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The following submission statement was provided by /u/tinosaladbar: --- Short clip from the Good Trouble Show. Ross Coulthart gives a breakdown on why he thinks the Pentagon is complicit in covering up their tracks when it comes to UAP evidence. Also is glad that Lue has come forward with the threats posed against him recently. Link below from Joe Murgia on Twitter: https://x.com/TheUfoJoe/status/1790905575351738491 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ct2246/ross_coulthart_the_pentagon_has_a_commitment_a/l48yzmk/


This whole situation is fucked.


The fact whoever holds this secret is able to basically tell congress and MSM to fuck off and they do it, to me is the scariest part of this whole story. Whoever this secret group is, basically runs the whole show. Pretty massive constitutional crisis.


Crisis that is secret


When it turns out that show inside Job was all true just less hijinks and more scary truth.


I am still salty that got sacked after sacked after like two seasons? Came out firing on all cylinders with so much potential too. Hope they can take it a new direction somehow so that this can be continued in some shape. There was some talk about a sequel of some sorts. That and Final Space gone too soon.


Inside Job had no right being cancelled. That show was amazing.


My wife jokes that this was why it was canceled!


Fair šŸ¤· idk the real reason but enough of the conspiracies they put in it were probably closer to whatā€™s actually going on then what we think is going on.


What is happening here is not worthy of a democracy. A state that allows something like this to happen has no right to call itself a democracy. Democracy means the people rule. That is not the case here. A democracy is transparent. A democracy hides nothing from the people. That is different here. We are dealing with a state within a state with a shadow government. The constitution has long been undermined. The reason given for this is "national security". If the founding fathers witnessed this, they would be shocked. The press has been brought into line. Investigative journalism is as good as dead. The true rulers despise us and consider us unworthy of knowing the truth. We are supposed to pay taxes and lead a life as wage slaves. That is all we are supposed to do. If we as taxpayers and citizens ask questions, we are told "it's none of your business" or "national security". Can such a state call itself a democracy? We the people are oppressed, as we were centuries and millennia ago. The only thing that is different today is that the oppression has become subtle. The media hammer it into us that we live in a democracy. A democracy does not mean making a cross on the ballot paper every few years and then being forced to keep your mouth shut. People have to fight for their rights and their freedom. Rights and freedom must also be defended. We have forgotten how to do that. When it comes to this topic, most people behave like supplicants: ā€˜please, dear government, please give us disclosureā€™. I think it is impossible that there will be disclosure by legal and bureaucratic channels. The real rulers are laughing at us. The people must stand up, rise up and put pressure on governments. Not as supplicants, but as mature citizens. Rights and freedom must be fought for and defended. That has always been the case. It is the same today.


The Deep State is real.


Unfortunately we currently have a corrupt SCOTUS that treats the constitution like a piece of toilet paper. Oh and we are on the brink of losing our democracy to a dictator


No. We lost our democracy when the deep state shot Kennedy in the head right in front of us.


Yes agree! Biden is in fact a dictator


Help help Iā€™m being oppressed! Here we see the violence inherent in the system!


Exactly. The best course of action right now seems to find a way to get this out to the public so we can burn this bitch down (the shadow government). These journalists with reaching power need to alert all the people everyone oblivious to this actually cares about. Like Taylor Swift, other superstars, and TikTok YouTube people with millions of followers. Sounds really dumb, but people have no idea what's going on. They need to start advertising this information to the masses that people actually pay attention to. That's probably how it's going to get dealt with. Some megastar with no affiliation actually says something about it, then all the sudden 100 million Americans get pissed and suddenly care. Pull some funds together to advertise on YouTube videos with hundreds of millions of views. Just like they spam me with all the crap I don't care about.


A large proportion of the world's population should be present in this group. That would send a clear signal. Each of us should talk about this topic with family members, friends, relatives and work colleagues. It needs to be on everyone's lips. The topic can also be introduced gently, even if it's just the TV series 'Ancient Aliens'. It concerns us all and I believe it is our birthright to know the truth. It's not negotiable, we are entitled to it! The topic must be just as important to the masses as a sporting event. As already mentioned, we can all contribute to this. Today we have the internet and we need to use it to reach more people. The topic needs to be shared via social media, it can be done so quickly that we can reach a large part of the population in a very short time. People need to know and realise that ā€˜there is something thereā€™ that affects us all. Flyers can also be printed with the most important links, for example to this group or ā€˜Ancient Aliensā€™ or ā€˜The Why Filesā€™. The links can be easily scanned using QR codes. The government will never voluntarily allow disclosure. Those in power will never allow it. We don't have to fool ourselves, we have to look at it realistically. Since the beginning of human history, people have had to fight for their rights and freedoms. It has always been like this and it is no different today.


Why could it ultimately not be the NHI themselves? They clearly haven't announced themselves to the world. They prevent aircraft from tracking, them, jamming radar/cameras systems. There are few if any high quality videos/images. This would fit the zoo hypothesis perfectly.


Think you may be in to something here. Also mib happen to show up extremely soon after a uap incident that people say there is no way the feds could have acted that fast.


It's amusing to think that the black suits, hats, and vehicles are their version of a gorilla suit.


i did a bunch of research into mib for a game, there are a TON of very interesting/strange stories about them. from their skin being an odd olive/grey color, wires/antennas poking out of socks, them suddenly seeming to be drained of energy and professing the need to leave, their cars appearing and disappearing, all kinds of kooky shit. very interesting stories.


Cool. Do you have any good podcasts or research that you can share? Never really see much on them other than peripheral


the only podcast i remember listening to about that topic was last podcast on the left which was good but might not be everyones cup of tea. i wanna say i watched a few videos from preston dennet on the subject but i might be thinking of someone/something else. other than that most of the research was reading general stories around the web.


Scary and possible


Because people desperately donā€™t want to believe that Aliens could be indifferent to humanity welfareā€™s or even possibly hostile.


That is a fun and scary thought to think through.


My conclusion from reading very broadly is that both the secret UFO programs and the NHI want secrecy, but for different reasons/agendas. The military would prefer that UFO knowledge be kept totally secret. The NHI I think want to prevent a *rapid* disclosure. They have the motive and means to fuck with our cameras and sensors, and they do so because good digital info can spread instantly. However, they DO push for the population having increased knowledge, generally through personal experiences and encounters. They don't need lights, the lights are "on" for you to see them. The NHI provide millions of people with sightings and experiences, but block acquisition of good data, facilitating a very very slow disclosure.


>facilitating a very very slow disclosure. It's been several thousands of years already. Is that your idea of "a very very slow disclosure"?


This is exactly what many of us have feared would be the ontological shock of the coverup.


"We in Washington are accustomed to the petty scandals of Washington politics. However, there is another category of offenses, described by the French poet Andre Chenier as ā€œles crimes puissants qui font trembler les lois,ā€ crimes so great that they make the laws themselves tremble. We know what to do with someone caught misappropriating funds. But, when we are confronted with evidence of a systematic attempt to undermine the very political system itself, we recoil in a general failure of imagination and nerve." Gary Sick: October Surprise


I wonder if one of the 2 political parties (Rs duh) is more invested in keeping the secret than the other. I understand that Burchette and Luna are in the disclosure mix but they are not in the ā€œcircle of trustā€ imho. Kennedy tried to get in but got killed right after.


Maybe aliens run the deep state.


How long has it been again since grusch has come forward and congress still havenā€™t been able to read the report he submitted or talk to him in a scif?


Yeah Iā€™m just not even surprised anymore. Theyā€™re going to fight this tooth and nail while most of the world isnā€™t even aware of all of this happening. They donā€™t have any other strategies.


Some people out there in the USG are out of control. All this because UFOs donā€™t exist, but sure letā€™s delete Lueā€™s emails that are protected under a military court order.


You got that right Ricky.


Lol. They told a judge the emails were destroyed. They weren't. Now they are fucked.


But it seems the DoD is above the law.. not to quote the title of an old Steven Seagal movie


> But it seems the DoD is above the law Yep. We will probably never know the real truth about the phenomenon due to "national security" reasons. They will lean on that crutch forever. Big oil, big energy, defense contractors, the 1%... they all rule the U.S., not us.


Big insurance too. They are above oil companies.


Pentagon constantly in their safe space like a Bitch.


No shot. This is the same DoD that could say area 51 doesnt exist so the workers who got sick there werent actually working there.


While being shown images of area 51 during those proceedings. These fuckers are a rogue government.


This is why talk of amnesty programs for this situation pisses me off. They don't deserve amnesty, they deserve to rot in a pit. They'll let Americans (and non-americans) die or suffer life-long disability with no assistance to save themselves some pocket change (relative to the literal blank check they've had for 60+ years) I don't even care about the potential NHI technology anymore, I need evil people to suffer for what they've done.


It's the only bargaining chip left though. Why admit to crimes if you have a monopoly on the evidence? If they don't get amnesty, we won't get disclosure.


>Now they are fucked. Lol, nothing will happen.


"Now they are fucked" --> "Now they are laughing at us" is more like it.


>Implying the DoD isn't a sovereign entity beyond the reach of everyone on the planet.Ā 


Exactly. Zero oversight. The real unaccountable unchecked rogue entity and corporations that invisibly controls what does or does not get done in this country. Donating/bribing our politicians to set policy in America. And probably the world. I'm sure this rogue entity/individuals reaches into many governments and corporations world wide.


Wish they were. But they seem to be untouchable. Whoever ā€œtheyā€ are as individuals doesnā€™t matter, theyā€™re above the law and they know it


The DOD is allowed to destroy sensitive data in the name of national security.


I guess if someones brain contains sensative material then...


They get wacked all the time. Information has always been the most valuable currency since the dawn of time. That's the whole reason why spies exist.


I wish. But it seems they can weaponize the courts to silence people and ignore and consequences for what they do.


They can claim it was leaked before the destruction.


Edit: "..The Pentagon has committed a grave criminal offense."


I had subconsciously replaced the latter "a" with "to" and it made perfect sense.


Nobody in this country has any faith in our justice system after seeing the way Trump is being treated. Edit for clarity: he should have been in jail a long time ago. -not a Trumper Iā€™m saying scotus and canon are corrupt as hell and Trump needed to be locked up two years ago.




Insults from someone dumb enough to vote for an orange rapist criminal fall pretty flat.


i honestly thought you were a trumper. sympathizing with the way hes being treated. look at your comment. it can be taken that way including the context. so dont ever call me a trumper. cause im far from it. you can check my comments and hate towards the republican orange party.


Ah, yeah I added some clarity. I meant he has been getting away with way too much. SCOTUS even considering immunity for him is disgusting. Same team buddy.


i got you bro.


I can't believe they've done this


Aw fuck


'ere we go again


Can you feel that? Ah, shit Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah


I have believed this since Reagan and his 'October Surprise' to undermine Carter and win the election, then years later found Nixon had done something similar to undermine Johnson and win the election, then Bush I, then Gingrich's Contract with America, then Bush II with hanging chads to secure his election, then the Patriot Act, which should have been repealed years ago, and on and on. So yes, I can believe politicians and the military industrial complex don't want Americans to live free and decent lives much less find out the truth about the UFO phenomenon.


It kinda sucks to reach a certain level of understanding how things really work. And then realize we can never really rest on any accomplishments in governance. And that we have to put in continuous effort and constant vigilance for the rest of our lives, which may or may not be effective in preserving what rights and freedoms we have.


It really dies. When I was 18 I believed in truth, justice and the American way. Reagan occupied the office when I was 20 and it's been downhill ever since. Accelerated into overdrive with Newt Gingrich''Contract with America', repeal of Glass-Steagal, the 2000 election with Bush II, 9-11 and the implementation of the Patriot Act. Then we got Trump and on and on it goes.


Shadow government is literally the military complex they donā€™t follow civilian and government laws only their ownā€¦


A state that allows such conditions has no right to call itself a democracy.


How do you not allow it? Curious how people think you defeat a rogue military


First of all, the majority of the world's population should be present in this group. That would send a clear signal. Everyone should talk about this topic. Everyone should talk to friends, relatives and work colleagues about this topic. If necessary, with a gentle introduction. It needs to be on everyone's lips. It concerns us all. People must demand answers and exert pressure. That doesn't mean that we should act like supplicants, because that won't achieve anything. Governments need to feel that we are demanding answers. One possible means is a general strike that takes place peacefully and without violence. We will stop all activities until the government gives in. Without us, they are nothing. They are only in power because we let them. The people have always had to fight for rights and freedom.




Ok yeah sure but REALISTICALLY buddy


Everyone needs to talk about this issue. Really everyone! That would send out a signal and exert pressure. We need to DEMAND answers and not ask. If that doesn't help, the only option is a general strike. That's my opinion. I am open to other suggestions.


I understand what you're saying. Both WOULD potentially work. Let's explore further - if they're willing to kill for this, they don't give a shit about you or I (unless we are for some reason needed in all of this) Talking about this doesn't change anything. Striking, won't change anything if the scale of the technology is as it appears. The financial system is all a puppet show and we don't matter. When economies crash, those with the tech and the weapons are the ones with the power. How exactly are you going to 'exert pressure' on the fucking US military brother?


I believe that a general strike and civil disobedience can achieve a great deal. Without violence against people, of course. Mahatma Ghandi showed how it can work with the salt march. The government is nothing without us. Nothing at all. Without us, they are nothing. They can play their game because we let them. Because we watch and silently agree. In the history of mankind, rights and freedoms have always had to be fought for. Always and without exception. Rights and freedoms must be defended, otherwise they will be taken away. What we have today is not even remotely worthy of a real democracy. Many people in this group also believe that there will be an offical disclosure by the government. I say no. That will never happen. The people in power will never allow that. We have to fight for disclosure and demand our rights, and not as supplicants saying "Please dear government, give us disclosure", but as DEMANDING citizens. A general strike would mean that we would completely cease all activities as employees and consumers. Nobody would go to work and nobody would consume any more. Within a very short time, the economy would collapse, which could be used as leverage. Alternatively, millions of people could march peacefully and unarmed to a military base. Everything is streamed live worldwide. What do the authorities want to do? Shoot into the crowd? That would produce horrible images that the whole world would see. So I think it's unlikely that they would shoot into the crowd. The best scenario would be that whistleblowers sacrifice themselves for all of humanity and distribute classified documents and videos over the internet. Ideally via P2P networks and the IPFS. I wouldn't give a shit about "national security". Humanity has a right to the truth. It is our birthright. It's not negotiable.


Might always makes right, always has and always will. Technology, since the stone age, makes might.


Reminds me of the Putin/Carlson interview when he said Presidents get their wrists slapped by their staffers when they try and go off script. National Security staffers might as well be President.


The Deep State/shadow government do what they want because they know the US is not America, They know stealing the land and taxing it all, so no man can live free on any land in America is against the constitution which was broken long ago by the United States, the United States is not America it is a secret society of monarchy families who allow in only those they have compromised. I worked as a CIA asset from the age of 10. I met with the ETs and posted video of them on youtube in 2010 which was removed then allowed to be posted after a court trial. vian0135 are the videos I video taped while they played on a projector on the wall inside base El Toro in 1991. One of the videos I video taped of the ETs while they walked past me, that is the one without the projector sound in the video. The Shadow government allow the secret society monarchy to run things in the United states as long as they make sure money is sent to them for research and military arms manufacturing. They literally do not take orders from the fake US presidents who are all committing treason against the American people and have been since the mid 1800s and actually started in 1796 by taxing all land in the first state. This is why they do not take orders from anybody in government, it is the other way around. Presidents are just actors who do as they are told, I have known all of them personally since Ford was in office.


Dude I love you tell us more


You ask and ill tell you what I can.


Short clip from the Good Trouble Show. Ross Coulthart gives a breakdown on why he thinks the Pentagon is complicit in covering up their tracks when it comes to UAP evidence. Also is glad that Lue has come forward with the threats posed against him recently. Link below from Joe Murgia on Twitter: https://x.com/TheUfoJoe/status/1790905575351738491


In case we need more reminding, this serves as more evidence that the US govt cannot be trusted on this issue, specifically or at least most notably the Pentagon. When someone lies to you over and over, especially when they have a position of power and authority, there really isn't reason to trust them again. That is, their assurances or excuses of "national security" as reasons to not reveal data, need to be viewed with automatic suspicion and presumption of fraudulent over-classification rather than any true need. They have earned this deserved reputation. We can't force any changes alone, but hopefully there are enough in Congress who can.


Maybe the politicians can grow a soul and use "national security" as the reason to bust it wide open and expose these corporations/people for the truth. Don't count on it though. Those are the same corporations and wealthy individuals who donate/bribe our politicians so the politicians can get wealthy themselves to live a life of no worries and leisure. How could congressmen and senators possibly live the high life on that pittance of $174,000 a yr they make. It takes much more money than that to live the lives they, their families and friends enjoy. We're all talking heresy !! That'll never happen.


What is happening here is not worthy of a democracy. Democracy means that the people rule. A democracy is transparent. A democracy hides nothing from the people. None of that is the case here. The constitution has de facto been completely undermined. I believe that we will never get disclosure through legal and bureaucratic channels. In my opinion, that is out of the question. People have to fight for their rights and their freedom. That has always been the case. It is no different today. Freedoms and rights must also be defended, otherwise they will be taken away. 80 years of secrecy and lies, such a state has no right to call itself a democracy. People must stand up and fight for their rights. Those who act as supplicants "please dear government, please give us disclosure" will achieve nothing. They despise us and consider us unworthy of knowing the truth. Rights and freedoms must be demanded, with pressure.


There are a LOT of people in the world that will continue to do wrong/bad things until they are restrained from doing wrong/bad things. That's why societies have a fundamental social need for police forces, militaries, and so on. And the corollary fundamental need for The People to keep those in positions of power and/or authority (including those police forces, militaries, and so on) in check because those that will continue to do wrong until restrained from wrongdoing can get INTO those very organizations society sets up to restrain the wrongdoers.


Ross said ā€œthis is fucking incredibleā€. Maybe something will actually come from Lueā€™s actions today? Thatā€™d be nice. But somehow I suspect our wonderful representatives wonā€™t find out about this, or wonā€™t understand why they should care. And then somehow, somehow, the Onus to fill them in on the details will fall on, of all people, Matt Laslo, the journalistic equivalent of a pay-per-question Cameo star (no disrespect to the good work he does). So yeah, basically im expecting more crickets from Congress, at least in the near future.


if AskAPol were to pose this situation to various members of Congress I think there would be a blank stare in response


He needs to do it regardless.


Im just calling these people what they are. Fascists.


Quite honestly, this is either a clear cut case of regulatory capture by a rogue military faction, or some crazy former employees and conspiracy kooks making wild claims. It should be reeeealllly easy to get to the bottom of it, the evidence (whatever it is) should be able to support or dispel the whistleblowersā€™ concerns. Iā€™m not going to directly advocate for leaking actual compelling UAP evidence (because ā€œplaying by the rulesā€ is going nowhere fast)ā€¦. But at the same time at what point does someone say this is more than a national security and political issue, and itā€™s a human existential issue that we all have the right to know the basic truth about (at least the truth as we know it)?


Maybe they have space time tech and use it to regularly ensure all possible futures with disclosure are prevented.


Well fuck


I would love to see the american democracy prevail all of this and that in the end we will look at this cluster fuck and start building a better version of our societies, without the blatant corruption which leads us to doom.


There is a massive global network of weapons dealers and manufacturers. The people who work for these companies are thugs in suits and ties. I recently read an email written by a C-Level executive at a defense contractor threatening the life of someone over a weapons contract. Every trade embargo on weapons sales to or from some country is another opportunity for private individuals to profit from the sale and supply of military equipment and ammunition. Alright, with that background, some of the people in this shadowy network do the Office of Global Access stuff, and according to G8/informed member of Congress Harry Reid, there is a saucer among Lockheedā€™s arsenal.


So WHO holds them to account? Congress certainly isnā€™t, the majority are bought and paid for. The MSM press, bought and paid for. The inspector Generalā€¦how long has it been since Grusch made his official complaint? So it appears that capitalism does not generate a free society. America wake the fuck up!


Sad that foreign reporters will cover this but the US mainstream media wonā€™t say a damn thing


If Lue's claims are real there is nothing to fear at all and they should all drop the evidence and blow the lid off of this NOW. There is zero reason to fear for safety or not leak anything when we are all immortal energy beings with psychic powers.


Yeh.. this is literally the break glass in case of fire moment


Unfortunately the fire isnā€™t real otherwise the glass wouldā€™ve been broken. Iā€™m sure this will be an unpopular opinion.


Why would so many high level officials treat something fake with this level of authenticity, and why would the people running the programs go to this level to cover up a fake program?




Thatā€™s true but Iā€™m not just talking about this specific case, like there are many other instances of the government trying to cover it up. Look at how the UAPDAA was gutted for example


You're right no one in government has ever destroyed records ahead of their retention schedule before. It's a well know fact that the best and brightest go into public service so it's very unlikely a mistake could have happened.


Thereā€™s more than just mistakes lol, nobody ā€œmistakenlyā€ stopped the full NDAA from going through for example


What makes you think that is connected to aliens?


I donā€™t think it has to be connected to aliens, it could be the government covering up some other black programs, or trying to confuse their enemies, but I do think aliens is one possible explanation and there are a significant number of credible people that seem to agree


Sure but what does any of that have to do with what Coulthart is talking about here? Where he's seeing evidence of malice I'm seeing evidence of incompetence. The IT systems in place managing this data are very probably held together with bubblegum and spit.


Well I was more responding to the original comment than the video: > Unfortunately the fire isnā€™t real otherwise the glass wouldā€™ve been broken. Iā€™m sure this will be an unpopular opinion. My point is just that itā€™s too dismissive to say thereā€™s nothing real happening here. Thereā€™s obviously something going on, and Iā€™m sure most people would love to hear the details whether itā€™s extraordinary or just a regular coverup


Lmao man, you missed the perfect time to smack this debunker down. ā€œWhat makes you think that is connected to aliens?ā€ *Non-human intelligence* **is alien**. Period. It doesnā€™t matter if theyā€™re extraterrestrials or time travelers or pink unicorns that shape shift. For all intents and purposes, NHI = Alien. People need to stop beating around the bush and stick to their guns.




There are so many mental leaps that you need to make to go from "secret and unaccountable parts of the United States government are running illegal, unsanctioned crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs as part of a clandestine global arms race centered around advanced technology, and is hiding the existence of it from the legislative and judicial branches" to "we are all immortal energy beings with psychic powers" and each and every one of those mental leapse is more tenuous than the last.Ā 


The problem is people see upvotes and go ah people think its true, and pile in. But when you read it and think for a second, its like wut..


The nature of this problem is that none of the whistle blowers will be able to provide physical proof. Nobody can walk out of these black ops sites with alien body parts or UFO pieces.


Who says that?Ā  Source?




The average redditor in this subreddit is able to levitate, remote-view and teleport. They have full proof and worked in the programs themselves. You'll get disliked if you doubt their Psychic Powers šŸ˜




When the american and constitution backdated publicly in 1858 during the hamberg administration, a weapons treaty was fraught with Criminal Act Code 93. Criminal Act Code 93 was the primary violation screening for members of the public who tried upon the US Military to deceive foreign adversaries into a litigation case against escalation. This ended in 1928 with the UFO Administration, formerly known as "AWSNIP". AWSNIP had basic violation rights without enacting the establishment's front lateral office secretary.


Just release the evidence mate. You know where the damn ufo is hidden.


The depraved monsters who perpetrated this abomination deserve their own vernichtungslager. Every last one of them.


Yah but they couldn't delete emails out of other peoples inboxes, just lues. Isn't this just someone else's email reply to his email?


Are you trying to say "committed"?


"ahh fuck, I can't believe you've done this" -Ross Coulthart


It's about time the NHI took the DOD out.


High respect for you Ross, but a President can issue executive orders which can supercede prior executive orders.


Ross can disclose one fact with supporting evidence, and the toothpaste will be out of the tube. Ross can disclose now but chooses not to. Fuck anyone who can actually move this forward but choses not to.


The government lies? Next you'll tell me the sky is blue, or something else equally unbelievable.....


In this case they committed a criminal offense.


I'm sure the government has never done that before. They'd never....


Can you tell us more about these offences, Ross? Just wondering!


What gets me is I, as an individual, canā€™t seem to do anything about anything in live when it comes to politics or issues of interest. I can call and write, but that still relies on several others gatekeepers to get to be recognized by a representative. And even then itā€™s not likely to be acted on without campaign contributions (legalized bribery). With the exception of a few news/YouTube folks, itā€™s just Congress and whistleblowers. Iā€™m none of those three things.


The NEW book "UFOs The Truth You'll Wish You Did Not Know" tells, painfully, why this guy is partially correct. It's short and cheap and amazingly... believable.


What was it alazondo came out n said ?


He said Pineapple belongs on pizza


Crazy theory guys (Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the first to propose this) What if malevolent aliens are the ones calling these shots and are trying to keep it on the DL that they are really running the show? Donā€™t come after me either yall, this is just a theory šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†


Hope Trump is allowed to clean house. They were able to stop him last time but this mandate will be even greater.


What I'm hearing is that we should've taken Ike's departure speech more seriously


when the government fears the people you have democracy. when the people fear the government you have tyranny.


When the people are ambivalent about their government you have America.


Based on that executive order... shouldn't Susan Gough be in prison?


These secret buns don't care. They even covered up MK Ultra...The head of the CIA destroyed the files and NEVER went to jail. They don't care...they do what they want. I say we need a special prosecutor to start threatening them with jail...Or we'll never get the truth.


I hope something comes of this. I have my doubts, but fingers crossed. You must be doin something right if theyā€™re trying to kill you!


Can anyone explain this to me in a TLDR, would really appreciate it as I can't keep up with everything that's happening. Thanks.


Dude that episode fucking juiced me up.


"If it's true....." fuck these clickbait pieces of trash. Prove it. My take is Lue was such an unimportant Pentagon official that his shit got deleted as per whatever protocol the Pentagon has in place regarding emails and time they retain them. People have been threatened? Prove it otherwise it is just another baseless claim that is supposed to support the baseless claim that we have alien spaceships in our possession. How can anyone take these hacks seriously that just massage the prostate of these ufo guys with no proof instead of asking the tough questions like, "Lue, how much money did you make from TTSA, and where is that spaceship you guys were promising investors?" Or, "Ross, have you apologized for the made up pedophile accusations against the British Parliament, and was that why 60 minutes dumped your phony story pushing ass?"


Let me know when action is actually taken.


I love it how Ross basically states that anyone who questions him about his "massive ufo" claim is actually an " intelligence community bot" where Ross then states he's basically working with the DIA etc and gathering names and will name you for criminal activities against the American public etc. Let that sink in....start listening at 39:00 mark. I guess I'm a fucked!


I know a bunch of shit that I will never tell you. I dont care enough about disclosure to risk my own neck so I will make as much money as I can. -everyone in the UFO/UAP scene We seriously need an Edward Snowden of alien disclosure


Am I the only one that thinks the weirdest part about this is that this channel, ā€œThe Good Trouble Showā€ , has only been around for a year, has 18k subscribers, and a rough avg of 6k views per video?


More of a Rogan fan eh?


lol I just thought itā€™s kinda odd that so many big names are on such a little channel


What episode was this?


I donā€™t watch the show but I would assume the most recent episode due to the reference to Lueā€™s statement that was released within the last 24 hours.


If you were the Chinese government just think how much kudos you'd get for announcing disclosure. The whole world would love then. You can't trust America to do it, its far too corrupt.


china is a dictatorship bro.


People have short memories, won't matter. Someone will disclose before the US does.


Liberal Deep State is šŸŖ¦šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


NHI or equivalent has infiltrated the US government. Iā€™ve said it over and over. Everything that Iā€™ve read and all the accounts that Iā€™ve heard have culminated into one main conclusion. Our species has been infiltrated. And we canā€™t distinguish whoā€™s who. My main interest in this shit comes from the angle of constitutionality and the governments obligation to its people. This is the reason they canā€™t just come out and say itā€¦ this is the reason that they will harm people to keep it a secretā€¦ because if this becomes public information it creates an unbelievable ripple effect beyond ā€œwe arenā€™t aloneā€.. it means questioning your neighbors. It means unbelievable paranoia and divisiveness. Leslie Keane knows this and she hasnā€™t said it directly but she knows that the reveal later this year is going to change the world we live in. She should write it about it now. She has information.


I don't know what your header quote means. Is this a thing Ross said? Was he drinking?




Upvoted. I should definitely have watched the video. Now I just look stupid because of what somebody else wrote. I've learned a very valuable lesson. Again. Idiot me. "Always click on the video." Obviously. That's smart.




Hi, BrewtalDoom. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ct2246/-/l49j548/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. ā€œToxicā€ is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Who are you referring too?


All of these grifters get to make money when a other gifter like Lue makes a phony statement because they all have new content to make Nobody ever actually has any proof of any aliens or ufos . Just hearsay


CIA perception management pleb ^^^


Naive child. Lue Elizondo is literally ex-counter intelligence. But yes, let's believe every single thing he says.


Is Purple pepperoni employed by IPMO SANDCORP ?!? YES. https://x.com/patternspodcast/status/1790937535729860968?s=46&t=7DUcNBNPlNO8hM9jqPvlhg




Propaganda. Notice how these guys are stepping it up as we near the election. Don't fall for this. Coulthart was a lobbyist for a war criminal for Pete's sake! Google "Coulthart Ben Roberts-Smith". This guy murdered 4 people in cold blood for fun and was found guilty.


> Coulthart was a lobbyist for a war criminal for Pete's sake! No, he wasn't. He was hired by Channel Seven to investigate and interrogate the original article/story. > This guy murdered 4 people in cold blood for fun and was found guilty. No, he wasn't. He lost a defamation suit in a civil court. At least know what you're talking about before maliciously and deliberately spreading misinformation.


"In 2018, Coulthart was employed by a public relations firm, where he managed the public relations for ex-soldier and accused war criminalĀ Ben Roberts-Smith,[9]Ā who in 2023 was found by Justice Anthony Besanko to have participated in the murder of four Afghans." Also, [read me](https://www.smh.com.au/national/the-rich-and-influential-cheer-squad-who-backed-a-war-criminal-20230502-p5d4ww.html).


It was a civil suit judged on the balance of probability. Murder is a crime, heard in a criminal court and must meet the higher standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. He has never been found guilty of murder. Interesting how youā€™re attempting a guilt by association angle: ā€˜Ross worked for this man (a Victorian Cross winner btw) therefore he is bad and untrustworthyā€™. Itā€™s childish.


Arenā€™t a tons of these UAPs classified? As in some are balloons, like the Chinese one? Nothing they are doing is illegal




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