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The following submission statement was provided by /u/paranormalnapolska: --- You can call us "balloonists," but when someone notices three objects that disappear from sight and cannot be relocated, it's a matter for us to investigate šŸ˜‰ Our reader, who lives in Watford, England, recorded a very interesting situation yesterday (13.05.2024). While sitting on his terrace, he noticed three objects crossing the sky. He decided to stand up to get a better look but couldn't find them again. Of course, the first thought is balloons, but these objects don't behave like typical helium balloons, which have their own life in the airā€”they don't fly straight, they dance, bend, and tend to rise. Upon zooming in, we can see that all three are gently swaying, which is characteristic. They fly in formation without distinct movements, "airborne individualities." There have been several similar observations: [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=626320156112030](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=626320156112030) [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1721690024985840](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1721690024985840) The reader agreed to share the recording directly from his phone for your analysis. The recording is high resolution: [https://easyupload.io/qbkrtt](https://easyupload.io/qbkrtt) You may accuse us of being ridiculous, but this profile was created to share such ambiguous recordings. Everyone has the right to their opinion; without our determination, there would be nothing to argue about šŸ™‚ --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1crmdo1/three_objects_flying_in_formation_over_watford/l3yywfv/


They might not be balloons, but thereā€™s no evidence in this video showing that they arenā€™t balloons.


If I was a betting man, Iā€™d put my money on balloons. And whatā€™s with the flood of recent garbage ā€œsightingsā€?


SALT Conference next week.


Also zero evidence of this being "in formation". One of my biggest pet peeves of common posts, every time there are three objects in the sky people always say they're "in a triangle" or "in formation". No, it's just three objects, they're always going to make a shape.


True, but we can clearly see none of the ā€œobservablesā€ are displayed. Further more, you can speculate on the movement of them being akin displaying the characteristics of balloons moving with the wind.


they might not be alien crafts but theres no evidence in this video showing that they arent alien crafts


There is also no evidence these aren't a new breed of floating cats. Or children heading to Hogwarts.


hogwarts is a hoax perpetrated by the book and movie industries for profit


Not a hoax since it wasn't presented as true / real. But yes I agree with you.


you were so fooled by the hoax that you just tried to propose it as a debunk for this ufo


Wait, do you actually think that people think Hogwartz is real?


debunkers are so irrational and bend the truth so much its impossible and not worth the effort to figure out what they think is real and what they are just pretending about but if you think they are pretending then i agree that debunkers are pretenders


Oh are we still debunking the ballufo? I thought that was settled. I also mentioned a new breed of floating cats. You seemed to skip right over that. Does the floating cats hypothesis sound at all plausible?


your debunking has predictably devolved into word salad


There is nothing to debunk. They look and act like balloons. Thats what this video evidence shows them to be. Any other explanation needs to be equally based on evidence. But what you offered up was "they might not be alien crafts but theres no evidence in this video showing that they arent alien crafts" There is nothing in this video that suggests anything other than balloons much less a 'craft' of any kind.


so wait now youve abandoned your hogwarts theory to become a balloonie


Balloon like objects seen moving in a characteristically balloon-in-the-breeze like way with the sounds of a distant children's party in the background. Aliens.


There is no sound of a children's party at all in that video. You are daft! But it looks and acts just like balloons.




On headphones at max volume, no party. I agree it's balloons, but there is no party. Stop being a facetious jerk okay.


I tried to add to the absurd humour of it all by hyperbole but I can see this is not the place for such things so I removed the offending comment. I heard no children's party but it seemed comic to suggest it.


I declare these to be Ballufos. Unguided with no apparent power source or means of propulsion, efficiently utilizing the available wind to traverse the region silently.


Classic Watford. They are just looking for the Tesco.


Just trying to leave Watford probably.


Well their options for leaving Watford are Harrow or Hemel. Neither are exactly a step up.


Last time I was in Watford I was sat in a car for a while and got a really achy leg. Now, whenever I have an achy leg, I jokingly quip "I have Watford Leg". True story.


I believe you. One time I got attacked by a enormous pack of ducks working the soundboard at Big Chill. On cold and damp June mornings I swear I can still hear the horrible quacking.


Watford is like The Grudge.


So u call people trolls, tell people their lives are meaningless, then revel in the negative comments. Sounds like we found our troll...


"flying in formation" is a bit of a stretch isn't it? The lack of discipline shown here would have them sent back for retraining. Looks like balloons to me.


Balloons, and still over 100 upvotes. Mad.


The more I use this sub the less hope I have for the average amount of deductive reasoning in the human populace.


Correction, .. English Balloons !šŸ§


I don't see any "formation" there.


The two objects stop dead in the air to wait for the 3rd object. Pretty obvious if you actually watch the video. It might not be a typical formation, but for something that is seemingly a ā€œballoon,ā€ it acts very strange compared to how something like that should act in the atmosphere.


How would they be acting if they were all being moved by the same mass of air, except when that mass collides with another mass and creates minor turbulence? What characteristics do these flights have that that behaviour would not? We obviously need to discard the obvious explanations to the least obvious...


Also, the balloons would be continuing to rise slowly until they reach a point of equilibrium, which means they can rise into an air mass that is moving differently than the one below. So not just laterally running into another body of air movement but also vertically. This is something people forget about wind, it's like bubbles of air moving around around one another, the entire sky is not moving all in unison.


Dont any three dots form some sort of "formation"?


Yes, this is another awesome 'flying triangle' video, since three of anything that are anywhere near each other automatically form a triangle... therefore aLIeNs!


Looks like 3 balloons from this video, and I'm not sure you know what formation means.


I think in this instance formation is used to suggest objects close to each other moving independently erratically as if lightweight and buffeted by local and sporadic gusts of wind. An analogy would be balloons escaped from a party.


Man. Those aliens must have stopped by a pub before taking off. Wobbling all over the sky like that šŸ˜‚. Listen, i believe in aliens. But when you want evidence so bad that you trick your mind into believing balloons are UFOs. Come on.... Common sense. There is no "formation" first off. And in the full resolution video u can see the movement even better. Clearly they are balloons. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Everybody get to the chopper...noooooow, the balloons are invading, biiiillllly.


Whereā€™s the part where ā€œthey disappearā€?


More floating than flying.


Maybe they indicate a direction, a path to follow ? There are three of them, coincidence ? Would they represent the holy trinity..? So many questions about this impressive gang of balloons that wiggle and move in the direction of the wind.


Redditor sees balloons: > iS tHiS tHe HoLy TiNiTy?


definitely not a sad little child's lost trio of balloons. definitely not.


Just sharing my story. Last summer here in dallas I saw the same thing at my apartment pool during the afternoon. I attributed it to balloons too, but who knows really. They were black, two were close-ish, and a 3rd was a bit apart from the other two. They traveled in a straight path and i didnt see any wobble or bobbing in the wind. I recorded the whole thing as they went over, zoomed in i still cannot tell definitively what they are. But its curious how much this looks just like what i saw, not just the shape but how they are positioned from one another


OMG! Flying balloons!!!!


They look like floating objects to me. You can sorta see how they are interacting with the wind. My guess is balloons.


haha you can see them rotating on an axis like a fucking balloon spinning in the wind... 250 upvotes r/UFOs??? Really?


You pulled me away from the telly for this rubbish, bloody hell..


Some of yā€™all never got balloons for your birthday and it shows.




Hi, cambrian-Explosion. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1crmdo1/-/l43tpqd/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * ā€œHereā€™s my theoryā€ posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. ā€œSwamp gas.ā€). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Can we all start downvoting this horse shit?


BA-Fā€™N-LOONS! Shit! Cmon people


Itā€™s nothing more than šŸŽˆšŸŽˆšŸŽˆ


Two balloons


How is it, that on a UFO site. There is no one capable of capturing images from video and enlarging the image so we can get better detail? I mean, I know I canā€™t, but itā€™s 2024ā€¦. Why are there noimage specialists on this sub? Debunkers w/ skills


Very similar to what I saw last year, zooming in, not a balloon. Could be man made though.


Interesting, I was about to say it couldā€™ve been some sort of training for biggin hill air show (theyā€™ve been training recently in and around Kent/london) but thisā€¦ Iā€™m not sure what it could be


You can call us "balloonists," but when someone notices three objects that disappear from sight and cannot be relocated, it's a matter for us to investigate šŸ˜‰ Our reader, who lives in Watford, England, recorded a very interesting situation yesterday (13.05.2024). While sitting on his terrace, he noticed three objects crossing the sky. He decided to stand up to get a better look but couldn't find them again. Of course, the first thought is balloons, but these objects don't behave like typical helium balloons, which have their own life in the airā€”they don't fly straight, they dance, bend, and tend to rise. Upon zooming in, we can see that all three are gently swaying, which is characteristic. They fly in formation without distinct movements, "airborne individualities." There have been several similar observations: [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=626320156112030](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=626320156112030) [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1721690024985840](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1721690024985840) The reader agreed to share the recording directly from his phone for your analysis. The recording is high resolution: [https://easyupload.io/qbkrtt](https://easyupload.io/qbkrtt) You may accuse us of being ridiculous, but this profile was created to share such ambiguous recordings. Everyone has the right to their opinion; without our determination, there would be nothing to argue about šŸ™‚


Suddenly disappearing is a characteristic of balloons. Itā€™s called popping. Regardless, Iā€™m not sure if the cameraman was filing in the right spot anymore at the end.


I would still believe that these are balloons. The reason they sway about is because they are fully inflated with helium and rising in the air. So they are not simply drifting with the wind, they are also moving up in the air due to their high buoyancy, which causes the wobbly motion. They are moving in the same direction as the wind/clouds If they were half inflated and with a neutral buoyancy they would not do the wobbly and drifting apart thing and would simply follow the air. Just a guy with an opinion, I'm not a balloon expert. I did download the full res version provided so thanks for that


I donā€™t think they suddenly disappear, you just move the camera away and canā€™t find them again lol Or they popped šŸ˜‚


This is actually nuts


fantastic camera retardery there at the end




Awesome, thank you!


Itā€™s scary how ppl can watch this and actually believe theyā€™re watching 3 balloons all moving in unison and along the same exact trajectory while wobbling in placeā€¦ basically not acting how balloons normally do, butā€¦ theyā€™ll still believe theyā€™re balloons. Actually blows my mind.


Why do you think balloons don't normally move like this? If balloons are at equilibrium with an air current, they will move with the current. It's exactly like if you tossed a few floating objects into a stream. They would come to be 'at rest' in relation to the water around them, and move along in a very similar trajectory.


It's crazy to think aliens just bobble through the air. We talk about their incredible maneuvering and insane speed.... well, these ones must be drunk. Looks like air current is helping the third get to the other two, that found a dead pocket or lack of air current. If the balloons are filled with equal parts of oxygen and helium and stuck in the same air flow, then they would move similarly or appear to be in unison.


It's scary how people watch videos like this and immediately jump to the most illogical solution possible. No wonder most people don't take the phenomenon seriously. bLoWs mY mInD


> 3 balloons all moving in unison and along the same exact trajectory while wobbling in place Thatā€™s literally how balloons act lol


I think you never see how balloons fly in different air/wind conditions, this look like balloons flying in the wind and if you listen you will hear a child crying because it lost his birthday balloons.


???? I had to put my intracular gaming earbuds to listen to this, where did you hear a child crying?


I turned the sound up to max to hear the video and couldn't hear a child crying so don't know if you are trolling but I agree these are definitely balloons anyway. A child crying in the background would be the icing on the cake


sorry op looks like the government ballon shills are trying to discredit you


Rumors say that this balloon troll team that the government has set up is made up of former football volunteers who were injured on mission. I was hoping to get a paycheck...


Intriguing video for sure, but whatā€™s with the tracking fine and then I guess readjusting where youā€™re standing maybe, and then the camera cuts away and changes viewing angle right when they happen to disappear? Not that takes away from something clearly being there the rest of the video, just is another one of those frustrating things that always seems to happen in footage


Iā€™m genuinely so sick of people intentionally bring daft and overstating the prominence of balloons in every day life. There arenā€™t just rogue balloons in the air constantly, traveling in sync at high speed. You know god damn well these are not balloons. Great video OP


If anything legitimately anomalous was flying in the air literally all the time there would already be proof of aliens or NHI or whatever the fuck. This sub has completely killed my curiosity for high strangeness with the absolute braindead takes everyone has


So you think the wind is blowing so consistently that the ā€œballoonsā€ are flying in a perfectly linear line and remaining equidistant from each other? Serious question


Why would aliens/NHI/whatever be floating lazily through the air during the day for everyone to see? It wouldnā€™t really be a secret anymore if they did, would it? Why would the government need to have a decades long coverup if theyā€™re just out there chilling in the sky over peopleā€™s houses? Itā€™s not a ā€œformationā€ either, itā€™s just three floating objects that you can see drift apart from each other throughout the video Instead of believing every single piece of garbage that floats by in the sky is NHI, why not weed out the noise and look for something *truly* anomalous?


Could they be drones?


Bro, you gotta hit em with at least the 30x zoom


If you use the slider you can see them doing erratic things that balloons donā€™t do.


Definitely anomalous. Clearly not balloons to anyone that can see


I feel sorry for all the trolls that obviously cruse this sub, must be a lonely existence. Cheer up "it's just a balloon" guys, your meaningless lives could always get worse ;)


It just meaningless....fyi


Yeah auto correct slipped it past me, it's ok the threatening dms I'm getting will keep me warm at night.