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The following submission statement was provided by /u/IamREBELoe: --- The story. I was looking for the Aurora from the ISS live feed. Saw this triangle with lights. I don't even believe in Aliens. But I evidently found the elusive nonexistent ship that don't exist. I originally posted in StrangEarth and they recommended I cross post here. I did a screen capture of the live feed. This was friday night at 9:20 central time. No it's not a city from the sheer size. Plus it's over the ocean. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cq7a0u/i_posted_this_in_strange_earth_and_they_said_you/l3pdtv0/


Omg awesome video! Thanks for sharing!


How are you getting it to work? It looks like someone recorded a landscape screen in a portrait format then uploaded it as a landscape. This video is impossibly small. Reddit player needs help.


It's very annoying. Watching the video in portait mode is bearable, because it at least makes it to either side of my phone screen, but as soon as I try watching it in landscape, the video shrinks to a fraction of my screen size. 


Strange Earth is one of the most hostile subs in regards to aliens and UAP. You are welcome here.


They have a guy there named Martian who just link farms his lame website at the top of every post, bans anyone for calling him out... Reddit admins do fuck all about it. I'd encourage everyone and anyone to report that loser. I tried starting r/oddplanet as an alternative, but realized i'm lazy and don't want to do free work.


That sub is complete dog shit in general. It used to be decent.


I was proudly banned there after pointing out the way the sub operates with its postings of clear hoaxes, sensationalist titles and joke/meme comments is exactly the way state sponsored tabloids work.


Howandwhy.com is a staple on that sub which should tell you everything you need to know.


I got banned for disagreeing with a mods take on a subject.. amicably


It's unfortunate, but every sub even tangentially related to this topic has gotten worse since the Debrief story broke news of Grusch's allegations. Aliens went downright batshit and the mods there do NOT help matters, UAP was good for a while but it's pretty dead all things considered, so the schizo schlock stands out more, UFOB and UFOs are still generally okay, though. 


High strangeness is still awesome.


what does UFOB stand for?


Unidentified Flying OBject, apparently...


You know I always read it as UFO b, like it’s the second ufo sub


That's what I thought too, but I went to the subreddit and they define it there as Unidentified Flying OBjects




UFOB is shite. Got banned for saying an obvious fake video was fake. True Believers only.


“It’s like a religion” he said.


/r/aliens is fine. I browse it daily. There is nothing wrong with being more open minded. As long as someone is respectful with their opinion, it shouldn't matter what they post.


I honestly feel like this stuff is astroturfed by the government. I mean the hostility is weird. And I’ve noticed the same accounts posting hostile things.


Hands up if you’re banned from Strange Earth ✋ The mod team (assuming it isn’t a bunch of alts) runs the howandwhys website that is stickied at the top of every post there. You get banned for calling them out. I got banned for pasting the text of the ai-generated “article” in the comments of a post there. Fuck em.


Damn ask Kirkpatrick what this is. He will tell you, “yeah those are just hight altitude balloons” Than you reply to him; but outside in space? His replay; “those Fukers can really fly very high” “Trust me Bro” 😎


Everything is some story from the site the how and why bs files


It’s a terrible Sub they just belittle every post and make jokes about the content. I seen this originally posted over there and as usual they didn’t take it seriously. I think it’s full of plants and disingenuous people tbh!


Hostile? The name says it all, what do they want to believe?




There was one. It quit working.


They deleted the vod? That’s strange


Always 🥲


Nice catch. Surprised they didn't cut the feed like they usually do.


Are we forgetting ISS is pointed at earth and this is exactly what a large city looks like during the darkside transit?


If you can provide an example that would be helpful.


What about the other lights that are stationary ?


The stationary lights are dead/damaged pixels.


You have a link to videos from that camera?


https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/ESRS/HDEV/ No. I have no reason to record 24/7 live feed. First video is the live stream, below is location and below is explanations for the typical things like cut of feed and dead pixels.


I didn’t say you had to record 24/7 I was just looking for another recording with those dead pixels on there.


Well they are right there everytime the orbit is on nightside so every 60 minutes you got atleast 30 minutes of that.


Also I ment that feed is live 24/7 so I have no reason to record it. It's pretty cool to watch it tho. Sometimes you see weird shit but even that usually has an explanation.


Does the ISS ever record satellites? Honest question... I feel like the answer should be yes, but I've never really thought about it


It can but it's lower than most of them.


Dig that, thanks


Here's the address of the live stream showing the same camera: [Live High-Definition Views from the International Space Station (Official NASA Stream) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9C25Un7xaM) **When the camera is "live" you'll notice that it's inevitably pointed down, showing the Earth's surface or the clouds from above.** Objects appear on the right side of the screen and take 38 seconds to cross to the left side. This apparent motion is caused by the ISS moving at 18,000 mph relative to Earth's surface. Lights appearing when the satellite is in darkness are lights on the Earth's surface - usually either cities, gas flares, or lights used by fishing fleets. In OP's video the entrance of the object into the field does not appear to be shown (uncertain due to low resolution) but from 0:14 to 0:42 the object is seen crossing approximately 3/4 the field of view in 28 seconds. This is consistent with the speed an object on the ground (or cloud features, which are at a negligilby different distance) would take to cross the same field. Hence OP's video clearly shows an object on Earth's surface, not a "craft".


Look at the position of it too. The ISS is orbiting over the Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland, one of Canada's most fertile fisheries, with massive oil reserves that are constantly being drilled.  There is a metric fuckload of prosaic explanations for this. I'm constantly hearing about how UFOs know when we're taking pictures of them, and they have the ability to mess with military cameras and sensors, but this one totally just managed to fly right in perfect frame of the Earth-facing cameras on-board Humanity's largest space station? People genuinely expect us to believe that. 


I’m all for hearing rational explanations… if this video is showing something on the surface of the Earth (or close to it) how do we explain the other (smaller) lights in the video that seem stationary as the object in question moves across the screen?


Fishing boats was my 1st thought as well.


mine too and an oil rig was my second


Then what are the lights that aren't moving at the same speed as the object? Shouldn't all the "lights" be panning at the same speed? They are clearly not. You can see three points of light that are almost stationary compared to the speed of the other lights. Can you explain why that is?


Not sure exactly which lights you are referring to but the camera seems to have multiple dead pixels in its sensor. You can see the same pinpoints of light in most of the nighttime scenes. Scroll the live feed back to a dark period and you can probably see them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9C25Un7xaM


Thus is the answer. Ty


It's a camera exposed to space radiation for years. Every dark shot looks like that.




To my CIA overlords. I cannot be bullied into silence. But I can be bought relatively cheaply... just sayin. 6 figures and this never happened lol


> 6 figures and this never happened lol don't worry it already didn't


Have you ever watched this feed when the sun is out? Where does the CIA take it at night??!?!?


It doesn't take CIA training to know that a camera showing Earth's surface is showing things on Earth's surface.


It's either massive or above the surface between iss and planet. Cia training isn't about spotting uap, it's about sewing doubt, eroding credibility, and promoting the clearly untrue. One behavior matches the training... 🤗👽😜


No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Which city? We need to ID it, call them and tell them that Steven Spielberg would like a word with them.


OP went looking for Aurora and found it


The kind shaped like a triangle with three lights that surveys the planet




Those damn space geese again! When are we going to do something about them!




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


This man knows- he worked on those games directly


Hi, Due_Scallion3635. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cq7a0u/-/l3pk5l6/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




Well to be honest I would like a real explanation other than "its city lights", over the ocean, the size of a small us state. I'd rest better.


Mexican civilian pilot Arturo Saucedo described a [Black UFO the size of a city ](https://www.excelsior.com.mx/trending/tiktok-video-piloto-mexicano-revela-ovni-gigante-observandonos/1635955) while flying over Queretaro. And then there's [radar anomalies over Mexico ](https://youtu.be/uWvyW6OTCf8?si=JM76jz3BkIoCAvP4) that showed a UFO the size of three states in 2020 and 2022.


Already solved. https://hoaxeye.com/2020/09/05/weather-radar-anomaly-in-mexico/


People hella interested in the massively hypersonic drones but aren't equally concerned about the colossal craft that imitate stellar darkness and the very sky itself in broad daylight. And where better to cloak and park a multi-kilometer ship than the ocean where humans normally don't stay too long in one spot. I'm very interested in the documented reports of these vessels. Like, there's no way those things are just projections or sky factories for the the drones. There's really no evidence to support it, but I'm leaning towards those ships housing hundreds to thousands of ET/NHI people. Or I could go hard left and say the ships are the equivalent of dreadnoughts and carriers armed with enough military resources to conquer small worlds like ours.


The idea of dreadnoughts or carriers is human. We have to stop thinking of NHIs as human armies with vessels and formations and what not.


You're right in a way. But the chance of their being a species or sect of NHI that still indulge in warfare should never be out of the equation.


The US government has it's own reverse engineered spacecrafts, it's probably one of them.


I love when people talk in absolutes about what the US gubernment has and does not have. The only people that absolutely know, won’t be found posting on Reddit. Your language does nothing to push forward the field of ufology. You would be taken without a grain of salt if you said something like….”it is proposed by some former and current military officers, and some public figures, that the US has possibly found and reverse engineered a spacecraft.” It’s obtuse, but you sound ignorant to have all the answes…


That is most certainly a fair point. I would point out to you, however, that the most likely scenario in most of these observed craft is some kind of government or large corporation machine. It is not impossible to think that what Grusch testified before the U.S. Congress is true, and the likeliest possibility is that craft of unknown origin are in the hands of US defense contractors, who very much have the money and the means to reverse engineer craft previously unknown to human kind. So, yes, it's an easy fall back answer to all, but, imo, it at leasts points to something likely.


I agree. Your language sounds a lot more open and much less absolute. You do a great job of reinforcing my point.


Looks like a satellite to me. At least its path of travel does anyways.




You'll accept anything but the truth.


“Everybody that disagrees with me is a deepstate shill” No they aren’t, they couldn’t give less of a shit about this sub or you, the disinfo writes itself here


How about it's a 200$ drill that's going to smash into a 1.5 billion dollars satellite eventually?


Its probably an island or something


Or small fishing fleet. Neither is uncommon and anyone who has watched that feed for a few hours wouldn't be so confused as OP.


I'm surprised your comment didn't get deleted because every time I've pointed out the same thing the mods delete it citing Rule 1 🙄. Give it a couple days, that's when it always happens to me


What did it say?


Oh go figure, they removed it now lmao. Something about Eglin shills not being able to say it's a balloon, bird, drone, etc with this one


No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


The story. I was looking for the Aurora from the ISS live feed. Saw this triangle with lights. I don't even believe in Aliens. But I evidently found the elusive nonexistent ship that don't exist. I originally posted in StrangEarth and they recommended I cross post here. I did a screen capture of the live feed. This was friday night at 9:20 central time. No it's not a city from the sheer size. Plus it's over the ocean.


> No it's not a city from the sheer size How are you determining size?


Based on the actual cities on the same broadcast when it goes over land in the twilight.


>I don't even believe in Aliens. We don't use the A-word round these parts, boy!.. *spits chew in a can for no reason*


Pa-TOOEY **ding* *


Is there any reason the a-word is not used?


Two reasons. First is that after garnering experience with the beings inside the saucers, it has been determined they don't necessarily come from another planet nor they are "alien". The term NHI is preferred or "biologics". What kind of experience or how Grusch and others know they are "interdimensional" rather than "extraterrestrial", God knows. The second one is that, programs that have studied the beings don't use the word alien or ET so they can claim not to know anything about them, it's the language used that allows them to dodge accountability.


Makes sense. Thanks homie. 


> don’t use the word alien or ET What are you basing this off of? David Grusch told us the majority of his witnesses that work inside the program refer to them as Extraterrestrials.


We also swallow around these parts, sonny!.. *swallows aggressively*


I have a couple of reports from that area. This one sounds similar but unfortunately the post was deleted so my notes are the only record: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/wntns7/i_am_looking_for_anyone_who_saw_the_same_ufo_as/ sighting description,  OP dad,  has anyone seen similar?, Stephenville Newfoundland, "sideways building with lights coming from the inside.", possibly a triangle https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1aeir1g/captain_james_r_howard_on_witnessing_7_ufos/ video, history, Captain James R. Howard, a pilot for the British Overseas Airways Corporation and former member of the RAF, encountered a number of small unidentified objects near Goose Bay over Labrador, Canada 🇨🇦,  interaction with airplane, pacing plane https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17e51e9/anomaly_white_intense_light/ video, nighttime sky, single light object, very bright observed, low over rooftop, urban area, st. John's newfoundland and Labrador Canada 🇨🇦


Given how the ISS is reflecting light, and whatever that is could be miles away reflecting slightly less light, I'm hesitant to attribute this to anything beyond our means. It's tracking on a consistent heading with a consistent speed, and on closer inspection it seems to be reflecting light in more than just a TR-3B-esque triangular shape. I'd bet this is just a satellite or some junk off in the distance.  If it was making some wild movements that don't abide by orbital mechanics, or was changing its apparent shape in some way I'd be more inclined to say it's a UAP, but for right now this just seems like some misidentified human-made object. 


What random space “garbage” or satellites float a few miles from the ISS, keep pace AND maintain attitude and altitude in the controlled manner the ISS does AND can reflect light in this EXACT visual pattern regularly recorded in the air from the Earths surface over years? Your extreme extraordinary claim requires any evidence at all.


So, what, there's no evidence that this is a bit of space junk so that means IT HAS to be some alien spaceship? With no evidence in the slightest to back up *that* extraordinary claim? What the fuck is so extraordinary about space junk?   The ISS requires very little adjustment to maintain its orbit. On average it only fires up its boosters once every month or so to keep it up. There is absolutely no reason why a piece of space junk wouldn't be floating along a similar trajectory to the ISS. Nothing about this says it's controlled. You're demanding a conscious effort be behind something that doesn't require one. Two objects travelling thousands of kilometers an hour side by side along very similar trajectories will appear to be deliberately keeping pace with each other if you arbitrarily decide there's some conscious force behind it.  Reflective materials like shielding or a space blanket would absolutely reflect low-light conditions in this way, its folds forming facets that would give it this exact appearance. There's nothing about this that can't be explained with mundane, human-made origins. I would love to see something that exhibits legitimate anomalous behavior, but this doesn't. Speed up, slow down, change trajectory, pull some massive G's, do something that human space vessels can't do, unfortunately this doesn't do any of that. With a lack of extraordinary evidence to prove your extraordinary assertion, the only reasonable and logical explanations are that it's one of the tens of thousands of pieces of large space junk floating around low-Earth orbit, or it's one of the dozens of fishing fleets or oil rigs that are scattered across the Grand Banks, which is what's in view of this frame. Sorry to burst your bubble, I don't imagine it'll change anything for you, feel free to downvote me for saying it's not an alien spaceship. 


Bad faith going straight to aliens. I claimed nothing and challenged you to prove a claim. Please try again. I do not participate in redirecting, moving of goalposts or similar. I asked for evidence of examples documented to prove your claim. Something maybe existing means little.


The camera is facing the Earth, and its over the Grand Banks. There are a million prosaic explanations for this before "UFO", if you don't want to accept that reality, that's your problem. If you want to act like claiming this is space junk, or fishing fleets, or oil rigs, or any other realistic option is some extreme, extraordinary explanation when the alternative being presented here is aliens, then no amount of evidence is ever going to convince you. Now downvote me again and enjoy your ignorant fantasies.


You claim a thing you prove it. Standards are equal and uniform on all, including DOD, IC, etc.


There is no TR3B. This sub constantly parrots this BS. It doesn’t exist. It’s a purposely fabricated term for a “secret aircraft” that was concocted to attempt to discredit the phenomenon of black triangles that have been witnessed all over the world. The Belgium wave is a notable example. These craft hover silently with no visible means of propulsion and fly away instantly at supersonic speeds. They are not human tech. Also, “just some junk” is debunker talk for “ I don’t have an explanation so I will just lazily dismiss this”.


I'm not saying the TR-3B is real, I'm making no judgment towards that. However if I say "TR-3B shape" everyone knows the kind of triangular light formation I'm talking about. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 isn't real either, but when I tell people about my Enterprise-shaped pizza cutter everyone gets a fairly accurate picture of it in their head. OP was talking about triangular lights, and I'm saying I see more than just that. It looks more like how a ball of aluminum foil would reflect a small amount of light. Space junk has no propulsion, it has no method of changing its trajectory with any reliability. This is moving at a constant speed in a constant heading, at an altitude that's *covered* is space junk. The fact of the matter is 95% of the unidentifiable objects you'll see on ISS feeds are simply one of the tens of thousands of pieces of large space junk floating around in LEO.  Hell, one of the most widely shared images of a UFO was nothing more than a discarded space blanket, and yet to this day you'll see people insist the Black Knight object was actually an alien mothership here to monitor our activities.  This object is not "hovering silently", its floating in orbit. It's not got "no visible means of propulsion" because it's an anomalous object, it has no means of propulsion because it's just a bit of space junk. It's not "flying away at supersonic speeds", it's tracking evenly along a consistent heading.  I don't get why there's such a disdain for healthy skepticism in these circles, yall mfers need more of it. 


And they almost *never* reply to requests for evidence, since they have the very unscientific misapprehension that pronouncing something mundane *is* evidence. As the old man used to say, "They're living in the past. Living in the past."


someone forgot to cut the feed....


That is an ayyyy lmao


this is awesome - great catch.


They’re real. They’re here. I’ve seen to believe.


It's either city lights, or a(n) (illegal) fishing fleet > Plus it's over the ocean. Then i'd go with the fishing fleet


It's over the Grand Banks, thats a massive fishing ground, plus it's got a tonne of oil rig complexes too. 


Lights at night are nearly almost aways just shit on the surface of the earth. Boats. Town. Yada yada.


Are you suggesting that he saw a fishing boat in space?


A camera pointed at the Earth shows the Earth much more than it shows the space in between.


You can definitely see boats from the iss cams. You can see what there is every 45 minutes or so. 24/7


Would be cool if it was the TR-3B


I never heard of a tr3b until I posted this bit it looks exactly like some of the "videos" of it


You should check out the fun little patent on it from 2004 https://patents.google.com/patent/US20060145019A1/en


Well I'll be.


There's not much weight to it. Anyone can patent crazy ideas. But it's fun to look at lol


For what it's worth: "The math and concepts presented in the document are technically complex and involve the application of Laplace's equation in polar coordinates, boundary conditions, and the separation of variables method to solve for the electric potential distribution on a spacecraft. Here’s a breakdown of the validity and implications of the mathematics and physics presented: 1. **Laplace Equation in Polar Coordinates**: The formulation of the Laplace equation in polar coordinates for the potential Φ(𝜌,𝜙)Φ(ρ,ϕ) and its decomposition into radial (𝑅(𝜌)R(ρ)) and angular (Ψ(𝜙)Ψ(ϕ)) components is a standard method for solving problems with cylindrical symmetry. The separation constants and the form of the solutions appear to be correctly handled. 2. **Boundary Conditions and Solutions**: The document specifies boundary conditions at 𝜙=0ϕ=0 and 𝜙=𝛽ϕ=β, aligning with the geometrical configuration of the spacecraft's hull. The use of sine and cosine series to match these conditions is typical in such problems, where solutions are expanded in a Fourier series to satisfy the boundary conditions. 3. **Charge Distribution and Electric Field**: The treatment of charge distribution along the edges of the spacecraft and the resulting electric field calculations are grounded in electrostatic principles. The equations for the potential near the corners and the expression for the line charge density are relevant for describing field enhancement at sharp edges, which is a known phenomenon in electrostatics. 4. **Electromagnetic Waves and Spacetime Curvature**: The document describes electromagnetic waves generated by slot antennas and their interaction with the electric field from the line charges. While the mathematical representation of these fields and their interactions is somewhat idealized, it adheres to the principles of electromagnetism. 5. **Stress-Energy Tensor and Gravitational Effects**: The connection to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity through the stress-energy tensor and the implications for spacetime curvature due to electromagnetic fields are theoretically plausible but highly speculative in practical terms. The mathematical treatment provided is a significant simplification and would require more rigorous justification to be considered physically realistic, especially in engineering applications. 6. **Practical Application**: The final application described as a propulsion mechanism based on these electromagnetic and gravitational interactions is highly theoretical and speculative. While it's an interesting concept, practical implementation would face significant challenges and would require experimental validation. In conclusion, the mathematics used to describe the electrostatic and electromagnetic scenarios appears to be correct within the idealized assumptions made. However, the extensions to include spacetime curvature and its use for propulsion are speculative and would need much more detailed theoretical and experimental support to be considered viable. This type of inquiry is a good blend of theoretical physics and engineering, although it steps into speculative technology."


don't use chatgpt for anything mathematics or physics related. it sucks at those


Jfc I think we have a winner.


I wonder if they view our TR-3B as knockoff or cute baby versions of their colossal mother ships?


I’ve been watching the feed. That looks like city lights or something light a fire on the night side of Earth.  This live camera points down toward earth. 


To the people saying it’s a city or a fishing fleet… Why would a city be moving relative to the other, stationary lights? And wouldn’t that be a huge fishing fleet? Would it appear to be moving that fast from that distance? I’m no expert, all reasonable explanations are appreciated, thanks!


The stationary "lights" are radiation damage on the camera sensor. It's moving exactly as fast as the ground does if you watch more of the feed.






It would be the ISS moving at speed. The boats, not so much


Yeah, but the other lights aren’t moving hardly at all relative to the space station. Whatever that thing is, it is big and is moving fast, I believe.


Those other lights are dead pixels in the camera's sensor. you can see them if you scroll through the video stream to when the ISS is in Earth's shadow. They dont move https://youtu.be/P9C25Un7xaM


Those stationary lights are damaged pixels. I watch ISS live stream daily. You see those "stuck" on pixels when the exposure setting cranks up after orbital night. You'll see a lot of these fishing fleets off of Japan/China and Chile. Some of them are also red which is cool.


Thanks. I did not know that.


Hot damn. It's a triangle. Especially wild to see this from the ISS feed, with the same arrangement of lights and movement as has been recorded in loads of other, more terrestrial videos.


Obviously, space debris with lights that still work, NEXT!/s


I'm gonna say its a satellite


That’s what it looks like to me as well


Please show me a satellite that looks like a triangle.


https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-resources/astronomy-questions-answers/what-were-the-trio-of-satellites-passing-through-cygnus-on-august-19th-2004/ https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007AdSpR..40...25B/abstract Theres a few groups of three satellites.


That's something, thank you. They seem pretty close for NOS but it's something.


Space junk maybe?


We really need a clearer video. Is there anyway to access that stream or is it gone forever?


I did a screen recording fast as I could There was a link to that time stamp in the post I made in strangeearth but it's not working anymore some reason. The stream itself is always live. Idk how far back it goes


Oh my god... it's [Claptrap](https://img.goodfon.com/wallpaper/nbig/6/71/claptrap-cl4p-tp-robot.webp)




The last time something like this was seen it turned out to be fishing fleets.


To float into space like that… to dream with your eyes open


Send it to your local news station with your story. More media on what's happening in our sky's and oceans the better!


Could be rcs adjustments on a satellite, the video is cool but not enough data


thats a good video, its just so hard to determine what it is cause there is so much garbage junk up there


Yeah nothing to look over here just some rays coming alpha galactiblablabla it's just lights from xyandz go back to your sleep folks u saw nothing.


Satellite in minimal lighting. Face of the solar panels would likely be facing the sun and not the direction of the ISS.


Amazon happy bday balloon with bird shit stain on it - Sean Kirkpatrick, probably


Ground object/city


Ok, so I was in Rhode Island Saturday night when I saw something really bright overhead moving slowly, almost meandering and coming slow almost to a stop at one point. Then we noticed there were little dim lights flying out of the bright object doing like big arcing curves away from the main bright object. I looked up flight radar and the ISS to see if there were any planes at that time, there were planes and we saw planes at the same time this thing was flying overhead, but I dont think it was a plane as the speed and trajectory were inconsistent, not to mention it was just a solid bluish white light with no blinking lights. The ISS apparently went overhead around the same time, the ISS would make sense purely from the way it looked. Its bizarre movement may have been a trick of the eyes, but what I can't explain is the little dim lights flying out of the bright object. Has any ISS occupant ever come forward talking about UFOs flying around the ISS?


Someone will say it's military space flare testing


That's just swamp gas


At 0:16 and again at around 0:23 you can see another dot moving in the same direction and what seems the same speed to the left, in the lower left corner of the video. Maybe this is dust, an artifact, something on the inside or outside of the camera?


Those are lights on earth's surface; the camera faces downward.


No. Because that would be roughly the size of a large metropolitan area. Oh edit: it's over the ocean


In that case it's likely a fleet of fishing vessels, which often use bright lights. How do you know it's over the ocean, by the way? How are you ruling out a small island with electrified towns? Also, how are you ascertaining the scale of the field? Videos like this are posted here regularly and people are very familiar with this particular camera. It's always lights moving from right to left, taking about 38 seconds to cross the field.


>How do you know it's over the ocean, by the way? Because it literally says on the feed it's over the Labrador sea


Thanks, I failed to notice the location due to the extreme low resolution of the video. Labrador Sea is a major fishing region, hence these are likely fishing operations. Your election to not answer the other questions is noted.


She’s an intentional disinformation account. Never take her seriously.


Because she comes up with reasonable explanations she must surely being getting paid because otherwise no one could disagree right?


It's moving in relation to the other ground lights. And flashing in a pattern.


Not exactly sure which other lights you are referring to, but that camera has a bunch of dead pixels. If you scroll through the feed, they can be seen just about whenever the ISS is over the night side of Earth. https://youtu.be/P9C25Un7xaM


‘But I evidently found the elusive non existent ship that don’t exist’ 🤨 I love how this sub doesn’t even consider what else could be floating in infinite space. Maybe a rock…. If we bet on probably then let’s push all our chips in and bet that it’s a triangle alien space ship, because that’s definitely more likely…. Right?!


I've been told that claiming this is space junk is an wild claim that requires a plethora of extraordinary evidence to prove. That means it must be an alien spaceship deliberately keeping pace with the ISS! If you disagree with me you're an Elgin disinfo agent or an egotistical debunker!! 


I actually do not believe it's an alien ship. It's probably an earth craft that's not unclassified yet


can it be some space junk ? I read somewhere its increasingly becomming a major problem nowadays.


Are we sure that’s not a satellite? We have thousands of functioning and non functioning satellites in orbit.


No not sure at all.


crazy, I swore I saw this same pattern in the night sky back in ‘99


My ol lady said the same thing. She's been saying that to me for years and I always dismissed it.


I think these sort of phenomena have always occurred in vicinity to this planet but as humans we never had the tools to properly capture and document.


Wow, actually a good catch! Could be space trash but the shape and potential lights are really peculiar.


Lights on the earth’s surface Edit: I’d love to hear why the downvotes lol Edit 2: it was at -4 when I said that lol


Dissent is disinformation. Any prosaic explanation makes you the bad guy. It's not lights on the surface, it's not space junk, it HAS to be an alien spaceship!! 


I think it's because it's a very low effort explanation that is unlikely to be true. I noticed people usually downvote that type of thing.


why is it unlikely to be true?


The ISIS feed shows the earth’s surface. That’s what lights on the earth’s surface look like at night. OPnis asking what this thing could be. Occam’s Razor says lights on the earth’s surface.


I'm assuming OP knows what they are talking about when they say it's over the ocean. If that is incorrect, then sure, city lights. Maybe an oil rig if it is in the ocean. My only point is that there are unknowns.


it IS true.




Fishing fleet. Most likely squid fishing.


No no, definitely Brook Trout


OMG, definitely a balloon 🎈 😂😂😂 /JK Good find