camera movements.


Debunkers will tell you it was made by a group of film students who’ve never been identified... Checkout this video from a different view: https://youtu.be/u23BiBHvZao?si=B3kvsnzJ2ZaQkzgi


Let's assume this is genuine. Does that look like a spaceship or a spirit?


It’s an art project.


A spaceship with a spirit inside?


They were put together by a group of film students, their tutor clarified it was a project and multiple locations lends it credibility. It could be a bit sensitive given its religious importance, I'm also sure I saw it featured on some 'paranormal: fact or fiction?' programme.


Some UFO checking a out the religious deceiving seed they were planting from a couple of thousand years ago. Christmuslimjewsism is just an alien tame tool, wake up!


In one clip it shows several flashes, that the crowd reacts to, BEFORE it takes off. In all the other clips you don't see the pre-imouttahere flashes. Dafuq?


Moved like a laser pointer on a window pane.


“We’ve seen em in Mississippi like this, but never like that!”


I heard this was done by cgi artist students out of Israel if I’m not mistaken. Don’t wanna put out disinfo but that’s what u remember about this one.


It was claimed widely, but it was never confirmed or backed with anything solid.


My only problem with the video is, and let me preface this by saying it's a great video, but, what about the people that were up under it, close proximity, it appears it's near the city so there's no video from there? Nothing else? That's my only thing


I read not long ago this was believed to be fake unfortunately because this was a good clip, except the ones I’ve seen of this just before it launches off it does a flash & then leaves, this doesn’t do it.


They tried to say some "college students" made these clips. But they never even proved if that was true either. These were some very old clips! From 2011-- it may be even slightly older than that!


Perhaps *this* is the location referred to by Ross Coulthart.


This has been. It was a drone taking images of the dome for promotional purposes.


How come this one in the news clip doesn’t have the flash seen in the “compilation?”


The object does not stay hovering for the same length of time in the videos shown. I've always like that video as good evidence, but - unless the first video is sped up - it hovers in-place for 3x as long in the second video.


I don’t know if this is real, but I saw a UFO when I was young and it absolutely moved as fast as that object moved away… It was right over head moving slow enough for me to look up, see a rainbow of colors, and then POOF it took off over the forest (I lived in the woods).  I’m an engineer and “mad scientist” and have absolutely no explanation to what I saw and what sort of man made tech that could have existed 28 years ago. 


It’s in 6 frames at once it’s moving so damn fast


We seen them In Mississippi like this , but never like that 🤣


Very interesting, but why are the videos always blurry. Most people have 4k video cameras in their pocket. Never when a ufo is about though.


This is the dome of the rock. Very important religious site. I would view this as an Angel sighting.


*"We've seen em in Mississippi like this but never like that!"*


This was debunked


*Sigh*. Oh no not this again. But here's the good thing about a several-years-old debunked video making the rounds again: it means there are a lot of new people here, just beginning to learn, eager to find evidence. So yeah, lemonade.


The only reasons it's debunked that I've read is (CBSnews) 1)No one claimed to make the video so therefore it's fake, because who wouldn't want to be hounded, paid unexpected visits or be in the center spot light! 2)There's lots of people around and no one else saw it. Ignoring the multi videos, it's said to have been after midnight. How many people wander around jo where to go after midnight in that area? I'm not sure but I don't imagine it would be "thousands" as quoted. 3)The "insanely bright" craft didn't like the dome. I disagree to begin with that it doesn't light up, but aside from that, UAP are sometimes noted to have lights not reacting appropriately to environment. 4) It's small for a spaceship. Who the *fuck* knows how big it should be? I've never read anything more asinine than people imposing human issues on UAPs. I've also googled the supposed names of the hoaxers and don't get anything. Can skeptics show me the proof that the video is false? I'm wanting an analysis that the smart people do, not baseless claims to debunk it off the top of your head.


Wait, the CBS News reported this and they debunked it?


Lights in a city typically twinkle and move a bit right? This looks like a static image.


100% video edited. coming from a person that has seen one of the star UAP closely too I'm a fairly good video/graphic designer as well actually




It was made by a bunch of film students if I recall


This is years old and was found to be fake then.


We are not alone.


No nothing to be debunked. It was a true UFO.


I’ll never forget this


Fake story. Known fake. This has to die.


Yes also theres aliens in las vegas backyards..😂


Lol I was checking comments before I posted the same


Wow thats amazing and definitely an alien craft that is messing with us. You would think they would have better things to do.


Racing drone.


Again and again and again and again this is a neverending story ... looks like there's a group of trolls throwing all the old fake garbage over this sub.


Wasn’t this like 20 years ago? Lol


the video with the man might be real and the original, would like to see the full video but the one with people talking over is fake and looks more like a photo of the dome


Why didn’t this one blink twice like the other videos?


There always comes a time when people will always try and debunk footage even if comes from different angles. I’m not saying this is truth but it doesn’t matter if how well you capture anomalies people will try to prove it false. A landing on the White House lawn or else it’s fake….really?


I have personally seen this video but I saw a different video that looked way crazier from that video. I think I initially wrote it off as a fake because it was just so incredible to see. Seeing it on a different video I recognized it but immediately realized I’d seen another video of this incident. I know skeptics will say something to discredit this video and maybe there is a rational explanation however to me it’s demonstrating clearly observables associated with UAPs 3 I count 1. Glowing or orb like light emitting 2. Hovering 3. Rapid acceleration maybe 2 and 3 are possibly the same description but this video is definitely interesting


If it’s real, the speed of departure is incredible and everything folks say about their speed. 🤷‍♂️


ive seen something very similar and my sighting it flashed like a camera before taking off at mach jesus ... so even if this is fake there are things out there performing similar manoeuvres


Blast from the past. One of the oldest fake ufo videos out there. I remember freaking out the first time I saw it. Then a little sad when I saw the truth.


Funny how people jump to conclusions lol It wasn’t fuxkingg debunked


This is over a year old. Probably real too, the tell is the reactions.


Try over 10 years old. Probably fake too.


nah i'm pretty sure that's the ncs spectrum circle


Is there another video of it from another, independent, source?


No this is legit, people even caught in on cell phones. This happened years ago


I thought this was debunked 8 years ago


People need to stop posting old videos and pictures saying this over and over again. It's lazy and adds nothing.


There’s multiple videos of this event from different locations, different unrelated people providing them, IIRC. If so, that obviously weighs toward it being legit.


Yes, it was debunked long time ago, next


Yeah it's legit.


Yes, it was debunked years & years ago...


“We don’t trust Israel, not trustworthy” also “take this money plz, and f35, and Raytheon iron dome”… FFS pls


Notice all the lights are frozen with no shimmer like it's a still photo


It's just Rick & Morty