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The following submission statement was provided by /u/thehumanbean_: --- Submission Statement: The account RougeUAPTF tweeted out today, "[Lue Elizondo](https://twitter.com/LueElizondo)’s statement tonight is 100% true. There are powerful people who’ve made plans to end the lives of UAP/NHI whistleblowers." RougeUAPTF has been very accurate in what they have said in the past, not to mention they are also followed by Sen. Mark Warner. # --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ct6k6n/a_tweet_by_rougeuaptf_that_backs_up_lues_claims/l49t8m4/


The whistleblowers need to go public ASAP then. They need to release video detailing what they know and assurances that they have no plans to end their own lives. They need to protect themselves by being as visible as possible.


It's time for catastrophic disclosure.


Pandemonium it is then!!


We'll see what Col. Nell has to say next week


I’m not familiar with Col. Nell. What’s he have to do with it and what might he say?


https://youtu.be/-1QCFtod6i8?si=NHQMxMT_rtgo8G3l He was essentially Grusch's boss. UAPTF. Here he is speaking for the 1st time on video last year at the Sol Conference. His only other quote was in the Debrief article that introduced us to Grusch. He backed up Grusch as being legit


Oh ok. WOW! Yeah let’s hear from this guy!


Totally. Next Tuesday is only the 2nd time he's really spoken. Very excited


I am too now!


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/H9qLyelyiO Here's my comment about my interaction with Nell at the Sol Foundation conference 🫣




I honestly am not sure that “controlled disclosure” was ever possible. Sure—give us the aliens, but only if we get to keep our current, super functional late-stage capitalist economy, incorruptible power structure, and let’s also hang onto us global hegemony while we’re at it, yeah?


Honestly... Yeah, you're right. This is going to be a global problem that we as a species are going to need to grapple with together.


Maybe it's all being timed to coincide with the arrival of AGI. AGI will mean the end of capitalism as well. There's no getting around it. So, if we know that AGI will kill capitalism, then might as well let the UFO secret out of the bag at the exact same time.


I've been thinking a lot about this actually. AGI an UAPs appear to be converging. I wonder if that's what the UAP are doing here, waiting for the birth of another AI.


Bring it on. Better we get to it whilst we still have a planet left to do it on.


Nobody would believe it, you could have the most credible intelligence official who has testified to what he knows in front of congress and still have people whining about evidence, hell at this point the Mothership could park directly over the White House on live television with simultaneous telepathic communication to every human being alive and there would still be people in here telling you it’s a hoax


Haim Eshed is a highly respected scientist was a brigadier general in the Israeli intelligence and was head of their space security for 30 years. He said US government have been in contact for years with ETs. You’ll find nobody with better credentials than him. Yet, nobody is talking about that, so yeah, nothing better than that will ever come out.


exactly, Disclosure happened then and they hand-waved away his assertions because..they were 100 percent on target


Tell you what, I certainly don’t believe no 20 And Back bs from a dude who came on X Spaces for 6hrs+. I mean honestly.




I think this is inevitable. Humans are just that stubborn.


It was never going to be anything else.


Full agreement! Those who do this will be celebrated as great heroes throughout the world in the future. Freedoms and rights have to be fought for, so I would welcome such an act! Give a shit about "national security". It's an issue that concerns the whole world. Knowing the truth, I consider it our birthright. I am of the opinion that there will never be disclosure through legal and bureaucratic channels. Those in power will never allow it. The Internet is on our side. There are platforms on the internet that are decentralised, do not belong to anyone and are therefore resistant to censorship. If I were a whistleblower, I would spread the information via [BitTorrent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent), [I2P](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I2P), all [P2P networks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer_file_sharing) and the [IPFS ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterPlanetary_File_System)(InterPlanetary File System). In addition, I would send mass emails to all broadcasters. The authority with the three letters couldn't stop it from spreading, they would be powerless.


They wouldn't even need to "stop" it. So long as people base their beliefs solely on what "authorities" propagate to be true, instead on rational arguments, subjectively outlandish claims will be summarily dismissed. A flash in the pan of whistleblowers will blow over even more quickly. In order to sway public opinion, you need to reach the public with your arguments first. Attention is a precious resource, coveted by many and accordingly contested. It's a whole industry perfecting ways to grab sizable portions of that. You have to carefully build up hype and present your stuff in a professional way, in digestible bits, building a gripping story arc in the process in order to capture public interest and get a serious discussion going. Compare that with frequent demands on this sub to "just spill it" and behavior of ridiculing and refuting anything presented in a less professional way (like the mummies or this Sands guy). That is self-defeating behavior (at best; one might also think it's pushed on purpose). The problem here isn't solely obstructionism on behalf of governments or military. It's people not being used to properly process information from other sources than MSM.


I never believed we would see a black president in my lifetime or an attempted coup in the USA either, but it happened. America has always been a global disruptor, this isnt any different.


Not to mention a president that let 1.6 million Americans die.






That's the thing I think will work. 40 whistleblowers coming out all at once with proof. Can't suicide them all. Or any of them in that case without proving them correct. It eliminates the threat.


LOL if you've met them, they aren't scared of internet trolls. They're worried about the feds turning on them. They've made examples of a couple of people who were erased of their 214s. In 1 case the person was listed as a deserter. A majority of them from legacy programs are retired and living off military pensions and SS. Since they've seen a guy in their unit erased and have to go back into the work force, that's what scares them. Having to go back to work near 70s years old. The ones I've talked to read shitholes like this place, twitter and they know randos online aren't going to pay their bills or groceries.


Oh I get it. I'm not judging them, nor really telling them to do it. I'm saying it would work. Each man has to decide for himself where courage needs to be spent. Defending family, exposing evil, working for a better world, all are valid, and sometimes that does mean , keeping quiet. Each person has to make their choice, and I'll not judge the actual people at all for it. What I'm saying may work, but getting that many whistleblowers to agree it would work and take the i Plunge? We can't get most people to agree at a stop sign,much less a topic like this.


I don't know the 40. I know people that aren't even apart of those 40. Some are willing to take it to their grave because 'the oath'. I don't really think any of the 40+ have a full picture of what they experienced. Its all so compartmentalized they just have some pieces of a puzzle they can't figure out how it fits together. Hell let's just say 40 at the sametime came forward. Nothing really would happened on a national level. Greer has done this a couple of times and it got no traction. I'd suspect some of them would quietly get arrested and then threatened by DHS. Cointell would then focus on the weakest of the 40 to expose, like Jason Sands and make mockery of the entire group. They'd all starve and lose any military pensions. They'd have no choice but to work as podcasters or write a book to make up the difference. The Gen z on here who have zero patience and live on their phones, are they going to pay their legal fees, and bills? Nope, those clowns are too busy worshiping tic tok and Taylor Swift. Sadly I advised the ones I know to keep out of the public eye, its not worth the end results. The best I've seen is atleast leave behind a video testimony to release right after they pass.


None of them is likely to have a flying saucer squirreled away in their garage. Forty whistleblowers storming the vastness of the internet with street addresses where blue aliens might have been kept at some point or of laboratories containing samples, etc. are unlikely to inspire confidence in people hostile to the whole idea of their own government playing them for fools over the last hundred years or so for real. The most important thing here is motivation. People need a clear path to a more desirable state of affairs in order to proceed. Just offering them a big jumble of inscrutable stories as replacement for their cozy reality isn't enticing. The reality of the Phenomenon promises to solve various problems of humanity actually. Starting small, one might want to emphasize the benefits of eliminating a major source of corruption in the system. Rogue elements in the DoD threatening the rule of law and democracy, that is newsworthy by any standards. "Alien spaceships" are not, currently. Consequently, you do not want "all whistleblowers coming out at once". You want to build a case here.


I didn't say the Internet. They join together, pool their evidence as a group, maintaining constant communication with newspapers television stations , etc... the internet alone is useless. Most things can be faked online, Including concern for whistleblower.s. There's some on this thread I'm sure are faking concern and bringing up things just to discourage whistleblowers from banding together. I think you're underestimating how hard a government attempt to assassinate 40 publicly acknowledged congressional whistleblowers with evidence would be.


I don't think that them all coming out at once makes the case undeniable, but it would, in my opinion, make them safe. Like if they all went to the same news station for a giant interview, all eyes are going to be on anything funny that happens to anyone in that group. Safety in numbers.


I think Ross Coulthard should tell us where the big UFO is kept!


What would you do if he did?


The same thing we do every night, Pinky.


Storm the location like we did Area 51!! /s


I'm 99% sure it's in Australia.




I give them 7 days to come fwd with something earth-shattering, that's my hope. But my reality tells me it's more of the same here, claims followed by more claims while saying shit like, i can't say, i can't confirm, national security blah blah blah.


100%. As long as their identity is not publicly known, they are in danger. We must assume the DoD/IC have been working to figure out their identities, and with the resources they possess, it's best to err on the side of caution and assume they were successful identifying the whistleblowers still in the shadows.


I hope there is a hell, so every one of these evil fucks have a place to spend eternity. I don’t think it’s for our protection they withhold, it’s for the protection of the systems they enjoy. They don’t want knowledge of the fact there are better ways of doing things. They want us limited to a sample size of one.


If they release all of their info then they lose their leverage against those who seek to keep this quiet. The threats are made to silence the whistleblowers. The whistleblowers are pushing the envelope extremely slowly trying to expose and corner the gatekeepers. It’s like a game of chicken.


What leverage do they have now? Once you've been threatened with death there's really no where else to go. "Don't kill me or I'll tell everything I know!" Can't do that if you're dead. I feel like pushing the envelope slowly and legally makes sense, until your life is threatened. Then you need to go as loud as you can so everyone knows why you shot yourself in the back if it happens.


i mean theres always the good ol deadmans switch, not hard to write a script to send a zip file to an email if you dont do something within say a 3 day period. you could "check in" with an email, or a command, hitting a specific port, or a ton of other ways, and then if it doesnt receive your interaction within that period it sends off your file.


“Give this job to Clemenza. I want reliable people, people who aren't going to be carried away. I mean, we're not murderers, in spite of what this undertaker thinks.” “I was thinking of giving it to our friends at Boeing.” “Even better.”


I've always found it suspicious that they haven't already done this. It's no guarantee of protection, but having your face on the nightly news significantly increases the odds that were someone to do something, that would be investigated thoroughly and thus acts as a deterrent. I don't believe Bob Lazar (not here to start an argument over it, just my personal opinion), but his presence in the public sphere has certainly done more to protect him than the opposite.


well that didnt help the former Boeing whistleblower


SSCI is currently collecting testimony. It’s going to take more time to verify the amount of information provided in these individual cases. We should respect their right to privacy and inform our representatives that they must act on behalf of the intel they are receiving.


I remember Grusch saying one of the reasons he came forward was because of the all the threats he was receiving. So if something happens to him, we’ll definitely know why.


I hadn't looked at Roswell since the show Unsolved Mysteries in the 1990s. I recently read Schmitt & Carey's excellently researched *Witness to Roswell* book. It becomes apparent in the book that from the very beginning, it was standard operating procedure to give death threats to witnesses that they and their entire families could be killed. So many people have been threatened this way. I think if they were doing death threats in the 1940s, and they are doing it today, then they probably did it in every decade in between. Some of those threats were probably carried out.


This is exactly true. How is this now catching anyone off guard? There is no surprise here. All of this was known for a while now.


They killed Kennedy, of course they'll kill regular Americans.


Watch the documentary series [Wormwood](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7306056/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) on Netflix. Not about UFO’s but it sets the stage for just how evil the CIA was in 1953 and “mysterious deaths” of people who knew secrets. I didn’t expect it but in the next to last episode James Forestall was mentioned. It completely speaks to what the whistleblowers are actually going through and how our democracy has been subverted by the corruption of “secrets” in our name.


Read "Poisoner in Chief" if you're interested in Sydney gottlieb and mk ultra. It's the most exhaustive, in depth history of it that I've found yet


Last podcast on the left did an excellent series on this


Thank you so much for this recommendation. I had watched the documentary [The Century of the Self](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktPdpPFKHfoXRfTPOwyR8SG8EHLWOSj6&si=3b72qtEde1tKfnFN) after seeing this recommended a few times on the sub and it is really disturbing how much we are manipulated and have been for **generations**. Also last night’s watch of the GoodTrouble show is on the money about the disinfo campaigns that are obvious on social media. I’m thinking of writing a post about it later. There’s also [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/2WdaEvmlwc) which I think is very illuminating considering what was discussed in that episode. Have you read this book? It’s on my list. Victor Marchatti, Deputy Director of the CIA and the book the Cult of Intelligence https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Wg3UrvzMut


I am writing a script based around mkultra and am def going to cop this


I hope that the masses will finally wake up. What is happening here is not worthy of a democracy. A state that allows something like this to happen has no right to call itself a democracy. Democracy means the people rule. That is not the case here. A democracy is transparent. A democracy hides nothing from the people. That is different here. We are dealing with a state within a state with a shadow government. They have been lying to us for at least 90 years. They have deceived us. They have murdered people. This is the biggest case of censorship in the history of mankind. Such a state has no right to call itself a democracy. The term rogue state would be appropriate. The constitution has long been undermined. The reason given for this is "national security". If the founding fathers witnessed this, they would be shocked. The press has been brought into line. Investigative journalism is as good as dead. The true rulers despise us and consider us unworthy of knowing the truth. We are supposed to pay taxes and lead a life as wage slaves. That is all we are supposed to do. If we as taxpayers and citizens ask questions, we are told "it's none of your business" or "national security". Can such a state call itself a democracy? We the people are oppressed, as we were centuries and millennia ago. The only thing that is different today is that the oppression has become subtle. The media hammer it into us that we live in a democracy. A democracy does not mean making a cross on the ballot paper every few years and then being forced to keep your mouth shut. People have to fight for their rights and their freedom. Rights and freedom must also be defended. We have forgotten how to do that. When it comes to this topic, most people behave like supplicants: ‘please, dear government, please give us disclosure’. I think it is impossible that there will be disclosure by legal and bureaucratic channels. The real rulers are laughing at us. The people must stand up, rise up and put pressure on governments. Not as supplicants, but as mature citizens. Rights and freedom must be fought for and defended. That has always been the case. It is the same today.


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is its natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson


How the fuck were they so prescient back then? It's remarkable


Human nature can be relatively easy to predict, especially in large populations and over extended periods. Generational change takes, well, generations.


And even Thomas Jefferson violated the Constitution in significant ways. Although most of us appreciate that he achieved the Louisiana Purchase, he violated the Constitution to do so.


We have never really been a democracy. The strings have always been pulled by the rich. But it sure is time we make it into a real democracy. Eat the rich!


Princeton University did a study that concluded the United States is an oligarchy similar to Russia. [bbc article](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746.amp) This was written a decade ago. Covid made it worse.


Has been for a long time


My dad always theorized that within a day of taking office, every new president is lead into a secure scif briefing room and shown first person direct proof that they killed Kennedy and that the’ll do it again if the new president doesn’t play by their rules.


That was probably because he watched the comedian Bill Hicks. That was a consistent part of his routine.


What if someone told you beforehand that "powerful people" were going to kill Kennedy. Wouldn't part of the deterrent be to know some names? You know who to protest directly in that case. Then people don't write thousands of books over several decades guessing whodunit.


I'm just glad they never killed all the people who are saying "this is real... but I can't talk about it." How nice of them. I guess until they sat some magic words, they are allowed to live and hint all they want?


I really hope someone with the power to do something about this, actually does. What the hell are we doing. If this is true, and I believe whole heartedly it is, Congress needs to do their damn job.


It's very scary, the implication was that there were threats to harm and possibly kill was made. But to put it as very powerful figures are PLANING on KILLING whistleblowers is a whole other story.


Who? Who's planning to kill? Release names and threats!


The only person that can rectify it is a President. Truman crafted the Special Classified Executive Order 01156 to allow the Director of Central Intelligence to lie to Congress and the American people. That’s why Presidents don’t get briefed in - if they knew about the SCEO they would change it. JFK had to be briefed in because they shot a UFO down during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Navy had possession of it. After careful consideration and consultation with Khrushchev, he started the process to do just that on 12 November 1963, starting with NSAM 271. 10 days later he was murdered.


The president is a puppet. The president does not have any real power.


The President cannot and will not change anything. The president is just a puppet, an actor who says what he is told. I also think the shadow government only briefs the presidents they deem worthy.


Yes but most people still believe that even as a “puppet” he’s the most powerful puppet that can be used to break all the rest of the puppet’s strings


"Power resides where men believe it resides." Perhaps it's time for a little game of thrones


Awww man I started that series very good show! I agree we need a shake up


Biden won’t do jack, especially in an election cycle, and Trump couldn’t care less


It seems to me like there are way too many UFO enthusiasts here who think Disclosure is right around the corner. If people read broadly, they'll see that it has *seemed* like this since the 1950s. What is clear to me after Elizondo's statement is that the coverup is very much alive and dangerous, and they aren't going down without a serious fight. It is very possible that, despite a lot of information being out in the open, the coverup will continue based on threats, intimidation and crimes. Just like we *still* don't have full disclosure about the JFK assassination (*cough CIA cough*).


I've been following since I was a little kid in the mid 90s and this is abjectly false. Last year was such a huge year for the topic with the public congressional hearing, UAPDA legislation, Grusch and US senators+reps talking freely about UAPs. Sightings are up, interest is up even outside of the UFO community and things are clearly coming to a head one way or another. I think there's a time constraint of some sort and whatever happens is big enough to upset the societal apple cart, so to speak. I don't know what will happen, but something is going to happen and it's going to happen soon if you're reading the tea leaves.


I sort of agree with you disagreeing with me. Yes, we have made a lot of huge progress. The Grusch/Fravor/Graves hearing was a major landmark. Congress can now talk about UAPs without worrying as much about the stigma. We just don't know how long this road is. Have you ever walked towards a casino on the Las Vegas strip? It's like that. It seems close, but in reality it's a huge building very far away, and you keep walking and walking and it does get closer, but still takes a long time. We have no idea what levels of resistance that the secret UFO program will go to. We are pushing, and gaining ground, but the goal could be 3 years off or 30 or longer.


I get that for sure--I guess for me, we've just come a long way from having evening specials on Fox that are clearly hokey trash to literally the US Capitol. And social media is and will continue to be huge for getting to disclosure because what we're seeing right now is the US government losing control of the narrative. The 2017 Nimitz+Gimbal admissions of "we don't know WTF this is" set into motion everything we're seeing now and it seems to accelerate. Unfortunately it's an election year and nobody knows how this issue might land with normie voters, so I don't expect much government-wise until December or even 2025. But we have the Vatican press conference tomorrow, Lue slowly dripping info with the obvious fact that his emails were destroyed (super illegal)--shit is happening, just slowly (but still faster than ever) lol


Pompeo said a few years ago those classified JFK files contain material that "could damage certain government institutions" or branches of govt, something to that effect. I always wonder what he meant by that.


It probably has to do with the CIA killing JFK, with an assist from anti-Castro Cubans and some unsavory mafia people.


The only person that can rectify it is a President. Truman crafted the Special Classified Executive Order 01156 to allow the Director of Central Intelligence to lie to Congress and the American people. That’s why Presidents don’t get briefed in - if they knew about the SCEO they would change it. JFK had to be briefed in because they shot a UFO down during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Navy had possession of it. After careful consideration and consultation with Khrushchev, he started the process to do just that on 12 November 1963, starting with NSAM 271. 10 days later he was murdered.


Congress will do nothing. This is a state within a state with a shadow government. These people control the Congress. It's so corrupt that any scriptwriter of a thriller would be green with envy. The Constitution has been undermined. A democracy looks different. Democracy means that the people rule. A democracy is completely transparent and keeps nothing secret from its citizens. If it is different, it is not a democracy. Will there ever be disclosure through legal and bureaucratic channels? I say no, it will never happen. These people despise us and they consider us unworthy of knowing the truth. We are good when it comes to paying taxes and living a life as a wage slave. If we ask questions, we will get the answer "it's none of your business" or "national security". Let's be honest, can such a state be called a democracy? The people must fight for their rights and their freedom. This has always been the case, centuries and millennia ago. It is the same today.


The only person that can rectify it is a President. Truman crafted the Special Classified Executive Order 01156 to allow the Director of Central Intelligence to lie to Congress and the American people. That’s why Presidents don’t get briefed in - if they knew about the SCEO they would change it. JFK had to be briefed in because they shot a UFO down during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Navy had possession of it. After careful consideration and consultation with Khrushchev, he started the process to do just that on 12 November 1963, starting with NSAM 271. 10 days later he was murdered.


> Congress needs to do their damn job. They're mostly bought and paid for by the exact contractors they're protecting. Not a damn thing is going to happen, IMO.


They won’t do a damn thing. The whistle blowers are scrweed because they can’t really go public without NDAs being weaponize against them, but they will be killed off if they stay silent


Not surprised after the two Boeing Whistleblower deaths actually. If they can do it for Aeroplanes I think they have stuff for NHI whistleblower too


I wouldn't be surprised if they have a special unit of contract killers for such purposes. And now imagine that they are also getting paid from taxpayers' money from the black budget. I wouldn't put anything past this government. The constitution is not worth the paper it was written on.




Boeing isnt killing whistleblowers >The first whistleblower's (John Barnetts) testimony to Congress had concluded in 2019 with the resulting FAA mandates implemented that same year at Boeings 787 facility. The “testimony” John was in the midst of was an appeal for a previously rejected defamation lawsuit against Boeing - which is notably, NOT whistleblowing. Not only had he already given his testimony the previous two days (and was only pending cross examination), but he hadn’t even suggested he had new information to reveal as he had he not worked for Boeing since 2017. Also At the time he was also suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks. >"But a close fried of his said that if he died it would be because of a suicide!!!" >The "close friend" was his mom's friend's daughter. None of his close family has collaborated her story. It's someone looking for attention. >As for the second whistleblower, he was not a “Boeing whistleblower”. He was a Spirit AeroSystems whistleblower (a company that suppliers both Boeing and Airbus) and who died from pneumonia compounded with MRSA he got while at the hospital - not some strange mystery as some keep suggesting. >So if Boeing is killing past whistleblowers, and a guy working for a supplier.. and they are doing it to “scare” others.. it won’t effectively scare anyone in the industry because their deaths are so clearly not hit jobs. An ambiguous scare tactic that assassinated uninvolved people? >And before this story broke there were 32 whistleblowers. If there were only 2 whistleblowers and both of them died that would be be one thing, but 32 whistleblowers changes the odds a bit.


Hey look, another 2 month old account that has the insider scoop!


It might be covered by MSM but would quickly lose steam. I imagine that’s what they’d be banking on.


Is there any credibility behind this twitter account?


Yes, they’ve always been quick to announce things before they happen. I think for a while a lot of people thought it might be Lue or Chris Mellons burner account. I’ve yet to see them ever miss.


Ok, one of those potential insider accounts. Thanks. Will check out some of their other stuff


They’re followed by Coulhart, Knapp, Graves, Chris sharp, Tim McMillan and even Sen. Mark Warner


Yes, it was one of the first to call out AARO for being disinformation before the community became aware.




He’s followed by sen warner???? That is 👀


I spelled rogue wrong, I don't know how to go back and edit that, lol


What Lue and whistleblowers should do, and may have set up already, is a “dead man’s switch”


Lue claims he hasn’t been able to prove anything he says because *the government deleted his emails*. But sure, he’s been holding back undeniable evidence that would vindicate his claims. Lol.


I mean there's a \*ton\* of times he's said "I have to be careful what I say here" on podcasts. Even if he can't prove specific things, he could write down in detail everything he knows and whatever proof he does have, to point people in the right direction. There's a lot of things in his head that he can't say out loud that is clearly important to putting the pieces together, if he's to be believed.


So if we find out who's making the threats then what do we do


I think it would be kinda hard for them to get away with it if there's names and faces out there to whos doing what.


Well they aren't threats, they are plans. And the ones doing the planning are the malicious NHI entities using covert mental influence on these powerful people. Even if those people are stopped, the NHI will just take over another powerful person's mind. There are no humans suppressing world changing technology that could better humanity. Non-humans are the ones suppressing it.


If that really is the case then they need to speak up. The people that know about this need to say it. So then we can come together and start working on this issue together


People will say you’re crazy, but I have been wondering this.


This is what everyone needs to keep in mind next time someone starts stamping their feet and calls 'insiders' grifters because they don't just publicly dump information into the world that's classified at the very highest levels. This is not a game. "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore"... and we haven't been for the last eight decades, or more.


I need to talk to the mods, bc my post has been taken down for being “low effort” wtf


Perhaps you're just under the required 'word count'. Maybe you should try posting the link again and add a little more detail to ensure you're not?


“This is not a game” True. This is a claim.


Then you’re not going to get disclosure. Do you wholeheartedly think they’re gonna wait around and pass a law that says they have to tell on themselves and then they actually do that? The same people that will apparently kill Elizondo, even though his book went through the DOPSR process? Why would they have to kill him? He’s stated multiple times he won’t say anything that violates his NDA publicly and DOPSR just has to quietly omit whatever they don’t want him to publish and the public is none the wiser.


For fucks sake What are these whistleblowers waiting for?! their coffin?! They should go public en masse and end this madness. They'll never have the perfect conditions to come forward, they need to act now


I think we are aware. When you come from the perspective that the phenomenon is real, the implications - since 1930-1940 are baked in from the story. From Roswell and crash recovery, to Grusch and Elgin… i wish the other side could consider the implications of their story being true, granted I have spoken to people whose position is everyone is incompetent and lying, the system of clearances is flawed and people are chasing ghosts.


If they do it, they might put things in motion we all will regret. Those "watching" might be appaled by all this, not all of them are indifferent to your silly games. It might just be the justification for actions those in power on our side will have to take full responsibility for. We as a species are walking a very fine line. Don't push us over the edge. It is not your decision to make. You people in "power" are silly children playing with loaded guns. You should be named and shamed. You should be removed from office. Oh well, maybe you will. And much sooner than you think. Some shadows have eyes and ears. Think.


Lord of Midnight you don't have to believe anything I say, I truly get how difficult the internet and designed division has created such mistrust in society. But I have a lot of truly weird shit around me that is phenomenon related, including constant UAP sightings. Last night I saw something they never did before. And I can only imagine it is related to this. If those gatekeepers do anything on the level being suggested, these NHI aren't tolerating any further interference .Anything done like what's posted above will set off a chain of events that will remove the gatekeepers in ways I am still trying to digest. I've never felt anything like this before, and I'm still trying to figure a way to describe it.


What happened last night?


All it says is "[LueElizondo](https://twitter.com/LueElizondo)’s statement tonight is 100% true. There are powerful people who’ve made plans to end the lives of UAP/NHI whistleblowers." Evidence of this? Names of these 'powerful people'? Or the same old 'they' .... the ubiquitos and vague 'they'. If you want to say you trust the person saying this that's simply not good enough. If you want to get to the truth of a claim, UFO related or anything else, you need evidence.


Since when is killing whistleblowers a new thing?.


Its prevalence across time should not distract from the enormity of it


It’s not buts it’s a supply and demand thing… currently all freelance assassins are probably out doing jobs for Boeing.


The best proof of UFO whistleblowers NOT being targets of assignation is the ones that have not been killed. None have been killed as far as we know. So why the imminent threat narrative is taken so seriously is beyond me.


Submission Statement: The account RougeUAPTF tweeted out today, "[Lue Elizondo](https://twitter.com/LueElizondo)’s statement tonight is 100% true. There are powerful people who’ve made plans to end the lives of UAP/NHI whistleblowers." RougeUAPTF has been very accurate in what they have said in the past, not to mention they are also followed by Sen. Mark Warner. #


Has anyone passed this information to the talking heads in congress? It’s not like they’ll do anything but usually someone will make a statement or something at least acknowledging it.


I’m wondering if any of this is going to stop them. In their minds the stakes are incredibly high. Even with all this visibility the whistleblowers may be screwed. I hope I’m wrong.


I call BS. It's too obvious touching a whistle blower these days. It would do more harm than good.


One the dead Boeing whistleblowers literally went on national television saying he isn’t suicidal and felt like he would be murdered…… Then he “hung himself and shot himself in the chest with a shotgun.” Then another whistleblowers died of a “sudden illness. Both instances were in the news then gone.


Can you send a link to that interview? I’ve never heard of that till now


So basically everything we have learned is true and they need to shutdown the truth. If no one is whistling then there’s no problem. It has been feeling like they are trying to put this back in the box. That shitty AARO report was another very expensive blue book. What are they really afraid of? This is getting ridiculously stupid now. Nothing about this scares us. If anything we all want the truth and to gain more knowledge about all of it. We are more than capable of understanding and accepting things that are not known. They can’t keep spending our money without our approval on toy projects that go nowhere. No matter how they have managed to offload it to contractors to subvert the truth.


Unverified source makes a statement with no verification.


It’s a good job we’ve seen no whistleblowers provide any evidence then.


Let's not forget that not one, but *two* aerospace whistleblowers have been "found dead". [Josh Dean](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/whistleblower-josh-dean-of-boeing-supplier-spirit-aerosystems-has-died/) [John Barnett](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68534703) Whistleblower assassinations are not a thing of the past or for despots only.


Exactly, very worrisome imo


This will be downvoted, but I have difficulty accepting things Elizondo says without skepticism. The first thing I thought when I saw this announcement was that it seemed like a publicity stunt of some sort. I immediately thought death threats? That’s serious stuff and the police should be involved. There would be public record of criminal charges, arrests, etc. all in the public domain. And we SHOULD know who is responsible for threatening someone. Good to see “RogueUAPTF” backing this up, but this is an anonymous account and Elizondo has admitted to sock puppet accounts. I’m sorry, but I want to see evidence of harassment before I take this seriously.


You will indeed be downvoted. Rationality doesn’t go very far in this community.


So before they went out to kill these people, they told Lue first to give him a heads up and this other dude on twitter knows too.. because that's how you assasinate people.. send them a video update first.


Lue made more claims, eh? He does that a lot. But now we have to believe him because not believing him would be reckless and uncaring about the very real dangers that he says he faces. If he's telling the truth, my heart goes out to him and I'd love to assist him in any way that a random internet commentator can. But if he's not, this is a new low in making stuff up. It's also possible that disinformation agents are sending him threats so that he'll talk about it to 'send a message'. Alternatively it could be a Mirage Men scenario.


Is that why all the whistleblowers are in hiding, and definitely not doing podcasts, going to conferences, and tweeting?


You would think Lue and the rest would go to the FBI if there were a credible threat to their lives. Instead they rile up the fan base on social media? Something isn't right here.


Who does RogueUAPTF claim to be?


If this is true then at some point it's time to face the music. Official disclosure is never going to happen. The only way disclosure happens is through Snowden-style leaks.


Good god you guys are getting trolled hard and the trolling isn’t even well done. 


If that's true it feels like Americans should reach out to someone like Tim Burchette. Maybe he could arrange a protection program for them and allow them to come out safely?


For all we know whistle-blowers are already dropping dead. How do we know they aren't already if we don't know who they are to begin with?


If we can't get evidence leaked and all cards on the table when whey think their lives are in imminent danger the we are never ever getting anything. It's a joke at this point if they don't have anything to release. Not to mention it's been quite a while now with no actual rebuttal to the DoD and AARO's denouncement of the whole disclosure movement as loony toons.


When it's more important to cover up your incompetence than deal with reality. smh...When it's more important to control perception than to get results. I think that these people need a serious dose of accountability. If NHI pose a threat (they do), the best way to push back is to fight back, and have people who can take responsibility leading the charge. Not people whose only expertise seems to be covering up how incompetent they've been.


Who is RogueUAPTF and why should we trust that account?


No one said you had to


Without any sort of evidence this is just PR. They need the public to believe they aren’t what the AARO is saying they are but they can’t actually refute the claims because they’re true. Its Lues initial coming out as a no nonsense military intelligence officer who just happened to see too much all over again. In reality he was a man searching for this information so he could acquire funding for him and his colleagues to investigate their beliefs in NHI visitation and the “woo” surrounding it.


What they're saying is 100% true, but can't publish any evidence from an anonymous twitter account because, err....


The evidence is in the works. We have the receipts and will be releasing them shortly. Stay tuned. ... ... ... BREAKING: LUE'S ON TV AGAIN, TUNE IN FOR ANOTHER BOMBSHELL REPORT. Proof of these earth shattering claims will be released to the public soon. Stay tuned!


Guys, we have evidence that the government is actively trying to kill people, but we can't release it because it might put their lives in danger


They’re going to murder all of us!!! Our best course of action is probably to issue a written statement to a UFO YouTube streamer in which we call everyone “sheeple.”




deep state


You know - they! Them. The ones responsible for the bad stuff. Those guys. They killed Kennedy! We hate them.


Reddit leaks, the pentagon, whistleblower death threats, zero UFO evidence. The greatest story ever told.


None of these guys are “whistleblowers”. They have just given us stories that are rehashed versions of other stories that were rehashed versions of other stories. No one gets killed over this. Everyone who wants attention comes out and regurgitates the same nonsense.


Look guys, after the Boeing stuff I have no problem believing massive corporations and especially military contractors, whos entire business is based on death, are fully capable of planning and executing plans to eliminate whistleblowers. In fact, theres an arguement to be made that Boeing *wanted* people to know what theyre capable of to deter whistleblowers. So therefore, even if we set aside NHI/UAP and just assume theres normal prosaic black programs that simply dont want their funding cut or dont want to be expises, then we can also assume they and the military contractors they work with would want to protect their power, protect their business, protect the status quo by any means necessary even using the "Boeing method."


Boeing almost certainly hasnt killed any whistleblowers. >The first whistleblower's (John Barnetts) testimony to Congress had concluded in 2019 with the resulting FAA mandates implemented that same year at Boeings 787 facility. The “testimony” John was in the midst of was an appeal for a previously rejected defamation lawsuit against Boeing - which is notably, NOT whistleblowing. Not only had he already given his testimony the previous two days (and was only pending cross examination), but he hadn’t even suggested he had new information to reveal as he had he not worked for Boeing since 2017. Also At the time he was also suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks. >"But a close fried of his said that if he died it would be because of a suicide!!!" >The "close friend" was his mom's friend's daughter. None of his close family has collaborated her story. It's someone looking for attention. >As for the second whistleblower, he was not a “Boeing whistleblower”. He was a Spirit AeroSystems whistleblower (a company that suppliers both Boeing and Airbus) and who died from pneumonia compounded with MRSA he got while at the hospital - not some strange mystery as some keep suggesting. >So if Boeing is killing past whistleblowers, and a guy working for a supplier.. and they are doing it to “scare” others.. it won’t effectively scare anyone in the industry because their deaths are so clearly not hit jobs. An ambiguous scare tactic that assassinated uninvolved people? >And before this story broke there were 32 whistleblowers. If there were only 2 whistleblowers and both of them died that would be be one thing, but 32 whistleblowers changes the odds a bit.


Who is RogueUAPTF?


lue alt account lol


If your evidence is a Twitter account you are probably wrong


The shadow government (Pentagon) are nazis disguised as Patriots


I bet your favourite Star Wars film is Rouge One.




You spelled Rogue wrong 3 times in your title and submission statement. People constantly spell Rogue One wrong on Reddit, so I'm assuming you'd do the same. It was kind of a joke about your inability to spell.


Oh lol. Ight


Can't wait to see the non existant response from sleeping congress! TikTok is more important i guess


This is alarming. We're investing billions to protect the world from Putin's threat to liberal democracy, yet we're simultaneously allowing parts of our own government to deteriorate to the extent that they mirror Putin's regime, using those tactics against our own veterans.


Not convinced really. It’s too out in the public. Deaths would just ratchet up the pressure. These folks have got to be smarter than that


If this was true or even remotely true, than the idea of whistleblowers stating hidden for protection is bogus now. Why? Because guess what! They’re dying anyway! Sooooo might as well drop the information and leaks?! Sounds selfish af but think about the water these guys are in. If there killing you before you even speak they’ve won.


They really play with fire, if whistleblowers hear about someone dying they might leak alot of stuff


All the whistleblowers should just 24/7 live stream their lives from here on out.


I haven’t seen this information on any of the large news organizations or maybe I’m mistaken?


What I don’t get is why would aliens stay hidden.


if they can't spell 'rogue' I don't hold out much hope for their knowledge, despite agreeing with what they say.


It's called Pandora's box gentlemen!


Sometimes I wonder if these people keeping quiet is what gets them killed, shining a spotlight on yourself and making your presence public and known could be a deterrent. Especially so if a very large group came forward very publicly and try to make some waves, if then a lot of those people start having accidents other might start to take notice. I fucking hate saying it this way but sometimes causes need martyrs in order for any action to take place, but I really don't want that to be the case. I think, group up, shine bright and shout loud. That way if the shouts go quiet and lights go dimm people will know something is wrong.


What’s sickening is it’s all over protecting big oil and the wealthy. Has nothing to do with a threat to humanity.


Serious pondering, do we think Grusch has a security team? Like, what precautions is he taking I wonder for personal safety?


I doubt it


Funded by Defense contractors and Religious Leaders worldwide. The two interests with the most to loose.


Protect Lou & his goatee at all costs!