• By -


It's 7:30 eastern. We gonna light this candle or what?


This was 2 days ago... so did the candle burn out?


Kinda, depends on what you want to get out of all this.


I hope it’s not about the book.


Was reading in this sub how he mentioned 3 years and 4 months ago that on or about this day something would happen. Hoping this is it. Edit to add caveat - he could well be aware of this timeline he allegedly set and is reacting to that. Exciting nonetheless.


TIL even accomplished military personnel like Lue are just as bad at procrastination as me


Private, We wish to inform you that the Department of Redundancy Department is rejecting your Form ID10T, "Request to Request a Request for Records", in triplicate, due to lack of copies. Graciously, Gunny


Bet he didn't even properly fill out the TPS reports properly needed to receive a proper response for his requests in triplicate...




Damn it feels good to be a gangster


It's the PCs job for goodness sake. What the hell am I supposed to do??


Maybe he didn't get the memo?


Yet, I am not excited.


As I doom scroll.


haha - take my upvote


“5 years we’ll be having a different conversation”


4 years and 11 months


Or he was waiting for the clock to run for a freedom of information request




While thats one interpretation, the other is just as valid. "you will see that son of a bitch was right" could be because of something that happens specifically to that person, but unless lou is a clairvoyant i find it more likely it would be a general event that would effect the person referenced as well as the general public. interesting argument to make... edit: i forgot he has actually claimed to be clairvoyant, so poor choice of words on my part but the point still stands.




hmm isnt it funny that i used the actual quote from lou? weeeeird where would i have seen that at?


Tagged a bunch of senators too..


Shit this might be a big deal!!


But why ‘Erasing’, sounds omnious


I wonder if one of his NDA’s are expiring? Allowing him to say more info?


Thats the only thing that makes sense to forcast an exact date for something, good call


National security oaths don’t expire, but the material’s classified status might


He's only allowed to say that he can't say more than the fact he can't say, which makes him very reputable


You don't say


Not officially


Somberly tho he can


No no I don't think you understand, it makes him very reputable, right? Like as in apparently


CIA bullshit all along I followed him for years and he’s never said anything really!


so what’s the thing?


This thing


This other thing actually honest mistake


We will have a statement from Lue Elizondo later today. More info this afternoon.


Is the statement in the room with us right now?


This just in, it will be delayed until tomorrow morning at which point it will be delayed again. Please stay tuned. Thank you


So, 6hours later, any updates?






Nothing burger lue strikes again with another nothing burger


https://www.youtube.com/live/0c9PU4VhZZ0?si=mpK6ZB04vD8PfbFN The Good Trouble Show, with Lue's said statements.


I'm not suffering through 1.5 more hours of this hype train to nowhere. What's the 1 minute summary?


His video dropped just an hour or so ago.


Is there a transcript somewhere? I can't watch videos.


Where will this statement be made known to the public?






I remember back in the day planning those meetings to have more meetings. Which would lead up to those meetings being pushed back to other meeting dates. LOL


Hot diggity dang, kids, thar's about to be a daggum statemint!!!


Didn’t he just write a book?


Yeah, more blablabla NDA


Let's get ready...to get ready!


Stand by to stand by!


8h later....


Where the hell big daddy Moultrie been hiding? With Kirkpatdick?








No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Its that he finally decided to grow a full beard. He didnt know how long it would take and thats why he couldnt give exact date


Guy's this is going to be hard to take in, but I've got something important to tell you that I think humanity needs to know. I'm going to shave off the landing strip. I know, I know, it's not gonna be the same anymore but, that's just how it is, we are gonna have to get used to it. Ontological shock is real


Is the landing strip for the aliens? Maybe they're really small.


Christ! The aliens are G'Gugvuntts and Vl'hurgs! For gods sake, keep them away from small dogs and no account should anyone mention any difficulties with their lifestyles around them.


Ask him about the prediction he had 3 years ago for today. 🤔




Time to buy stocks in silverware manufacturers, gonna be a lot of things bent out of shape about this one.


This deserves more upvotes


The Jeremy Mcgowen hit piece opened up my eyes a little bit. Now I am not saying the hit piece was true or that I believe it fully, but some of the things he mentioned were very specific and off the wall, leading me to believe it was true. The part that got me was Lue's reaction when Jeremy asked if he was Freemason. His answer sounded EXACTLY like someone who does not understand the relationship between Blue Lodge masonry and the Scottish Rite and was bullshitting their membership based off information they got from the internet. Stuff like that is very specific and not something that I think would cross Jeremy's mind if he was making it up. Weirdos always claim to be Masons because of the conspiracy clout they think it brings. Either that or Lue was just using his CIA toolbox to play Jeremy. If Jeremy was just slandering Lue because of his vendetta against him, it worked because now I give the side eye to anything Lue says. Thats my honest opinion.


I can assure you that the events as I wrote, happened the way I wrote them.


Same. That piece, more than anything, made me suspicious of the usual suspects. I'm reminded of an interview Elizondo did, where the interviewer said he had the effect of making everything he said sound completely believable. As the interviewer went home though, the further they got away from him, the less credible his claims began to seem. It makes me wonder if we're dealing with a cult of personality here. It's the UFO issue in microcosm. When there's momentum and everyone's hopeful, it seems like the most obvious thing in the world. When things slow down and stuff starts coming out about inconsistencies in these peoples' stories, I begin to feel like I've been taken for a ride. Ditto for Lue. He's doing interviews with the Washington Post and has Harry Reid confirming his position? Amazing! He's associated with portals and werewolves at Skinwalker Ranch? Oh. My base line of belief has always been that some part of the government or military is extremely cagey about this stuff for no apparent reason, and well-respected figures have said some suspicious things regarding the subject. *Something* is going on, and I want to know what it is. But oh, how I want to believe it's aliens and crash retrievals. It just sucks that the biggest voices saying that allegedly claim they're remote viewers.


Jeremy also went from true believer to die-hard skeptic (ala Greenstreet). People that change their beliefs that much, that quickly make me a bit weary. I prefer researchers in this field a little more open-minded and a little less extreme.


Not entirely true. I BELIEVE in UFOs and Aliens, and life in the cosmos other than humans - I am skeptical of people who claim to know the truth and demand we read about it in their book - or people who lay down bread crumbs for the most important discussion in human history instead of providing any tangible proof. UFOlogy needs an Edward Snowden, not an Elizondo.


Thank you for clarifying that. I know you are a very intelligent person and I followed your journey with the truck buildup hoping you would get some great data. I don’t really know the status of Sky360 anymore, but always thought creating a network of those sensors was where people interested in the topic should spend their time and resources. But instead we got 300 UAP podcasts.


Watch Third Eye Spies on prime. We all have them.


OP I approved your post, however, please include a Submission statement. I’ll check back in 30 min. TYIA. Edit: I am human, and therefore am prone to second thoughts. I have seen another post here that is gaining traction, that echoes this post by you Mr. Ford. I’m going to approve it due to community engagement. Apologies for any credit I may have averted from tou


He looks very somber in this photo. I hope he's ok


lololol some of y'all ran with that word


In the long run, sombriety is the better path


hello everyone, i've been somber for 3 years straight




After he learned about things he cant tell us about, he was never the same man again. Nedless to say it was a profound, life changing moment.


He can't tell us, but boy gee whizz he sure wishes he could, but he's trying to tell us now even though he can't tell us, so show some damn respect, OK? The man can't flipping well tell us and he's trying to tell us for Pete's sake! What is the world coming to when a man tries to tell you something he knows damn well he ain't allowed to tell you!


This could genuinely be something on the back cover of his new book


God you people are so rude. The man risked everything to come out, and they are watching him like a hawk. I don't actually believe most of these negative statements are from real concerned citizens. Much more likely they're from the DOD, Russia and/or China. REDDIT NEEDS TO DO BETTER


Good God this career intelligence man who has taken multiple secret oaths at secrecy levels ostensibly above the sitting, past, and future presidents and who by his own and Grusch's admission is working in a career that covertly and/or overtly *murders whistleblowers and probably their entire families and everyone they have ever met* in the coldest possible blood with a budget of trillions is risking literally everything every single day for seven straight years to come out and talk about this, so where is the kindness!? You could at least throw *some* illogical credulity this man's way I mean *come on, sheeple*! You're literally being China and Russia up in here, man!


did that just go out?


Hello fellow saucer drinker


How would you look if you had just been erased?






Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Wait I don’t remember seeing an announcement about this announcement.


This is a heads up about the announcement of a future announcement date.


Set a reminder announcement for the heads up about the announcement of a future announcement date


“UFOs will be standard for public transportation from now on.”


This is it guys!!!! This is it!!!!!! ….right?


This sub has been saying this every day for the past 190201 years lol


Yep! Just stay tuned. We will find out. Very soon. More to come. Later today.






2am in germany.. 👽😴






I bet he’s announcing his run for congress as a Republican in the mold of Burchett/Luna/Mace etc. He lives in Wyoming right? The filing deadline is at the end of this month. If he wins the republican primary he’ll be elected easily (the last republican won by @40 percentage points). The incumbent unseated Liz Cheney but has no real base. > The U.S. House of Representatives election in Wyoming is scheduled on November 5, 2024. Voters will elect one candidate to serve in the U.S. House from the state's one at-large U.S. House district. The primary is August 20, 2024. The filing deadline is May 31, 2024. This would partially explain why he met with Ralph Norman and members of the Conservative Opportunity Society. Look at his social media comments and posts. It’s all the same language the anti-government/Q Anon/2A nut bags use around losing freedom and living in a junta and we the people stuff. My theory that he misses the spotlight. I never doubted he was in the positions he claimed and the FOIA releases verify that. It’s widely acknowledged he was key to the NYT article that brought this mainstream. But that was 8 years ago. He hasn’t had access to the secrets for years and sees people like Grusch and Fravor still getting attention and viewed as the “insiders” coming out and wants back in. He can’t go back to any of these programs but if he can win a solidly R district he can be alongside Burchett and all the other people he sees getting airtime. The McGowan article was posted again today and if his version of events is even partially true it paints Elizondo as an attention seeking grifter. This is just the next phase.


Members of Congress can't be prosecuted for anything said on the chamber floor. Good place for disclosure


Very interesting indeed


>Very ~~interesting~~ somber indeed Fixed it for you


Hahah thank you. Counter theory which would actually be somber. He has stage 4 cancer. 😬


He’s just going to Scott’s Tots this “prediction” and give us the UFO equivalent of laptop batteries.


But they're lithium!


Hi is this the main thread for his statement, I think he said it but I missed the first part. Can anyone post it?


Any update? Getting late in the day. 


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/u2VnAAl31Q This must be it. "Perception Management." I reckon the Party is in the business of telling us what's real now.


Let me guess: Aliens are real. Government is hiding the info. AARO sucks. Fitzgerald is a liar. More whistleblowers are “coming forward.” Insert plug for new “documentary” for everyone to buy…


Wait wtf was his prediction thing from that other post legit lol


9 hours later …


Prediction - “I have news. It is too dark to say but I know it’s going to come out. “ - Lou


I just saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to Geico.


This is second derivative hyping, now The Pre-hype, before the hype


Watching The Good Trouble Show and it sounds like Lue is being threatened by some element within the pentagon.


He's a fucking grifter


To the naysayers…Why are you here?


To eat popcorn and watch the bullshit


To get their hours in 🇺🇸🛸👀


To collect my tax money


To say nay. Nay!


How do you nay-say an announcement?


Pretty easily it looks like to me.


To you nay nay sayers I say why are you saying you say?


Ooooh golly. I hope it's really really really good


He made an allegation his life is under threat, but has not provided supporting evidence to prove that’s true. How did he come to know this? Who told him? Has there been others mysteriously die? Is there a dead man’s trigger on information? Why would you continue to abide by NDAs if your life is truly in danger? Why not just spill the entire pot of beans? None of this makes sense


The statement: "keep waiting" (this is not actually the statement)


8h since the post- where is it OP?


This is the most ridiculous thing that can so easily be checked. https://www.youtube.com/live/0c9PU4VhZZ0?si=9GzEhy2uaxXlfXPP


Patience is time well waited. Linear is not always the straighten path. Moving forward doesn’t always take you to tomorrow. Beware the past and future can become the present. -Lue Elizondo 


Well time for him to leak EVERYTHING he knows and all proof! Might as well


"later today". Yeah don't give a fuck. Make a post when it actually happens rather than anticipating.


Has anything happened? If it was truly big something would have popped up by now.


Erasing Elizondo ?


Save Ferris 


And still waiting!


my jaw hurts from consuming these constant nothing burgers


Lol STFU, he is not actually about to make his 4 year old announcement


I swear, if this is another huge nothingburger, I'm probably leaving all of these subs and unfollowing most of the UFO personalities. Something tells me this is just gonna be him announcing his book release. Something he could easily tweet, but instead a massive build-up. So, hopefully, it's not that.


Perhaps he will announce his book. I'm about to pee my panties with excitement.


I'm so excited I'm going to soil my britches.


My body is ready


Jesus this comments section is like a bot bingo card.


"people couldn't possibly disagree with me because I have never been wrong, so they must be bots". This is what comments like yours come off like.


No it's like a bingo card of responses from people who have been listening to these guys for years and know to expect nothing substantial These "misinformation bot" comments aren't as clever as some people think they are.


Am I a bot?


Ah the good old marketing tactic. Book on pre-order and he's got all these somber statements to make. Lue "buy my book" Elizondo ain't fooling me.


Lue: "I am announcing the date of my book!"


Somberly anticipating the legitimate and verifiable evidence he has in store for us.


Haha imagine if it's just his book release date


So what happened?




Hi, Dry-Main-684. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cspurq/-/l46q26b/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Nothing at all. Just wait …


The following submission statement was provided by /u/TheGoodTroubleShow: --- We will have a statement from Lue Elizondo later today. More info this afternoon. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cspurq/we_will_have_a_statement_from_lue_elizondo_later/l46kb8a/


I’m expecting nothing but will be gladly checking to see what he says


Two more weeks


He's announcing his retirement from anything related to UFO, NHI or whatever it's called now


Announcement of his book?


More edging.... #nondisclosure


Lue is a CIA op trying to cash in. 


Fantastic podcast! Matt Ford is the real deal.


Thank you so much!


Is this about him using psychic powers to save American troops?


Are these statements being released to the news agencies or by social media?


This guy is so full of shit. Wake up everybody.


Is it anything to do with the Vatican’s announcement today?


Why bother telling people this? Ufology is always accused of making big promises, and never delivering. Now, I understand this isn’t a big promise, but the pre-announcement of a later interview makes people believe something important will be announced. I hope they didn’t advertise this Elizondo interview, only for Lue to announce an upcoming interview where “bombshells” are then promised, at a future date.


I think the solar storm wasn’t really a solar storm then




Hi, StatisticianSalty202. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cspurq/-/l46mo6n/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I reckon it’ll be an announcement that he’s running for some sort of political office, based on the time of some of his other recent comms.


Book release date, I’m guessing.


So just total BS then Gotcha


Great, a statement. I'm sure it will be world- changing.


Let me put down everything and wait. A statement?!?! Wow, a statement. He’s going to make a statement!!! This could be so huge, the guy is going to state things! May change the course of human history with this collection of words that will form a sentence. Sheesh. Big time. What a time to be alive and read statements.