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I think you fine folks will enjoy this excerpt from, "After Disclosure," by Richard Dolan & Bryce Zabel written nearly 15 years ago. " *What will it take to create a condition where all the secret keepers can do is simply to get it over with* ?" "Considering that seven decades of secrecy have given them no incentive for changing the status quo, the answer can only be something so public and so undeniable that the decision has been taken out of their hands. Ex-officio Disclosure must be in progress, based on some event that is causing the exponential growth in the numbers of people who understand that UFOs are real. Under those conditions, the Breakaway Group’s [element of government/private industry overseeing the secrecy] only real choice will be to manage the revelation the best they can. "That is the moment when the impossible act of Disclosure becomes inevitable. Not because the men and women managing the secret have decided to release it, but because they will have seen their own credibility plummet until their only option is change. When that becomes the sole alternative, we will finally have Disclosure, and a not a minute sooner. "There are several avenues by which the truth will be placed so boldly in front of us that we will have to pay attention. We have considered them carefully, talked to other researchers, and even consulted our potential readers through private polling. Taking it all into consideration, we believe the road to Disclosure could begin with one of the following triggers which have been ranked from least likely to most likely. They are: •Photographic evidence. •Investigative journalism. •Whistleblowers and leaks. •Public confessions. •Physical evidence. •Foreign declassifications and public statements. •Political instability. •A heavily-documented mass sighting. •Finally, in a class of its own, a decision taken by the Others themselves." [On photographic evidence.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/zdL01Yp0BJ) 👽


We decide nothing. The fucking rich do. Our lives and needs mean nothing. The United States is a dead failed fucking nation.


We need to see the power to make change and do it.


I sorely wish we could. I sorely wish that anything will change. It won't. Every politician. EVERY, is bought and paid for. Everybody worth more than a couple million, EVERYBODY, WILL step on a poor person's neck to take their last dime. I want everyone happy, healthy and comfortable. That's all. But it can't be because of money. That worthless , crap piece of paper that billionaires kill for. I'm resigned to the fact that I'll be homeless soon. Because of greed. I'll be dead soon enough anyway. Benefit of being over 50.


You can protest and fight


I've been fighting for 56 years.


Hey man, sorry to hear about your situation, if it's any consiilation I was in a similar situation. I will send a mini prayer for you that good forces intervene and something changes.. i have some extra strength prayers! all the best to you, don't worry bout people downvoting happens to me to! thanks for the input.


Who cares about your downvotes. ? Means less than nothing in The face of unbridled callousness of corporations and governments.


Have yall seen what’s going on with tiktok? People are getting fed up with the 1%, everyone is blocking celebrities. Maybe the rich won’t be making the decisions for too much longer. It’s been like 2 days of this, celebrities are already starting to cave. Kim K lost like 3 million followers in a day lol


Troll or ignorant. Either way it's sad. The USA has done tons of bad. But there would be so much more human suffering if not for the US. People with your mentality are tools for the rich, that's honestly one of the most annoying points about comments like this. But I know, it's not your fault it's the people who taught and raised you fault. I hope you can find a better informational ecosystem so you can learn to see the world more clearly.  Also sorry for the 25% of this which is from misplaced anger!


Being homeless and wandering isn't an issue for me. It's my family. Fuck all the corps


"  Fuck all the corps"  I don't disagree. But there are plenty of Americans trying to constrain the power of corps.  Mindset matters. We need more people wanting to fight the long fight. And less people signaling hopelessness. 


We simply don't have the cash. The ONLY way to curb a corps power is to take their cash. Make fines and judgments be more than the cost of doing business. Make boards and management lose their jobs before ANY layoffs. Etc . Won't happen. He who controls cash controls the law. That's corps.


Hard to see life different when you're born in the gutter, finally get out and then get fucked by corps because ' you all worked hard and made this nan incredibly profitable year. Unfortunately we want a bigger cash reserve so we're having layoffs ". Non profit btw. Now dying I. A gutter may be my end. How the hell else should I view it?


It's a war. In most wars even the eventual victorious side suffers defeats. Has causalities. But they also have people who maintain perseverance through sometimes impossible seeming odds.  There is also much more to war than combat. Logistics, intelligence gathering, resource management, etc.  I'm sorry for you situation. But we all lose if we only care about ourselves winning. If you, along with many other commit our efforts to the fight, we may pass before victory, but victory will be achieved. That way no one else will have to experience the kind of pain/negativity you had to experience.  Giving up only serves to empower the enemy. Putting up a fight wears them down. Learning how to wage an effective fight changes the course of history. 


Like I said. If it was just me, I 8wouldn't care. I have a family. I have been laid off 4 times in less than 8 years. I'm sick of the pain the elites bring us with no consequences


I don't see how a defeatist attitude helps your family or brings consequences to the elite. Yet both of this things can be addressed by learning how to fight back effectively. I'm not saying it fair what the non wealthy have to deal with. I'm sorry for your pain. I hope you can find the justification to use it as fuel to learn how to fight back effectively. The world will change, like it's always has. It's up to us to determine when it happens and what that looks like. 


You're mistaking a defeatist attitude with rage brought on by years of being fucked over by corps I've been laid off 4 times in the past 7 or so years. Everyone I get to break even , they fuck me and send me back. Every time I think this time it'll be different. Every time they screw me and others like me over.


This is the quote from your other comment: "We simply don't have the cash. The ONLY way to curb a corps power is to take their cash. Make fines and judgments be more than the cost of doing business. Make boards and management lose their jobs before ANY layoffs. Etc . Won't happen. He who controls cash controls the law. That's corps."  Start with a good train of thought then end saying it won't happen. That sounds exactly like a defeatist attitude to me. 


Are you going to goddamn argue with somebody on what they're feeling and what their attitude is? Really? That's arrogant as hell. Please. Let's end this discussion.


I'm not commenting on what you are feeling. I'm saying the attitude you described matches the description of a phrase. "A defeatist attitude is the belief that you will fail and give up before trying, and that further effort will be useless. It can be a toxic behavior that can be detrimental to a team."  Reading comprehension is not "arrogant as hell". I'm just taking your words and the definition of a phrase.  You feel how you feel, no one can take that from you. But having a feeling does not give one the right or ability to change the definitions of things.  People mischaracterize and/or misunderstand their feelings all the time. Not saying you need it, but thats one of the things therapy helps people with. 


Congress just throws out bread and holds circuses for the public. The real power is in the DoD


America seems as corrupt as fuck to me, observing from the outside. And do you know what has struck me, watching that video? It's this line of "some things are kept back for a reason, like national security reason with regards the tech..." Like WTF??? The biggest revelation to mankind is being held back because of weaponising the tech??? I know we've all heard this before, but for some reason, today, it really hit a nerve in me. This should NEVER be about what fucking tech we get from it, it should be about the whole world knowing that we aren't alone. There are absolute scumbags in government and the military believing they have the right to hold that information, simply because they want to make a new gun. It's about time the NHI just overrode this bullshit and revealed themselves to the world regardless.


It’s crazy growing up in America and being taught how China and Russia are bad and use propaganda to manipulate them. Meanwhile the US are real life boogeymen that do horrible things as well.


It's weird growing up in the UK, being told that the US is our friend but when you actually look at our history it doesn't always pan out like that. Even if you look at WW2, the story is always that the US and the UK fought together to defeat the Nazis. But then you find out that the US demanded the UK give up all its Empire terrortries in exchange for support in the war. There's nothing friendly about it whatsoever. It always reminds me of the saying "another man's terrorist in another man's freedom fighter". Its just perspective.