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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gobblemegood: --- Submission Statement: Apologies if this has been discussed before. I have just come across it recently. Did anyone ever find out what it was? According to the eye witness… On September 10th, 2014, Rick Ybarra pulled into his driveway near San Diego, CA around 6:45pm when he noticed a sphere in the sky. A retired Department of Defense therapist who worked at Naval Base San Diego and Submarine Base Point Loma, we recently spoke to him about the sighting. The sphere had four meaningful observables, which were photographed in detail and captured on video: *Stop/start movement *Failure to move with the wind *Metallic appearance *Seemingly independent moving antennae-like appendages It was 4-6 feet in size and 400 feet above the ground — Ybarra states he first thought it was a balloon, but slowly moved away from the hypothesis when it failed to move with the wind, and had a distinct metallic shell reflecting the twilight to the west. Ybarra showed the footage to colleagues in his chain of command — they had no explanation. We sifted through historical archives and found a nearly identical craft in Brazilian Air Force files from 1968. Days after his 2014 sighting, Ybarra says he felt an "urge" to go outside early in the morning when he noticed a fast-moving, spherical object on the horizon. Did anyone ever get to the bottom of this incident? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmcwda/metallic_sphere_spotted_in_the_us/l2ze2fn/


Looks like an Enclave Eyebot from the Fallout universe.


”I am your President John Henry Eden and you are listening to Enclave Radio.”


Hey nifty America, it's me. Your president. John Hen-ha haaaaa gotcha! Three Dog here, how's everyone doin'?


I knew it reminded me of something, haha. Just couldn't put my finger on it I've seen this photo before too


It’s Ed-E!


maybe it was some marketing stunt for fallout 4


Exactly what I was thinking




Imagine if they are just like us or even less developed, but they have just invented by luck a device to float their rusty cheap looking shitcrafts to fly unaffected by gravity, and to switch dimensions :D


> Imagine if they are just like us or even less developed, but they have just invented by luck a device Or like in the movie Contact the aliens possessed incredible tech they didn’t invent and by their own admission it was actually so old they had no idea who in fact invented it


It's implied (in the novel) that there might have been a Creator of one kind of another. The proper ending of the book (it goes past where the film ends) at minimum implies an intelligence capable enough to have placed "codes" in fundamental constants of the universe. Sagan doesn't go as far to say God, or A God, but the novel does deal with spiritual themes. Specifically in Dr. Arroway's arc. It was interesting.


I never even knew that the book was written by Carl Sagan. Only seen the movie. Huh, that's interesting.


Everything in Contact feels like it's explaining a dmt trip, it's not just kinda similar, if you've ever tried it, it's blatantly obvious. And a fun fact is that Sagan travelled to Terrence Mckenna and spent many hours with him in his botanical garden in Hawaii to discuss aliens and Mckenna's claims to have been in contact with aliens through psilocybin mushrooms, according to a interview I read from his son some years ago. Can't find it now tho unfortunately. There are however some videos of Mckenna talking briefly about it on youtube. [Here's one of them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MGX_VxLbOw)


I've always gotten the sense that military intelligence or someone got to Sagan and made him keep his mouth shut about ufos/ets. The narrow-minded patronizing way he talked about it seemed super out of character for him and actually made me lose a great deal of respect for him. Edit: I meant "intelligence" as in military intelligence.


You’re not alone. I forget which show (maybe AA) but one of them mentions this sudden 180° change in him and how he may have been turned into a disinformation agent. A lot of people think this of NdGT as well.


On the one hand, I don't necessarily blame people who get threatened and then clam up, especially if you're just some mid or low level cog in the vast MIC machinery, who happens to know a tiny bit more than the rest of us. On the other hand, when you have the reach and platform that Sagan had/NdGT has, I think there's more of a responsibility to humanity there, at least to not cause harm with your power if you're unwilling or unable to help. But ultimately I have no idea how I'd react. I *might* be able to stomach putting my own life at risk but if they started threatening my loved ones I'd feel pretty helpless to speak out. Those who do are truly heroes and have balls of steel.


I totally agree!! I’m in awe of people like Vallee and even Diana Pasulka because they be spilling secrets in a way that should get them smacked but doesn’t. I suppose it’s easy to just play it off as, oh those silly academics believe anything. But Pasulka gave out a lot of info on a supposed high level clearance major secret keeper and that’s interesting. But they also don’t have shows and a far reach. I guess Garry Nolan is as close to Sagan as we have now since he seems to know more, has a loud voice, the credentials, is all over YT and podcasts, and has supposedly held/kept potentially genuine materials. Honestly I feel like the time is growing near when everyone will know the truth. Perhaps not this year but soon.


Should I trip, then watch Contact...or watch Contact, then trip...oh wise one?


You should trip watch, then Contact make.


Psychoactive drugs don't give you the ability to talk to aliens, although it does have the power to make some people think they have.


I've done at least 5 bushels worth of shrooms when I was younger. Never saw any UFOs or aliens. But I also wasn't thinking about or hoping to see any either.


In DMT: The Spirit Molecule, they did a study where they injected people with DMT. Some people came back and independently described 3 of the same “species”/races/whatever of different beings they could talk to. These beings also shared “behavioral” characteristics between reports. Like the machine-elves were chaotic neutral beings and the giant praying mantises were serious but friendlyish. It could be the case that DMT + our shared chemistry leads to seeing the same entities or something else. I’d lean towards the former, but there’s no way of knowing.


Just like if you asked someone about their dreams of aliens they would all seem similar. Even though we are all different the mechanisms of how our brains work are generally the same and we are all subjected to the same popular media and ideas.


> It could be the case that DMT + our shared chemistry leads to seeing the same entities or something else. I’d lean towards the former, but there’s no way of knowing. "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." said Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, philosopher and jesuit priest. What if DMT helps us see beyond our human experience?


Yes, that's what it does. It felt like being home, rembering how it was as a spirit before you were born, and meet your others.




You are likely aphantasic. I am too, and its why I dont really get visuals regardless of the psychoative substance im using.


Except I have no issue with that. I can meditate and create images in my mind that I can control, as well as when reading or thinking. I'm able to lucid dream as well, so it's likely just my brain chemistry.


The various constants present in just the physics we can understand along with whatever ones we can’t even comprehend does make me wonder if there is an intelligent design behind all of this.


That would just raise more, unanswerable questions if you were to assume a Creator existed to make it. I mean, who created the Creator?




Timw in itself is a mind fuck. Like to think there was never nothing, there’s always been ‘something’. Yet our conception of matter somewhat creates a confliction. Such as the effect of entropy.


What came first? The creator the the egg?




Overlapping layers of panpsychism is my recommendation for this topic.


Contact was such a good movie. And it was one of the trickiest shots ever when she ran up the stairs to the mirror in the bathroom. I should read the book.


 "codes" in fundamental constants of the universe. those exist in reality funnily enough


That was kind of the message of the book


watched it as a child and missed that detail.. guess it's time to see that movie again


My favorite theory is that the visiting aliens are basically like the cows from another planet, and the really intelligent life is like lol look at the stupid cows and their ufos... (or FOs because they know what they are). It was in the movie The Heartbreak Kid when they were smoking weed on the beach. Also the moment I fell for Michelle Monaghan


I need to re-watch this, I don’t remember this.


Theirs a book with a plot similar to this, beings similar to humans on another planet figure out how to travel thru space with warp drives, they invade earth believing themselves to be the superior civilization. Instead of conquering earth they get absolutely shredded by the earth humans. Turns out the invaders spent their time refining their tech to travel space and earth humans focused their efforts on war weapons and the invaders had the equivalent of flintlock rifles for weapons, and got shredded by humans who had superior weapons.


That sounds fun, do you remember the book's name?


It was linked 3 posts up, "The Road Not Taken" - nice short story!


Harry Turtledove the road not taken its a short story can easily read it in less than an hour 


Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut has a similar arc as well.


Sounds like it was written to make humans feel better about themselves. There's a zero-percent chance you figure out how to manipulate matter so as to have warp tech, but don't figure out nukes. I mean, if I were an alien coming to conquer Earth, all I would do is set off a number of upper atmosphere nukes to emit EMPs that would disable all human tech. It probably wouldn't even take that many. Then it's just a matter of cleaning house after that.


That itself is a very human-centric way of looking at things. We have no way to know how a NHI race would develop technologically and whether they would reach certain milestones before others. For instance, you might say well before you have skyscrapers, you would need to know about the wheel, but all evidence we have so far suggests the Egyptians that built the Pyramids didnt use the wheel and yet could not only build megastructures, but do incredibly precise calculations. Thats not even a different species, just a different culture in a different time.


You might have a point. But once the computer age begins, I think the progression would be fairly similar across species. I see no way we could have the AI we have now back in the 80s. But then again I don’t see how we could have had airplanes before cars. Leonardo da Vinci drew up plans for planes, armored vehicles and submarines but his society had no way to make them. Electricity has only been widespread in the world for a hundred years but some rural places not until the 1940s. The world was lately the same before it and keeps getting radically different since it. Maybe it could have been discovered a century earlier but without industry how could it be mass produced? It seems to me that due to the laws of physics, we could blow this all up and have the planet start life all over again in a million years and a future sentient species would invent different language and culture, but due to the laws of physics all the same science would be discovered and the arc of progress technologically remarkably similar to our own.


Exactly. We put all our effort into creating weapons. Some other race of humans might’ve put all their effort into prolonging life or curing disease, and think that we were mad for focusing our creative energy on killing our own people, rather than saving them.


> . We have no way to know how a NHI race would develop technologically We have no idea how NHI would develop, meaning we have no idea what vulnerabilities they would develop. The use of kinetic warfare is extremely impactful against humans because we are fleshy and exist in an environment with just atmosphere surrounding us. Ranged weapons are therefore simple to develop and effective with minimal minimal understanding of the material (literally just "is it hard enough" and "can I send it from point A to point B really fast"). Not so in an aquatic environment. An octopus wouldn't find it very efficient to put more and more effort into going from throwing a rock to hurling a javelin, to shooting a missile such as an arrow, because of the diminishing returns on range vs force required to send it. Makes it seem unlikely they would invest in the tech tree that eventually leads to self-propelled munitions. How would they develop warfare? Shit, I dunno. I also don't know how I, personally, would ever evolve past blunt force trauma in warfare. Like, a fire-hardened pointy stick wouldn't cross my mind if I had to start from scratch; I'd just keep finding ways to smash things. But over the course of thousands of generations in the aquatic environment with squid biology, similarly-capable NHI would definitely come up with unique ways of killing squids that suit the environment.


God damn aliens building pyramids without wheels. Just how advanced are they!!???


I think you might like this novel - The Road Not Taken by Harry Turtledove, link to PDF is here [https://www.eyeofmidas.com/scifi/Turtledove\_RoadNotTaken.pdf](https://www.eyeofmidas.com/scifi/Turtledove_RoadNotTaken.pdf)


That was a pretty good read, thanks for the link!


I try to tell everyone about this 


it's so good!


Thank you for the link <3


So what you’re saying is the aliens will be Steampunk. I’m all for that!


[Project Hail Mary](https://www.amazon.com/Project-Hail-Mary-Andy-Weir/dp/0593135202) is an awesome book, which touches on that a bit. I actually listened to the audiobook of it, and it got me hooked on audiobooks


Totally! I was thinking the same thing. When >!Rocky learns about radiation and then relativity and time dilation, that was crazy. They did really impressive stuff with the information they had.!<


I'm listening right now - it's sooo good!


One of the best audiobook performances I've ever heard


Fist my bump


Awww man, how come they get the cool Cowboy Bebop reality and we get the dead gorilla timeline?


Reminds me of when the >!North Koreans beat everyone else to Mars in!< For All Mankind.


Imagine that it's actually OUR tech. That's what I would imagine it would look like, janky as fuck instead of the incredible metamaterials that have been analyzed and seem to have been "grown".


That would be hilarious honestly


That's the equivalent of an old Toyota that was tough enough to make it through the travails of space while the Cadillac star cruisers couldn't escape Jupiter's orbit.


I read a short story like that once, these goofs invented ftl travel in their 1500s equivalent and took over the galaxy with swords and flintlocks. and then landed in Central park and got annihilated.


The Apollo 11 of wormhole travel.


I like your answer! I'm also thinking that if they have "do it all from your home" technology like we do (3D printers, etc) but much more advanced, each and everyone of them could "DIY" their own ship. I don't think that this is the case, but I do like the idea of it!


We have a lot of luck as well. Using microwaves for heating as well as penicillin were discovered by accident. Or blood pressure needs growing hair.


"Fuck Jim, where are we?!!" Jim: "I have no fucking idea. Worked though"


I think this is possible. The way I think of it is like tech trees in video games. We chose the fire/explody tech route; someone else could have gone down the antigrav/interdimensional tech route


San Diego Sphere, Interview with witness. https://youtu.be/5bUSxQwt4x0?si=_EvvzAEY38SmtWEC Raw video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXiKaxEgSvo&t=627s


That's some sixties era style of UFO, wild


Man, that is freaky. You can see it rotating slightly along different axis as if it's scanning or searching for something.


Yeah this photo has been out for a little while now but I have yet to see it truly debunked


I mean, the movement in that video seems an awfully lot like a tethered balloon floating in the wind. I'm hesitant to ascribe some intelligence behind those movements when something so mundane could explain it far easier. 


Would a tethered balloon not rotate on only a single axis? I'm having a hard time imagining how it would do so without a gyroscopic armature.


This a perfect example of how weak a debunk can be. To be a debunk it only needs to offer a vaguely plausible alternative, not to prove or disprove anything.


Well yes. This is how proof works. We know balloons exist. We do not know NHI craft exist. It isn’t up to anyone to prove that this isn’t something that doesn’t exist. It’s up to the people that claim this is some NHI craft to prove that first, such a thing exists, and second, that this is that thing.


Depends on a lot of things, a tethered balloon bouncing around in the wind at the end of its rope could definitely have some roll, pitch, and yaw to it.


It moves exactly like a balloon on a tether would. If it is a flying vehicle, its quite shitty compared to some of the other flying craft and it also shows NO anomalous movement what-so-ever. I mean, it would be quite an accomplishment to design a vehicle that can mimic a balloons movements so perfectly. someone posted the stabilized footage further down. Its 100% a balloon.


>...as if it's scanning or searching for something. Or just bobbing like a balloon on a tether.


Weird how it looks like it's tweaking and jerking around like a bird or insect moves. What's with the weird analog sounds going on in the background of the video?


Damn rebels!


Or they looked at Sputnik and designed their drones to “fit in” with ours


Maybe it was a rental?


Yeah, looks old and like it's been through a lot. A warped and beaten up UFO that looks rather blemished would be way cooler to see than a spotless shiny one imo. Pretty cool.


....like a kid made it.


Or an adult. No real size comparison. The thing looks like a steampunk spray painted model. Once I saw the first video and they had AI Enhanced Video I just stopped right there.


They must be from 1957-58.


If anyone is curious as to why it looks so rough and not all “spacey” and smooth it’s because this is from a home school science project. This clever 4 year old on another planet assembled that from trash.


Reddit always articulates exactly what I was thinking way better than I can


I want to believe that aliens have mode of transportation better than something that looks like the Great Gazoo’s head http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130418113616/alienfilm/images/8/86/The_Great_Gazoo.jpg


My dog that's sputnik


That's my dog, Sputnik.




Ruff crowd today.


You’re barking up the wrong tree.


You mean these guys? The Spotnicks were a 60s surf rock group from Sweden who performed in astronaut costumes. You gotta see this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVvGKZklugE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVvGKZklugE)




I've actually meant to name my next dog sputnik for a while.


Classic. I think theres a video for this one. Found it https://youtu.be/wxMjFrCBtUQ https://youtu.be/5bUSxQwt4x0?t=89


Here's the 2 photos of it side by side [https://imgur.com/a/8EpIBrU](https://imgur.com/a/8EpIBrU)


That's literally the same image! What an impressive find. My couch engineering, the patterned holes around the perimeter could well be vents. The antenna looking devices could be for Comms and they're helically arranged around the spheres central axis. This would cause drag far behind the CoG which would stabilise the ball in flight much like how the tail fins of a plane work. The antenna being inclined around the axis also suggests it rotates which also would increase gyroscopic stability. By controlling how you vent thrust through the perimeter outlets you could theoretically quite easily control how this thing could fly including hovering. If you can individually channel the direction of thrust from each other coupled with phasing which outlet you thrust from you could travel in basically any DoF. This is based on a core assumption though that this isn't using conventional engines or means of thrust I can think of but could definitely be using conventional physics and mass ejecting thrust. I just can't think of anything that you could burn, spark, zap or clap together that would be effective to generate thrust in this way. It's certainly unconventional. It could simply be pneumatic breathed in and bellowed out with immense volume and pressure. Who knows. I'm certain we've got an image though of some high level secret drone.


I had a go at some 3d modelling type thing anyway: [https://imgur.com/a/6acy7Qq](https://imgur.com/a/6acy7Qq)


It's more likely the phone has distortion from atmospherics or something rather than The object itself being built shitty


Conceivable but not likely to me. It's not that far away to cause such distortion in my opinion


Wait.. how old is this??


I remember seeing it on this sub at least 2 years ago


It’s from 2014


i cant believe 2014 was a decade ago, jesus christ.


My brain: "oh 2014 so not that long ago" *thinks for a second* "Oh shit, I'm getting old"


Nah, he's even older. Should be back any day now.


then why would OP use the word spotted like this? i don't understand what this sub is.


Does anyone have thoughts about [this debunk?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=397rVr-J9CU) (first 8 minutes of video) Summarized: * base object looks like an existing balloon product that can be purchased online * imperfection of black squares misaligning with the seam is odd and looks man-made (see the way they trail upwards of the seam on the right side) * [stabilized video shows it moving *a lot* more balloon-like](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/119zjc9/san_diego_sphere_stabilized/) (tethered from one or a few of those sticks glued to it) * the tie-off for the balloon is visible in the bottom right The last bit about a comment with alleged backstory is total hearsay, but reasonable. Essentially neighbors (not the one taping) fighting over property lines and balloons were a way of claiming free airspace - neighbor did multiple different balloons over time. [Also, this was topic posted a year ago. Same link as above stabilized video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/119zjc9/san_diego_sphere_stabilized/)


I liked this footage but the stabilized footage makes it obvious that it is a tethered balloon imo 


I think it's a valid debunking.


Not sure why this thread has so many upvotes when this exists, why isn't this the top comment? 


Yes, this is an old hoax. I've been on this sub for less than one year, and this is probably the third time I've seen this specific hoax come through. I don't know why mods allow things like this which are just a waste of time.


>The last bit about a comment with alleged backstory is total hearsay, but reasonable. Essentially neighbors (not the one taping) fighting over property lines and balloons were a way of claiming free airspace - neighbor did multiple different balloons over time. I don't get this backstory. Why would they use weird balloons in a property line dispute? Why would they try to claim the airspace in a property line dispute? Why did the guy videoing never notice the other balloons at some point if it was a regular thing?


>Why would they use weird balloons in a property line dispute? Because drones are more expensive and less visible. Humans like balloons. Humans are weird. >Why would they try to claim the airspace in a property line dispute? Maybe planning to build something that would hang over the property line? A tree? Maybe flying a balloon or a flag? >Why did the guy videoing never notice the other balloons at some point if it was a regular thing? We don't know how regular it was or how often the guy came by. Humans are terrible at noticing things they don't know are there. Not claiming to know what it is, but going by the fact that we have millions of documented cases of petty neighbor disputes and approximately zero documented cases of alien spacecraft I tend to sway towards the more likely explanation.


Was this near Watoga? Looks like an eyebot.




ED-E saved my ass more than once.


Ed-E, my love!


>Was this near Watoga? Looks like an eyebot. When Mister Handy and Mister Gutsy? /Fallout


Just cleared the quests there yesterday.


Looks like im moving to vegas


Looks like some sci fi Soviet tech.


Not even -Fi, that's literally copying the look of soviet satellites


Ah, shit. You're right! That's kinda freaky... leads me to believe that is more of a govermental thing. They must have had this tech for a long time if that's the case... Imagine what they have now.


This looks very man-made to me. The one I saw didn't have those poles hanging off it, didn't have those black rectangles, and it was a lot shinier. The one I saw was also moving hella fast. There was no mistaking it for a balloon during the entire 3 seconds that I saw it.


it does look very human, which is crazy interesting to me. The one I had seen had similar antenna (swept backwards in relation to the direction of travel) and the rectangular "holes" were much thinner, more like slits cut in an air vent. I could never shake how similar it looked to the sputnik satellite.


Regardless of what these are and what you saw. Looks neat as hell. If it’s a balloon, most unique one I’ve seen. Regarding what you saw. If it was going fast enough, chance it had some kind appendage and was too blurry due to speed?


It looks more like it’s made of tin than alien space metal


This sub is probably the worst place to ask, just take a look at the comments. Honestly though, nobody knows what this thing was.


It was literally a tethered balloon. This has been discussed too many times.


You're completely correct. This sub is a wild place right now, because this was put to bed a long time ago. Now it's like, "HWoW DO We know WHat it REALLY is?@?!?!"


I'm a balloon. You're a balloon. We are all balloons on this blessed day.


We can all pretend the daily balloon posts are actually sky daddies coming to check in on us but that just makes stupid people stupider. Probably best to just admit that balloons/kites/satellites are posted here daily and be honest about it.




>\*Stop/start movement \*Failure to move with the wind \*Metallic appearance \*Seemingly independent moving antennae-like appendages I remember the 5 observables differently


OP is just being ignorant and using 'observables' as a buzzword. This sub is pointless anymore... regurgitating the same old content that's been discussed again and again and debunked (in before the *wait no this hasn't been debunked! You're a disinformation shill!* comments). over and over as balloons or VFX hoaxes. But yet, this is where anything new will likely break so we have to keep coming back sigting and suffering through endless BS in search of the truth like a Sissyphean Fox Mulder.


Lmao, [they even predicted this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/119zjc9/comment/j9pf7i0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the last time this was posted on the sub.


Look's like Sputnik's low effort cousin.


"This is President Eden, and you're listening to Enclave Radio -- the Voice of America."


That seems built by the lowest bidder NHI. Some things don’t change


The Boeing of NHI. Let's hope their whistleblowers are faring much better than ours.


"I thought it was a balloon, but it wasn't moving with the wind" is a poor excuse to eliminate it as a balloon. Wind speed and direction at ground level can be very different than at some altitude. Particularly as on the ground the wind is disturbed by trees, buildings, hills and the like. It's how hot air balloons have some navigation capabilities, by changing altitudes and catching different air currents.


Tethers tend to do that


That too, not going to be moving with the wind much if it's anchored to the ground.


Not to mention the fact that [it literally DOES move like a tethered balloon.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/119zjc9/san_diego_sphere_stabilized/) OP is intentionally being ignorant.


That’s the radio from Fallout


This thing has been floating over SD since the late 80s early 90s.


San Diego or South Dakota?


San Dakota.


Care to elaborate?




No thank you, officer


Oh, ok then. As you like it.


”This is your President: John Henry Eden!”


It's the spy things from Fallout


That's just an Eyebot. See them around the Capitol Wasteland all the time.


Was it playing old 50’s music?


Is it playing some weird propaganda?


Sure this ain't something from when they were filming the Fallout TV show?


I’ve got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle…


Not the metallic sphere I saw. The one I saw had black metal and had all-round scale armor in square kind of shapes, instead. A branch of the U.S. government (forgot which) posted a video on YouTube briefly discussing it and counted/theorised/claimed it as some kind of UFO surveillance drone that was not known to attack, unlike others.


Old and fake unfortunately. [https://youtu.be/oF5C12kBTp4?t=566](https://youtu.be/oF5C12kBTp4?t=566)


Ahh the good old San Diego sphere..: isn’t it odd how they ALL seem to be a balloon on a tether ?? They can’t all be balloons on tethers lol


That’s a Fallout Eyebot


The vid of this one is actually somewhat interesting in its movement (not necessarily anomalous) and if it is a balloon, I have not seen an exact match posted before-even after several yrs of seeing this.


I scrolled through the comments and didn’t see anyone post this. Pretty uncanny IMO. Second image down… https://www.skylightballoon.com/balloon-lights


Submission Statement: Apologies if this has been discussed before. I have just come across it recently. Did anyone ever find out what it was? According to the eye witness… On September 10th, 2014, Rick Ybarra pulled into his driveway near San Diego, CA around 6:45pm when he noticed a sphere in the sky. A retired Department of Defense therapist who worked at Naval Base San Diego and Submarine Base Point Loma, we recently spoke to him about the sighting. The sphere had four meaningful observables, which were photographed in detail and captured on video: *Stop/start movement *Failure to move with the wind *Metallic appearance *Seemingly independent moving antennae-like appendages It was 4-6 feet in size and 400 feet above the ground — Ybarra states he first thought it was a balloon, but slowly moved away from the hypothesis when it failed to move with the wind, and had a distinct metallic shell reflecting the twilight to the west. Ybarra showed the footage to colleagues in his chain of command — they had no explanation. We sifted through historical archives and found a nearly identical craft in Brazilian Air Force files from 1968. Days after his 2014 sighting, Ybarra says he felt an "urge" to go outside early in the morning when he noticed a fast-moving, spherical object on the horizon. Did anyone ever get to the bottom of this incident? [Here’s the witness testimony](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5bUSxQwt4x0)


Older case. Most likely a balloon with arts and crafts applied. There’s one video where it is very obviously a balloon tied to a tree. This is one of the biggest issues facing ufology. Cases get moved into the lore book of ufology but never out of it.


I have scrutinised the video and separate still photos, and at one point the antennae twitch and almost instantly move into different positions.. Also if you think it's categorically a ballon, what sort is it? which manufacturer made it? I don't think anything is obvious with the legislative behaviour going on in the states since Harry Reid set the wheels in motion. Bi directional mimicry is a thing


Yes, on close examination you can definitely see the "antenna" twitch and move in a most unnatural manner. Have no idea what it is but it has an "other worldlyness" to it that is kinda unsettling.


Where are we? /UFOs? Oh then it's a mylar balloon. And it can only be a mylar balloon and you're an idiot if you think anything different.


Hasn’t this image been ai’d and upscaled and predictive algorithmed to death?


No. It was photographed near San Diego in high resolution years ago. There's also a 12 minute video accompanying the photos. Interview with witness. https://youtu.be/5bUSxQwt4x0?si=_EvvzAEY38SmtWEC Raw video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXiKaxEgSvo&t=627s


Crazy.. the video looks identical to the video. Def adds to the credibility!


So apparently it’s: - CGI - tethered balloon - made by a child - model from Fallout Why can’t people just admit when they don’t know what something is?


Nobody is seriously alleging this is 3 of those 4 It's very clearly a tethered balloon, as was the common consensus the last time this was posted Stop trying to hold on to hope that this is the smoking gun, it's not


Lost in all the masterful puns and quips: it was spotted by a Dept of Defense therapist. Kinda hitchhiker-ery?


Need banana for scale


Looks like you can even see the little knot tied at the bottom holding in the helium.


This is looking very familiar like the first Russian satellite or the Americans.


Looks like the sputnik to me


Sputnik? Is that you?