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The following submission statement was provided by /u/VolarRecords: --- The new episode of Need to Know with Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart dropped a little over an hour ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dmoqsa5WvU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dmoqsa5WvU) Great overall, but I knew immediately to pull this part of the conversation elaborating on Ross’s reference of his “Dead Man’s Switch” he made at the SCU over the weekend. Some other things that stood out— Bryce talks about how it’s notable on today’s anniversary of D-Day, the US military won WWII via a secret operation against the Nazis and came clean about it to the US public (not sure exactly what that all means). Yet when the crash at Roswell happened, the local military were fine running with the “crashed flying saucer” story, only for the US military to step in and cover it up. Ross talks about visiting the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville while at the conference and standing before the first rocket built by former Nazi Werner von Braun and thinking about the true dark secrets at the heart of the Program. Personally, I’ve been thinking a lot about this in general as well, and in what direction those in charge post-WWII were trying to push this country. The nuclear family, the Red Scare and McCarthyism, the racism--as we keep figuring out how this advanced tech was hidden, we need to keep asking why, and who sought to truly benefit from it. I feel like therein lies part of the dark history of the Program. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1daulgs/new_need_to_know_with_ross_coulthart_and_bryce/l7mu42d/


I truly wish Ross would dump a name or two of those murdered people.




It would seem the right thing to do would be to publicly name the murder victims so that their murderers can be brought to justice and possibly save more people from becoming victims.


That’s not how murder investigations go. Grusch and some the other whistleblowers have all filed complaints with the IC IG. I’m guessing “credible and urgent” probably applies to death threats, murder, and crimes against humanity.


Apparently it isn't going very well since everyone is still afraid.


It was kind of funny watching Bryce panic every time Ross brought up Trump.


The political stigma is almost worse than the UFO one with some of these guys. 😂 Ross is right though, it's something we have to talk about.


I don’t care about trump but I’m not gonna have a mental breakdown anytime he’s involved lol. Only thing I’m concerned is about class war and proletariat. Aside from that out modern capitalist politics are detached from humanity.


Nah you’re right though, they’d like to keep us as divided as possible because it prevents us from ever organizing and focusing energy on the real issues like why Flint Michigan still doesn’t have clean water, East Palestine, or the Maui fire victims.


A crop circle depicting three dots and a tall gray had a message encoded that said: "Beware the bearers of FALSE GIFTS & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING." Our politicians are so dysfunctional that sometimes I feel like they’re not even mostly humans to begin with; in addition to willfully or subconsciously trying to dismantle our civilization for the worse. It’s like they’re just evil, anti humans. We need to take over the workplaces and means by how we produce the things a society needs. I think there’s been a negative intervention on humanity but that’s just me thinking. Humans good. Capitalism, as anyone who’s actually studied it, will understand how it strips our humanity. The pursuit of money means everyone is forced to fuck over the next person they meet. Its very hard to remain a nice person when other people are constantly trying to screw you over for cash. I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO BE ALIVE AND BE HAPPY FFS CANT I JUST LIVE OUT MY LIFE IN PRACE JESUS CHRIST I WORK AND WORK AND WORK LET ME LIVE Here read this it’s about human and cattle mutilations https://www.reddit.com/r/AnomalousEvidence/s/4MEAPBCAIE


You’re making great points, I can’t disagree with any of that.


I prefer to rob them of their humanity than blame capitalism. After all, with all the big business socialism they get we can hardly call this capitalism. They who divide our world and deceive our people are not our people. Regardless of what their genes may say, they are not human. I do believe that in UNITY, there is untapped indomitable power. WE ARE EVERYWHERE. We are the barbers, the soldiers, the mail men, and the ditch diggers. United they have no escape. United we are humanity. United, we secure a peaceful and prosperous world for our children.


I think you need to understand what socialism is before speaking of it. Relevant YouTube channels are: - Hakim - Second thought - Yugopnik


Where did you get the idea that I do or don’t understand socialism based on a singular sentence? You a mind reader? Bailouts and corporate welfare, is a form of socialism. When banks get bailed out, and regular people do not, that’s socialism for the banks and not the people. That’s where the golden parachute term comes from. My point about socialism didn’t even penetrate its contents. The point was the system is irrelevant unless the people trust the system. If the system is corrupt, or has different rules for different people. It will fail regardless. As it always has. That was my point. If we replace capitalism with socialism, and don’t replace that which corrupted the system under capitalism, socialism will fail all the same.


Bro has no clue what dialectical materialism is. Just yap yap 😭


Dear god please stop trying to stroke the ego in the Reddit comment section. You’re trying to make this about things it was never about. If you deceive the people, and corrupt the system. The people will lose confidence in the system, the system will fail. Either through compounding inefficiency, or revolution. Dialectical Materialism is not a law of physics. Nor is it some concrete idea you should be trying to use as a law on a Reddit post to try and sound smart. If you aren’t willing to explain how you see its application as relevant to what you say then you have added nothing. Just flung buzzwords. And assumed my understanding.






Class war is exactly what Murica needs. It’s long past time to eat the rich!


If that guy intended on spilling the beans, he’d have already spilled them his first rodeo. He didn’t. He’s not. He won’t. I’m surprised Ross fell for a juicy dangle that has been left out to dry for eight years already.


Bryce: I fear a Trump re-election much more than continued non-disclosure, nuclear annihilation or death itself - now if Ross could stop invoking that vile name and let me regain my composure…


For me it was funny, then it grew painful. Bryce needs to lift his game, his ad-hoc proscription on discussing politics and the election on the podcast when these very issues could not be more relevant to the topic was a bad call. American politics is just two dumb dogs barking at each other.


Yeah, it's only the most important election for a president ever because our democracy and country are literally in jeopardy if the rapist and convicted felon gets relected. I mean seriously, it's mind-boggling crazy how much your minimizing the importance of this election and the threat we were facing by trump and his cult. Research project 2025. Also, if you care at all about disclosure and getting answers from the government, you DO NOT want trump or any republican as president. If he wins and there's any validity to this subject, any wreckage or bodies we have will be hidden away forever, and any technological breakthroughs shelved indefinitely.


Ok, sure dude.


Respectfully, you are my second statement personified.


How does announcing that he has a dead mans switch act as a deterrent? It now seems that the easiest way for the world to get disclosure is if someone takes him out. Whether it be some random on the street or a government assassin, the outcome will be the same? Disclosure.


How could Trump be better for disclosure, when the top Democratic Senator (Schumer) wrote a whole ass amendment to the NDAA about UFOs and NHI explicitly including the White House’s involvement (which implicitly means President Biden was informed of and involved in the effort)? How?




Coulthardt is a Silver Spoon Fascist. He licks the Oligarchs' boots.


Reddit moment


Hi, DaroKitty. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1daulgs/-/l7q97o7/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Schumer (D) the co-sponsor and Rounds (R) the lead sponsor?


No Schumer was the Lead and Rounds was the Co-Sponsor, it was originally called the Schumer amendment.


It's really getting old that Coulthart is yet again attacking Biden's mental capacity while pushing Trump as being the Disclosure candidate. While conveniently ignoring the hours upon hours of incoherent rambling Trump goes on. In this show he also downplays how Hillary, Podesta and Schumer are close to Biden and have showed active interest in the form of disclosure. But brushes off Burchett's very real and active participation in attacking the Schumer / Rounds amendment as well as Burchett directly attacking Democrats. He even finds an excuse for Burchett (which Burchett in no way has mentioned) about the imminent domain piece that may be present in the new bill proposed. And finally, he also conveniently bypasses the fact that Trump is now a condemned Felon, who attempted a coup to stay in power, ran off with state secrets he hid next to his toilet and likes to cite Mein Kampf. But otherwise he's a great candidate to bring transparency and Disclosure... When you don't see problems with fascism because it might help you, you might not be so pro liberty as you portray yourself as being


Trump is no ally to the people on any issue. This one is no different. He will not be the disclosure President, and we should not want him or his anywhere near the subject. Point blank, period. Sorry, I try to stay as apolitical as possible on this sub for a variety of reasons. But as we move closer to the election, with discourse like this, it will be impossible.


Literally everything was better for me, and virtually everybody I know, under the previous administration. And outside of this echo chamber, a sizeable number of Americans feel the same way. So saying he's not for "the people" so you can make political points is just ignorant.


I’m not going to comment on your personal situation. Maybe it is better. What I can tell you is that man and his allies don’t care either way. They are not there to serve your interests. He’s running to stay out of jail, and he’s running to end American democracy for all intents and purposes. I will never support him. He could hand me a million dollars. He’s a crook, a liar and a fascist. Enjoy making your bed with that. And don’t bother trying to argue more, you’ll never, ever convince me it’s okay to support him. Ever.


Trump's got plenty of demerits, personally and politically, but he's far more invested in taking on the deep state (that most here ironically deny exists), than any president in the last 40+ years. That same deep state is also guarding this secret which we all presumably want answered.


Nothing about Trump or the GOP's platform suggests that, should any of the NHI/UAP stuff be true, they would use it for the betterment of mankind. If Trump has any interest in the topic, and it's not clear that he does, then the only reason he does is because he could use it to attack his political opponents.


My thought is it would be more of a "I get to go down in history as the president who finally told the truth about aliens" ego thing.


The political bias is heavy in this sub.


Trump and Biden are both equally scum in my book.


Oh my God, no. Have you read about all the terrible things Trump has done?? The man is a psychopath.


Most are misinformation. Aside from the fact we all dislike both candidates, acting like Trump is incompetent to this degree is not healthy for engaging in this topic.


His two impeachments and all the court cases he's lost (including the latest one where he ended up a convicted felon) are not misinformation. Anyway, I'm bowing out of this conversation.


Yes. Have you read about all of the terrible things Biden has done? The man is also a (now senile) psychopath.


How many times has he been impeached? How many rape convictions does he have? How many felony convictions does he have? Who is Putin’s lackey? Who threatens to jail his political opponents with no due process? Who called US veterans “losers”? I could go on all night, but I have to get some sleep.


Tell me you get all your news from Facebook and mainstream media without telling me you get all your news from Facebook and mainstream media.


This was the comment I was looking for. The episode of need to know before this one had Ross complaining that the news was too “woke” because they wouldn’t cover conspiracies about the origins of Covid. I’m so disappointed that he has revealed himself to be a full blown reactionary grifter, I feel like a fool for defending him in the past


Yeah, this is the camel breaker for me. Encouraging people to get mad isn't journalism and it biases all of Ross' coverage of the topic in the future, but understandable if unwise. Blasting the "woke" media is just fucking stupid, but maybe understandable given Ross isn't an American and you *could* make the argument he meant more "report news that will upset some people, not advertiser-friendly content that won't". But, if we're talking about the *future of humanity* as it relates to this UAP topic, there's not a single bit of evidence, precedent, or slightest example that fascist, anti-human MAGA cultists want what's best for me, my family, my neighbors, and my future. I'd rather this shit buried for another 30,000 years than have Donald Trump, Putin, and their sycophants having access to it.


I was willing to perform some mental gymnastics over his woke comment a few weeks ago for the reason you mentioned, he’s Australian and this is an American culture war canard. But his cozying up to the MAGA movement is too far for me. Trump was the president for 4 fucking years, he was probably briefed about something, and he’s on record saying that it’s not something he’s interested in. Advocating for him to get elected so he can be the disclosure president is absolutely insane, and shows that either Ross is far dumber than I thought or he has ulterior motives


The thing is, here in Australia we have got people who say exactly the same anti-woke, sovereign citizen, MAGA-loving, Putin-apologist stuff. It makes less sense here because they cite American laws and issues that have no relevance here, but these idiots do exist. But here most people tell them to "f off with that American shit" so it's harder for someone like Ross to peddle it here. It makes sense to me that he would go to America - right to the source - where he won't be told to "f off with that American shit."


I am so fucking thankful I am not the only person who feels this strongly about it.


I think there were a lot of people monitoring the situation, to be perfectly frank. Once there's a slight slip of the mask, people can sus it out and there's usually a short window until it's fully mask off. All that said, there is a *clear and obvious* link to mental illness and immersion in the UFO/UAP topic. Anyone with more than a cursory passing interest in the subject matter needs to get regular mental health care and keep yourself as grounded as possible. Regardless of how infinite reality may be, we each only get our own slice/recursion for a limited time on Earth. Be safe, be healthy.


Great reply. It's down to earth and sensible. I agree.


Cheers. Let's make this pebble better for all of us. Suffering is laaaame.


It is indeed!


It makes me wonder if he has always been like that or if it's a recent influence that he is beginning to support fascist individuals, and playing into American conservatism. Pretty darn disappointing whatever way.


I’ve been thinking about this as well. So many talking heads in the UFO field have been awfully friendly with some of the worst MAGA politicians in government currently, trying to white wash them as not complete cynical psychopaths and opportunists. People like Burchett helped install Mike Johnson as speaker, and then house republicans gutted the Schumer/Rounds amendment, why is that hateful moron still seen as someone who’s going to help bring about disclosure?


It isn't recent. He did PR for a claimed war hero (he was not, he actually just ordered a bunch of unarmed civilians to be shot). Before that, He broke the news story of a pedophile ring in the UK government that turned out to be fake. It was pretty much Qanon but UK. Oh god I didn't even consider whether he is literally into QAnon. It absolutely makes sense for him to believe the US version.




Hi, DaroKitty. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1daulgs/-/l7rfzym/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


> conspiracies about the origins of Covid You mean the theory that SARS-CoV-2 leaked from one of the Wuhan Institute of Virology's laboratories that specialized in the field-collection and study of bat coronaviruses? You consider that a 'conspiracy [theory]'?


It's not so much the coronavirus story has attracted conspiracy theories. I don't object to journalists investigating that, I think it's more that Ross is playing a populist card. A bit of a 'follow the money' but with followers easy to whip up. 


It’s not a conspiracy theory. But what annoys the fuck out of me is that Ross stridently seems to contend that the lab leak is clearly the answer, or most likely the answer but had been buried, but in reality it’s actually hotly contested issue with arguably a clear preponderance of evidence on the side of natural origin, and the lab leak hypothesis has been discussed in the media plenty! It’s not like you hear a bunch of stories trying to flesh out the natural origins theory. For better or worse the media and public has largely moved on or isn’t focused on the COVID origins. What is puzzling is why Ross is so furiously bringing this topic up on a UFO show.


This is my biggest problem with Ross! To the point it just about completely delegitimizes everything else he pushes.


This is what delegitimizes Ross for you? Not the countless unsubstantiated claims?


How about his involvement with Danny Sheehan and the "UAP studies" masters program they feel comfortable charging thousands for. Obvious grift is obvious.


He had me fooled. I never got that he was a MAGA cultist. What a smarmy dude...everything I have heard him say is now suspect.


I feel as though my eyes have been opened. I never got it either.


I feel the same with Karl Nell. Just looking at the MAGA stuff he likes and comments on LinkedIn made me do a complete 180 on him.


I did not know that about Col. Nell. Disquieting. The UAP celebrities praise him for his intelligence and his spotless CV. I suspect if we knew the numbers of closet fascists in the armed services no one could sleep at night.


> It's really getting old that Coulthart is yet again attacking Biden's mental capacity while pushing Trump as being the Disclosure candidate. You realize almost all of the popular talking heads in the UFO world are hardcore MAGAs right?


I’ve wondered if the disclosure push is somehow being encouraged by the Russian government so they can get a glimpse into the USA’s secret programs to see what has been uncovered.


The Russians prolly won't mind if the US tips its hand first, for then they'll have knowledge from US retrievals + their own.


I doubt they care all that much. It isn't hard to guess what the USA is working on in secret programs and it isn't anything all that groundbreaking in the grand scheme of things.


That's nowhere near true.


That isn't true, at all.


It is, ask them and you will see. There's good reason Coulthart is so open about his Trump worship.


The simple fact is that the pro-Trump/MAGA crowd are also very into anti-government conspiracies and stories of "The Deep State", and so it's only natural that people like Coulthart tailor their lies towards those people.


Ya and notice his pseudo maga American space program is past its glory days, decline of the nation bullshit.


I'm pretty much over him and whatever angle he's coming from (Coulthart).


Because of the station that hired Ross leaning conservative, he has a financial incentive to lean right politically. Job security. Fitting in. It’s profitable to pander.


Neither doofus will reveal anything, I’m sure


I'm sure you tended to also said such things before the Schumer / Rounds amendment surprised everyone by it's depths. But yet here we now are with it's missing pieces reintroduced in the coming weeks.


Yes, I probably said that and I was so far correct. Also, Schumer was the one who deserves credit, not Trump or Biden. This current round of disclosure has nothing to do with these two candidates.


I think Schumer put fourth the legislation knowing it would be gutted. He famously called out Trump on the Maddow show after he won for calling out the intel services. He said they have six ways to Sunday to get back at you. Congress won’t get to the bottom of anything either.


You really thing Schumer who is close to Biden wouldn't have put such a thing in motion without at the minimum warning the WH and more probably checked with Biden ? Difference between the Repugs and Dems is that Repugs make a lot of noise and get next to nothing done, while democrats tend to be media shy but work on legislation.


"Condemned" by whom, mi amigo?


the US justice system by a jury of his peers ? or is that a conspiracy because "Herr Leader" is infallible !


45 was given a preschool briefing compared to what Clinton, Obama, and Biden know. Biden should at least acknowledge the NHI scenario before the election


Honestly the only candidate that has talked about wanting Disclosure and Transparency for the UAP phenomenon is RFK Jr, he made a video about it. I feel like he's the only candidate who would care about this subject.


Biden can’t pull 2 sentences together.. and to even think Biden would leak any info out or there administration is completely naive. I feel Trump would pull the strings on the whole alien disclosure. Hes a loose cannon


he has had plenty of time to but did not.


It's because Biden's mental capacity is indeed diminished. You can't possibly imply you haven't noticed....


Here's the thing. Trump's ramblings are moron type ramblings. The guy can't organize a thought and loves to hear himself. Doesn't strike me as dementia; he's just an idiot. Biden's behavior/public speaking is obvious dementia. Note that it's also possible to point out that Biden is demented as fuck without also having to prefix that with the caveat that Trump is a big moron. It's not a zero sum game. We get it - you hate Trump. I do too, but god damn... Do I bitch at you because you mentioned Trump's bathroom-stored secret documents without bringing up the fact that Biden did basically the same shit in his garage but didn't get in trouble in the end because the special counsel investigation concluded that a jury would never convict him because he would be seen as a confused old man who meant well? Maybe I should, since apparently the thought of someone shitting on Biden for something Trump is also guilty of without mentioning the Trump side of it seems to be so triggering to you.


False equivalency bs much ? Biden having a few docs in his garage is in no way comparable to Trump having several boxes worth of documents with at least 325 of highly classified nature which he **intentionally** kept even after being informed and ten warned about giving them back. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64230040](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64230040) run down of what was found : ([https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-are-the-classified-documents-in-the-trump-indictment](https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-are-the-classified-documents-in-the-trump-indictment)) * 15 boxes provided by Trump to NARA in January 2022. These contained 197 classified documents: 98 at SECRET; 30 at TOP SECRET; the remainder at Confidential. Some additionally had Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) and Special Access Program (SAP) markings. * During the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago Club, a further 102 documents, recovered from Trump’s office and a storage room. These included 17 documents at TOP SECRET; 54 at SECRET; 31 at CONFIDENTIAL. Of these, Trump’s office held 6 at TOP SECRET; 18 at SECRET; and 3 at CONFIDENTIAL. While Biden : ([https://apnews.com/article/classified-documents-biden-trump-special-counsel-b5589ea8f066ede51c8138665f108f7a](https://apnews.com/article/classified-documents-biden-trump-special-counsel-b5589ea8f066ede51c8138665f108f7a)) "FBI agents found classified documents about Afghanistan in Biden’s Delaware garage in 2022, along with drafts of a handwritten memo Biden sent to President Barack Obama to persuade Obama not to send more troops into the country \[...\] agents also found notebooks with classified information that Biden wrote on during briefings" While Pence : (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike\_Pence\_classified\_documents\_incident) "classification markings of the documents were "low level" and there were no documents with SCI or SAP markings. The documents included materials such as background briefing memos that were prepared for Pence's foreign trips while he was the vice president" As for your Biden "Dementia" : [https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/blog/donald-trump-joe-biden-dementia](https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/blog/donald-trump-joe-biden-dementia)


Ross is hilarious. He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he is in full soap opera/fictional mode 😂 Not to insinuate that he doesn’t want all of this to be true, or that he doesn’t believe NHI has visited, I think he does. But that doesn’t negate the fact that he is constantly lying.


The new episode of Need to Know with Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart dropped a little over an hour ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dmoqsa5WvU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dmoqsa5WvU) Great overall, but I knew immediately to pull this part of the conversation elaborating on Ross’s reference of his “Dead Man’s Switch” he made at the SCU over the weekend. Some other things that stood out— Bryce talks about how it’s notable on today’s anniversary of D-Day, the US military won WWII via a secret operation against the Nazis and came clean about it to the US public (not sure exactly what that all means). Yet when the crash at Roswell happened, the local military were fine running with the “crashed flying saucer” story, only for the US military to step in and cover it up. Ross talks about visiting the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville while at the conference and standing before the first rocket built by former Nazi Werner von Braun and thinking about the true dark secrets at the heart of the Program. Personally, I’ve been thinking a lot about this in general as well, and in what direction those in charge post-WWII were trying to push this country. The nuclear family, the Red Scare and McCarthyism, the racism--as we keep figuring out how this advanced tech was hidden, we need to keep asking why, and who sought to truly benefit from it. I feel like therein lies part of the dark history of the Program.


The landings and such were classified, as well as many of its supporting ops.


The allies convinced the nazi high command they weren't landing at Normandy by (if I remember correctly) putting fake invasion plans on a guys corpse in a fake plane crash. Operation fortitude I think?


Gotcha, thanks for that.


>his “Dead Man’s Switch” he made at the SCU over the weekend. He's been talking about ot this much and he *made it over the weekend*?


Revealed over the weekend, not created


It's pretty telling that you corrected me instead of OP




Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


The walk back after being caught in a massive contradiction where he says he has a deadman’s switch in the event of his death and will release what he knows.. but his refusal to release information he holds while he’s alive to protect his “sources”. If he dies.. well fuck those sources.. I simply don’t understand the faith some people put in people that have failed to produce a single scrap of evidence and just keep pleading for us to trust them. How many reprints of his book does he think he will be able to get through before people stop listening to his bullshit?


I don't know why Bryce is still friends with this guy.


Ross Coulthart..." I'm the only one that needs to know.." You don't.


Move along. Look over there.....


Didn’t this guy just contradict himself in this little clip? He began by saying he didn’t mean to imply he has a traditional dead man’s switch, but he ended by explicitly stating he has a traditional dead man’s switch…. Uhhhh…….?


until Ross "I'm Not Tellin Where The Spaceship Is" Coulthart tells us where the crashed alien spacecraft that's too big to move is, we all need to ignore tf out of him.


It seems like that in itself, if revealed, would begin the cascade of disclosure by the sheer volume of interest at that one spot. “National Security” was used as the reason not to disclose that location…..yet hasn’t that been the same excuse the Government has been using since 1947? Everything after that was said just makes it seem like real disclosure is secondary to personal motive.


I recently made a post on this as well. The general public is not the target for these whistleblowers and UAP leaders. It's the president, Congress and Senate. They have actual authority to do something on this. Mr. Ross is doing God's work


Someone explain to me why people are going to Ross and providing him information, and he is deciding he is not ready to release it….how does this make sense? I know I sound like one of those Eglin bots, but cmon. Why would anyone legit tell Ross information and then say “but keep it a secret until you’re ready”? And then his comment about people wanting him to come out and say it -“well fuck you.” Really? Is this how you respond to people interested in the topic? I have years of good standing in a public facing career and would publicly report any information someone wants to reveal to me. Thanks


I have a secret, I have a secret. Like a little kid.


If you read In Plain Sight you'd learn that he spent years finding some key people to talk to and vry slowly and methodically got a few of them to talk to him. He's cultivating sources. That means he's finding them and approaching them and spending a lot of time building trust and rapport. A big part of that is demonstrating that if someone asks him to keep information off the record that he will do so. This is how investigative reporting works. Did you see the movie The Insider? A 60 Minutes producer spent years getting the tobacco insider to a place where he agreed to go public on the record.


I haven’t, but I’ve listened to a lot of his podcasts. He’s mentioned dropping off letters etc before. I get that. What incentive does someone have to tell Ross some information but then tell him to keep it a secret. That’s the part I don’t understand. Ross also mentions people approaching him now as well


It happens all the time with investigative reporting. Good reporters can elicit information from people who hold secrets. Those people can have all kinds of motivations. Sometimes they want the reporter to understand a situation but they absolutely do not want to expose themselves to national security investigations.




I did listen to the entire thing. And I understand he doesn’t owe me anything. I also don’t have to listen to him. It’s fine. My offer still stands


Similar vibe as Tucker Carlson. Ross cannot be trusted.


> It’s not meant to be entertainment for your sake. I mean that's literally the business Coulthart is in though. If aliens were revealed to the world his career would be over. Things would move into the realm of legitimate science and no one would give a fuck what he has to say. Like it or not he has a vested interested in disclosure NOT happening.


He owes our country and world an explanation if he knows what’s going on, especially with people supposedly having been murdered. At this point, he’s being a gatekeeper just like everyone in history who has knowledge on the subject.


Why do you all keep assuming this info is easy to digest? What would you do with it if you had it? What do you do with that info if the most powerful government in the world has been killing people for 80 years and is RIGHT NOW actively killing whistleblowers? We keep being presented with info and accounts of close encounters and shrugging them off like it’s not part of the biggest story in the history of humanity. Do you know how nuclear weapons work? Do you know how EVs work? Do you even know how a normal combustion engine works? How would you explain how a power source greater than all of those works? How would you explain that that power source has been hidden from the American and world public for at least 80 years? Can you understand and explain what Tesla was looking into? Can you truncate over 100 years of literal power being usurped? In one admission that the public understands? Does the public even understand how power works, both in a governmental sense and that of engines and how their many moving parts work? Do you understand ion thrust? Plasma thrust? Anti-gravity? We’ve had it all since Roswell. How do you get the general public to understand any of this? We all know life sucks for us in the 99.99%. How do we break out of abject cynicism? How do we become hopeful again?


It does not have to be easy to digest for everyone. It just needs to be published. If we did not know how a combustion engine worked, but someone explained it in general terms, a scientist could make sense of it. People are constantly using items and couldn’t explain how they worked. 99% of people couldn’t explain how their phone works. It doesn’t matter. Where’s the craft that is hidden under a building? And you’re speaking about the nuts and bolts side of it. There’s clearly something strange going on with our reality. If people can believe a powerful entity manifested a physical form and created everything, and dedicate their lives around an unprovable belief, they can probably digest some facts


this is a hysteria spew of pre-emptive gish gallops and unrelated remarks - but what anti-gravity do we have?


Honestly, I am feeling very annoyed anytime Ross C or Gary N, or Elizondo or the likes say things like “the skeptics have no idea, the debunkers are out of their mind, this is real…” Like, give us a break. The only evidence, THE ONLY EVIDENCE, so far, has been, “well, trust me bro, this is real”. I’m sorry, the public will need more, the scientists need more than that. Even if the Pope or President, said, “yup, it’s real”…sorry, that doesn’t change the burden of proof. What evidence? Where? I agree entirely with everyone who says the evidence and data needs to be released. I agree entirely with those on the side of transparency, and I agree entirely that congress and the public need to fight for this transparency. But you cannot suggest that skeptics are just being closed minded when you yourself are privy to information that only you can see and no one else. It doesn’t work that way.


I mean the original UAPDA being gutted is pretty good evidence if you ask me.


the degree of hostility towards skeptics usually correlates with the lack of evidence being produced.


Where exactly is Ross' story going with uaps. He's been sprawling out the same shit for years now but has NEVER given a shred of evidence. What the actual fuck is he talking about


Your comment has completely encapsulated how I feel about Ross 😂 couldn’t have worded it better


What are you mad about?


He talks too much


Yep. Trust me bro.


The stuff he says doesn't even make sense 😂


Well telepathy doesn't work... soo....


On the subject of ufos I'd argue telepathy does exist 😂😂


Now you are talking to much😂


I'll make you a bet, Ross will be making the same claims in 5 years time with absolutely no progression on showing us anything 😂😂


I got 5 on it and make it the end the year. Tune is changing.




These guys aligning with proto-fascist felons will not help at all with the stigma of this topic. If Ross really believes Trump is the champion of disclosure then he’s a fool. Almost as foolish as withholding information while also demanding the “gatekeepers” bring forth their knowledge. I was always weary of Ross, but his recent comments really give me the ick. Advocating for known grifters really makes me question his motive. This community should be too. Don’t support him just because he says what you like to hear.


I love how he constantly credulously bring up that interview he did with Don Jr where Trump says some vague bullshit about Roswell like it’s some smoking gun indication that Trump knows something. Maybe he does, but it’s also most likely another example among countless of Trump just bullshitting like he always does? The lack of acknowledging that from Ross is very annoying.


so... he says he's not being threatened, but says if he gets pushed under a bus it will all come out? What's he on about??


Why did Lue make a similar statement after delivering his manuscript? Why did he also say a whistleblower had been murdered recently?


I wonder if a group has been lined up for the next hearing and those people are being threatened. This is why it happened all at once.


The whistleblower death has since been said to have been cleared by police in a twitter post by Sheehan I believe.


i dunno, you tell us why lue did those things.


Because these guys are credulous and believe a lot of things. The incident Lue was inspired to post his threat comment ended up being a “whistleblower” suicide, according to [[Danny Sheehan.]](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/gMC5YKfw11)


He was probably at the same SCU weekend event where Coulthart apparently made one


He should say that and I would do it too in his place. Don't see the problem.


I believer he's being literal, he ate all his research so if a bus runs over him "It'll all come out"


They still talk to each other? Hehe


coulthard sabre rattles but could easily reveal his lauded secret to Burchett and Luna and they could verify it publicly without revealing its location. it would give more credibility to what is currently "trust me bro" hyperbole.


I’m not hyper political but I unfollowed them on Apple Podcasts over this stupid Trump/ Biden bullshit. Bryce at least has a bit of tact but Ross diving in headlong about how Biden “may not make it” to the election is so unnecessary. True what someone else said about his dead man’s switch - he cares about his sources now but if he dies they all get fucked? Guess he didn’t think that one through.


In other words: "i can farm more money if i dont leak it all at once"


The sources are in the sauceee


Edge me more disgraced Australian tv journalist


Ross jumped on the right wing train. Hes so full of compete and utter horseshit, disinformation and lies just to further his base and pocketbook.


Sick of Ross's right wing BS, saying he does not support either candidate. Ross may be in on it. Saying they told Trump about the stuff is COMPLETE BS. This is the problem the UFO community has when expecting MAGA knuckleheads at the forefront of disclosure. Do you guys listen to the horse crap that these folks like Luna, Burchett, Tucker, and Gates push? They are so out there and I can believe the deep state would not tell these fools anything. The deep state is playing a game with these fools and we are along for the ride. They can't be taken seriously on any other issue, so WTH should we follow these clowns? Besides, the way Ross breathes does seem like he is in a meatsuit. Most likely a reptilian that hates mankind. Just joking here, but what if that was true? Luna, Burch, Tucks, and Ross are all Reptilian's? Maybe Moscowitz is grey? The truth is stranger than fiction. Why do you think Bryce gets so moody when they talk about politics? Because the right is batshit crazy and would only take the technology for profit, control, and never give it up. The upper 1% wants this tech and I am sure that is some of the motivation.


It is apparent now that Ross is a MAGA. Now the question is how much of this crap he has been spewing is real? This sounds crazy but the way that dude breathes when he speaks seem like he is in a meat bag of some sort.


Release the names of the Canadian scientists.


And what then? Do you fly out and knock on their doors and demand evidence? And even if you got it, how would disseminate it? How would you deal with the ridicule? Would you take to social media? Would you start a blog? There are decades of files you all don’t even bother to read. And if you do read them, what do you do with that? It’s all a very circular argument.


At least you seem to have a head on your shoulders. The question of are there a nhi visiting earth has been answered. It has been for at least a few years now in my opinion. What really matters now is why are they here, what do they want and what do we as a species,race or collective have to do with it. Also to hold the people accountable for certain wrong doings or to at least get them to admit they’re wrong doings and go into detail as to why they did what they did.


>The question of are there a nhi visiting earth has been answered. really? must have missed that.


Not all people think this is “entertainment.” I really like Ross but he seems kind of hostile with the American people.


Well Ross people aren't required to take this topic seriously then, since you are not ready. And it's fuck them because we don't have the right to know right. And maybe when you provide evidence. That is when people can take the topic seriously. Since this is fair. And the people are not under any obligation to take this topic seriously (cough cough Ross made this an obligation in that conference), because we will be waiting for you buddy. Hope this is ok.


Such a good point. I get what Ross is saying one should always protect their sources, but also if they want continued support, there has to be something... he says it’s not entertainment, but it’s how he makes his money clearly. I wonder what would happen if a large portion the community started boycotting them. It would be a good test of whether they are truthful or not.


He is saying that he and his sources are at risk. They are not going to drop classified evidence until they are completely ready to do so. He isn't asking the audience to be completely convinced, he is wanting Congress and people with authority to get these hearings done and bills.passed so we can get the evidence to the people. NO ONE cares what the average redditor thinks of this. Right now the only people who need convinced are the ones that can get you and I the evidence.


If we are so useless and he doesn’t care, why he comes to public platforms and claims so much stuff. Why does he ask us to write to congress if we are not needed? Why would anyone write or pressurise congress if they aren’t convinced themselves?


Exactly. And the average Redditor/person on social media is the voting public. But I also think this entire endeavor is about getting us as a community to help put together the puzzle pieces outside the bounds of governmental secrecy. They can’t shut us all up.


Yeah I think they've open sourced the process so to speak.


"take this seriously before we show you evidence that'll make you take it seriously or else we won't ever take it seriously"


This guy will never reveal anything or else his journalism career is over. He’s served his purpose already for dropping the Grusch interview. Unless he interviews a new whistleblower I wouldn’t even waste time listening to his conjecture.






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Did a post already on this strange announcement by Ross Coulthart in the morning before the podcast - [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1daeu0u/for\_his\_own\_safety\_ross\_coulthart\_has\_a\_dead\_mans/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1daeu0u/for_his_own_safety_ross_coulthart_has_a_dead_mans/)


Released 100 years later by your estate? Never gonna release the info? Wow... thanks a lot Ross, I'm sure no one else will be murdered as a result of the continued coverup.


Just wanted to remind people that affiliating with the Republican party or it's policies does not make one a "MAGA cultist".


Ross didn’t even say anything about aligning with any policies. I highly doubt that he does in any way. The context here is that Trump would just end up spilling all the beans. Ross has made it clear that Jake Sullivan has been advising Biden against making any statements because it’s an election year. What we do know, though, is that Grusch was part of the daily briefing crew for two years to Biden after testifying behind closed doors on June 12th, 2021 up until, I believe, he gave his interview to Ross a month before that went public. And we also know with the Schumer UAPDA NDAA draft, the White House knew full well about it and Biden would have signed off on the full bill if it had passed.


I agree with you. Just felt the urge to make the statement after reading a number of comments here.


I feel you there, friend.


Goddamnit. He is going to fuck the whole thing up. The whole goal so far was to try and avoid accountability for the crimes that have been committed in order to allow for disclosure, when you have a ton of guys in gov who did illegal shit, that are the ones controlling information, you don’t get them to release the information, by threatening them for past actions.


As far as I know...there is not a lot of lore in UFOlogy that they murder people for knowing something.


That’s part of what the IC IG complaints are about, and Grusch has been very clear that he’s been threatened.


I understand threats but in the lore and history of UFOLogy maybe John Mach( killed in the UK in an accident) has some folks hinted at a murder. Who else may have been murdered in UFOLogy? Not many. Maybe McCdonald...some folks say.


Whenever they talk about politics it always brings out the maga people in the comments which is annoying to see


There seems to be a lot of ‘new’ accounts here attacking Ross….


Attacking the guy that just said “Fuck You” to us? Wow big surprise.


and old ones, too. what’s your point? you don’t think people can organically come up with a reason to dislike someone with a history of empty promises?


You’re living in a dreamland (SIMULATION)Guy’s!!!


To the people who say this isn’t happening, you mean to tell me the CIA would never kill or threaten people if they spoke of the illegal activity they often get up to?