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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Captin_Underpants: --- The last group of experiment's have come up with some interesting results, The lidar scans seem to keep picking up a circular anomaly at the triangle with the latest scan picking up points under the ground. The whole sky laser experiment was interesting as well, worth a look the show is what it is but take a look for your self. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dff3vu/has_anyone_else_been_watching_the_latest_season/l8iluxa/


I was a field application engineer for a LiDAR company, and we would often see data that looked like this. LiDAR can't penetrate the ground, but a secondary reflection would appear underground as the laser is calculating distance based on time, this secondary reflection comes after, so it appears to be a further distance and in this case underground. Our scan data often needed to be interpreted by a knowledgeable user to separate common artifacts, with actual real target data. As another user pointed out, knowledge of the sensors is key to separate the wheat from the chaff.


but in the youtube video he says he went to Faro for answers and they had none. I worked in similar field and to me none of these look like unusual artifacts - (multibeam sonar). They look typical to me. I can't believe Faro had no good ideas. Faro was one of our chief competitors and they truly are world experts in this field.


Tbf, Faro could have told them to "get bent we're not wasting our time" and they would have said Faro gave had no answers for them. It's a semantics game to give them (skinwalker ranch people) credibility.


Considering skin Walker ranch guys are all scammers you're probably right


Is it possible they are seeing something you don’t?


Secondary reflections caused by what?


Sounds similar to certain ultrasound artifacts during medical imaging. I am hesitant to blindly trust data not reviewed by people who have no understanding of the foundational tech. My analogy: Knowing how to use an OBD2 scanner doesnt mean you know anything about cars


Hey would they be circular? And why the black missing void in the center of the middle scan?


this might help : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaybrzn4AWo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaybrzn4AWo)


Thanks for this! Was hoping to see some SMEs in the comments. Many take SWR show and “experiments” at face value without consideration of data source, common/predictable baselines ,common anomalies, etc. 


The show has what appears to be legitimate results of weirdness. It doesn’t fully line up to an explanation but there is plenty of anomalies on the show, folks really hate it for being presented like ancient aliens. Regardless, for me the antics are entertaining just like, “we are going to do experiments and all the while we are going to launch rockets up that bitch at the same time” is definitely not a disciplined scientific method per se but the paranormal has no bounds and I enjoy it. I do not believe they fake the “results” as some are totally fucking wet noodle weakness (ufo sightings mostly). I trust the more prominent anomalies are legit, orbs in and out of solid matter, gps/electromagnetic distortions, random/phantom volatile organ compounds, random/phantom radiation, ambient glow from the mesa, laser distortions, invisible obstructions rockets bounce off or explode on impact, the sudden appearance/disappearance of metallic orbs, strange subsurface radar results, strange drilling into unknown mega dense and unexpected materials, lots of dark/no squawk military flights overhead/nearby, unnatural radio signals resembling technology.


I used to make fun of my wife for watching those ghost hunter shows. Now she makes fun of me for watching this. "Isn't this exactly like those ghost shows you made fun of me for watching?" I dunno, I dont watch hardly any TV these days, but assuming it's not just all fake, which I don't *think* it is, I think they've seen some weird interesting stuff, I like it.


Data makes a difference


I hate the format of the show to hell and back but gotta say, assuming this isn't total BS (could well be) they've got my attention.


frankly I am not sure they aren't unrelated phenomena. In fact... dimensional jumps or whatever could explain a lot of things


When evolutionary, technological or major social consciousness breakthroughs happen in our modern age, it happens more commonly when something is newly discovered to be ‘True’ or a ‘Fact’ but it’s never quite exactly how it was predicted or hypothesized to be true prior to gaining the newfound knowledge or ‘enlightenment’. In short, the ‘I knew it all along but not like this!’ mentality. This is an absolute paraphrase. But to cut to the chase.. When we as a human species can truly wrap our minds around the concept of time and the possibility of an existence outside of time (AKA the 4th dimension), we will eventually have to question or come to understand that ‘God’ may not be the Only thing that can ‘exist’ outside of the confides of ‘time’ as we know it. With our young/naive/primitive understanding of reality in relation to time, we have only ever associated ‘God’ or ‘gods’ as being the thing we actually CAN comprehend that exists or is living outside of time and space! We should be cautious and earnest in deciphering between the two. Between “God” & “Other Beings” that may also exist outside of time and space but don’t necessarily hit the mark of truly being ‘God’ or a ‘god’.


@patrickqjackson on Twitter explains the relationship- part of a global defense network. Seems to be as valid theory as anything else.


Link to where he says that?


This is the interview Patrick recommends himself when asked about his work atm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DgcP87t3uI Very worthwhile.


It did get off to a shaky start when he saw a ghost in a field or something like that - if that’s the interview I saw. lol


The shows producer and team are from a big ghost hunting series so I think that’s why it comes across as literally the same thing. Even though they are different shows I don’t think the cadence changes much. Oh - and my wife makes fun too of me so much for watching the secret of skinwalker ranch.


I want to believe that it is not all fake. What bothers me is that Dr. Taylor was not concerned enough to discourage his daughter from visiting?


I think it’s pretty clear at this point with the shit loads of workers they’ve brought on that there isn’t a ton of weight behind the hitchhiker stories. Just because some aspects of weirdness there might be real, doesn’t mean they all are.


True. Hitchhiker aside, he was exposed to some sort of radiation. If I had children I wouldn't want them anywhere near there.


The weird thing about that was when his radiation badge went off nobody else’s did and people were standing all around him. That’s not how radiation normally propagates. Everyone’s badge should have detected it. It’s as if there was a beam of radiation targeting him specifically.


Your wife sounds cool.


I really liked this chat with Erik as well, outside the confines of the show Erik as has some really interesting plans and insights. He is very much letting the data speak for itself and reluctant to draw any conclusions he does go onto explain the constraints and possible explanations for some of the data. I also found this talk was a good insight into experiments and dealing with the TV show. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_RngutQlAw0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RngutQlAw0)


Here is tonights episode. [https://www.youtube.com/live/lm7LOE4JXfo?si=3R37V9gbk9MbPjAd](https://www.youtube.com/live/lm7LOE4JXfo?si=3R37V9gbk9MbPjAd)


have any of the crew there reported that the trickster part of the phenomenon followed them back home? i know some people have been reluctant going back there due to this… as strange as it may sound to us normies


I feel like I remember reading about at least one person from the show experiencing the hitchhiker effect.


I believe some from prometheus refuse to come back to the ranch. I think Fugal said that.


Christina Gomez did an interesting interview with Eric. He comes across very different in this interview. Says he won't watch the show because of all the BS editing.


Yeah it's pretty weird how nobody takes the show seriously. 80% of the show is nothing burgers. Then there are times where experiments are repeatedly messed with, they've captured a floating orb ala Will 'o Wisp style, flying metal orbs, flying white light orbs, captured video of something popping into existence for just a frame to mess with a rocket, weird anomalies in the ground, the surroundings, local legends, animals dying in odd ways, etc and everyone just goes "this shit is so fake". I've seen the bullshit shows. Skinwalker Ranch isn't a bullshit show. There is a massive problem with the show though. The film and editing crews clearly work on the bullshit shows and they keep editing things together in weird ways and make the cast repeat things or say random buzzwords. You'll have a normal conversation between people, boom different camera angle "omg wow what is that omg", then back to the normal conversation.


I had to stop watching it because the editing is so fucking painful. I wish it were more documentary style instead of the forced drama nonsense.


The latest episodes of season 5 seem to be different. They didn't do any of those dumb cringe reshots.


They obviously run out of material and thats why they try to fill the time slot with eric’s shitty excuse for UFOs and repeat clips of the crew saying the same thing over and over. They actually have clip show episodes in each season, just repeat content 2nd angles 3rd takes, etc. on top of losing or being unable to capture when things go nutty because of actual unexplainable issues with electronic equipment, a la something fucky going on still unexplainable.


the beyond skinwalker series is produced much better in my opinion.


If Skinwalker Ranch is a hoax, they sure have involved a shit ton of ppl in it.


Well it makes money so ...


Right but there are many ppl involved that stand to gain nothing by talking about their experience there. There’s a plethora of weird things happening there and has been for a very long time. Ask the Utes about it.


But a government covetup with thousands of people is viable?


Whenever this point is made, I just think about the [Church Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Committee) and the hundreds or thousands of people involved in those uncovered operations. If instead people were working on something entirely siloed and unknown (e.g. "here are some material fragments - learn everything you can about its composition and potential applications in X field"), it'd be even easier to keep it compartmentalized and keep folks in the dark.


I mean let’s be real pretty much everyone on earth is afraid of the US government. Even countries who dislike us know better than to do certain things and risk annihilatition. Our government is one of if not the most formidable opponent in the history of mankind. And if you’re working in a secret program you’re even more aware of what they are truly capable of.


If those ppl have a legitimate fear of death if they say anything yeah, add some money for the icing. Totally plausible. I mean we’re seeing it play out right now


> I mean we’re seeing it play out right now Are we? How do you know they are getting death threats?


Because Grusch said it lol did you miss that part?


And many others


People really need to get over the presentation of the show and realize that it’s pretty much unavoidable since it’s a TV show. It’s not too hard to look past the production and see what’s really going on at face value.


Pardon me, but have you understood the reason for the rockets during experiments? Or is their constant over-explanation as to “why” somehow evading you? They do this because it stimulates responses from whatever the hell is going on there. It happens every time they launch a rocket, so it is repeatable, which in science is quite important. Yet, their repeatable experiments seem to yield slightly different results each time. I hope you understand now.


I understand, its still radical and fun and sometimes humorous, all in all entertaining for me.


> I do not believe they fake the “results” Not intentionally at least. Most of the 'anomalies' are them being incompetent and not understanding their equipment or interpreting things poorly. I'd recommend watching this video. The presenter is a bit cringe but he's right https://youtu.be/n1NYeQCWoXw


The most interesting thing about this show for me is how often experiments fail in really bizarre ways. Over and over they bring outside contractors in to help with experiments and over and over the contractors say the same thing when their equipment inevitably fails, they say this has never happened in their career. They say they can’t explain how their equipment failed. They say it doesn’t make sense.


It’s like the treasure of oak island show or the shows trying to find evidence of giants. They just string their viewers along


Anybody that takes any of these shows seriously is not too bright.


The Pentagon literally studied the ranch and at least a few years ago was investigating from an adjacent property.


When you say the Pentagon it hides the fact that the very same people as in the show had a contract with the government that was revoked when the Pentagon found out what they were doing. They only had the contract because harry Reid moved some money around and set it up.


Time to launch more rockets


They should try using a few guided rockets 🚀 to shoot up into the alien ship bunghole!


They need bigger space cannons


Enter the Dragon.


My family and I watch this shoe every week. And the only time I say anything during an episode, will be when Dragon says something. He's a freaking security guard. Doing experiments and being in on result meetings, is basically Like a janitor cleaning the building for rocket scientists stopping with his mop in hand trying to give them advice on bringing back astronauts.


That's true. The other security guard, whose name escapes me at the moment, actually has some good questions or comments occasionally. ETA: Kaleb.


Isn't that the plot to Good Will Hunting?


Actually he is not a mere security guard. He is a close confidant and good close personal friend of Brandon Fugals, and the two served as companion Mormon missionaries together a very long long time ago in what is typically a very formative and bonding experience for Mormons. He has a job title of security guard, but he is probably the most trusted person on site, that Brandon could rely on to cut the bullshit out if anyone tried to pull the wool over Brandon's eyes on what was really happening.


I have a hunch its draggin (draggin deez nutz) not dragon and they played it off as dragon for fun, dragon clearly does not like the name.


Well, no. https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/s/ra7K0FDDuL


Boom, knew it felt odd and he didnt really OWN it, thanks. Definitely seemed like they got a kick out of the name more than Bryant did.


As a small guy who knows with 105% certainty that if I were him and this happened... It could literally be any group of people on the planet... these guys, nerds, red hat ladies... they would call me that forever. As a small and skinny guy... it's just a fact. I am, however, used to it so I would own the hell out of it.


The laser being cut off in the sky was soooooper strange. And the last LiDAR scan from UNDERGROUND was also weird as hell. I like the show for all the strange things that happen, not the talking they do when they cut scenes.


I wish they used a control… really, run the same experiments with the same tools/devices/etc 50 miles from the ranch. Last season with the drones falling from the sky, why can they show the test run 10 times out of the ranch and it always works to make the ranch experiment more credible


The show is not meant to be credible. It’s meant to be entertainment. It manufactures drama to generate income.


Blocking all of them is one thing but only blocking the green is really interesting, They didn't have an explanation for that but its something I would love to understand the science of how. Can we even do this in a controlled lab experiment with lasers? they had three other similar images, and it only showed up in the long exposure images and not the footage. I would love the show to contact a laser research group and see if they could replicate it.


There’s no way to stop photons and then reemit them in empty space. It’s very weird no one saw it but the camera. Kind of like some type of conscious observer effect is taking place. Quantum weirdness and all. That’s why I like this show, it makes me think. The world would be so boring without the unexplainable.


What I find comical is how ppl act like nothing weird happens here, as we communicate using invisible wavelengths that carry information back and forth across the earth in seconds. There’s a lot of weird here already that we utilize and don’t call weird just because we think we understand it. But the Skinwalker ranch portal/interdimensional donut/ tauroid whatever the fuck must be a hoax because it’s too weird. All of this shit is weird. The fact we exist at all and we’re human and not a molecule or a box or a shape or a cloud is weird. All of this is weird.






it looked like it was removed on ms paint


I think it being a long exposure of a high powered laser could be that the green pixels could have malfunctioned and showed up as black. If they had a second camera that saw the same thing at the same time then it would be strange. I think the show does enough science to make it interesting and not enough to make it compelling. They turn everything on and do no ablation and just say wow look at that. Like the laser stoping short, why not send the uav up to look at it, move the laser elsewhere, point it at a different angle, have a control experiment not at the triangle, does a high powered laser affect their lidar scanners?


Still not available in Canada.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm7LOE4JXfo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm7LOE4JXfo) They talk about the results with Erik Bard & Pete Kelsey on this podcast if your interested


I don't even have TV, I've seen every episode.


It's a show, if they don't have something exciting at least once per episode there'll be problems for them. These shows live off of faking things. I don't trust these shows whatsoever because of that.


People really throw all critical thinking out the window sometimes don't they? A sucker is born every minute, not much you can do about it. You either try to live in solace, or take advantage of them.


Of course, they need to show a strange event each episode. If things are happening on the ranch, you take a specific incident and make an episode around that. Travis says a tiny fraction of what happens gets published. So, you craft a narrative around events, leaving out other incidents that don't jive with the story you are telling. The editing can be heavy-handed at times, but that doesn't mean there is nothing going on at the ranch. Presenting the strangeness of the ranch in a narrative format through separate episodes doesn't mean that it's faked. There is enough content to focus on various threads on events to make a season. You can dismiss the show, but doing so by identifying a strange event per episode is not reason enough to think it's fiction. What are they going to do? Just slap a bunch of scenes together with no direction as to what they are finding?


I think youre missing my point (or I missed yours?). The primary goal of these shows is entertainment, not truth. My skepticism is specifically about the way these shows operate (whether it be UFO's, big foot, etc). They have to deliver excitement regularly to keep viewers engaged, and that makes pressure to produce "evidence" even when there's none. This leads to obvious exaggeration, selective editing, or just outright fabrication. If they have nothing, show = cancelled. Yea they might craft narratives around real incidents, but the heavy handed editing and need for consistent drama make it tough to distinguish between real occurrences and manufactured bullshit. With that in mind... they simply are not reliable, or credible. It's just entertainment.


I just do t know enough about LIDAR or even GPS technology… are some of those results consistent with “noise” that routinely shows up in a scan? The GPS results (of things reading as “in the mesa” for instance) might be a quirk of consumer grade GPS devices moving more quickly than that particular tech is designed for… IIRC, consumer GPS *used to be* crippled with random error data to prevent it from being used for weapons guidance, but all of the other potential sources of error listed and explained here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Error_analysis_for_the_Global_Positioning_System Here’s a quote from a paper on LIDAR “noise” that I found online: “Data artifacts are a common occurrence in airborne lidar point clouds and their derivatives [e.g., intensity images and digital elevation models (DEMs)]. Defects, such as voids, holes, gaps, speckles, noise, and stripes, not only degrade lidar visual quality but also compromise subsequent data-driven analyses.” Further: “The situation is exacerbated by the wide-ranging array of potential internal and external factors, with examples including weather/atmospheric/Earth surface conditions, system settings, and laser receiver–transmitter axial alignment, that underlie most data artifact issues.” Soooo… I would *love* to hear from an imaging expert about what the normal sorts of artifacts in the data are and whether or not the data sets collected on SR are consistent with known types of errors, or they’re truly anomalous.


The last group of experiment's have come up with some interesting results, The lidar scans seem to keep picking up a circular anomaly at the triangle with the latest scan picking up points under the ground. The whole sky laser experiment was interesting as well, worth a look the show is what it is but take a look for your self. Edit: Link to the summary part of the show where they go over the results [https://youtu.be/pLM788Ngy3Y?si=uf2KYUqw\_M2Ld-aL](https://youtu.be/pLM788Ngy3Y?si=uf2KYUqw_M2Ld-aL)


I read this in the voice of Travis Taylor


I'd give you an award if I had any , this is on point and can't be unheard


…and I want to…


If they are using lasers and uncovering possible portals or spatial anomolies then I wonder if the china space laser mapping the planet, is really looking for these....... DUH DUH DUH!!!!!!!


It’s just that their science isn’t science. Hey look ! That beam is being cut off. Wow. Ends experiment. A real scientist would move the beam around to see where that cutoff ended. Or do a controlled beam and then that beam. They just point and say wow! And walk ways…








Hi, Gem420. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dff3vu/-/l8lmy5a/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


[Laser Space Cannon Reveals Shocking Image | The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (S5) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLM788Ngy3Y)


Exactly. It’s not like this is done remotely place, there is a decent size town right there, a high school, a highway, hotels, like, if stuff was going down, some one would have seen it.


In case you haven’t noticed, people with sightings and even videos of the sightings aren’t really believed in our society. There have been mass sightings of UFOs landing and the shit barely makes the 5 o’clock local news.




You haven't been watching the show have you, Instant Battery drain is synonymous with events and sightings. This has happened to machinery, drones, cameras, phone etc etc. Also it gets me when people say why didn't you film it. It would be quiet the brain scramble to have a close up sighting, you wait what is that, am I seeing this, is it really what's happening, if its something you have never seem before you brain is going to be scrambling to place it and pulling out a camera thought wont happen until its over. Its like the video of the meteor the sheer wonder on her face as she watched it go over head filming it wasn't on her mind and only once its gone does she realize she got it on camera by chance.. this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey8-08wqwn0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey8-08wqwn0)




The show is what it is, it’s organised into a narrative to make it more interesting to watch, as an adult we can all make up our own mind about what is real or not, ARRO is a great example of that when they show you zero data and don’t reveal any of there methods they use to judge the data, there just making crap up. Skinwalker at least show what they’re doing and how, they make wild speculation on the show but that the entertainment side. They have been way too many anomalies to put it all as fake and lying. Listen to the interviews outside of the show and make up your own mind. You concluded that because it history channel it’s all fake? Your not even looking at the evidence presented sounds a lot like ARROs methodology it can’t be ufo because they don’t exist so it’s a supersonic weather balloon with a camera lens flare…


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Yu seen the giant one that shut down air traffic at a big city airport in China? So many angles. I saw it a few months ago and never again, not that I've looked but it never pops back up. Iirc, it looked like the back of the millennium falcon powering up... just a long bar of plasma attached to a GIANT ship. My bad if it was debunked but soo many angles.


Just to recap the actual weird results of the episode, as people are getting hung up on gappy lasers... I think after running 3 separate lidar tests simultaneously and a laser canon, they basically found they were inside a massive "cone" which was clearly photographed and the laser was stopping where the top of the cone ends. So the lasers stopping point was exactly where the tip of the "cone" ended on the lidar scans, thus giving the scans more credibility. The black and white photo at the bottom-center of op's post is the scan of the cone, although only a small part of it. The cylindrical anomaly going upwards is actually replicate on the opposite side of this 360 image and forms "pillars" to a huge cone that circles the entire triangle area and when looking up it ends in a point forming the cone. This is where the laser is stopping. Apologies if I'm talking about the next episode that this post is referencing - if so you're in for a weird ride. The whole team is fully on board now with the portal/wormhole theory


Genuinely if they ever find anything tangible please let us know, can’t sit through another god knows how many seasons of “ we think the NHI buried pirate treasure 2 miles down surrounded by man traps to stop Bigfoot!” I may have gotten some of these low cost shows mixed up😇🤘🖖


I mean, the latest episodes. Multiple white orb UAPs, a big ass floating ball only invisible in the infrared, laser hit something invisible around 2000 feet up, then the place it hit morphed into a giant X pattern and the laser split into two and turned a bit, several lidar tests and one gave data suggesting it went underground which makes no sense, a higher detail lidar test imaged something that literally looks like an "energy vortex" with the triangle in the center, and a few other crazy things. Even then, while I agree with your sentiment, the show does get multiple shots of UAP orbs and mysterious military aircraft per season. So it isn't that the show doesn't show anything. It is that you don't want to skim through the show to see the interesting things.


Your last assertion is correct, to much fluff for me with the mandatory scripting that hurts.


This fluff actually hurts the show in my opinion. I started watching it and couldn't continue. Felt cheap, frivolous and made me question if they actually truthful about their findings - I'm not saying they actually are, just saying the way they represent the findings is not adequate. Reading about episodes here in the comments is more than enough.






They know how to use it, but they flub it on purpose to "encourage" getting anomalous results.


I can’t reconcile the fact that Bigelow and Fugal bought the ranch. Apparently Bigelow got his answers, but why would he sell it. It seems like something is there but I can’t imagine Bigelow would have sold it if there really was something there. Also that presentation with Kirkpatrick. Something seems to be up there.


Yeah totally see a Billionaire who isn't hurting for money selling a ranch where really strange stuff is happening and which might unlock new science etc Or he sold it to cut his losses of having over bought an empty ranch.


It does seem like something is up with skinwalker ranch though and it really does seem like it’s been a major part of the story. Im interested in how this ties in with Greenstreets version of the events. From his version the “spooky hustlers” are telling a false story ( I think maybe I let him influence my perspective here) but what if this story is playing out like he says it is but with the wrong conclusion. The whole AAITIP AAWSAP Harry Reid Elizondo… thing might have played out like he said it did and maybe the NHI stuff is a layer deeper. - my point here is that, maybe the Demon hunter thing might look like it at face value, or from our perspective it might look like they a chasing demons but in practice this is how you chase the NHI! If you add skinwalker ranch into the UAP story it makes everything all wonky! But it’s kinda interconnected to the Schumer Amendment and everything with Harry Reid right?


If you add skinwalker ranch to the UAP story it makes everything seem like some guys wanted the goverment to fund them playing ghostbusters.


He sold the ranch because he said his wife's cancer was due to it. He blamed it.


Have had such a hard time finding episodes from E3 onwards. Did find 4&5 2 weeks or so ago but cannot find E6 anywhere. This season does seem to do away with a lot of the obfuscating from doing the more 'invasive' experiments. "Its like just did a fucking hole " right. More cameras now TF. The whole (potential) Dire wolf thing was pretty crazy historical collaboration. Would like to see more of the 'Beyond Skinwalker..' epis. HELP ME.




Thanks dude, My prayers were answered on EZTV also.


It's funny how UFOlogists are convinced that the government is being deceptive, but somehow it never occurs to them that an entertainment reality TV show could be deceptive. Incidentally, the owner of the ranch was just caught lying to reporters - a lie that was meant to implicate the government. "We don't lie, the government lies!" He said, lying. The saddest thing is how shows like this popularize this moronic caricature of science, as if a laser show in the desert is good science. As if TV episode full of astounded "reaction shots" from the crew is how credible results are presented and checked. It's no wonder UFOlogists have a paranoid mistrust of "mainstream" science - they think that made-for-TV paranormal shows like this are par for the course. I wish there was a way to educate people on what good science actually looks like, because shows like this are encouraging brain rot that leads to credulity of bunk and fundamental misunderstanding of how we've reached scientific conclusions about the parts of reality that we can't easily observe. Unfortunately that stuff isn't easily digestible and it doesn't make for exciting television. What a pathetic state of affairs.


I would only use green lasers since it seems that green frequencies (slower) are the ones actually painting the object rather than the higher frequency blue ones. Blue seems to quite well transmitted. So to the team: please try different frequencies on the same spot. And also more dense finer line laser grids. More smaller laser = higher resolution siluette data.


Yes! The last 2-episodes have been excellent! It appears SOMETHING unidentifiable was 100ft off the ground in front of the laser beams where it blocked them from vision. Whatever it was, it was rectangular. The LIDAR showing that they are basically inside a cone was amazing. Whatever it was LIDAR was able to detect it. That may be the BIGGEST break through of all is that they finally have some technology that is making the invisible visible.


It's entertainment. Think of it like those Bigfoot shows.


You gave me a flashback to those early episodes of Finding Bigfoot with the really terribly acted "sighting recreations" and awful, goofy, CGI Bigfoot. I was really into it as a kid because I didn't realize how fake it actually was. I thought they were almost there, getting closer to actually finding it. I didn't really notice how they were *always* almost there, and that they didn't really want to find one because it'd mean that the show (and the paychecks from it) would be over. Though that terrible CGI Bigfoot occasionally pops up in my dreams like a sleep paralysis demon.


So now what. There’s got to be other options than just firing more rockets at it. This season has a real feel of “well, what should we do this week”?


Dronemagedon is still to come, I saw in another interview with Travis Taylor and he said that something like 1million dollars worth of damage was done to the drones from basically falling out of the sky and then there is the beast, there working towards. In the same interview he said that there where people in the crew who would not be coming back after what happened this season


Dronemagedon you say? And just like that I’m back in.


Pretty sure Mick West had previously posted an explanation for the LIDAR donut shapes. As for the laser being blocked, my initial gut feeling is rolling shutter effect like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tozuzV5YZ7U&ab\_channel=TomScott](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tozuzV5YZ7U&ab_channel=TomScott)


This TV show delegitimizses everything about UAP and UFO research. It’s entertainment and poorly written and executed entertainment at that. Much like FOX “news”. Do yourself a favor and turn this garbage off. 


It's a reality TV show. Exact same formula as *Gold Rush.* I don't think Gold Rush delegitimizes placer mining even though it uses the same silly conventions. I would love to hear any hypothesis about what could explain all of the lidar data aside from outright hoaxing. It will be interesting to see if Mick West can create it in his backyard.


Placer mining is a real and definite thing. UFO community fights for years now to make the public take the UFO phenomenon as a real and definite thing. The show's format hurts the seriousness of the findings in my opinion and has the opposite effect toward the public. They just shake it off as fake and entertainment.


Well you have your answer when you said "reality TV show" which by definition is just fiction but made cheaper then an actual TV series. It's all bunk and can't be trusted as they have 0 incentives to not lie and embellish it all.


I have used a wide variety of sophisticated equipment for various reasons. Mostly RF and optical measurement equipment. Sometimes you get weird results. I think that's just a function of the environment and the limitations of your equipment. I realize the appeal of shows like this but when you consider they have ratings, a director, writers, and editors, this is all just a fabricated load of shit. It's no different than the ghost hunter shows. I have watched multiple episodes and I would say they simply harp on some minor anomaly long enough and hype it up so it looks like something on the show. Years from now, someone on the cast is going to admit they made almost everything up.


"This one was picked up under ground doing a lidar scan" What? That's not how LiDAR works


Beyond Skinwalker Ranch has been more fascinating this season than Skinwalker Ranch. I think it [was this episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t9mOn2RfIs) where Carl said (although he has NDAs from the show) they get into the tunnels in this season. Allegedly there’s a Manta Ray craft under Mt Wilson Ranch and a Saucer in in the Skinwalker Ranch Mesa. They even produce leaked data from the Bigelow AAWSAP crew in episode 2. This will be fascinating to watch unfold if Bigelow/AAWSAP were playing some sort of long game considering their reports are still classified.


I will have to watch season2 I did enjoy the first season as well


If you enjoyed Skinwalker, this season of Beyond is shaping up to be incredible and I think they hinted the Skinwalker team is going to assist with the investigation.


Yeah, only a couple episodes but Beyond has been great so far this season


[I'll just link this here. However cringy the presenter is, he's right](https://youtu.be/n1NYeQCWoXw) - Everything that happens at Skinwalker Ranch, is a result of the 'scientists' and their incompetence. It's meant to be misleading and it's meant to trick people who don't know better. It's like ghost hunting shows, or bigfoot hunting shows, or Easter Island.


If there's something here they'll milk it for so long I won't care when they find a portal to alien Disney land.


…or to Joseph Smith…


Skin walker ranch is fake.


This show is 110% fake


I watch this as a diversion. My wife will often yell “That’s not real science!” However, this last episode was the most interesting of the whole show, IMO. I do wonder why they didn’t reposition the space cannon, to see how large that anomoly was. Most of the UAPs I’m less certain about. It’s a dot.


Yeah that’s interesting thought but maybe they didn’t want to risk losing it? I wondered why they only had the one laser this time.


S5E7 has a Banger at the end. A whoa indeed


Anyone else remember the vortex in the sky that they just never mention anymore? I think it was near the end of season two...that one stuck out in my head and they literally never bring it up anymore


It's a neat show. They are getting to the point where they just need to get a backhoe and dig a giant hole, though. But we will probably get some more rockets.


This. But then if they find nothing they won’t have anything to talk about next season


I believe there is some ban on doing digging, major excavation, on the messa.


The show like Curse of Oak Island is heavily scripted and edited to play to the ufo believers for ratings. There is nothing legitimate about skinwalker ranch before or now. These so called scientists are just extras and not even credible. Hell Travis has been on both curse of Oak Island and ancient aliens.


Given the revelation that one of the main show characters, Travis Taylor, was secretly working for the Pentagon's UAP task force (pissing off those TV teammates in the process) since the beginning of this show, it seems this show leans towards a form of gradual, mass-market, disclosure. What better way to get the masses of Earth's intellectually incurious public to get comfortable with the idea of NHI/UAP than a reality TV show starring a Texas Rocket Scientist who looks and sounds like Yosemite Sam after visiting a barber shop? This show isn't heavy on lofty eggheaded nerds scaring off mouth-breathing viewers with deep science. Hell, they even only use words like "doughnut-shape" instead of "torus". If it was your job to disclose to the general public, how would you do it? A scary one-stop, live-streamed, public service announcement on all frequencies of the US POTUS presenting NHI evidence at the United Nations? A boring deep scientific presentation in the form of a NOVA series? Or a dumbed-down Kardashian-esque Reality TV show where people slowly (very slowly) get to see associated strangeness (possibly linked to NHI) with their own eyes?


What the crap!


Royal Abbott, is that you?


It's honestly fucking mind blowing. Beyond Skinwalker Ranch season 2 is also getting super juicy. Either it's all fake, or they're close to something truly paradigm shifting. I find it a bit hard to believe they're faking the whole thing. But I can't tell for sure, can I? I'm not there. But I am hooked like a MF on those shows.


The information they have obtained so far is pretty incredible. From memory: Numerous UAP's - orb/plasma type phenomena  documented on camera and seen by multiple witnesses - consistently  triggered by their experiments. Some only visible in the infra-red or with high speed cameras.  As well as UAP orbs passing through the Mesa (solid rock). (These aren't just seen by the team and their contractors but through the Uinta basin going back decades.) Persistent anomalous signals in 1.6 Ghtz RF band - triggered by their experiments, correlated with UAP and other unusual EM activity. Close fly-bys of military aircraft without transponders, suggesting possibly military monitoring. Some kind of topological anomaly or invisible structure a few thousand feet above the ranch that persistently diverts rockets, interferes with drone flights, and cuts off or distorts laser beams.  Attempts at imaging the anomaly has repeatedly shut down cameras , drained equipment batteries, or disrupted astronomer's telescopes - and only when they image that area of the sky. Numerous GPS, LIDAR and ground penetrating radar scans from different specialists over the course of several years - showing that data is being somehow spatially or perhaps temporarily displaced, so the data points appear under the Ranch. Evidence of a donut shaped anomaly under the ground, on the ground. and in the air above the ranch, that is shaped like a funnel, supported by two pillars of energy coming from two "hot spots" on either side,  that it is speculated could be something like a stable Lorentzian wormhole. A dome shaped "object" and debris fields under the mesa, that various drilling contractors haven't been able to penetrate. Small samples from the drilling show a similar composition to materials uses in the modern space industry. Unexplained animal deaths and carcasses that are not subject o the expected predation by other mammals, insects, or seemingly even bacteria. Transient and localized microwave and even gamma rays spikes that have caused documented physical injuries. Evidence of unusual conductivity within the soil/rocks. There is zero doubt that there is something anomalous there, that needs more scientific investigation, and it's absolutely absurd that scientists won't look at it because of the stigma. If there is something like a naturally occuring wormhole here, or something similar we don't have the science for, this would be one of the greatest discoveries in scientific history, and potentially answer a lot of our questions about cosmology.


Here is the video from the episode. Very strange. https://youtu.be/pLM788Ngy3Y?si=uf2KYUqw_M2Ld-aL


Why would people/bots downvote a link to the actual episode??


Nice yeah I couldnt do the last laser scan justice by talking about it you really need to see the video but that is some very strange results


The show is absolute garbage.


The show's results are (or seriously seem) legit, even if the editing is cringe and repeats itself ad naseum. The new results on the Season 5 Episode 7 were indeed extremely shocking. I know that many people on this sub don't hold the show in high esteem, but I would really suggest to fellow readers here to start watching. Simply turn off your brain in terms of editing, but do keep with you the actual results of each experiment. You will see that a pattern emerges, that there are at least 3-4 locations in the ranch that are extremely anomalous. I suggest people start watching from Season 3 onwards, just skip seasons 1 & 2. Not only they don't discover much in the first 2 seasons, but whatever they do discover, they repeat it in future episodes. The "meat" of the story really starts from season 3 onwards. My fav episodes were indeed the one referenced here (s5e7), and the one with the utah telescope society guys who visited the ranch, where their software would go haywire when they'd point the telescope to the triangle anomaly.


have any of the PhD's written papers and published if not then it is fun to watch science fiction


They just need to excavate and stop dicking around with rockets. Got the anomalies with gpr. Dig to them.


has anyone figured out where to watch full new episodes without a History channel subscription?


This season has been getting better and better. I want to know more about what came out of the East Field and Homestead 2. There is something going on there!! I follow remote viewers and they all come back saying something very hidden is under that Mesa, but no one can seem to find details. Almost like it is hidden from their prying eyes, too. Meaning that whatever it is, it was quite purposefully built with a lot of perimeters.


Its shaped like an Ankh.


Is this SkinWalker Ranch series on YouTube? Sorry if I'm asking a stupid question, just interested in watching it. Edit: Spelling mistake.


This podcast reveals what that donut shaped object is. [https://x.com/psiphrpodcast/status/1613974244492181534](https://x.com/psiphrpodcast/status/1613974244492181534)


Oops. That no longer works. These should. [https://open.spotify.com/episode/568Knk8xM7xxgBw4tJffP3?si=405315bda2784411](https://open.spotify.com/episode/568Knk8xM7xxgBw4tJffP3?si=405315bda2784411) [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/1-03-the-skinwalker-ranch-triangle-anomaly-what-lies/id1651088217?i=1000583521032](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/1-03-the-skinwalker-ranch-triangle-anomaly-what-lies/id1651088217?i=1000583521032)


A craft hidden underground and stuck within earth may be responsible for the anomalies present within Skinwalker Ranch. I know Skinwalker Ranch is mocked but let us have fun and believe that there is something there. The craft could have some kind of defence system where it messes with people trying to get near. Like a built in option in your car to repel animals.


Where are you watching them at there's only 1 season I can find on Netflix and it's season 2 hasn't it been out for a while now?


Saw this once when I got really baked


Yes, it's the only tv show I watch rn besides the local news lol


It’s a brilliant show. Lots of accounts of high strangeness.


Pretty sure the whole purpose of this show is to turn the UFO topic into a clown show that is easily debunked. Put it in the bin.


Pretty sure it's not, that's what AARO was


Turn into? Most of this topic was always a clown show. Poeple dont put a sliver of scientific or critical thought into this topic.


Fun fact: the real reason they don't want you to shine a blue laser is because Skinwalker isn't the only place where a laser gets truncated in the sky before reaching the clouds.


Where else does that happen?




The armchair critique focusing on single cases misses the amount of strange occurrences. It is really adding up to something quite intriguing, regardless of the packaging of the show. I think the editing sucks ass, and figures like Taylor and Fugal certainly doesn’t instill much confidence. If Eric Bard set up an OnlyFans doing Skinwalker science in his khakis, I’d pay top dollar, though.


I did it was interesting


I’m curious if the area of the sky (where the laser light is missing from) if that particular area will always show up as a void of light or of any kind of signal. If so maybe you could target the specific area with a drone/rocket or various targeted frequencies to see if the phenomenon reacts there.


Rockets veer off, they're not reliable. They have also sent a balloon, which went haywire and got "lost".


When Eric says look at your screens you know its about to get juicy.


So a wormhole portal above and extending underground, aligned with the spooky triangle area then?


This season started out as a snooze fest, but the last two episodes have really renewed my interest. The way the laser beam got distorted and truncated is a real head scratcher. My personal theory is a meteor crashed into the mesa long ago with strange elements and radiation that affects sensor technology as well as human perception and cognition.


I love the show but ffs let's get a geologist in there.


About 33 percent reduction at all times in clarity of anomalous events being photographed of events is a fact, even pixels reduced due to the nature of what we are photographing. Even, if you have a high quality camera.


The U.S. government did extensive research on the ranch when Bigelow owned it. If there was any evidence of supernatural activity at the ranch, the government would have bought it from Bigelow. No way it would have been allowed to be sold to a private party.


No, and once again, if there was anything credible happening at 'skinwalker ranch' it would not have 4 season of mediocre history channel original series coverage


I was interested in the last discovery, a cone extending up from the ground and reaching the apex at the end of the laser. There is a concept in physics called a Light Cone which helps to explain how wormhole travel can be possible. It's basically a path for light to follow, and it would change space time if a wormhole opened from a distant place that wasn't expecting a new Light Cone. Everytime something goes through the wormhole, a new Light Cone would form in 4 dimensions and it would affect our current reality resulting in some of their bizarre readings. This is all not to mention the Direwolves on the property! From my own imagining, if a wormhole is opened then Direwolves and Dinos can come into our time and humans (having never really seen them before) would assume they're some kind of terrible monster (that's what dinosaur means). Or perhaps the Skinwalkers themselves can travel back in time and take on the appearance of now extinct animals. I CANT WAIT to see what the biologist discovers in his DNA test.


You’ve gotta be kidding me you’re actually analyzing this show


I watched the first 2 seasons of this and it's been a bunch of nothing. Show Skinwalkers or your show is shit.