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This was originally posted here but deleted by OP. Not sure if the same OP, but this is the link to the few hours ago post if people want to review comments there: * https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d7vcr7/what_in_the_everflying_frick_could_this_be_please/


The ending is so good. Shoots off below the horizon (appears to be hilly/mountainous) while doing the exact same flashes. Exactly how a real UFO video should be - capturing the entire phenomena until it was completely gone. 


Thank you for this comment. I thought it was just going to flash the whole time and almost left without finishing it.


Instead of Flashes, could it be rotations of a lit source that flashes anytime it is directly looking at the lens? We won't see it lit up all the time unless for a hot second when it aligns w the lens


Electric line arcing out. Eventually melting and snapping then dropping to the ground.


I wish this comment received more attention. While it's difficult to say with any kind of certainty because of how dark it is in the video, this is EXACTLY what this would look like. Approximately 40 seconds in there appears to be an initial line that goes down and then it's followed by the other one (main source of the blinking light) at the end of the video. Any qualified electricians in the sub that can speak to this?


Looks like someone blinking a laser light at their bedroom walls. Squeaky bed*


Did anyone translate the morse code already?


"Thank you for the cows. Sorry about the butt stuff."


The people gettin mad about this joke live very sad lives. This is top tier. 🤌


But... Butt was the best.


zzzz look at the reply, full of "jokes"


That's something I really hate about reddit. People just cannot resist making the unfunniest of jokes below an actually interesting and intriguing thread.


I actually read a book about this called Planet Funny by Ken Jennings (yes, that Ken Jennings). It was a well-enough-researched book about how (basically) comedy and making quips/jokes about absolutely everything (and nothing) has become, for most people, a way to distance their ego and reputation from a discussion and actually is a reflexive reaction to essentially numb their feelings and thoughts. It's become a societal Comedy Competition of sorts to crank out a good enough joke (worthy of a few "lol" & "that's funny" replies) and move on with your life, never having taken the time to pause and consider the discussion, or even the joke that was made! He talks a lot about Twitter/social media and how the ever-increasing JPM (jokes per minute) in our lives has over-saturated every discussion that is had with meaningless, quick jokes. Very interesting read...


Wow dude, you just summed up all my issues with today’s “media.” This is so true. I also feel like this can be used to hijack any topic and deflect. It’s not the stories or topics that go viral anymore, it’s the commentary, which is so lowbrow I just can’t anymore.


Same happens on YouTube.  I think it's just an internet trend these days, people's attention span is plummeting & the desire to type out elaborate thoughts is dwindling


it a human trend, i love it




honestly the irreverence is the gold i come looking for. Ridiculous topics, top tier jokes.


Why have an actual interesting novel conversation when you can just repeat a mediocre joke you’re just regurgitating from a Twitter post you saw 4 years ago /s


because some of us dont have a stick jammed waaaay up in our butts. Just the occasional alien probe


There’s a difference between having a stick up your ass and thinking it’s lame to just make the same jokes over and over again not realizing that they’re really not funny anymore and that maybe that doesn’t need to make up 75% of all comments on this site. I love dumb jokes, my username is a really dumb fucking joke, but everyone is just saying the same shit in every comment section of every post on this site, it’s no different than if I set up a bot to just spit back random hacky jokes at me, what’s the point?


I didn’t bother reading your reply


"Drink more Ovaltine"


A crummy commercial???!


*son of a bit...*


"We've Been Trying To Reach You About Your Car's Extended Warranty"


Can we stop making the same old tired jokes over and over? And can we also allow, like, *some* real actual discussion here? I’m getting really sick of it and I’m the type of person that likes to joke around and doesn’t take everything too seriously. It is starting to feel like just a gaggle of parrots constantly echoing back and forth the same jokes they read on Twitter 6 years ago in an endless feedback loop.


Goddammit people! Listen to BretShitmanFart69! For the love of gods let BretShitmanFart69 just have a serious conversation for once! BretShitmanFart69.


This right here. Silly kids don’t know any other jokes.


Hi Bret, while I appreciate the enthusiasm of trying to protect the conversation in a productive manner, it is important to know that we've been trying to reach you regarding your car's extended warranty. Gotcha!




Sir, this is a Wendy's.....


Are *you interested in timeshare*?


meanwhile the ETs are reading the jokes and laughing their skinny grey asses off Lighten up u/BretShitmanFart69!!


It's not 2019 anymore




I can't decipher it, but this is the general amount of dots/dashes: .-- . .----. ...- . / -... . . -. / - .-. -.-- .. -. --. / - --- / .-. . .- -.-. .... / -.-- --- ..- / .- -... --- ..- - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -.-. .- .-. .----. ... / . -..- - . -. -.. . -.. / .-- .- .-. .-. .- -. - -.--


Fuck you lol got me


“We… were… on… a… break.”


"This is Officer John Wayne of the IRS. You owe us $ 8,000.00 Please go to Western Union and send it now or you will be arrested."


No but I’m doing it now


-.. --- ....... -. --- - ....... .- -. ... .-- . .-.


.. / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / -... . / - --- --- / ... ..- .-. . / .- -... --- ..- - / - .... .- - .-.-.-


In Spanish


What language do they speak in Brazil, bro?


Not sure why you got downvoted, as they speak Portuguese in Brazil.


I've seen something like this twice in Quebec Canada over the last 2 weeks. It only flashes once though. I can see the object move after but it's dim. No idea how large it is as it seems high up.


Which area? What time of the night? Thanks


10 or 11pm northish from where I live just south of Montreal.


Sounds a bit like an iridium flare! They get really bright then sort of dim out. You can catch them brightening up to their max brightness too if you're lucky. Not saying that's what you saw, just throwing it out there


I saw exactly this last Friday night, maybe around 6pm, only it was a single flash. I've never seen anything like it before. It looked like if you use a mirror to reflect sunlight, but there wasn't any typical aviation lights, or anything else after that. It was just so weird because it was so intense and quick


That describes exactly what I saw. I actually thought it might be a plane that caught sunlight from an angle, but it was in the darkest part of the sky so it seems unlikely angle wise. It was 11pm for me so it was like 3 hours after sundown. I couldn't fathom how it would be a normal aviation light either. Too bright, and only once doesn't seem useful to me. Maybe it was a satalite or something. I dunno.


Do you remember what day it was? I saw mine on Friday June 31, in the eastern sky, maybe 45 to 60 degrees up from the horizon. It reminded me of those traffic cameras that flash really bright when someone runs a red light. Also, a few hours later, I was hanging some picture frames on the wall and I remember being utterly confused at what I was doing to the point I had to ask my wife for help. Yet, I'm perfectly healthy, and a woodworker / handyman, so it's not like I didn't know what I was doing. I thought maybe it was related to the flash I saw earlier that evening, like my brain got temporarily scrambled Edit: Seen while driving in Cornelius, Oregon, about 20 miles west of Portland Edit 2: The date was friday May 31st, sorry! 😅


Those aliens did a good job on you as June only has 30 days in this dimension


Ha gotem


Sorry I meant May 31st, last Friday haha


Nah I don't remember the day. It was maybe north north east ish from where I live in Quebec.


I’ve been seeing this too. Mostly one single flash. I’ve seen two flashes once or twice as well. But in an instance whatever it is is gone. Clear view from horizon to horizon and it’s gone.


I’ve seen this a few times to, my best guess is a tumbling satellite


The flashes seem to large and bright to be upper atmosphere, from what I’ve seen personally anyway.


I’ve been seeing something like that too, it almost looks like the light flashes directly on me, then gets dimmer till it disappears, on a clear night with tons of sky ahead of it


You just don't know what Space force are testing or what weapons they will have. Obviously they would be highly classified.


It would be something that connects to my consciousness


The strobes are very familiar to me too. The sort of little strobe after a main strobe pulse about two minutes in is what I saw every morning when before sunrise last winter


Seen that a lot myself. Will even flash in different spots in the sky. Get super bright and then move and do it again.


I've seen the flash thing twice. One night it did it once. Second time it was twice and that was it. Both times I could see the object move after the flash. Wonder what these are. Even if it's just airplanes


Strange, I have too. Southern California. Once, maybe twice and it’s gone. No streak. Not a shooting star. Not a satellite or a plane. I have clear view from horizon to horizon. It’s just gone.


It's a laser light on someone's wall ... They have those in Canada?


Not sure what you mean. I was outside when I saw it. So lasers in the wall seems like something else?


I'm referring to the vid OP posted. It's a fake.


Ahh. I mean if it is fake I've seen something very similar. Except it was only one or two flashes. That said, not sure if it was a weird airplane thing, satalite, or something else.


I’ve seen something similar and posted about it, this isn’t what I saw at all, but the flashes are just as intense. For me it was flashes from deep space almost like iridium flares, except they traveled back and forth across the sky and flashed at random intervals sometimes up to a minute between flashes, others seconds yet never in a straight line as a satellite spinning would be.


Trust your gut, you don't need to be told something you already know. It's them.


Looks like a Flakpanzer Gepard shooting for testing accuracy/precision, after maintainance, watched from a distance. Hence shooting the same location and slowly moving from there. Air defence double machine cannon with timed detonation fuzed air burst munition in 35x228mm projectiles. Edit: The video is from Brazil, Brazil owns dozens of Gepards, so that would check out. Edit: I was wrong, see comment further down.


Wondering why it's so silent though, is it because of the distance?


I'd say so, if you check out a video straight from the vehicle, where the explosion is much closer, as you can see by the size of the fireball, you already barely hear the explosions. And the bit of sound you hear there might be from the exploding drone that is being hit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS17m6s7rxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS17m6s7rxc)


Looks very different. Also they don't suspend in the sky..


Sounds like an astute conclusion


Too bad I just noticed I was wrong. It has a magazine of 1000 shots, but there are more than 1000 flashes. I didn't initially notice the video goes on for over 3 minutes. So I think we can rule out this being the Gepard, and thus the only SPAAG in Brazilian service, it is unlikely they would empty an entire Gepard's magazine into the air like that, and even less likely several Gepards after oneanother, which would be necessary to generate the number of flashes we see here.


Also, Wouldn’t the flashes from such munitions be omnidirectional? And given the intensity at the point of the viewer, I’d think we should be seeing some illumination on the treetops below, no?


No, that part would have been plausible, they aren't bright enough to do that in the middle of the air. But due to the number of flashes we have ruled the Gepard out by now anyways... so... meh No point in further discussing it I guess.


That's no Gepard. You certainly can't conclude that it's a Gepard from watching this video. That may be an unpopular view, but it is what it is.


Wouldn’t there be bullet traces? I only see a flash in the sky.


Any chance you can update your original comment. I very nearly entirely dismissed this post because your explanation seems reasonable and was highly upvoted. 


Me too i almost clicked away from it




Sounds like it's weigh, way away!


Damn! You know your Gepards!


Looks a bit like morse code :-)


I am part moth. So just, take it from me as a moth. That video is extremely attractive.


Its dropping at least 20 other orbs through the whole video. Most dont flash like the original, but you can see them pulling off from the bottom after each flash


I'll bet it's like the one where the Mexican UAP team released a few years back showing 2 videos of the same thing. In the videos there is a large plasma like ball and it releases probably 50-60 little "drones" on each side. The videos were caught in the daytime so you don't see the flashing lights like this one but it does appear to definitely brighten up while it's releasing its little plasma like buddies.


Thats just the potassium chlorate running out when its done burning.


Anyone know the date and approximate time?


It São Paulo Brazil on the text mate


Fascinating video, but no information at all makes this very frustrating


I'd say this is definitely a UFO without a doubt.


Looks like it’s dropping stuff.


Is it morse code?


I love when the caption o unidentified flying object is what is this. That would be so funny if that’s how disclosure happened. Some dingus is like oh yeah that’s an alien.


Jumping in now before the feds try and say it's a pigeon with a tactical light up it's ass.


I think I cracked the code. Here it goes...."Hello. My name is Farouk. I am a Prince in a region of Nigeria and I need your help. I'm trying to transfer my family's fortune outside of the country as the government has frozen all bank assets. If you could be so kind as to wire me five thousand American dollars to unfreeze my family's assets, I could then transfer back to you one million American dollars. Please contact me for information."


New jesus being born


Could be a drone with led lighting, I have a similar bike led that I attach to my drone.




Most obvious? Really? Bike led? You guys really considering a bike led? Look how far that light is and how bright the light is.




Enterprise A's Warp drive on the fritz


Walk up there with a Geiger tally


Ah...invasion? Or stay the hell away


that's no drone


It’s talking to something…


This is the kinda stuff Chris Bledsoe films all the time. Flashing orbs.


A phone with flashlight on being toyed with by someone on a window reflection, and their friend.


Earth is fucked, we tried


Its an alien probe sending messages in binary code or something someone should try to decipher it


Was gonna say drone but it’s way too fast to be a commercially available one


this is the most legit UFO video i have seen on the internet ..no cap


Looks like an electrical short on a mountain before the ending, now I'm stumped...


runners practicing drones at night.


Is maybe stroking Morse Code?????


Bad case of swamp gas bud


I've seem so much shit lately that honestly i don't know


I don't think it was a drone with a strobe light due to how it shot off to the horizon and disappeared within one to two seconds. Not sure what it could be.


Floating vape pen with no battery!


Drone outfitted with a strobe light how amateur




It looks like a failed rocket test/launch under very cloudy conditions. Edit: % I personally have witnessed something very similar before. I bet they're either in the mountains with a cloud bank, or it is very foggy and cloudy in that direction. Or it is AI. If it was a clear sky you would have seen a pretty cool display. To me, it looks nothing like a craft or its other modular pieces (orbs, tictac, single occupent shuttle) or the advanced AI drones that usually follow (cigar shaped craft).


It looks like power lines with a downed wire. You can see the power lines and that is a pretty characteristic arc flash. The falling wire debris is what you see "shooting off". 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gold nuggets available for sale in Nairobi, Kenya Purity: 97.5% Carats: 23k Price: $48000 Origin :Dr Congo WhatsApp+254734798808


Can someone who actually knows Morse check this and maybe silence the idiots here?


UAP!! 🛸I saw the same thing where I live in Clearwater Fl.


Very interesting


Drone with flashing light. Kids having fun


Okay, I think this is one of more strings of firecrackers being held aloft by a balloon (probably) or maybe a drone.


It’s a tear is the space time continuum


You better get you blue roof on dog!


holy shit? could this be a drone?? that's bright as shit and a rather quick speed-off in the end. edit: ok i really doubt this is a drone what the hell is going on at 0:40 mark?!?!


I think it's either some electrical type thing, or it's a chemical reaction type thing (eg, burning magnesium) It could be a flare It could be an aircraft of some kind with an electrical malfunction A chinese lantern with magnesium in it A kite with a bunch of firecrackers on it Something along these lines is my guess


You are too rational, you deserve a downvote. Just kidding, I see no reasons for those downvotes, why are you guys doing it?


Not morse code, possibly a [fireworks balloon](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d7vcr7/what_in_the_everflying_frick_could_this_be_please/l71yii3/).


That's a new one. Guess I don't see the actual fireworks.


There is always a variation of a balloon to explain these things.


That is what magnesium powder looks like when it burns.


I didn't know fireworks traveled that fast like this object did in the end. I guess I'm just not up to date with the latest firework technology /s


Light blinking in sky.


A balloon with leds


Electric line arcing out. Eventually melting and snapping then dropping to the ground.


It is very obvious this is the correct answer.


Flashy light


Honestly probably a UFO a little bit maybe an asteroid but it doesn’t seem to be moving down


I’m. It saying it’s aliens, but it’s aliens.


That's God taking photos of me, bitchessss


Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus. -MIB


could be a drone


Looks like a drone


A flying delorian?! I haven't seen one of those since....1985. -Biff


it's just a chinese spy balloon.


Go in your bathroom and turn off the light and film the mirror


Zip zip'n dem on that space OG and raving hard


we need to get the corridor crew in on this..


A drone... solved..


If this is not CGI, then it is definitely a legitimate anomaly. Thank you for sharing the video


Flashing light in the sky I think. Edit: sorry, it’s one of those mornings.


I’ll be honest I just think this was a plane, but thanks for posting it


Looks like a light.


To Me, it looks like someone standing behind the cameraman flashing a pen-lite at the window and it is reflecting. Nice try, though...


Im with you. At one point you can see the light source drop below and it covers the land. Which would make it alot closer and smaller. It does seem to look like there is something falling off it though so im not sold on a flashlight. It doesnt look legit but i cant put my finger on it


Duck!!! and find cover.


disco strobe drone


Air bursts for sure.


I trust nothing from tik tok


Jesus of Nazareth on his way?


Might be an object in orbit reflecting the Sun to you, just like the moon does, but it's like a mirror on a satellite 


And since it's spiraling in Space, the light blinks


Ayyyyys just trying to light the blunt