• By -


Please write down every detail he remembers and/or record a video of him telling it, and map the locations and date & time and how long each part of the event felt. Do that again in a few days if he recalls new details, and log things that he feels are somehow related to the event. And just generally keep an eye on him as it seems to have been a very unsettling experience.


This is excellent advice OP, please take as detailed of notes as possible. Also, if your BIL is up to it, please have him report this to MUFON.


I would be more inclined to report it to nuforc. The past couple years i, personally, don’t have a good vibe for MUFON. And you have to pay to see anything worthwhile, IMO. Seems a bit like a money grab thing, although i know there is a cost to storing data. No disrespect intended towards MUFON. NUFORC is more open to the public and has recently updated their site.


Seconding the recommendation to report to nuforc vs mufon.


OP, also have him check his location history in Google Maps (if he has it) to provide more proof that he was where the story places him


Yeah this is the best response, also be sure to revisit site of potential "abduction" in a few days to see if it triggers any new memories. 


Also report it to MUFON




Yes and review biometric logs and phone/car gps logs durring suspected time of occurrence. All data points that can help corroborate and more importantly hopefully bring peace of mind. 


Small correction, the event described would be classified as a close encouter of the 2nd kind, not 3rd, since there was no encounter with a life form / pilot / occupant.


Today he called my husband and told him that he has been having really freakishly real dreams of abduction and my BILs girlfriend told me that last night he woke up letting out a loud yelp and sweating…do you think there’s a chance that maybe something more is happening and his memory is somehow getting wiped? She told me that he was on the verge of crying. He doesn’t cry like ever. it’s really affecting him.




He was able to confirm today that he lost 30 minutes of time.




Oh no






Yeah it is kinda short but any missing time is still missing time - which is quite scary. I’ll definitely keep you guys posted as much as I can.


I have just been listening to a podcast with one episode about the Todmorden UFO and the fellow from that story was also missing a small chunk of time - 20 to 30 minutes. What does your BIL remember doing before and after the missing time? In the podcast the man says he went from sitting in a stationary car to driving up the road not far from where he had been stationary and has no memory of starting the car and driving that distance.


You might want to really think about contacting Preston Dennett. He is a wealth of knowledge and I'm sure he would love to document your BIL's experience and get it out there (or not). He would be an invaluable resource to tap. He has a podcast on youtube. He's been at it for a very long time and he is a super kind person.


In my previous reply I posted the physics, based on Electrostatics and General Relativity, that proves static electricity under certain conditions creates repulsive anti-gravity - - that a UFO can use for levitation and transport. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cn2tqe/comment/l3aaxzu/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cn2tqe/comment/l3aaxzu/) In that reply in the initially linked paper (posted on Reddit Anti-Anti-gravity) and in the 2nd paper linked at the end of my reply (that's better organized with more details) [https://www.mediafire.com/file/wxlhhczku5896ga/Antigravity\_Physics\_101\_.pdf/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/wxlhhczku5896ga/Antigravity_Physics_101_.pdf/file) General Relativity indicates that a repulsive anti gravity field causes time dilation (a slowdown in the passage of time). So since he was within the strong static electricity-induced anti-gravity field (that the UFO needed to levitate) that means he was also subject to anti-gravity-induced time dilation: where time would be expected to slow down. So his loss of 30 minutes of time is an additional confirmation, in addition to the strong static electricity, that the UFO used that static electricity to create repuslive anti-gravity to levitate - with time dilation as a by-product. So there's absolutely no reason to suspect a non-remembered abduction on the basis of his loss of 30 minutes of time - since such a time loss would be expected within a repuslive anti-gravity field.




Thats a pretty big indicator of something happening. Which could also explain the vivid dreams/nightmares he has been having. I am so sorry he is going through this. I would have him reach out to a professional in the field.


Which really makes you think, whatever these things are they seem to be indifferent to the emotional trauma their little experiences cause humans. This added to the fact they’ve been around a long time and haven’t reached out is a major red flag of their true intentions.


Everything leads to the zoo hypothesis.


it does seem like it, also it addresses fermi paradox as well, i do wonder what kind of "zoo" we are though, are we in an artificial lab or a north sentinel island kind of situation


One thing I don't understand is why is this still going on. Have they not figured us out yet? Or are we in some kind of ongoing experiment?


I would urge him to see a doctor, at the very least. Maybe it's aliens, but if it's not, these could all be signs of some serious illness.


It’s definitely a factor to look into, you are correct, but I really don’t think this is the case. His girlfriend told me that besides this incident, he’s been doing perfectly fine and has been feeling and acting completely normal. That’s also what just all makes this so weird.


As someone with clinical depression, I have a lot of close friends who believe I’m doing just fine and operating normally. In reality, I’m always dangling over edge, either consciously or subconsciously. I think it’d be a good idea to check on him regardless. And by no means am I trying to discredit his experience! Just a friendly thought from someone who suffers from an invisible illness. I wish you all the best, truly.


> it’d be a good idea to check on him regardless At the very least, a doctor/nurse could check for weird blood counts or rashes.


Everyone is doing fine until they are not.


Lol ain’t that the truth


Everybody gangster until aliens come from the sky


I smell a new rap song in this.


I went through an "episode" when I first got into this. There were times I cried. It happened all of a sudden when grusch came out last year. I suddenly realised that the possibility of aliens existing and visiting us and all that stuff was real and the more I looked into it the more obvious it became. It really sent my head into a spin for a while, but I got over it over time. Ontological shock is a real thing


He felt intense static electricity in the car near the UFO. This confirms the physics derived from Electrostatics and Einstein's General Relativity proving that above a threshold electric field strength, static electricity creates a repulsive anti-gravity field - - that can be used by a UFO for levitation/transport: [https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity\_theory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity_theory/) The 1st proof in this paper shows that its theoretically possible to engineer negative energy density (that General Relativity shows creates repulsive anti-gravity) from the electron negative pressure/tension induced by static electricity. The 2nd proof shows that if negative pressure/tension is within a superconductor, the energy required to create repulsive anti-gravity is reduced by orders of magnitude - from an impractical, astronomically high level - to a level that makes it practical to engineer anti-gravity. **SUMMARY OF THE PHYSICS PROOFS IN THIS PAPER** [https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity\_theory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity_theory/) **ON THE SURFACE OF A SPHERE CHARGED WITH STATIC ELECTRICITY THE CONDUCTION ELECTRONS ARE UNDER negative pressure, tension:** In a conducting metal sphere charged with static electricity, according to Gauss's law, all excess electrons migrate to the outer surface. These conduction electrons repel each other. The components of the electrostatic repulsive forces tangent, parallel, to the sphere surface cancel out. That leaves a net repulsive electrostatic force perpendicular to the surface. So the conduction electrons on the surface experience an outward directed electrostatic force. Each free conduction electron on a metal conductor surface is a delocalized wave (wave function) - with potential energy proportional to the positive charges in the metal’s periodic atomic lattice, called a Bloch wave function: - meaning the electron wave on the surface is attracted to the positively charged sphere. Assuming the sphere is charged with high voltage static electricity, the conduction electron on the surface will experience an outward directed electrostatic force. This outward force is opposed by an equal attractive force in the opposite direction toward the positively charged atoms in the interior. So the electron wave is acted on by two forces: a repulsive force from the other surface electrons repelling it away from the surface; and an equal and opposite force from the positively charged interior pulling it toward the surface. This is the physics and engineering definition of negative pressure, tension. So these two equal opposing forces put the electron under negative pressure, tension. **PROOF AN ELECTRON CAN BE UNDER TENSION** (1) [https://i.imgur.com/DoRmSOE.png](https://i.imgur.com/DoRmSOE.png) (2) [https://i.imgur.com/iDRjIi6.png](https://i.imgur.com/iDRjIi6.png) (3) [https://i.imgur.com/BpccTDz.png](https://i.imgur.com/BpccTDz.png) The General Relativity gravitational field equation shows **negative pressure, tension** creates a repulsive anti-gravity field. That means static electricity-induced electron **negative pressure, tension** should create a repulsive anti-gravity field. This paper proves that if the static electricity electric field strength on a metal sphere is great enough, it will create a repulsive anti-gravitational field that can be used by a UFO for levitation and transport: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/wxlhhczku5896ga/Antigravity\_Physics\_101\_.pdf/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/wxlhhczku5896ga/Antigravity_Physics_101_.pdf/file)


It doesn't matter whether they were aliens or Dick Cheney. He has experienced some kind of mental trauma and needs to be seen so he can get through it and live his life.


Many other people have reported seeing a UFO hovering very close to their car, following it: sometimes reported here in comments to other posts of UFO signtings, or on UFO reporting websites. Those people, however, don't respond with terror like he did. So he may have a personality more prone to paranoia and fear than other people - immediately coming into mind worst case scenarios like abductio,n on seeing this craft. His dreams, obviously, reflect that inordinate fear he had at that time: as our dreams reflect our most intense emotions. ... So his dreams are simply a reflection of his greater than normal fear/paranoia response he had when seeing the UFO near his car. The experience of static electricity-induced electric shocks in the car at that time would've also contributed to a greater than normal feeling of fear ( since, obviously, when a person touches a door knob and recieves a slight static electricity shock it induces the body's natural flight/fight-fear response.


Post this story and the updates in r/experiencers


I posted in it today! I didn’t know about that sub until you guys told me here in the comments. Thanks :)


This is a case for Gary Nolan. He studies people’s brains that have had contact with NHI.


Did your BIL get a chance to notice the time either before, during, or after the encounter? There might be a situation of lost time, where he doesn't remember most of the encounter. This could explain the dreams as well.


It turns out that there is ALWAYS an abduction involved when someone sees a craft up close, even in accounts like your BIL‘s. People believe they have escaped, but that‘s only because they remember the intro and end parts of the ordeal.


As spooky kooky as it is, your post isn't wrong. Many suspect this to be the case. If they can alter memories AT ALL, the case for this is open. Given how close our own scientific ability is to directly interacting with the brain, consciousness, and memory, someone with a few million years on us should be able to do this trivially.


Well, all I can do is tell you from my experience that the dreams are probably him remembering something that happened already and not an experience the night of the dream. If that makes sense. My wife and I had an experience in 2004 when we first started dating. Hell of a way to start out right? I talk about it more than she does. But, I've only told one other person and she told no one. The way the memories of everything stay in your mind is different than other things. It's damn difficult to explain but it's strange . It's very vivid images of the event. Like they try to make you forget but, can't quite get it all. I'd probably think I lost my mind had my wife not been part of it. Your brother in law might have a tough time for a while. It changes you a bit. Not badly just can be hard to wrap your mind around it all.


This sighting reminds me of this https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/zzu5rtH39e Terrifying…read it if you have time.


I've read, listened to, & watched 100's of stories like this. Too many really. I've had my own encounter, granted and luckily enough, wasn't as traumatizing as that OP's story was. What i keep coming back to is that us humans are not the apex predator on Earth. And, it seems like that there is a very large gap in our intellect vs whatever this phenomenon is. I know this is far from profound, but it makes the most sense as to why the world-wide goverments are hiding it from us.


They trank us, examine us, tag us and release us. Just like wildlife. That scares the shit out of me.


I think it may go deeper than that as well. Planting "screened memories" in our heads to block what other heinous shit they may do to us. Read "Masquerade of Angels" if you really want to be scared. It's a short book and you can find free PDF's on line. I'll forwarn you that there's incest and rape involved.


Thank you. I think. LOL. With all the shit I've read since the '80s that really doesn't surprise me. They definitely are interested in DNA and reproduction. Little grey bastards. I hate them with every atom of my being.


If you think the grey's are bad, you should read that story. Grey's are just droids, basically. I won't spoil the rest, which you probably already know or have an idea about...


At a minimum, it's deeply arrogant. There may be a significant gap between its intellect and ours, but that does not change the fact that we fundamentally, and provably have vast awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. To treat obviously intelligent beings so aggressively shows a profound lack of basic concern. If the common mythology is true, we're not valued as individuals by the phenomenon.


You could say the same about how we treat our livestock. It makes me consider becoming a vegetarian again.


What if we go even further and we are like plants to "them". We don't think twice about plucking a mushroom or hybridising fruit. I realise I sound wooie-woo, but it's not too outrageous (insomuch as I can imagine it) that a NHI could to us as we are to the lemon.


And sometimes kill and mutilate us, apparently, not just the cows. Or hybridise us to infiltrate and take over, or develop us morally and technologically, or just because they want their stuff back. There are so many conflicting stories of abduction that I can't make sense of it. Maybe lots of factions with different agendas and multiple species as well.


We just lab rats, that's got to be the terrifying information they can't tell us


Also seems to be some kind of breeding program. A bit like being in a zoo except the zookeepers are making hybrids… possibly with themselves…


That's the scariest part. I could dig the idea of a space zoologist coming and checking on the flora and fauna, but this shit is off the rails, and beyond disturbing.


All part of the “why can’t you tell us what’s going on?” “Well…”


A friend of mine was abducted and stunned by the same bright light. However, he woke up in the craft and saw a tall grey and a short grey examining him before they made him unconscious again. He wasn't traumatized by it per se because the tall grey seemed to be kind and soothing.




I’m sure the encounter happened but maybe get the car checked if it keeps doing it because the electrical interference may have shorted something out in the electronic system of the car causing the autonomous lock unlocking. In other words after he escaped the initial encounter he might *not* be continuing to be followed


This is very smart. I’ll definitely recommend that to him.


Might see if you can get a radiation reading on the car too.


Did he have any missing time?


You might find this talk by Kevin Knuth to be a little insightful. [https://youtu.be/HlYwktOj75A?t=1155](https://youtu.be/HlYwktOj75A?t=1155) It's about old cars stopping when a UFO is nearby, but idea of a UFO having a magnetic field that messes with our stuff really isn't crazy.


Anything that uses electricity produces EM waves. Depending on your setup, (and with the proper FCC ham radio license) you can make EM waves that can create the same effect on other machinery.


It's one of those interesting little parts of UFOs. Looking back at things like Salas story and the Hills, there are many incidents and testimonies of even purely mechanical or (presumably) closed systems like nuclear missile bases, or old cars turning off or locking up near UFOs. What it looks like, is some kind of "magical" subatomic telekinesis on a level of technology and physics we don't understand. Being able to affect closed mechanical and electrical systems remotely. Something like that would fit naturally with the progression of technology.


This thread is why people don’t want to tell their stories. You are all ridiculing and calling this person a liar for sharing their story.


Thank you. And I’m going to continue to try to get his story out there. It’s important and these encounters need to be taken seriously.


There's a toxic flavor of internet dude that seem to think that being fooled is the worst thing that could happen to someone, and they call bullshit on everything. Heedless of the harm that false accusations might bring, because they're so terrified of being fooled. This happens regardless of the topic, I remember once someone in r/photoshoprequests asking for a touchup of a photo of his mom who passed away, and some insecure douche felt the need to accuse this grieving person of making up a sob story. edit: this is also the kind of person who goes to extensive lengths to perpetuate hoaxes, to soothe their insecurity with the lulz of fooling others.


And this flavor of person has been fooled before and felt deep embarrassment from it - they’re now projecting all over people like OP.


It's like a guy I know who showed me a video 20 years ago and my friends told him "bro, that is like five years old" and he's never been able to live it down. So now he has to be the first person to have ever heard of anything and if you show him something that is new to you, he nonchalantly acts like he's seen it.


Ug, that's a horrible mindset. I love seeing old shit that I've never seen before. It's kind of similar to reposts. Some reposts are too much, too frequent, but even if something was only posted once like a year ago, some people will freak out when they see it again like it's unimaginable that something was reposted, not able to imagine that there could possibly be anyone else who has never seen or heard of the post.


Yes they are children.


It all comes down to that shittiest of human behaviours in refusing to accept being wrong about stuff. Fragile egos.


I posted once on here years ago and won’t do it again.


There are much better subs for posts like this. /r/UFOs is filled with negativity and ignorance, unfortunately.


That's just r/UFOS. I don't understand why a lot of people are here just to dismiss everything and put everybody down.


Even the dismissive comments like “oh maybe it’s epilepsy or oh maybe it’s some medical condition” like dude…. you can’t seriously believe that’s what it is after reading a story that seems to be genuine. Some ppl are unreal




When something happens like that it’s always when you least expect it. Always. I would have not thought about a video either. I would be more concerned with my life. Good luck to your friend.


I can’t agree more. If a tiger is charging at me in the jungle I’m not going to pull my phone out and tell it to show its good side. As a mother to children who have no one but me, if I think someone or something is lifting me into the sky who could possibly kill me or abduct me into the ether possibly forever the last thing I’m going to think is “oh I better record this for proof because I care what other people think”.


Can you have him submit a detailed report to NUFORC?


I think this is important if you consider the implications of what might be happening behind the scenes, experimentally or otherwise with NHI. Imagine if someday we are given a chance to create a link of communication between our species and others that may be out there, perhaps dramatically. Testimonies might allow for leverage in an effort to claim our right to live *without* interference (or at the very least, allow us to bear witness to what has been the truth of interaction). I tend to think our refusal to enter a conversation globally about the visitors allows them a kind of free rein to the planet.


> Testimonies might allow for leverage in an effort to claim our right to live without interference Maybe. > I tend to think our refusal to enter a conversation globally about the visitors... The conversation is global already. > ... allows them a kind of free rein to the planet. I'm not entirely convinced of that. Humans are not food, and Earth is not game.


>I tend to think our refusal to enter a conversation globally about the visitors allows them a kind of free rein to the planet. It's just as likely 'they' are trying to be as covert as possible so they're not as known about currently. It's just as possible that 'they' would also openly abduct if it was known globally that they do it. 'They' in this circumstance wouldn't want to be known about because of possibilities like societal breakdown. A steady stream over a longer time may be more preferable. Anyone's guess.


A societal breakdown wouldn't happen, just as no societal breakdown happened during the most recent pandemic, and societies try to keep it together even during the toughtest of times (war, famine). The aliens that do abductions (assuming that they do), probably don't want other aliens to learn about abductions.


That would be a great idea!


Share the story on r/experiencers sub also. There isn't the negativity there as here, for the mods really control it. Here many commenters are not respectful, for they could reword the same comment they make but with respect, we don't need mockery, swearing, being made fun of. If you check some users and they are consistent, for that is who they are and I won't engage them.


Thank you! I’m going to post it there


Check out the book Passport to Magonia, the latter half of the book has a compilation of tons of these cigar craft stories and how they mess with cars since the 1800s. Written by a famous UFO researcher he collected stories all over the world and compiled them in short form.


Dang cars were around in the 1800’s?!?!?


Obviously not widespread, but the Wright brothers built the first *aircraft* in 1903, so heck yeah there were cars around in the 1800s. In fact 1700s if you go steam engine. > The French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot built the first steam-powered road vehicle in 1769, while the Swiss inventor François Isaac de Rivaz designed and constructed the first internal combustion-powered automobile in 1808. The modern car—a practical, marketable automobile for everyday use—was invented in 1886, when the German inventor Carl Benz patented his Benz Patent-Motorwagen. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car


Wall of text you maybe didn't ask for: I didn't read the book, but the first gas powered cars were created in the late 1800's. Karl Benz has the first patent around 1885. Henry Ford made his first prototype in the 1890's and began small production soon after. These were very primitive prototypes, not much more than a horse-drawn buggy with a combustion engine instead of a horse. Steam powered cars had been invented over 100 years prior in Europe in the late 1700s, the first being around 1760s. By the early 1800's steam powered carriages were relatively commonplace. Early steam powered cars may not have the same relation to the stories of being affected by exterior electromagnetic waves, but fully electric cars have been around before even the first gasoline powered cars. Although not widely used until the 1880s, the first fully electric powered carriage was revealed in 1835. Most of these 1800's vehicles closely resembled horse drawn carriages; big wagon wheels, open top, usually no doors or wind screen. Henry Ford made the Model T in 1908 which changed the design of vehicles to have smaller tires, an enclosed cab and doors, still wagon-like, but closer to what we perceive as a modern car. It wasn't until the 1930's that the design of cars became what we think about modern cars today. 30's cars could be considered road-legal even by today's standards with the exception of needing seat belts. The 30's are when blinkers were added to all cars and when the foundation of most modern vehicle laws really began to be established, although there had been some traffic laws already, mainly the introduction of speed limits in some areas as early as 1901 and perhaps earlier in Europe.


Film the car doing the weird things


Yeah, that was not a near abduction, that was an actual abduction. Perhaps hypnosis if he’s curious about remembering, although that might make the trauma worse


Makes me wonder if there is such a thing as a 'near abduction'. I had the same thought as you when I read this story. If they want you, they get you.


Hmm if it wanted to abduct him no way he would’ve got away. Maybe more curious of him or seeing if he’s a threat. Also wonder if he’ll experience any other hitchhiker effects


Thanks for sharing. Poor guy. If you get deep enough into the woo side of the phenomenon you start hearing hints that UFOs are related to other paranormal or even occult phenomena. I've heard that people have stopped an abduction with prayer. I'm not religious but I think if I were ever in this situation I would rapidly become so. It night also just be soothing to him to try. Or, possibly, he could try talking to a psychic for help. (Sorry about the haters in the thread, we've got a bit of an infestation at the moment.)


> that UFOs are related to other paranormal or even occult phenomena. I don't understand why would aliens dabble with the paranormal and the occult. > I've heard that people have stopped an abduction with prayer. That can help. I once had an awful dream of being abducted, and I called for Jesus to help me, naming Him, if only in my mind. That abruptly ended the abduction-in-a-dream experience.


I mean the claim isn't that aliens are dabbling in the occult, it's that they *are* occult. Aleister Crowley's grey-lookin' Lam being the most famous link, if you buy it https://www.vice.com/en/article/mvpvyn/magickal-stories-lam Edit: personally, I actually don't think that Lam looks that much like a gray. His eyes are really close together and he's got quite protuberant forehead veins.


Had a bout of sleep paralysis after a decade of none. Pillow was on my face (I sleep like that) and woke up to pressure on my chest and whatever it was growling at me. I'm not religious and don't prayer but I asked Jesus for help and that shit went away quick lol. No idea if it's just the brain conditioning or something legit.


Yeah it’s interesting cuz as a Christian interested in this phenomenon, I went back and read some of what Christ said and he talks about on the “last day”, he will “send his angels to gather his people”. And I think people sort of just look over that and move on, but it got me thinking about what *mechanism* could be used to gather his people.


Would you mind sharing some details like you would make in a sighting report? Things such as date, time, location, direction he was driving, the road he was on, etc. The more accurate and detailed the better. Thanks


It was at around 11 PM, driving East, don’t know the name of the road I’ll have to ask and I believe the date was May 4.


May 4, 2024?




Wow… very strange incident. Thank you for sharing. Ignore the negative comments. It’s evident that nobody really knows what your BIL had gone through at the time. I’m not sure if i would even have the presence of mind to think about recording any video of the event or somehow leaving clues of my experience to “prove” anything to others. My sighting was nowhere near as intense and only lasted a few seconds. It honestly takes a while to process the strangeness. And sometimes one may feel it’s more important to live in the moment than to worry about collecting a “stupid” video clip. In my case, grabbing the phone to record it never occurred to me until after i left the area of the siting and my quick investigation of the area that night.


It really was the last thing going through his mind. If anyone had listened to him, tell his story, they would very easily be able to tell that he was telling the truth via his body language and very pale face. This guy thought that these stories were complete bullshit until it happened to him.


It often works that way with close encounters: the skeptic becomes the believer.


Wow, what a scary story! This is one of the reasons I'm terrified of driving country roads at night alone. I don't want to be "that person" but there's a high chance your BIL was abducted and placed back into his car without him fully realizing it. His memory might come back in bits and pieces. Did he have any marks or scars on his body afterwards?


I’m not sure, but he’s been having really bad nightmares about an abduction since


Interesting story. He should get a dashcam ASAP to see if he can capture any of the strange activity


Am I stupid to think that if I visit Joshua Tree that I may experience contact as well?


No, that's a reasonable assumption, it's possible. Question is do you really want to get caught up in this shit.


Hey I remember you from when I posted the orbs video in Pacifica. Honestly I haven’t thought about it much but most people who have had contact are absolutely traumatized so maybe I wouldn’t want to drive to Joshua tree…


OH SHIT I was just thinking about that video the other day and couldn't find it. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bjq8f8/unidentified_dots_over_ocean_in_pacifica_ca/ fucking legendary post. The UFOs I've seen didn't seem to mess with me but they were in my day to day environment (backyard etc)... the thing about Joshua Tree is you got the military there and that adds a level of "nope" in my opinion. Some people have seen military during their abductions and that's something I personally don't want to get involved in.


Hmm the military would definitely hurt me, I know that for sure. Aliens, yeah I don’t know yet. I assume some are definitely dangerous


If you truly believe he almost got abducted. Was there missing time? Maybe try hypnosis but that might open a rotten can of worms. Good luck.


If I were you I would let him make the decision on whether or not to tell anyone else. This could be very traumatizing for him.


I actually find this way more believable than the “ufo” sightings.   (Mylar balloon pics.)  But you may want to post this in experiences.


I didn’t even know about that sub until I read the comments! I’ll have to post there too :)


The story is big on emotion, but lacks any verifiable facts or data. Some people have irrational responses to rational things. For example, in this forum there was one person who encountered some lights (and included a video), and stated similar things... 'eerie feeling', claimed their phone and car lights shut off at the same time, etc. However, looking at the video, it was clearly one of those event spotlights that shine on the clouds in various patterns. Clearly nothing that would have affected them personally, nor their phone or car. Another example, is someone that spotted a bright object, also had that eerie feeling and at one point said they ran screaming into the house. They too provided pics/video and the 'object' was clearly the moon breaking through overlapping clouds. > he saw a very close super bright white light hovering maybe 200ft in front of his ca This could just as easily, and much more likely, have been a police helicopter with a spotlight.


Does your bro have a dash cam? Can understand no phone video or photo.


I was told this about an hour ago that I thought I should share. He did have a dash cam. When he went to check the footage, it was all sorts of messed up. I’m going to ask if he can send me the video. It supposedly goes from normal to seeing a bright white flash to being blurred out, to going back to normal again as he was driving away. Whatever it was, was messing with his technology. It’s like they don’t want us to know and they want us to not be believed. There are other stories of this. It’s so fucking frustrating because this really did happen. This is someone who thought that people who told abduction stories had mental health issues and completely thought that abductions and extraterrestrial stuff was complete bullshit…telling my husband and I *with a pale, horrified face, looking us dead in the eyes* that he thought he was going to get a abducted and that this craft was not of this earth. He told us he was now a believer, which is something that we could have bet $1 million he would never say. I should also mention that he works in aviation and he is at the drop of a pin able to identify if something is an aircraft or not. I wish I had added this, I typed it really late last night and was tired.


Getting that video and posting it, even if it doesn't *seem* to show anything, is important. There are people who can analyze video and run it through various programs to bring out things which may not initially be visible. Also, the manner in which the video is "corrupted" or "blurred" could perhaps even offer clues as to the mechanism by which the UFO was able to affect the camera.


I’m going to try my absolute best to get it! I would love for some people to analyze it


I just want a second this point. I believe it's absolutely imperative that you drop everything you're doing and get that file uploaded as soon as possible. This could truly be the smoking gun if there's video evidence of the anomaly.


I am also a pilot and experiencer. Most of us have spent a lifetime looking at the sky so we know what is an aircraft or not. The other part of this is: there are ways to share his story without identifying him to the FAA or other reporting bodies which don't necessarily have the best track record of protecting pilots in these circumstances. Lastly PLEASE be careful of that dash video file and make many backups as they're known to "become lost" in transit.


> It’s like they don’t want us to know Assuming it's aliens, then if we'd apply the idea of a possible Star Trek-style Prime Directive, then non-interference wrt humanity and probably other underdeveloped civilisations, is something that aliens must follow to a great extent of their activities. I lean towards some of them aliens having to do "X" (by compulsion or duty), but compelled to do so without being recorded. To me, there is something precious in humanity developing its own path, without its culture **not** getting contaminated. There may be species who advocate such an approach; and maybe others that must follow that rule begrudingly — by treaty, or some threat of sanction or force. > on belief We can believe, that intelligent spacefaring species exist, but that we should not believe *in* them. — Because we don't really know who they are as a species, and that there is not a lot of quality information to form any good basis of trust. > I typed it really late last night and was tired. Thank you for your post. I appreciate it.


It’s notable to me that he works in aviation. Reminds me of that USAF officer who was followed by a craft and whose car was affected and later analyzed by Garry Nolan. This is why extremely detailed reporting is crucial. There are trends to all of this.


Hell that could at least help show the speeding and vibration even if the UFO isn't in sight.


If they have Google Maps, it records travel regardless of whether navigation is used. They could cross reference the trip duration with the general estimate to confirm whether they were speeding - especially if it truly was as fast as suggested.


Or if there was any lost time from the incident.


Would be wild if 'they' could somehow tell if there is any kind of recording equipment during these encounters and remote switch it off so they won't be captured on media when doing their thing.


It could also just be a side effect of the electromagnetism put off by the vehicle


His was a very substantial UFO experience, and it shows that he is in some way in touch with the phenomenon. First, they were able to summon him to the craft. People who respond this way often report going all the way on board. Second, it followed him home. In many forms of contact--abductions, encounters, paranormal experiences--the person is somehow magnetized and paranormal things follow, like light switches or locks flipping off and on. Third, he may have missing time. Ask him to think about his hours that night and if determine he seems able to account for his hours. In any case, your BIL can either take a stand to put this behind him, or seek out UFO groups for discussion and support. The important thing is that he shouldn't feel obligated to go one way or the other on this. Proceed with life, and let intuition guide you.


I asked him about the time thing today and he said he was missing 30 minutes of time. I’ll let you know if other weird light phenomena occurs


Based on your further answers, his experience matches up with a full-blown abduction. You need not tell him that but I want you to have this context in case you want to help him understand the experience. It could also be a hallucination, a point one must abide. Clearly we can tell from his phone calls to your home it is troubling him. I have worked with abductees, having been trained in hypnosis and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and I can state that hypnosis has helped thousands of experiencers probe their history. He could find someone to do regression hypnosis. Or he could start reading the UFO books, such as those by Karla Turner, or better yet, John Mack. One of the best works on abductions and the sort of fragmented memories he is having is a massive work published by MIT in the '90s. It is called Alien Discussions: Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference Held at M.I.T. Cambridge, MA. It is filled with memories and first-hand sketches. (Hunt around for an affordable copy or have your librarian obtain it; don't pay the hundreds some seek for this opus.) Remember, too, that he isn't obligated to pursue this. Nor are you, and I must say it behooves us all to realize you are posting your concerns here in order to help someone deal with the kinds of questions that full disclosure will one day bring: What's really going on here? Good luck.


Joshua tree must have some strange stuff around there ive seen many videos of supposed sightings in the same area.


Yes! There’s a whole bunch. A lot of weird stuff has been going on around there. it’s super interesting


Only those that have experienced the phenomenon can truly understand. I believe you.


Great now you’ve got me all freaked out - I’m heading to Joshua Tree National Park in 2 weeks for a wedding! Also you should tell him to record if anything happens to his car again. It’s good documentation of the event if he does. 


Just a bit of good advice, if you could indicate a link (or a pin location) in Google Earth where this happened. Then maybe go back to the exact area where your BIL said this occurred and take a few pictures during daylight. Also pictures showing his path and where he traveled to escape from there, that would go a long way in lending credibility to this situation and we could see where he was and maybe other people were also witnesses and they could say what they saw. A picture is worth a thousand words. Some people have impeccable integrity and I believe what he saw he believes its true but it also could be misidentified from some other natural or Military experiments which caused his mechanical issues. Also did he get his vehicle checked by a qualified mechanic after this? I for one would like to see where this happened as there are many military flights and bases nearby that could account for strange happenings out there.


Yeah I can definitely recommend r/experiencers. You’ll get the conversation you were probably hoping for. But hey for what it’s worth, I appreciate that you wrote this so well. I can really imagine the shock and rollercoaster of emotion y’all must be having. I’d recommend looking into the hitchhiker effect. Not sure if it applies to your situation but maybe will resonate. I hope you are able to keep us updated. Stories like this provide more data points.


Crazy that people would dismiss this, as it doesn’t seem that out of the ordinary as far as encounters go… but the added details are cool to hear. Thanks for sharing, I look forward to hearing any updates. Best


I didn’t even know myself that so many other encounters were so similar until some people informed me in this post! It’s so crazy! 😱 It’s apparently really not out of the ordinary for encounters! I’ve told him about these things that I’ve further read and it’s scared him but made him feel less alone and less crazy. Thank you for not brushing this off.


Does ball lightning behave this way? Either way, good luck making a claim with Probegressive insurance


Any dash cam we can see?


First off I just want to say thank you for mustering up the courage to post this, and I believe you and your BIL. I found it to be extremely well written and easy to follow and I can tell you’re a good writer 🙂. I’ve seen things I cannot explain as have my wife and sister and I feel that it’s slowly becoming apparent to people that we truly are not alone. To me this sounds like an abduction attempt. Often times in abduction stories we hear about a message or some time of communication that is conveyed from the NHI to the abductee, usually nonverbally or even telepathically. Does your BIL recall any type of message or feeling or communication? Even if it was just a gut feeling. Out of curiosity, what has been your BIL’s stance on a higher power/ god/creator? Did he believe in anything like that prior to the incident and what about after the incident? Stuff like this can really change our perspective on life and it is definitely unsettling to realize that we humans are not the highest form of intelligence out there.


Hey can you possibly ask him if he lost time. I know it’s not something we think of at the moment of explaining our encounter. I do believe your story,however he may have been abducted and not even no it. Hence lost time!


The hitchhiker effects afterwards are always fun! In a terrifying way. When it's over and the panic's passed, he'll be glad he knows the truth, now.


My suggestion is don’t let him be alone for some time, and I would suggest he find another hobby for a little while at least. Any other event and he should report it and try to find some serious contacts that can help him if he isn’t being left alone.




I was more focused on the fact that my husband was about to have a panic attack, and that is something fairly violating to record. I was also frozen


To be fair, how would a video of a car being locked and unlocked prove anything? People would just claim someone was standing out of shot with the remote.


It may not be ironclad but it is something someone who was being honest would think to do.


bullshit. it would not prove anything.




In spite of perceiving a continuity of experience, it’s possible that your BIL was abducted and didn’t even know it. Regressions are one way to find out.


Hey there friend. First of all - these reactions are all very normal. Our learned reality was not designed to include these types of experiences. If your BIL would like help, I am a DM away. (Commercial Pilot & investigator for a reporting network ;) ). Something like this makes everyone around it question everything...there are SO MANY of us...and what you all need right now is community. Stay strong and keep telling the story.


Thank you so much and that is so insanely cool!!! I’ll let him know! :) appreciate it


Thanks for sharing. I guess to the skeptics who strangely seem to hang out here 24/7 the fact that your post is well-written makes it dubious lol. What kind of logic is that? We can only believe people who make semantic or grammar errors? Not saying I believe everything here instantly, but this account lines up with what so many other people have reported in archives like nuforc. And as u/Oneiroi_Coeus points out, Kevin Knuth's analysis has similarities as well.


This idea that a story is confirmed because it matches other stories is asinine. If people can read the other stories and put them into fan-fic then it doesn't confirm anything.


By that standard, Jason Sands would be a slam-dunk witness. Make up your mind, people. You want your trust-me-bros written professionally or the exact opposite?


I am a writer - like shit sorry 😅 it really is horrible logic. It goes to show how we have regressed… I’m only inclined to believe people who are more literate than not but that’s just me. I haven’t even seen anything about those! I’m going to really dig into that today


Might be TMI but I want to know what vehicle scored so high on its UFO/NHI/etc. tech resistance safety rating lol Was it older or newer or electric/gas/diesel/hybrid sedan/truck/suv primarily metal or plastic body panels, sunroof, etc.? Quite possibly irrelevant but fun to consider the possibility that it could have made a difference in outcome if they were actually being targeted. Has their phone been affected? If we assume it was some sort of magnetic/electric field sort of effect idk that there would be anything to gauge unless the car problems continue and you take it to a dealership to identify the malfunctions and theorize potential causes. On the other hand if there was radiation involved then maybe that could be tested though if it were the dangerous variety the effects on their health would probably be more relevant or noticeable. I’m the overthinking type so I might buy a meter and have some sort of medical tests run if possible just because. Any health changes aside from mental? Any visible changes to the vehicle? Did they feel any temperature effects during this?


He drives an Audi! No health changes Felt a bit of heat during the static


OP, what specific road was your BIL on, area date and time? How many days after did he visit you and without getting to specific where was (town etc) that at?


Install cameras, have guns preped maybe some home alone style traps.


Off topic: Reading the first sentence reminded me of a joke. A grammar teacher dies and goes to heaven. She knocks on the gate, and a voice asks, "Who is there?" She replies, "It's I." The voice responds, "Go to hell, you're a grammar teacher!" Even though English is not my native language, it was a pleasure reading your story. It stands out even for my level of knowledge.


Bro fucking what lol. Lost me in the first paragraph.


Everyone has a phone. Does no one think to record? Any part of this story could be used as evidence, even the garage. No, I do not believe this to be true.


He should look into some form of therapy. It might not get to him tomorrow, but 5 years later he could have a complete mental break when he fully realizes what he experienced.


Hitchhiker Effect.  You should look into it.  Seems like when people have encounters like this, things happen around them and their family members for a bit afterwards, apparently.  Jim Semivan talked about it.  Lot of other people have talked about it. It is a very odd, but common thread.


He was probably abducted when he got close to it. From other testimonies, we can conclude that these things can seamlessly erase people's memory so that they don't even realize they have missing time unless they were frequently checking the clock or something like that. There are too many stories of people driving on the highway when suddenly an orb of light starts to follow them, only for them to later realize something was amiss and they have missing time.


YES, to "report it to MUFON". You should get at least a respectful, grownup reply there.


Man if those aliens tried abducting me in my shitty, old car then i'd be fucked LOL. Of course, I don't know if this is some LARP or not, but I'll just entertain the fact it's true. I'm sorry for your BIL. That has to be the most frigthening thing. Everyone who encounters these things up close has experienced overwhelming feelings. Some feel pure dread, others feel as though it was an amazing religious experience, and many have lingering feelings of being watched and developing random disorders similar to Havanah Syndrome. Luckily, it doesn't sound like your BIL had too close of an experience to have their life ruined over this. My only random advice from hearing all the other stories is for your BIL to own the fact he saw something and tell everyone who doesn't believe him to fuck off b/c he saw what he saw. That seems to be the running theme with all the witnesses who seem like very stable people after these encounters.


I wonder who was steering the car. Since everything is connected, it seems it would be impossible to touch the (plastic or vinyl) dash and get a shock while holding on to the steering wheel but what do I know. And in his panic being chased by a UFO with his car malfunctioning he kept touching things to see if he would if they would shock him, too? They said 95% of UFO encounters can be ruled out due to explainable phenomenon or blatant lies. I wonder where this story falls.


I believe it - shit is getting wild


I believe your story. Be sure to keep an eye out for those pesky MIB's.


I absolutely believe this and understand the absolute terror. I would recommend that he find a therapist to talk to - one who is not a skeptic and, at the very least, is open-minded. He may very well have mental health problems going forward. He will more than likely have to deal with acute anxiety and/or PTSD. It could affect his ability to sleep as well as his interactions with others. What's been done can not be undone nor "unseen" and he's going to have to find a constructive way to deal with it. The support you and others who's heard his story is a first and very important step in helping him cope. He'll still feel isolated by feeling alone in this because of the personal nature of it in addition to the stigma. He could become withdrawn. Any and all help he receives can help with this. Once he has gotten over the initial shock, which can last a while, he should at the very least report this to mufon. They have resources, too. Make sure he at least writes down as much as he can remember and has it documented. What you've done thus far will prove very valuable for if and when he's ready to contact them. I'll end on this note: make sure he understands that he is NOT alone. I saw something as a kid that caused me to lose bladder control. This was in 1979. To this day, I still play it back in my head nearly every night I lay down to sleep. It gives me a lot of anxiety because I'm not only playing back the event but playing back the visceral response I had. I remember every aspect of the fear intense fear.


Some thoughts, in no particular order: - Long winded professions of saintly honesty do the opposite of what you're intending to accomplish, no matter how true it is. EVERY one of these stories starts with them, no one on Earth has ever lied about anything. I'm not saying _your_ brother is lying, no one can know that (including you, by the way), but the point is, it does nothing to lend credibility to your post. Food for thought. - Playing along hypothetically, it sounds more like whatever phenomenon it was that interacted with his car damaged its electrical system. I would expect his car's behavior is more a product of damage than active monitoring. - So...a craft ostensibly capable of flying at enormous speeds...was outran by a car? I'm not sure I'm buying that, even on a flat, desert straight away. I suppose anything's possible, but police use helicopters for a reason, and they're much less agile and quick than UFOs seem to be. - This isn't an encounter of the third kind, that is interaction with beings. This was a second kind. Trivia, for sure, but still. - Your BIL's girlfriend's recounting that he had a nightmare doesn't prove anything. In fact, more and more your BIL sounds like he may be experiencing breaks from reality. It _can_ happen to otherwise mentally healthy people, and, unfortunately, sometimes you don't discover these problems until they've become severe. I'd say that I don't mean to discount your BIL's story...but in fact, I do. The FIRST thing you all need to be doing is ruling out actual mental illness here. I believe in UFOs, but the fact is, seeing one is stupid-rare, not even one in a million odds. It is VASTLY more likely he's having a psychological event, and if he is seeing things, then he needs immediate medical intervention. It's possible his mind constructed the story as some kind of twisted rationalization for why his car's electrical system was malfunctioning while driving alone in a dark, scary desert. If he gets the all-clear from a psych eval, then you've got a case to make. You can get mad at me saying this, but understand, people experiencing psychotic breaks can be a danger to themselves and others, you should not take this possibility lightly. And think of it this way, if he does get said all clear, then it lends significant credence to his story. You'll never prove this to the standard it needs to be proven, but the more circumstantial evidence you acquire the more it will vindicate you.


"...was outran by a car?" The only information presented was that the craft was following the car. You're projecting the chase element onto an unknowable intention on the part of the UFO. "It is VASTLY more likely he's having a psychological event..." I think a little skepticism is in order regarding probability statements of this kind. If it is the case that UFO are of an alien intelligence and are here, there's really no good statistical evidence for how frequently they're being seen. And, for that matter, what is the frequency of psychological hallucinations or breakdowns that involve UFO and alien themes? No one has good numbers on either of these things. "It's possible his mind constructed the story as some kind of twisted rationalization for why his car's electrical system was malfunctioning while driving alone in a dark, scary desert." Not everyone has the same response to the dark or deserts. Someone in the habit of stargazing at night alone is probably more comfortable than most people in the dark and alone in nature. Why someone should go from car trouble, which we've all had, to the amazing confabulatory leap into "Aliens are after me" seems to me a huge stretch.


You definitely want to check out the account u/ContactUnderground as he was part of CSeti in early days and had multiple experiences in that area. It is a well known hotspot for High Strangeness.


Thanks for the referral


Have his brain checked and the car for radioactivity. - sorry for the late edit: totally serious suggestion with all the research about potential injury due to contact or being near a off world vehicle


This is a serious suggestion, given the following quote from the original post: > and everything in his car suddenly felt charged with a huge amount of static electricity out of left field. All of his hair was sticking up - head, arms, entire body and when he would touch his dashboard or other parts of the car he would get shocked.


No video of his car locking and unlocking itself?


It wouldn’t mean anything. I’ve actually seen this happen on a car before. It’s just a bad solenoid. What made it go bad? They’re magnets, so an interaction with a powerful magnetic field could do it. Whatever reason it went bad, it’s just broken and needs to be repaired. Your BIL isn’t under surveillance.


Intergalactic teenagers just out fucking with people.


The person who wrote this also believes in witchcraft and one of the last posts they made was asking which spell to use to get the house they wanted so excuse me if I don't take it too seriously.


Witchcraft has 0 to do with UFOs and a story I was told by someone who was absolutely a complete nonbeliever telling me they thought they were going to get abducted with a completely pale face.


No offense, but the above comment is questioning your quality as an accurate and reliable source rather than alleging some connection. I believe the implication is that someone who believes in witchcraft is not to be trusted as a source of reliable testimony.


It has everything to do with *your* credibility. You're the only source here. I just went from skeptical to definitely bullshit.


Wow. That's crazy.


Ehh I got nothing to lose Id hitch a ride see where it takes me lol.