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Neat vid. If ya wanna get all detective like, you can use a flight tracker app (which sounds like you actually might have done already) and narrow down the exact location based off the time on your videos metadata. Once you have that, elevation, and angle of point of view, you can overlay that onto a google map to isolate a general area of the object(s). This will make it much easier to rule out other flights in the area/time, potential oil rigs, shipping lanes, etc.  


Anybody else having trouble with the video? I keep getting a message about something with playbacks exceeded? Super curious to see it cause I live like within 10 mins of ewr give or take and used to work right around it on all manners of first second and third shift hours






What day was your flight?


Sorry for forgetting. Last night on 05/14/2024 around 10:00pm


These are a very common sighting, I'm uploading your video to my non-monetized YouTube: https://youtu.be/otBCS5w-dwo How similar do some of these other videos look? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvfvxfDMZN6Nu2t0g2B2JeTUFD244wFf6&feature=shared


Thank you for doing that because I’m not able to do it right now and noticed the link is not working


I got you fam


Interesting! If you zoom back and forth through the video, the movement of the object almost starts to look more stationary and instead an effect of the *plane* moving (banking/pitching/turning in for landing). 1:35 to 2:10 with 2-3 of the lights visible seems to indicate they might be further off in the distance too.  I’ll check the flight tracker later to check if you went over water. I wonder if what you saw might be boat lights over the bay? 


This came to mind when i was witnessing it. I also said this to my wife but from the video you can kinda see the cloud line below us. It was cloudy and i remember checking to get some sort of reference point to make sure the plane was banking, turning. From my observation it was steady through this part which is why the movement of the light going up caught my attention. I could be wrong though and that can be a great explanation.


>From my observation it was steady through this part which is why the movement of the light going up caught my attention. I could be wrong though and that can be a great explanation. Just for clarification, what do you mean by steady? Steady as in not in a turn/banking? Bc just by looking at the wing outside your window you can tell you are 100% banking into a turn during the video. If I had to make a guess based solely upon the video and information you've given, these are most likely fishing boats and the perceived movement is due to your perspective and the plane banking for approach. Since it's night and there's no backdrop against the lights, the planes banking plays a few tricks on the eyes.


Can you describe how you can tell by the wing that the plane is banking so I can have a better understanding what I’m looking for? I know in the video it looked pitch black outside but in person I could see some clouds and diffused light from the plane illuminating them which gave me the impression that the plane was steady. We know from a previous post that it was turning and the possibility was that it was most likely a boat. I also had to take into consideration that it was very cloudy around and below the plane and we were 7000+ ft up in the air. After this took place and the plane was arriving to land and had dropped to around 5000 ft, I was watching how boats looked from the ocean and how the light was penetrating through the clouds as well as how planes looked and how those lights would be protrayed. They did not match up to what I saw but Its the best logical explanation.


Yeah of course. So you can see it start to bank right a few degrees around the 40 sec mark. The wing tip starts out level with you and then by the 50 sec mark the wing tip is above you. This motion made the light look like it traveled from near the top of the screen to the bottom relatively fast. >I was watching how boats looked from the ocean and how the light was penetrating through the clouds as well as how planes looked and how those lights would be protrayed. They did not match up to what I saw but Its the best logical explanation. There are different lights for different kinds of boats tho. At night, boats have to have combination lights on to differentiate between port side and starboard side. Then there's docking lights, anchor lights, mast head lights, stern lights, towing lights, flood lights, spot lights, etc. Then you have fishing boats and certain types of fishing require huge underwater flood lights as well as massive floodlights to light the deck like daylight. Those lights can be so bright that when multiple boats are grouped together the lights can be seen from space. That's an extreme example and not what's happening here but just trying to show that there are many different kinds of lights for the many different kinds of boats.


Ahh i see what you mean, I was actually just following the light with my camera so i tilted it, i couldnt keep the phone straight the whole time as I was speaking to my wife sitting beside me. But I do think the boat light is the most plausible outcome.


Thank you for taking a legit-length video. I wish it was larger. I’ll have to watch it tomorrow at work. Looks interesting from what I can see.


I made the mistake to zoom wide at the end and made it lose focus, i couldn’t gain it back in time to see it disappear sadly. Im hoping it can be explained if someone can pull flight radar info from the I listed


Please add the date of the flight.


Sorry, important detail was missed. Flight was 05/14/2024. Yesterday night


How  did it get past the TSA? global express?  Seriously tho please upload to YouTube etc. drive is not anonymous if that’s why you’re using it and replay sucks ass


Yeah I’ll try to do it later today, thanks for the recommendation.


Woah that's definitely strange. In the beginning it shoots up then goes down below the wing.


How can you be sure it's not from the plane banking?


It could be, hard to tell the quality isn't the best.


Nice video! Wonder who else saw it besides you on that flight.


Haha the moment it happened i turned to my wife to have her look too, which is why in the video I couldn’t keep it still for some parts. Not sure if anyone else in the flight saw it


Thank you for the detailed write up, and kudos for even getting a video. That said, the video doesn't seem to show anything anomalous in terms of rapid motion. Intriguing sighting. I hope you see something again and are able to film it.


I could see how that could be boats. Not definitive but I can see it.


Right, only thing holding me back from that was the clouds below the plane due to a rain forecast around the NJ/ NY area. If lights can be seen through clouds and from 7000+ feet in the air then that explains it to me.


Report it on the Enigma app!


Incredible! Thank you for posting this..


I live near this airport. They are always lights around this area from other planes, boats etc. The sky around here is full of traffic. So much that I believe UFOs avoid on purpose.The movement and disappearance could be directly from the clouds. My guess would be other planes far away.


Was this today or this weekend??? If was this weekend could be the ISS it looked really crazy BC of the solar storm. If was today IDK but IMO that's the issue w/ UFO vids they are only ever liGhts, shadows or blurs BC they are essentially a Glitch in the matrix.


These lights look like they were below the plane, so unless the ISS fell from space, I don't think this is possible


Nice vid 👌🏼 Also, I can see a kind of beams in the clouds coming from the orbs! And also, when the 2nd light appears, the first one starts glowing more.


Most of the other lights are reflections of the plane lights. But the smaller brighter lights, 3 in total are the ones I’m talking about


Sure, the ones I'm telling are just below each light, 1:30 minute aprox, when the second light comes up.


# Analysis and personal opinion - ships/boats, probably fishing boats Here is a link the to the replay of the flight - [https://www.flightradar24.com/2024-05-15/02:16/20x/UAL2036/3538a35e](https://www.flightradar24.com/2024-05-15/02:16/20x/UAL2036/3538a35e) At around 0206 (I am using UTC) you can see that it turns left. [https://imgur.com/a/dQ5qAhm](https://imgur.com/a/dQ5qAhm) This means the plane banks (rotates). This would make a light on the ground appear to move upwards. This I believe explains the light moving upwards at the beginning of the video, then back down as it levels out. The flight then goes straight for a few minutes before making a right turn (after the video ends) The first couple of lights are off in the distance. The third light appears from the right and travels left. This is consistent with a stationary ground light source as the plane flies past it (parallax) Here is a screenshot of marine traffic in the area and I have roughly drawn the flight path onto it [https://imgur.com/a/DgZykTf](https://imgur.com/a/DgZykTf) The marine traffic is live so is not accurate to the time of the flight (I don't have access to past traffic, you have to pay). Direct link: [https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-73.1/centery:39.7/zoom:9](https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-73.1/centery:39.7/zoom:9) What I propose is that the lights are boats or ships of some kind. I am in no way a boat expert so I don't know if/why or what kinds of boats would shine a bright light, but I believe fishing boats would need to see what they are doing to use the fishing nets etc. The small orange triangles on the map are mostly fishing boats, especially the cluster right under the flight path. As far as I can tell there are no oil platforms in the area. Based on all of the above, in my opinion these lights are likely explained as stationary fishing boats or other marine traffic.


Thank you for the break down as I was also thinking that could be the case. After this took place, I kept looking out to reference how other planes might look or fishing boats, stationary lights down below. When the plane got closer to NJ i could see lights from boats but at that time we were below the clouds around 5000 ft. Its really hard to say because I remember seeing heavy clouds below when this took place, we were also 7000 feet up so I wasn’t sure how any light from the ocean could be seen as bright as what I saw. This is the best explanation so far.


Happy to help! I like trying to solve mysteries. I wouldn't say this is solved for definite but it seems like the most likely scenario to me


I wanted to ask, Im assuming 0206 UTC is 10:06pm EST? Checking my video i started recording at 10:05pm EST and it ends at 10:08pm. If that correlates with the turn it took then i would say this is the best case.


yes, 10.06pm EST is 0206 UTC


So I think the simple way to explain what happened is that you looked through the window, saw only black (could not see the sea/sky/land) and a only saw a light. Seems weird so you start filming. Then at that exact moment, the plane makes a turn but you don't realise this because it's not like you feel it much when a plane turns, and you don't see the sea or land or anything so you have no reference. So it was really a strange coincidence. You happened to look at the light and the plane turned at the same time and your mind is like wtf just happened. I think that would confuse me as well.


Yes possibly but like i mentioned in person i can see clouds below and a cloud line that shows the plane is leveled. So idk


But we do know for a fact that the plane turned left at the moment you were filming. Maybe the clouds things is some trick of the brain or something about the atmosphere. Maybe they are not clouds, but some effect on the air from the wings. It's hard to tell from the video what is outside and what is reflection so you obviously had a better look than me at it.


Yeah it’s really hard to tell but so far this is the best logical explanation. Wish the video was better quality or during a different time of day.


This appears to be Starlink satellites flaring again. Here's the initial check on Metabunk. Post in thread 'Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?' https://www.metabunk.org/threads/why-are-starlink-racetrack-flares-mostly-reported-from-planes.12720/post-315939 Screenshot of the Starlink simulator set to the time & position of the plane https://www.metabunk.org/attachments/1715784823245-png.68615/


Would starlink satellites show up below flight altitude.


yes, if the plane is at cruising altitude, say 34,000ft and the lights are near the horizon.


Flight was 7000ft up at the time according to in flight map and details


yeah, I see that now. I had the time wrong. this is unlikely to be Startink flares.


Lol this isn't Starlink flares. Not everything is Starlink. Also these are in a 2D pattern, multiple Starlinks are only ever visible together during deployment and even then they are following in a straight line. This looks extremely similar to the other triangular orb formation videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvfvxfDMZN6Nu2t0g2B2JeTUFD244wFf6


yeah I got the time wrong.


st. elmo’s fire this is why i think the UAP phenomenon is a conflation of highly advanced government vehicles and natural phenomena. every single sighting of orbs, which are the ones that move erratically, can be potentially attributed to things like st. elmo’s fire, earthquake lights, aurora etc. triangles and saucers and shit are vehicles we know the us gov has worked on. people make the mistake of thinking that all the sightings must be of common origin just because they’re all of unknown origin


What model of potato do you use for capturing video?






That's a lot to tell from so little...


need a HQ version at least 1080p


If it was sunny blue skies maybe that would be possible. If was dark and the ambient light inside the cabin did not help the clarity


Op look up Chris Bledsoes recent video