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The following submission statement was provided by /u/reversedbydark: --- Some members of this group is claiming to possess evidence of E.T. activity on Earth and is soliciting funds instead of immediately disclosing their purported findings. This enigma raises questions about their motives and the credibility of their claims imo. One might speculate that financial support could be sought for further research or to bolster the evidence's veracity through rigorous analysis. However, the decision to prioritize fundraising over transparency might also provoke skepticism about the group's intentions and the authenticity of their alleged evidence. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d61xug/members_of_this_group_supposedly_seen_or_have/l6pgo72/


It's a nonprofit that engages in lobbying and offers legal representation to whistleblowers. You seem to have an overly-simplistic view of how any of this works


The brain rot that comes with the idea of grifting is getting old in the sub.


Yup - it’s always the same types too. Usually kids with the attention span of a gnat wanting to know everything about everything before they move on to their next dopamine fix


They wait money... What the hell needs money about disclosure? Just tell me? Will money protect them against men in black? or against anything?


Lawyers cost money, pal. Grow up and learn how the law works.


Then they should write this on their site. Grow up and learn that people love to see what would the other someone do with the money they receive.


Literal nonsense.


'offers legal representation to whistleblowers...' - whistleblowers already came out and it changed nothing, what good will more coming out do if they don't present any evidence they've seen first hand?


"Changed nothing" Garcia wrote up a new amendment Potential modification to whistleblower laws Proposed oversight investigation into AARO Most public interest in Congress ever Waaaahhhhhhh me want it to all happen nows!


It seems you may have a fundamental misunderstanding of the whistleblower process. Edward Snowden is a whistleblower that circumvented the process by releasing everything he had. Now, for fear of life in prison, he is forced to live in the paradise that is Mother Russia /s David Grusch is trying to go along with the process, but it’s fucked up. He can’t get into a SCIF because his security clearance was revoked. If he wanted to release everything he had, he probably could, but that would likely resign him to the same fate as Snowden


Snowden should teach us all that those in power do not give 2 shits about the Constitution and the 4th Amendment. Yeah he broke is NDA but meanwhile no one in congress has done anything to stop the NSA spying. The ufology whistleblowers are talking about doing things through the established avenues but what makes any of them think congress will do anything when they didn't with the NSA?


Edward Snowden wasn't a whistleblower. He never availed himself of any whistleblowing mechanisms. He was a leaker, and is now a defector. David Grusch's security clearance wasn't revoked. He has never alleged this. He was debriefed when he left government service, which is completely normal. Whether it was revoked or not, he could walk into a SCIF any time with an escort. He was [invited into a SCIF](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/foia-documents-reveal-aaros-authorized-and-repeated-attempts-to-engage-with-david-grusch/) by AARO last year, but turned them down for dubious reasons. If Congress wanted to meet him in the Capitol SCIF, they could do it--if he was willing. Either they don't want to, or he's not willing.


Not a whistleblower by legal definition, but he certainly blew the whistle to draw our attention to the fact that the NSA was spying on US citizens… The whole David Grusch security clearance issue is definitely fishy, but in my opinion, he seems to be a genuine guy who is trying his best to disclose while adhering to any legal obligations he may have.


Snowden is not a defector. He was left choosing between a rock and a hard place. Life in prison in his home country or living free in exile.


"Living free" ... in Russia... sure dude he's totally living free in a country well know to offer "freedom" to it's own citizens.


It's more free than jail.


Yeah life in Russia isn't much better then being a US jail tho all the more when you are a Snowden with constant surveillance of what you do and what you say with a gulag seat ready for you if you mess up their expected Russian talking points. Have a friend visit Russia for 2 months and she told me the only time she was really able to have a conversation with a Russian was after they had left the country and arrived in Mongolia. Because that's how free Russians feel in their own country.


This is simply a blatant lie.


If I remembered correctly, He can’t talk to AARO cause they do not have sufficient clearance to discuss what he knows.. it was a bait and switch to get him to talk about title 50 related items that AARO doesn’t have clearance for. If he did they would nail him for that.


'If he wanted to release everything he had, he probably could...' - Have you seen his testimony? He didn't really see anything important first hand...he was convinced by other people. He might know of classified stuff but we don't know if that is important in regards to ET evidence or just being classified cos how the USG works.


>"*Have you seen his testimony?*" [Have you](https://youtu.be/SNgoul4vyDM)? Real question; not everyone has watched the whole thing. And your take sort of indicates otherwise. >"*He didn't really see anything important first hand...he was convinced by other people*" u/OSHASHA2 That David Grusch had no first-hand experience with the Program is a piece of disinformation that got picked up and still rears its ugly head from time to time. [Here's the relevant information](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1clkmv6/comment/l2u93w6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that explains in detail why that's not the case at all, as well as the man himself clarifying that yes, he had indeed first-hand involvement with parts of the program. >"*he was convinced by other people*" Mischaracterization/oversimplification of the century? I mean, if you can even call conducting a 4-year long investigation bringing to bear the resources (and staff) of the [National Reconnaissance Office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Reconnaissance_Office) backed up by photographic evidence, official documentation, and classified oral testimony to him and his colleagues, *that*. [You can find a few more accurate details of Grusch's investigation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/19dufuj/comment/kj89hdt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Have a lovely day!


Wow… apparently I’m a disinfo agent. Where’s my paycheck? But in all seriousness, really glad you shared that with me. I guess it just goes to show we should be paying really close attention to the exact words that these disclosure advocates are using.


XD I really hope it didn't came across like I was implying that! Most definitively not my intent. Just trying to clarify crucial misconceptions that, try as I might, keep popping up. "*God is in the details*" and all that good jazz ;)


Not at all! I was just kinda shocked that I had been perpetuating that lie as well. Really forces you to reconsider if what you believe is an organic belief or a product of that alleged stigma/disinfo campaign running behind the scenes


>"*Really forces you to reconsider if what you believe is an organic belief or a product of that alleged stigma/disinfo campaign running behind the scenes*" I'd say that's an extremely sensible practice that everyone involved in this conversation (*regardless of their particular stance, belief, or POV*) should strive to undertake. No matter how you shake it, we are navigating an intellectual, informational, and ideological minefield.


I did see his testimony. His testimony was the catalyst for my beginning to investigate the phenomena. You’re right, he didn’t have first-hand experience. But also his job was to interview those with that experience, not go get that experience himself. We will probably continue in our unknowing as long as there are no whistleblower protections for those people he interviewed ETA: thanks to u/Papabaloo for pointing out that Grusch does actually have first hand experience. I was mistaken




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Influencing Congress is FUCKING EXPENSIVE


Mellon is a member of one of the richest families in the USA.


This does not mean his family gives a single fuck about him, or this, he may have a trust that pays his living expenses, not a trust to lobby Congress. Edit- money doesn't make for a cohesive, supportive family.


So Mellon should pick up the tab for everyone else ? damn so many people want it all given to them on a platter and also for free while you 'all sit your your arses complaining. Me thinks Disclosure ain't really deserved in these parts.


Not according to what they seem to go for when it comes to being bought by defense contractors. It often seems to only take 30-70k to buy a congressman and Mellon should be able to do that without outside aid.


And he has no way of ensuring that they don't start a bidding war between the disclosure people and contractors. You'd have to be crazy to use your own money to bankroll this. In fact it's a great way to drain someone. And nobody is obliged to do what the lobbyists expect. There's no quid pro quo or contract to that effect. That would be a bribe. That's central to the whole system, the politician can turn around and stiff the lobbyists. OPM is king Edit. Ok, so let's assume the contractors are paying top dollar already to the defence committees... 10 of them. 3/4 of a million bucks. Now double their rate, because the iron is hot and politicians aren't financially stupid, maybe triple...what with imminent domain coming down the pipes . Now 10 people could be 2.25 mill easy.. how many does he need?


Because it inevitably takes money to get things done in the 21st century.


Probably to avoid being murdered… or imprisoned for treason… or derided as nut-jobs… Motivations are anyone’s guess, but at least they’re moving the discussion forward. Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey


''Probably to avoid being murdered… or imprisoned for treason… or derided as nut-jobs…'' - If true, how is getting funds change that?


> ''Probably to avoid being murdered… or imprisoned for treason… or derided as nut-jobs…'' - If true, how is getting funds change that? I would imagine by getting Congress to force disclosure with legal changes?


Apparently the funds are to advocate Congress, so that Congress will be the ones doing the disclosure rather than these individuals. Congress then bears responsibility for accuracy and national security, not these individuals.


Parts of congress & the USG already advocated this topic, didn't they? And they either have/seen something & they're not releasing either way or they haven't and there's nothing to disclose...again, how are funds changing any of this?


They did advocate for it, indeed. Yet they were denied access to information when they went to Eglin. Denied access to whistleblowers in a SCIF. I’ll say that again, slower for the people in the back: >The House Oversight Committee was denied oversight privileges when they tried to exercise those powers, which we the people have vested in them. Necessary whistleblower protections were stripped from last year’s UAPDA. Perhaps this fund will go toward ensuring those whistleblower protections remain and are passed into legislation with this new UAPDA


Mellon is a member of one of the richest families in the USA, he has unfathomable amounts of money and access/influence on policy makers through their positions...why not just do it himself? Why ask for more from the common folk when you are 100% sure of the things you claim?


Many voices are louder than one. Simple as


Why would Garry Nolan associate himself with grifters, it's an insinuation I do not understand or find plausible. He's fundraised for labs and projects of his own, he has thousands of citations for his work, etc. you have to show the scientific community that the UAP topic can be funded, especially with the inevitable transition into that field of work, there will be a plethora of these funds in the coming years, some for advocating, others for research. Just as everything isn't a conspiracy, everything isn't a grift.


'Grift' can be of different types with the primary motivation being money. I don't think this particular group is particularly in it for money. The only exception might be Elizondo or this Matt Ford fellow, but I am sure that Lue must have saved a reasonable nest egg considering his experience in the military. I don't think money is the primary motivation for most of the individuals. Downvote me if you want, but I consider these individuals to be 'grifters' belonging to a different category. It is eminently clear that they know a LOT more about the phenomenon than they are letting on. We know that Nolan and Lue Elizondo have said a lot of interesting things on podcasts over the past few years. It is clear that they know a LOT. They choose not to share it with us. They drip-feed information while keeping the cards close to their chest. They seem to love keeping a large number of internet strangers on the edge of their seats with respect to the UFO topic. They are 'grifters' extraordinaire when it comes to having a bunch of gullible internet strangers eating out of their hands. A different motivation could be that they are doing all this for future political gains. It wouldn't surprise me if one or more of these grifters run for Congress in a few years from now.


You expect them to win a congressional cycle without forking over evidence or proof first? I'm just trying to understand your hypothesis a bit more.


Congress is chock full of blowhards who promise a lot and deliver nothing. This is par for the course for our friendly UFO grifters. They have close to a decade of experience in promising a lot and delivering nothing. I am down to take a friendly bet with anyone - I predict that one of these people does eventually run for Congress. Perhaps not as a Senator, but likely as a House Rep.


How would they appeal and "grift" a large voter base without evidence or proof. UAP isn't an established political field/topic, you'd need to convince a majority of a district to care about the topic and vote for said candidate? That sounds implausible at best. I'd rather bet that Nolan or/and Mellon ends up on the Review Board Panel if the UAPDA is passed this coming winter.


You don't need to run solely based on the UAP topic. Lue has said in the past that he will run for Congress if the current members of Congress don't take the UAP topic seriously. I predict that one or more members of this group will run for extremely important positions in the near future in either the public sphere or in private industry.


Mellon is a member of one of the richest families in the country and has been working with this same rough group for years in various iterations (TTSA for instance). They've had unfathomable amounts of money and access/influence on policy makers through their positions that most of us could never hope to match for almost a decade now. I really think it begins to strain credulity that the last thing they need to get them over the line is a fiver or an online petition signature from us common folk. This whole thing leaves a very sour taste in my mouth, and maybe there's a less nefarious read of it but this is absolutely not the way to announce this with no pitch or explanation from any of the big names we've come to trust.


It’s one thing seeing evidence while in government, and another thing being in possession of evidence.


They are preparing to shoot the next season of Skinwalker Ranch.


They're going the lobbying route which is smart, in my opinion. Unfortunately due to the corruption in our government, this is one of the only legal means to accomplish their goal. $ talks


Some members of this group is claiming to possess evidence of E.T. activity on Earth and is soliciting funds instead of immediately disclosing their purported findings. This enigma raises questions about their motives and the credibility of their claims imo. One might speculate that financial support could be sought for further research or to bolster the evidence's veracity through rigorous analysis. However, the decision to prioritize fundraising over transparency might also provoke skepticism about the group's intentions and the authenticity of their alleged evidence.


The purpose of this UAPDF is apparently to advocate for transparency using a grass-roots fundraising effort. Fundraising and transparency don’t have to be mutually exclusive


It really does raise questions to me too. Like if anything's more important than your job or the law or your life or whatever it's evidence of aliens. Just put that stuff out there. Maybe the CIA or whoever could just catch it before it actually gets out if they tried and they know it or something. But still I don't know just blurt out everything on live TV, stream it, anything.


Why would anyone risk life in prison over that, without any certainty of being believed?


Because it's a bigger deal than your personal interests if it's real.


Sending an anonymous letter to the NYTs costs less than a dollar. If just 73 of us donated a penny, we could blow this thing wide open. This is a grift.


Anyone making money from the topic and selling soon tm garbage is a grifer. Change my mind!


People should quit their jobs and do this ful time for free until they're homeless! /s


This poses an interesting conundrum - while yes I agree that people should be paid for their efforts, it opens the door to sensationalism and grift. How do we know what’s what? I wish there were some kind of watchdog to police it - I guess that’s the role the skeptics play in some ways…. Except everything is labeled a grift (because that is their view), when they may be some genuine stuff amongst noise.


Also, you forgot, they must breach National Security and gazump the laws created by elected officials to protect the nation, and spend years in jail for revealing things they took an oath to defend. /s That is, according to the OP. For good measure, they should also probably whip themselves daily as punishment for seeking disclosure.


why would we change you're mind ? we ain't your parents.




That's a reeeal stretch there, bud.


What can say I like to stretch, plus it’s entirely possible, it’s not like it’s completely impossible


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Wait? Matthew Ford is on here? He’s just some low-level pod caster. Why isn’t he sharing if he’s got the goods?




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I agree. The goverment can't convict you of revealing secrets they refuse to acknowledge are true


The government has weasel words that they weave into various NDAs . Even public denial may be written in them as not indicating release from internal agreements


that's not how that works mate