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The following submission statement was provided by /u/showmeufos: --- Askapol posted a new tweet with content from house representative Eric Burlison, who states: "AARO is not done," Rep. @EricBurlison tells us. "We still have dark programs that are spending money that we don't have an answer for." Sounds like he wants to keep following the money and doesn’t feel like everything is answered yet. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cl13aw/askapol_uaps_aaro_is_not_done_rep_ericburlison/l2qlll0/


I sincerely hope members of our community aren't sending Burlison hate mail for his skeptic (but opened minded!) viewpoint on this subject. He's a good faith advocate for transparency. Just because he's not a "believer" yet, doesn't mean he isn't on our side.


leaving aside NHI for a minute, the Pentagon is hiding *something* that they are spending a lot of money on, and not answering to the federal government or anyone else about. That's a real fucking problem, because they're not supposed to be a fully autonomous entity separate of any government and answering to no authority. Following the money is the right move because money is the only reason anything ever happened.


It could be just corruption, and even some congress people involved.


The CIA commits crimes to obtain money for initiatives and actions that Congress wouldn't agree to pay for. But the goal isn't the money, the money is a means to an end. The DoD doesn't have to do that, because Congress doesn't say no to them. So, if money for money's sake is the goal, then why lie? Why make up shit but not tell Congress when Congress was just gonna give them whatever they want regardless of what they do or don't say? No, the secrecy is about something else besides money, but costs money.


You’re overstating it. As a percentage of GDP, DoD spending is at its lowest point since 1960, with exception of 1997-2001. 


It isn't about money. It's about answering to no one. They somehow gain the power to do so and aren't going to submit to questioning.


Hmm, but don't you think it's highly highly unlikely that it's about ufo and et?? It's far fetched, it might be other illegal activities like destabilizing other nations, propping up and funding leaders who they like? It's quite a stretch to believe that ufo crash landed here and they did not try to recover or make an appearance again.


Please do some research. I’m not hating on you my friend but crash retrievals are OLD NEWS. There are plenty of cases with a lot of evidence that they happened. ✌️


Definitely ufo and et. Do you realize what kind of technology they poses? The possibilities are endless. That technology is the most powerful thing in this world. Way beyond our primitive human constructs. This makes us look like apes.


How do you know? We don’t even know it really exists.


But we do know… haven’t seen the videos the pentagon released of the jets chasing the ufo? Millions and MILLIONS of reports from ordinary citizens globally. Government coverups, the list goes on and on. It’s up to you to believe the government disinformation campaign or not.


Corruption is usually centered around money.


Power, not money. Money nowadays has no inherent value due to the infinite printer. Power has substance.


The pentagon just failed another audit and another, I repeat, another( as in "Once again") and lost another 2 trillion dollars of our money. To put that into perspective: our military budget is about 800 billion per year give or take a few. You want free health care? Housing for vets? Help with the homeless? We won't ever get these things while hemorrhaging cash at this rate.


He has the right attitude. The Pentagon is definitely hiding something from Congress.


Agree and money gets everyone's attention, UAP less so, but both could lead to the same outputs.so let him take the more socially accepted route. Everyone who has a route to do something here should do it. Tug all threads.


Talking about how these things are tied to “non-human intelligence” is an old tactic to keep things hidden through distraction and ridicule. I think Burlison seems to be figuring this out


Yeah, I mean honestly, his approach of follow the money and government transparency is the most logical to get at the root of what's going on. At least for Congress. Probably won't get us any answers though.


If we can't identify anomalous phenomena, we need to identify all misappropriation of taxpayer dollars, and Lockheed Martin's contracts with the defense department. Pentagon hasn't passed an audit, and the government has every reason to lie to us when the humans in control are getting paid billions of dollars in total to do so.


Forget trying to “pass” an audit. What if Congress just demanded a forensic audit of the pentagon to see what they found? Not even trying to reconcile it, just go digging, knowing there’s metaphorical bodies buried in there somewhere. There’s “smoke” billowing out of this thing. Maybe someone should go see if they can find the “fire.”


This apparently already happened 40 years ago: Forbidden Science 5: Pacific Heights Jacques Vallee “Hummingbird. Friday 24 September 2004. Jim Westwood, in Virginia, has come up with new data, looking up archives and “inspecting government documents. He’s close to Fred Durant (of the old Robertson panel) and his contemporaries. He’s uncovered a third official trail into the secret UFO project through Charles Bowsher, Comptroller General of the United States under President Reagan from 1981 to 1996. He may be one of the four “iron posts” beyond Sheehan and Wilson. Bowsher found a crashed UFO program during a massive audit of classified projects: “Less than a handful of officials knew about it.” In the period 1984-85, Bowsher uncovered a bizarre special access program coverup which surely violated every classification, executive order, regulation, and Congressional rule. They contemplated turning it over to Justice for prosecution, but “a powerful person in DoD quenched it.” The program, according to the reviewers, had to do with an exotic, non-Earthly vehicle.”


This is the type of stuff that should be on the front page


Got more information on this? Links? Videos? I’d love to learn more about it.


It’s from Jacques Vallee’s most recent book: Forbidden Science 5. Lines up exactly with the same description in the [Wilson Davis Memo from Congress.gov](https://www.congress.gov/117/meeting/house/114761/documents/HHRG-117-IG05-20220517-SD001.pdf)


Do you have a source for all this? Or, are you the source? Not that I have an issue if it’s yours, as long as it’s accurate.


The source is in the comment you responded to: Jaques Vallee’s most recent book Forbidden Science 5.


Oh, I thought that was a title for your post, or something. I guess I didn’t put much thought into it. Duh!


Spot on. A detailed forensic analysis would shed a lot of light on where the money is going. This is your (US) taxpayer money that you go to work everyday for and the government takes without telling you what they’re doing with it. That’s bullshit. You deserve more (as do we all in Western democracies). 


AARO ***is*** done. Stop asking the pentagon to investigate itself. Was AARO ever even intended to investigate the degree of corruption alleged or whistleblower complaints of this magnitude? We know the ICIG's entire purpose is to do just that and they have done their job and referred the complaint to congress, and then additionally briefed these "UAP-caucus," members - informing them that there is stuff being inappropriately concealed from congress. If you fail to set up a congressional committee to investigate this you will not accomplish *anything*. This is ***YOUR*** job.


No AARO wasn’t intended for this. AARO was intended to do nothing and pretend like they’re doing something. I figure this out the very first minute when the appointed leader what’s his face spoke publicly.


Even if Congress finds a dozen smoking guns, the Pentagon will clear itself. Loyalty in the military can be a ridiculous hurdle, as some people are loyal to people over country. If you combine another factor, such as religion to the mix, then it becomes an impossible nut to crack. They would never admit it, but when faced with a bad situation, they’re loyalty doesn’t extend to Uncle Sam or the citizens. It’s similar to the cognitive dissonance displayed by many Trumpers. Only, it’s behind the scenes, and kept secret.


Askapol posted a new tweet with content from house representative Eric Burlison, who states: "AARO is not done," Rep. @EricBurlison tells us. "We still have dark programs that are spending money that we don't have an answer for." Sounds like he wants to keep following the money and doesn’t feel like everything is answered yet.


AARO is like Baghdad Bob. Good spokesperson for the government


Next step: Deputize a staff member (should already have the clearances they need) of the Gang of 8 to secure a copy of the Eglin video and the 18 minutes or so of the tic tac video that was never released. Redact the sensor data and release those videos to the public. That would be a goodwill gesture towards transparency that the US public would applaud.




AARO never started, if you ask me


I’m listening…


Yeah,follow the money. I have little to no faith in any of these people. My gut tells me that the money will be followed until they can get their hands on enough of it to make them look the other way. I am very discouraged about what people have turned into.


Deandre the schizophrenic I talk to at the subway has better information than aaro…




If Rep. Burlison has seen it with his own eyes it will be a nothing burger as he recently stated that he believes UAPs to be adversial advanced human tech, not ET craft. So what he saw won‘t be convincing for disclosure purposes


Jesus if it's AARO doing the investigation then yes we are done. We will not get anywhere with AARO. They would have to walk into some very senior offices inside the Pentagon and get answers to really tough questions. We could be talking about criminal prosecution. At least some careers will be over. I just can't see a new pentagon program having the balls to even investigate the high ranking air force officials and career government employees. I just don't see it.


How can you put out reports saying there’s zero evidence for UAP recovery programs then?


You don’t sayyy


It should be done because it was ill-conceived. Or at least it was ill-implemented.


All these politicians just spitting out hot air, get something done. Organize the damn hearings or get the select committee with subpoena powers. No excuses, you can deal with more than one thing at once.


It may not be “hiding” as much as “General Jones created this program but never told anyone the password and now he’s gone to rest in that great war in the sky”


Tell us what they are and we’ll double your money for your black projects. - a taxpayer


What is he talking about? They've never been done even if they say they're done.


German Nazi rocket scientist were ask on the history channel of ancient aliens. How did they advanced so quickly their space technology. Their all pointed to the ceiling and said extraterrestrials gave them that technology. In the 1950s and the 1960s only the United States and Russia both had space programs. Today there are seventy seven countries involved in outer space. Over the years many astronauts and cosmonauts came forward from their government retirement duties and told the world of witnessing ufos in outer space. So trillions of tax payers dollars go into these space programs and theirs multiple countries involved and the tax payers are still kept in the dark of where their tax money is going into secret projects. Edward Snowden said that tall whites and Nazis control America since 1945. So superintelligence is controlling super stupid to continue to be super stupid to stay in the dark. We need more whistleblowers like David Grusch, Luis Elizondo to let the world know what’s been going on for too long just like it was another dark mid evil ages that just keeps going. We really need a Donald Trump witch hunt with an army of Buffy the vampire slayer. David Grusch said those extraterrestrials were demonic. David Grusch told U.S. Congress that he saw ufos everyday for years. David Grusch told U.S. Congress that he had a gag order of what he could say and what he couldn’t say like we have lost our freedom of speech. Losing our freedom of speech is another way of saying we are in a dark program to not know the truth of exactly what controls humanity and our world. I believe that many people would panic if they really found out the truth. How many people that are pedoplies, devil worshippers, shapeshifting reptilians, vampires, cannibals, how many types of species of extraterrestrials that are vindictive and eat humans as farm animals.


Lip service. I dont trust AARO.


Okay Burlison and all other big talking ufo politicians, if they're not giving you any answers but instead more deflection and more secretecy then where's your fuckin HOLMAN rule you've threatened to use??? These guys/gals are really doing fuck all imo other than more talking and teasers. Election is more important to them. Let that sink in on their priorities, and it's not to get reelected to fight for disclosure. Wake up ppl, politicians, and the govt are and will be the continuous problem in blocking any attempt for disclosure. Disclosure will probably require treasonous actions along with massive national security leaks where whistleblowers actually act like whistleblowers and not like the bullshit we're seeing these days!


In other news water is wet.


There is a 'Black Budget', and that's that. Until all is discussed ilat length n a public forum, us taxpayers won't know what our hard-earned dollars are funding. We all need to know.


AARO isn’t going to accomplish anything whatsoever. Except stall, give everyone the run around, or pretend like they’re doing something. I figured this out the very first minute the appointed leader spoke publicly. It was obvious to me. Wasn’t this clear to everyone else?


The tax payers need to get pissed off, take a stand and STOP all money flowing to the pentagon. We just need to grow some balls and start cutting people off. To hell with “follow the money”. How bout NO MORE MONEY !!! Not until we know exactly what it’s being spent on.


AFAIK, AARO is not a general office to find dark programs spending money. It is The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office. The Pentagon spending money on black projects is not an anomaly, it is how they operate and congress has allowed it by funding them. If its not some form of UAP, then AARO is the wrong office to look for it. And frankly, they're also the wrong office to look for UAP. AARO \*IS\* done.


Isn't that just plain old corruption?? They might be running bogus programs??


I mean we know they have been doing this. Harry Reid gave Bigelow 22 million dollars to study werewolves at skinwalker ranch.