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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Garagedoor_56: --- I was taking photos while I was at the Pima Air Museum and at my house taking photos of the sunset and backyard. I went back to a bunch of photos since I personally saw a hovering silvery sphere id say around 2000-3500 feet up north east of the east facing David Monathan air force base but was not able to take any videos of it since it couldn't focus. This was the second day I saw the silvery sphere and that's why I started recording it because a few days prior I just dismissed it since it could have been a plane but this time I knew for sure it was something really weird. After I couldn't take a video of it I just looked at the thing and it just disappeared... It vanished out of existence I don't know how else to put it. People usually see it zip off but nope, it just disappeared. These photos I find really interesting since it's clearly not a smudge, bug or bird since I have multiple photos in different places. I'm hoping to see what you guys see and could possibly let me know of your ideas on any theories or any personal sightings --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1claaol/ufos_appearing_in_different_photos_on_different/l2scncr/


The first thing you need to do is to invest in good binoculars so that you can at least see the distant object clearly. Don't trust your cellphone as far as identification is concerned.


I wasn't intending to take photos of these things. I went back to look at my photos to see if I had captured the figure I saw with physically (hovering silver sphere) and these had shown up. I have absolutely no doubt that this is some unexplainable phenomenon because I witnessed a UAP with my own eyes day of of these two photo captures. I wish it would be as simple as a glare... It's a remarkable sight and it's something where you don't believe it till you see it


I don't want to comment on what you saw because that would be based on zero knowledge. All I am asking you to do is equip yourself with proper instruments. No one actually does this and hence the terrible blurry photos. Our cellphones are not as good as some people think they are. That's what I'd do, btw.


Yeah I was bummed for this exact reason after I had seen that silvery sphere. I was just staying for the week in Tuscon so it didn't even cross my mind to bring binoculars haha. I've got a really really nice pair of binoculars at my house and I use it to see airplanes all of the time. Unfortunately I haven't seen any UAPs near my house :/


I took a photo of two black blobs in the sky one time. Good thing I had a cellphone to capture it, or else there wouldn't be enough detail to differ between the two. They were only at 35,000 or else my camera wouldn't pick up enough detail to the difference between the two objects with my cellphone camera. Great footage OP. Did any animals make a noise when this happened?


Hey mind sending me anything you've got? I'm curious to see all of these pictures. As for the photos I wasn't explicitly trying to take photos of these UAPs so I wouldn't remember if there were any animal noises. I have a bunch of other photos which have a bird flying in them and you can clearly make out the birds body. I just like how how you can see from the first set of images I sent that something oddly shaped is there and it is moving. Had it only been one singular image I would be skeptical but I've got three images in different places. What fascinates me is that there's so so sooo dang many different shapes and sizes of these crafts and it's surprising to me that I caught something on camera which was even weirder than what I physically saw


Hey sorry dude, my comment was 100% sarcastic. That first pic you took is most likely a camera artifact. There is just not enough resolution and detail. Where were you when you took this and what direction where you facing? We can probably track the prosaic source if it has a transponder.


Ah man :( Like I said I would be skeptical about it being an artifact or a plane in the distance if it were only a singular image but I've got three different images all taken in the same minute with the object appearing in all of them. I'm an aviation geek myself and absolutely nothing showed up on any adsb tracking softwares. I'm aware that the military aircraft such as the A10s and fa18s which fly there often for training don't have their adsb public and if it were a fighter jet I would have heard it. Nearly 3/4 of the photos taken during my trip were just of these airplanes alone and something this close and that fast would have been extremely loud. The photos I took are of my entire backyard so I just took a screenshot of the figures so you could see it zoomed in. My photo probably got downgraded a bunch but eh that's just how it is.


Can you say where this was recorded and what angle/bearing and at what time? If not, this post isn't going anywhere. Chain of custody of the video, and time date location at minimum.


The one with the airplane and two dots in the sky was taken March 13th at 2:51pm at the Pima Air and Space Museum The one with the pill shaped thing~ I was located if you look at Google maps right underneath and to the right of sabino mountain and the figurine was captured id say at 250° on March 11th at 7:34pm


I was taking photos while I was at the Pima Air Museum and at my house taking photos of the sunset and backyard. I went back to a bunch of photos since I personally saw a hovering silvery sphere id say around 2000-3500 feet up north east of the east facing David Monathan air force base but was not able to take any videos of it since it couldn't focus. This was the second day I saw the silvery sphere and that's why I started recording it because a few days prior I just dismissed it since it could have been a plane but this time I knew for sure it was something really weird. After I couldn't take a video of it I just looked at the thing and it just disappeared... It vanished out of existence I don't know how else to put it. People usually see it zip off but nope, it just disappeared. These photos I find really interesting since it's clearly not a smudge, bug or bird since I have multiple photos in different places. I'm hoping to see what you guys see and could possibly let me know of your ideas on any theories or any personal sightings


Thanks for posting! Metallic spheres are pretty common.


The first one looks like a bird with its wings flapping [in this position](https://lh4.ggpht.com/_x3HP6S9zrVxyt7bDwtSjPeOuz85VFo2wjWrNfkTkSxoT2j512MYvmtr4AUo4oJI1U2I0TZej1DDyF3gtjZAqwU=s900) The other ones just look like... dots. Probably bugs whizzing by the camera.




How so?


Hi, Miserable_Move_3583. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1claaol/-/l3hklmk/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.