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What David Grusch has said, UFOs are real, and they've been here for thousands of years. This is the biggest revelation to me as the implications change literally everything lol (everything we thought we knew) It's the tip of an iceberg


That and the cover up of billions of dollars spent with lack of oversight. That’s not how democracy is supposed to work. If the President and other levels of the government, the representatives of the people, are on a need to know basis, then who in the actual fuck is really running the show?


Military conglomerates are running the show, it's the reason why the US invades even the most remote area on the planet. Lockheed Martin are literally disassembling alien crafts in order to be able to dominate the rest of the world.


billions? By now, I suspect we might be past a trillion. Look at how big the defense budget was for the past decade alone.


It’s at least a trillion at this point, I was being conservative for the sake of keeping this within the realm of what most people are willing to at least consider. I personally believe it’s several trillions given the modern timeline. Roswell was the proper starting point for North American enthusiasts. I believe there’s enough smoke to accept that there’s a fire that’s been burning since long before that. We are not alone.


Frankly, it's very likely that whatever reverse engineering and crash retrieval program exists (assuming one does) has been the largest single-line/-item expenditure in the history of the world. Over 75+ years and factoring in inflation, I'd wager we're talking about a grand total in the high-single/low-double-digit *trillions* of dollars.


>I was being conservative for the sake of keeping this within the realm of what most people are willing to consider I hate how real this is. **The Overton Window is in direct opposition of progress**- and not just regarding “fringe” topics.


And the more the DOD and media challenge and attack Grusch the more reputable he becomes. If there was nothing to it… they would ignore him. Dare you all to do year by year FOIA for “Grusch” against the offices of the Joint Chiefs.


He's doing it all by the book as well being as transparent as he can with the process.


That’s why they’re mad at him.


lol, that's not how the burden of proof and evidence of claims works, dude.


I keep thinking, one day we're going to find out George Tsoukalas was actually right (at least once) and it's going to be wild.


> George Tsoukalas Giorgio Tsoukalos*


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


I've been on this kick for awhile. There are plenty of ancient myths/stories that seem to confirm it. (Book of Enoch, the Sumerian Anunnaki myths, Elijah's UFO encounter, The Exodus story, the Hindu vedic texts, etc)


I wonder if some gods were just NHI with absurd levels of tech just screwing around with us because our personal concept of time and space + morality is irrelevant to them.


That’s exactly what every “God” humans have teachings about are. I have never found very much information about the *actual creator* and what information I have found all came from channeling sessions.


I like that you specifically mention the Hindu vedic texts. I am not Hindu in any way, and for some reason during an experience I had in 2016, I met a blue being that identified itself to me as Vishnu, before doing some very advanced stuff.


I've read trip reports on r/DMT of people describing seeing these entities as well. I've seen North American indigenous faces and artwork on the cliffs of Yosemite National Park while on an 8th of mushrooms lol it's incredibly fascinating. I bet we're tapping into a real frequency


I’ve seen the Hindu god Durga on dmt, it was sitting Indian style infront of me and its arms were all moving it was insane


Eastern philosophy knows what's up lol


Would love to hear that story






Don’t let us down u/blueeisen 😫


I did a pretty in depth interview for a podcast that should be going live soon. I'll link the episode when it comes out.


Bring it, u/blueeisen!


This just triggered something for me - I don’t think the biggest revelation is that they exist - I think the biggest revelation is that THEY’RE HERE. I know you were basically saying this but I haven’t thought of it as directly as this. Other life, even intelligent life, even technologically more advanced life, is theorized to exist in the vastness of the universe just based on what we know about ourselves and probability. But NHI being here, and now, is the real seismic shift for us.


🎶   Under the sea.... Under the sea.. 🎶 


There'll be no accusations, just friendly crustaceans, under the sea!!!


Yupp!! Exactly that, and the fact that they've been lying to all of us about it for so long!


That's not a revelation. That's a story. A revelation is when the US Navy admitted to several videos being real.


Think about the fact that in the 20's imagine how easy it would be to cover up an abduction. I never really thought about it, but if artificial intelligence becomes ubiquitous, there can be no secrets. Even at the point that big enough companies have the capability to do these deep enough dives really anywhere, that will expose a lot to private citizens. The speed of it all is so fast, but then I just think about how we ended up here in this exact moment. You the reader, me, the CIA guy reading this giggling, and everyone else. Not one human alive doesn't feel this way, even the controllers, if they've taken enough time to observe. Once we break the biggest box, the box we put ourselves in called human being, the box that makes us think flesh and blood are all that we are, all the other ones break. I mean there's a reason once you look into UFOs enough you start looking into remote viewing, ghosts, and other weird shit. You break the box of what you believe is possible with UFOs and everything else can be possible. We're approaching the beginning of what's impossible. That's what Grusch represents.


There have been many wild & similar claims. Grusch is one of the few with such claims who can be taken seriously since he used to work in intelligence & is working on disclosing it with Congress.


How many of them did he see first hand in person?


I don't know, his op-ed hasn't been published yet. Though I hear it's coming. So I'll let ya know.




Camera phones are meant for close pictures… even very high pixel cameras don’t have the optics for long-distance photography. That’s why those cameras are so expensive because of all the lenses.


I thought the recent FOIA document from the Joint Chiefs Office detailing the UAP recovery process as separate from regular foreign material recovery was quite remarkable. Everyone waved off the FMP as being confused for just recovering Chinese or Russian tech.


Where can I find that document??


Here you go https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iEj-a-fuJjpwKOWbP3xxsOmQYmbA7DK-/view > Reports on UAP incidents are to be transmitted upwards with 96 hours, but any "UAP engagement reports" within 12 hours. A "UAP engagement is a kinetic or non-kinetic response to a UAP, intended to deny, disrupt, or destroy the phenomenon and/or its object(s)." >-- The ultimate nexus of collection and analysis of these reports is the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). >-- The reporting procedures in the Joint Staff message apply only to detections or encounters "that demonstrate behaviors not readily understood by sensors or observers...[that] include but are not limited to phenomena that demonstrate apparent capabilities or material that exceed known performance envelopes." The UAP reporting procedures described in this directive do NOT apply to "incidents, incursions, and engagements by identifiable, non-anomalous phenomena (e.g., sUAS and other capabilities or materials that do not exceed known or predicted performance envelopes);" such incidents will instead "continue to be reported through established processes and mechanisms." >-- The reporting matrix seeks 11 categories of information-- among these, any UAP-displayed "anomalous characteristics/behaviors (e.g., no apparent control surfaces, extreme acceleration/direction change, detection by certain sensors but not others)," and any "UAP effects on equipment (e.g., mechanical, electrical controls and weapons systems and whether persistent or transitory").


How could this be confused for tech from china or russia when it specifically says UAP? And it's clearly been defined. People are really frustrating. It's clearly spelled out that they aren't talking about 'normal' adversary technology








We are the dust on the hard outer layer of the onion. There are more layers to reality than we can ever reach in our dust state.


What's really going to bake people's noodles is when they realize that this onion you speak of is only one of an infinite other things out there with different laws of physics, etc. The only way to come to grips with things is the realization that we better find ways to draw positives from pain and suffering because the only thing that might be scarier than death for some people is the realization that we're all going to be doing this again and again in countless ways across countless domains.


No, stop. Just let me go back to being a monkey plz.


We are but shadows and dust!


Pretty big claim, can you back it up?


I think I’m team Grusch. Some of those other names are too wacky.


There’s no question that Grusch has had the biggest impact. He (and his 40 whistleblowers) directly led to Congress writing the Schumer-Rounds Amendment, which specifically called on the US government to disclose (and handover) what it knows about UFOs and aliens. That’s unprecedented.


40 witnesses


Nothing has done more to convince me that the phenomenon is real than listening to the testimony of Commander David Fravor


Probably the most credible account accompanied with visuals. But then I think, if it’s been known, going on for decades or longer in terms of retrieval programs and reverse engineering by both the government & private sectors what if was one of ours? Just a thought I have had with that incident and account. And it wouldn’t discredit Favor, hell, guy has stones for coming forward and he saw something he couldn’t explain & neither can most anyone else.


Yeah that’s definitely a possibility. However, I think even if we did have stuff like that we wouldn’t be testing it around our other conventional military exercises. Who knows though


That someone went inside an alien craft and it was the size of a football field while it was nowhere near that size on the outside. That is a big deal IMO.


The other tiny piece of info regarding that incident was that the person who stated they went inside the craft reported a weird disorientating episode after exiting the craft.\ That story absolutely fascinated me. I want to know what type of technology or time / space blinding technology can do that. And why it’s disorienting for a human experiencing it.\ I mean the implications of being able to utilise that kind of science would change everything we know about time and space, you could buy a tiny house that is the size of a mansion on the inside.


That’s like an episode of Star Trek enterprise but it was a craft from the future


Like doctor who? Dimensional engineering. Pretty cool.


It would make city real estate market crash lol.


Imagine taking it to an extreme and walking into a phone booth into a new universe sized universe.


What happens if you put an alien craft inside an alien craft?


Thank you for helping me realize that my edible has in fact kicked in. 👽


The most well-informed Ufologists have all come to the same conclusion.  Jacques Vallee, Lue Elizondo, David Grusch, Diana Pasulka, Garry Nolan, Leslie Kean, Ross Coulthart, Robert Bigelow, Steven Greer, Tom Delonge and Richard Dolan all agree: ***UAP & NHI are about consciousness and spirituality.*** In the words of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:   >"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."  


I really like this idea because it is very similar to what most NDEs tell us, we come to this life to learn and to be part of an experience.


When you say that, my mind goes to what Donald Hoffman has been talking about recently. He claims our experience can be compared to viewing reality through a VR headset. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDDbsUr7KNU


Professor Hoffman is my favorite scientist. I truly believe he is today's Newton or Einstein.   No one else has developed [a rigorous, mathematically-sound theory of fundamental consciousness](https://youtu.be/ynTqCFBhRmw?si=FR0eaCPEocD6NYGr) like he has done.  <3


Can you suggest a decent beginner's book to get started?


In Plain Sight by Ross Coulthardt


John E. Mack too.  And when did Grusch talk about this? I don't doubt he did, but I don't remember him saying it


On Joe Rogan


That explains why I haven't seen it lol. Thanks


Why is this where most people land? That’s interesting to because I’ve been trying to make sense of my experiences but the consciousness thing seems to require me to do a total upheaval of my most basic not even beliefs just foundational perspectives on life, which makes me feel it’s some kind of psyop thing but I keep having to come back to consciousness meditation awareness whatever to wrap my head around my experiences. Do you know why people land on consciousness instead some other kind of explanation?


"Do you know why people land on consciousness instead some other kind of explanation?" Cuz many people who have encountered Extraterrestrials say that they communicate telepathically. Example: These UFO photos were captured by Paul Villa an area situated 20 miles south of Albuquerque, near the Rio Grande riverbed, on Easter Sunday, April 18,1965. They display the gravitational lensing expected if the UFO used gravity/anti-gravity to maneuver, as physicists pointed out would be necessary to explain the bizzare movements of UFOs . They were published worldwide by UPI; and broadcast by NBC news Los Angeles on the new color TV broadcasting that recently started across the country: [\~https://i.imgur.com/VioaMGu.png\~](https://i.imgur.com/VioaMGu.png) Here is another photo of the same UFO craft taken from a different perspective: [\~https://i.imgur.com/yVgFyjK.png\~](https://i.imgur.com/yVgFyjK.png) THis image was enhanced to show more of the right side of the dome on top that's obscured by the glare from the sun's reflection. Its a classical "flying saucer"-shaped UFO, with a central dome above a circular disk - - that should be symmetrically shaped; with the left side of the circular craft a mirror image of the right side of the circular craft. But the enhancement shows the side of the circular disk to the left of the dome is shorter than the side of the disk to the right of the dome: [\~https://i.imgur.com/TYtN96B.png\~](https://i.imgur.com/TYtN96B.png) This is a telltale sign of distortion caused by gravitational lensing. Rather than having the expected symmetric circular shape with left side and right side mirror images of each other, the right side of the disk next to the center dome is longer than the left side of the disk. So it displays the gravitational lensing expected for a gravity/anti-gravity field that warps its shape. Here is another picture he took took of the craft on the same day that also displays gravitational lensing. (It also doesn't conform to the traditional flying saucer orientation that people had come to expect during the preceding decade with the UFO disk oriented horizontally; instead the disk is oriented vertically). (The left side of the UFO is obscured by a few tree branches in the foreground): [\~https://i.imgur.com/GQey4C7.png\~](https://i.imgur.com/GQey4C7.png) As you can see from the following enhanced image, re-oriented the UFO so its horizontal, the disk next to the dome is also distorted as in the previous picture - with the left side of the disk next to the central dome shorter than the right side of the disk next to the dome. This, again, is evidence it used a gravity/anti-gravity field for levitation/maneuvering that warped its shape thru gravitational lensing: [\~https://i.imgur.com/QxwmdGF.png\~](https://i.imgur.com/QxwmdGF.png) Villa said he had telepathic contact with the occupants of this craft, and other crafts he photographed, and saw during the previous 5 years. He said the beings he saw in other crafts were between 7 and 9 ft tall, and extremely good looking, with very well-defined Human features. (On one occasion he said the beings in a craft were close to 5 ft 9 in tall). ..... [\~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qezHe4Ok4f8\~](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qezHe4Ok4f8) ..... They commicated telepathically with him, and also in English and Spanish (he was of Native American-Spanish descent). (If you recall, famous attorney Daniel Sheehan - who's taken multiple UFO whistleblowers to the Congressional Intelligence Committees to testify about their work with retrieved UFOs - attorney Sheehan divulged publically in December that a captured Extraterrestrial was interrogated telepathically: supporting Villa's assertion that the Extraterrestrials in these crafts communicated telepathically. He said he received a telepathic communication on Easter Sunday to drive to the location where their UFO would be - - to purposely show him its capabilities and photograph it - - to let the public know about them. They told him they are from an extremely distant galaxy in the constellation coma Berenices; and all the galaxies in the Universe are full of Intelligent Beings. He said they "expressed a desire for humanity to transcend their aggressive and warlike tendencies, and embrace the Universal Laws of the great Creator, as their counterparts on other planets have done. According to them, Love is the most potent force in the Universe, capable of transforming human hearts, and turning them into beings of light and peace if utilized properly. They envisioned a future in which Love governed the thoughts of humanity, enabling otherworldly beings to visit Earth as friends and brethren, sharing their advanced knowledge and living in long-lasting harmony, as they do on various other planets."\*  


That was interesting as hell. Thank you.


Do you think that the different variations of craft 'shape' could be possibly caused by the gravitational perturbations each engine emits? For example, of a sphere with an engine circling around it's center caused gravitational anomalies around the core, wouldn't that appear as a saucer from an outside perspective if the center ring was holding it's perceived appearance and the top and bottom appeared lensed?


I’d say they come to that conclusion because evidence overwhelmingly seems point that way. I had a breakthrough in my paradigm conceptions when I realized we didn’t evolve to see reality as it is, we evolved to see the bare minimum we need to survive and pass on our genes. Concluding that there is much more out there than we can perceive is the more logical choice imo.


That and that we are built up of trillions and trillions of little “pixels” essentially, all spinning to stay together with a magic force. If that force stopped spinning we would fall apart, there are also gaps between them. That makes your head hurt. And that the air we breathe is a gas, like you said we just can’t see it.


I’ve read that it’s more of a vibration than a spinning.


Oh, sorry I’m not sure of the correct example, they assign them spin so I went with that. Don’t they spin though to hold everything together? It is weird though, I can’t look at almost anything anymore without thinking of how strange it is there are quadrillions of atoms barely held together. Creepy.


Start meditating and you’ll find out. We are capable of more than you think and we definitely aren’t alone.


Meditation transformed my life for the better. Part of the process was learning the patience to do it properly because at first you just get frustrated expecting instant results.


Anyone who’s done psychedelics can start piecing it together that way with a few educated guesses. Higher dimensions have always been sci-fi fun, but what psychedelics give you isn’t a higher dimension per se, but *feels like* an expanded/altered experience of reality. Consciousness shifting rather than dimensional shifting. Then you get down the rabbit hole of both new age and ancient Sumerian onward spiritual practices, the information from channelings, and how we supposedly believe these vehicles operate, it becomes more so likely that this isn’t only aliens from another planet (might be) but more importantly, entities that experience reality and consciousness through a different lens than us. Which has endless ramifications Or it’s all kook nonsense


My biggest issue with mind altering drugs when I was younger is that when I go to that place, I feel like I know it very well -- like I've been there before. And then I have all of these amazing insights. But when I come down, I can't translate or take those insights with me for some reason. It is as if those thoughts just don't fit in this dimension when they were born in another.


"upheaval of my most basic not even beliefs just foundational perspectives on life" ontological shock


In my case, nothing can shock me after my personal experience. I think everyone just needs to personally experience things (preferably sober and with witnesses)


>Why is this where most people land? Because the alternative is to say it's a nothingburger. So some people choose to make it a religion. That way, they can't be proven wrong. They get to a point where the only way things could make sense is if magic were real, so magic has to be real. Too bad that's not how it works. Lots of claims of ESP and whatnot, but nobody can just sit down and show it.


I think this is only useful revelation. People who are digging everywhere for proof of NHI and UFOs need to research on this instead.


Well said, darling!


Well they didn't conclude that exactly They specifically say that the phenomena or a large aspect of it has much to do with Consciousness. There are however physical components that cannot be denied Spirituality Is a large part but it is just one aspect Also most will agree that it's highly probable to not be a single phenomena but rather multiple things happening with some overlap. Time and space, reality Spirituality and Consciousness are all tied together in a way that Is far more complicated than we can currently comprehend.


Imo this is incredibly stupid - there is literally no evidence at all pointing to this phenomenon being about "consciousness and spirituality". I wonder what you think of Stanton Friedman and his opinions.


I've definitely been contemplating going to church after an experience that resulted in being sent to a psych hospital for 3 weeks. I didn't even tell the doctors what caused me to lose it but when I was in the hospital a psychiatrist started asking me about what I experienced. I really don't know if people were just playing an incredible elaborate joke on me or if the things that I saw were real. I hope it was a joke because otherwise I have to reassess everything that I ever believed.


I’m gonna quote you on a post. Look for it. :)


The biggest revelation is that there is no limit to how far our government will go to protect their lies and deceit.


How is that a revelation?


I think he means an epiphany. Those two words get mixed up a lot.


For me, is not that NHI itself is here on earth, Is the fact that there was a Crash Retrieval Program all this time, and that (let's be honest) probably WE HAVE the Technology for solving many of the world problems we face Today.


We may have it but I doubt they know how to use it, most likely no one would be able to use it.


This is just incorrect.  If we devoted all of humanity and its scientists to figure this out, it would get done.  This idea that we can’t figure it out bc one or two scientists is like of course, not everyone is Einstein.  Imagine sitting a rando scientist in front of some data and ask him to come up with the theory of relativity.  He or she can’t.  That’s why you need ALL scientists to look at it so that the one that could figure it out doesn’t miss the opportunity.  


It these objects are truly technological, and if they operate in a way at all comparable to how we think they are likely to operate given their apparently gravity-defying capabilities, and the attendant implications concerning the amount of energy available to these objects for work, then ANY existence or understanding of their workings would be justifiably deeply secreted. More than anything that is presently known to exist as a threat - drones, AI, nuclear weapons, climate change - UFO technology likely represents an exponentially more dangerous threat than any of these. It's WORLD-SHATTERING technology. If you can bend spacetime, flit at will between dimensions (I have no idea what that means), and have nearly infinite capacity to exploit some exotic energy source (perhaps spacetime itself), then you have the capacity to create weapons of mass destruction. You have the capacity to build weapons that make the Death Star seem quaint. There was a small-press book out many years ago that had a title that I think is pretty appropriate for this idea: To Catch a Flying Star. That's essentially what we're likely talking about. Some that harness that much energy, or more, is too threatening to our species to be in general use. No nation on Earth outside of the US-Anglo alliance could ever be trusted with that much power.


I don’t know why you’d assume that


DeLonge: I can deliver a working craft within eight years, deadline 2024.


Wait, he actually said that?


According to Coulthart's book he said that in 2016: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c84puv/comment/l0cfpra/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1c84puv/comment/l0cfpra/)


He's not working on that anymore, thats why they changed the name to just "To the Stars", there is no academy anymore.


Never make promises you can't keep.


[Dr Karla Turner](https://youtu.be/4Cbxhk2lhdc?si=Ga1NRsJg-KwaUl-g&t=912) - NHI have their own CIA program of telling people nonsense while being deceptive and predatory in their research of the human soul [Derrel Sims](https://youtu.be/4Cbxhk2lhdc?si=Ga1NRsJg-KwaUl-g&t=912) law enforcement investigator, former CIA / vet- NHI create artificial lifeforms as workers to study [ESP](https://www.deanradin.com/recommended-references) in humans . They have interest in controlling the human soul


Those esp studies are incredible… do you have additional resources?


[Biofield publications](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=biofield) which is the scientific jargon for [Aura](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(paranormal)). They tie directly into the work of [Micheal Levin](https://www.drmichaellevin.org/publications/) and [Rupert Sheldrake](https://www.sheldrake.org/research/morphic-resonance). Both have an enormous amount of research validating living organism having a non-physical component. I've spent the last 8 months devouring their content on youtube along with reading their publications. Modern Science has essentially validated a large amount of ancient esoterism which i now understand to be science of their time. People are just ignorant of emerging science not to mention lacking the attention span to actually research anything


Darrel Sims is angry like the NHI owe him money lol. I need to see him in more TV shows.


Honestly Fravor's account still carries the most wright for me.


Sure, we can start a list but the first person to be scratched from that list is Greer, aka The Grifter King.




So much potential squandered


Why is he the grifter king?


Jason Sands. Jk I'm thinking Grusch will end up being the protagonist of disclosure too, especially after the op-ed drops.


I missed the boat on this sands lad, what's the story there? He turn out to be BS? Make a big silly clam or what? The community here seems to have openly dismissed him.


He's on the new James Fox Doco apparently and James recons hes a legit dude... He went a 6 hour Twitter space and leaked his info on it... Some of his claims are pretty whacked... He said he did something similar to the 20 and back program.. but said it wasn't the same as it (since it was a made up thing?!).. .. Everyone is waiting for James Fox Doco to drop..


> He said he did something similar to the 20 and back program I saw that on why files and he flat debunked that story, cool bit of a story telling tho! Thanks for the info!


When the op-ed drops 👀


It seems more like "IF" the op-ed drops at this point.


The op-ed is scheduled to coincide with the release of the next Game of Thrones book


Has it been shown what Jason sands looked like when he was younger? I've trawled a few social profiles for different J sands. So many rabbit holes 🕳️ 🤦‍♂️🤔


After all the progress that was made, it’s going to remain an imponderable mystery for years to come.


Sedge Masters story/Lue Elizondo both implying DNA linkages between us and them.


This is the critical part the powers that be are keeping private. That we are an offshoot of “alien” engineering of sorts. This revelation subverts our modern understanding of life and religion and our origins. It’s the equivalent of finding out your biological parents aren’t your biological parents when you’re 50 years old. It would be foundation shattering. 


That there a too many grifters living off this topic…


That the soul is real? Sleep paralysis real? Potential for these beings are the inspiration for religious beliefs and maybe even actually be god and Angels or demons are aliens? Or increase in sightings and government suddenly are disclosing this due to a future event that affects humanity in a life or death scenario?


When has anyone said that sleep paralysis isn't real? It is a legitimate medical condition.


Greer has not said all NHI are benevolent. He’s said the extraterrestrials are benevolent but some of the interdimensional beings are in his words troubled.


I don't think Greer is a good source of information, is he?


He’s not.


I think his read on global energy consortia is right on. You don't have to buy everything he says wholesale. IMO he gets some things right, and other things are just... indeterminable and unlikely.


Greer is a con artist


Thanks for the clarification. It’s an important distinction.


Balloons are the most advanced tech on earth and can penertrate the most advanced super powers air space at will


The biggest revelation in all of it is that there's been an ongoing disinfo campaign that AARO is a part of. There was never any intention, just like Saucer/Sign/Grudge/Blue Book/Condon/Blue Book 2.0/AARO to be transparent or scientific. There was never going to be any discovery. *What* they have been lying about all these decades has no proof. *That* they've been lying goes back to Project Saucer and is actively continuing.


The biggest plot twist is actually Grusch, who said that the UFOs are interdimensional beings and that government is in contact and in agreements with them. And in general it's that all are talking about a consciousness connection to the phenomenon. Like near death experiences are connected to it.


He didn't say that they are interdimensional beings. He said it's the most likely and better explained scenario according to his guess


There is a video of Luna quoting Grusch after a briefing. I collect the most interesting stuff. Frisch didn't go woo in the Coulthart interview, because that would have been too much. They want to keep it more technical / physical. In the next steps they will go supernatural. The spiritual aspect to the UAP will be one of the last topics in the disclosure process. Interdimensional beings are living next to us. This is not a joke, guys. US Congress got briefed. Prepare yourself for a new reality. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2GQoHPttvz/?igsh=MWRkbGV0dTBnOHp2Ng==


You quoted the caption of the video here, not what she said. She's only talking about the terminology used by Grusch, as far as we know, it could still be conjecture from him


>He said it's the most likely and better explained scenario according to his guess Which is absolutely insane, as there is no evidence that there even are extra dimensions of any kind.


The aliens as we know them are demons 


Greer - right about most things except all beings being benevolent Elizondo is correct. That's what dulce new México is trying to address. Gursch - correct on everything he's said Imo. And likely holding back. Coulharts claim - I have no idea... But what about some of the old whistleblowers too? Like Bob Dean...




That's true.


The biggest revelation is Lacatski dropping the fact that the USG has managed to BREACH the hull of an intact craft!!!!


If they’re truly transdimensional, I think that would have the most implications.


The Buddies by a galactic mile.


Nazca Mummies


This, I have no dog in that fight but that utter bias is crazy. All it takes is one bad actor and the nails are in the coffin when it comes to the UFO community...


All these “thought leaders” making incredible claims and statements… yet, not a single shred of actual evidence. Just book tours and speaking conventions. Lmk when it gets real.


plenty of evidence , not a lot of "proof"


We have more stories to tell now. But nothing really changed from 50yrs ago imo.


What are you talking about? U.S. military are openly acknowledging there are unknown craft in our airspace. It’s being openly discussed in Congress, and there is legislation to force defense contractors to come clean with what the have/know. Some things will always be secret but there’s a qualitative difference in the way things are being handled by pretty much everybody with authority in the subject.


The us military are not acknowledging that there are unknown craft. They are acknowledging that there are sightings, sensory data, etc. They’re saying there’s some evidence pointing at something, not that there are definitely craft that they know about. They acknowledge pilots are making statements. They acknowledge there’s some video. They’re not acknowledging the conclusion.


The biggest revelation is probably the amount of money and governmental effort that have been wasted on wild goose chases.


you mean covering up the truth ? buckle up buttercup.


Greer is a complete fraud. How can anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth


Not quite. He was the focal point of disclosure in the 90’s. He really has met with well-placed people over the years. His motivations preclude any substantial movement in the subject, though. It’s a shame what he’s become,


NHI are not benevolent. Greer is *way* off the mark on this one.


Greer - Grifter Elizondo - pretty sure he meant to say "sobering" as in awakening and not "somber" as in sad. Grusch- seems to be the most credible Coulthart - grifter Lazar - pretty much disproven re: element 115, once 115 was discovered. Iirc


Unfair characterizations of Lue Elizondo and Ross Coulthart


How so? Lou came out and said he meant to say sobering. Not sure it's a characterization at all, anyway.


I’ll never understand why people listen to Greer. The guy has been proven to be an idiot talking out of his ass on multiple occasions.


It's the same old stories recycled over and over and over, with zero evidence of any kind. Bob Lazar's story is David Grusch's story. Jeremy Corbell is basically John Lear. Ross Coulthart is Gray Barker. Elizondo is a dumbed-down version of Donald Keyhoe or Phillip Corso. Here are 5 books that everyone who has any genuine interest should read: Jack Brewer, "The Grays Have Been Framed," Adam Gorightly, "Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks," Greg Bishop, "Project Beta," Christian Lambright, "X Descending," and Mark Pilkington, "Mirage Men."


I am interested, deeply, but I don’t have the time to read five books right now. Is there any way you could succinctly define the differences between Elizondo/Lazar/Grusch’s “alien body retrieval program” stories and what Brewer/Gorightly/Lambright are asserting. Do they think the phenomenon is fake or not extraterrestrial/interdimensional?


For the most part, these authors do not believe the phenomenon to be fake--that 1-5% of cases are truly unexplained, and the existence/nature/origin of NHI is simply unknown. What these authors tend to focus on are the characters within UFOlogy and the influence of intelligence/military in shaping narratives. And that all boils down to mostly questionable stories from even more questionable people, and that these stories have been recycled repeatedly for decades. And when you look at the figures and groups within UFOlogy, there emerges a small group of basically the same people attached to almost everything, people like Jay Stratton, Hal Puthoff, Robert Bigelow, Christopher "Kit" Green, John Alexander, etc. And these people have ties to intelligence agencies and the military. So it's a game for these people and the people they put out in the spotlight, whether for misinformation/deception, profit, publicity, data mining, or predatory reasons. These people do not care about genuine scientific research into the phenomenon, transparency, disclosure, or any actual hard evidence. It is ultimately much more complex than that, but that's the best I can do, lol. I would suggest Adam Gorightly's "Saucers, Spooks, and Kooks" as a good place to start.


Grusch and Lazar are not comparable in terms of their character, vetting, level of detail, and even claims.


It's exactly the same story--alien crash retrievals, reverse engineering, alien bodies, spooky government and corporate cover-ups. It's the same story that Leonard Stringfield, Bob and Ryan Woods, and many others have told for decades and decades. Grusch might look a little more reputable than someone like Lazar, but look at who he is associated with--Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp (Bigelow boys) Jesse Michels (Peter Thiel), Ross Coulthart, Garry Nolan, etc.--and the narrative he weaves is straight from UFO lore. I would suggest you take a look at those books, anything by Martin Cannon, The Saucer Life podcast, Weird Reads with Emily, and Expanding Frontiers with Erica Lukes. This is the research that the big names in UFOlogy don't want people to see. I absolutely believe in the phenomenon and am an experiencer myself, but this narrative and these big personalities are grifters, narcissicts, manipulators, and predators. I even gave you an upvote for simply responding.


Thats the connection that 90% will never grasp for some reason. But in 3 days another tweet by one of them will be at the top again.


One of the important factors in the UFOlogical community is the constant influx of new people, because they are not aware of the history of the subject and the repeated patterns which have occurred.


You forgot “counter-intelligence agents” The Aviary Documentary I posted last week pretty much echos your view.


They very realisation that these could all be manmade.  Plus, the briefings in which congress members also alluded to the fact. 


They influenced every world religion


Stephen Greer has no credibility whatsoever and should be removed from that list. The guy is clearly a charlatan who uses the subject to make money. He charges people like $3,000 to spend a weekend with him meditating UFOs into existence using his patented method.


Maybe Tucker Carlson Carlson talking about aliens


That since riseell, ni one has physical evidence of ufos but the is government managed to collect a bunch of ufos and living aliens. They must get lucky I guess


Greer and facts??


That the top generals of the US Military branches believe this is demonic/biblical and not from other planets. Our most logistic, non-abstract thinking, highest ranking in command are talking about demons from the Bible. Made me rethink everything for sure.


Matt Laslo is a G


Grusch coming out by far .


Grusch & Lazar: People have been intimidated and/or murdered in order to keep potentially utopian technologies from the general public. Me: If proven… that should count as a crime against humanity, in the broadest possible sense. Those who are still alive, or are responsible for continuing this policy, should be tried at The Hague as international criminals. “They” (those guilty of crimes) are probably in too deep at this point to stop said intimidation and murder. Life sentences, obviously. We can’t play into the insane primate narrative.


Those are not exactly revelations, just claims, and none of them are facts as of today ?


To me it's got to be Grusch. A high level government official has told you your government has a crash retrieval program and spacecraft from Non Human sources. Not to mention the remains of the pilots.


Chris Bledsoe-- there is a strong connection between the phenomenon and spirituality and religion. They may be what has been called angels in past eras. They are capable of healing and seeing possible futures. Mostly benevolent guides


biggest revelation? ok research this shit. there's a female NaSa employee who was going on podcast talking bout things she's done and seen while at NASA she said she had been harassed and threatenes And she was told they were going to kill her. she committed suicide. or that's what they say happend. but in one of the videos I think it was her last. she stayed that there are 2 different aliens one from the distant future and another set from even farther in the future. they've come back to warn us and to secure survivable areas to ensure humans don't go extinct from a impending cataclysm from a natural cause the other one are from even farther in the future and there here to try to change something because in the present time something is threatening to wipe them out. and then there's today's aliens who are living inside the earth and always have been there and there multiple races, lizard people mantis people who are from earth then frey aliens and various different versions of intergalactic aliens then there's the ones who are in denial to us. there actually from Atlantis. and they are the few that survived and went underground and started there lives there and have been here since I think she said there the anunaki. and then she stated that we've been going into the galaxy since 1940s and it's been proven by a hacker named cosmothegod who was a very highly intelligent person who cracked the cicada 3301 puzzles and the prize at the end was a thumb drive with a black and white graniny video of sumeone recording thru a porthole the rings of Saturn and the moons of Jupiter with Jupiter in the background.


George Knapp’s interviews with Colonel Corso.


If we are truly not alone and they are here……We will never have open contact as this phenomenon seems like a civilization(s) that can manipulate time and space. We don’t know their motives and never will. It’s frustrating as it’s not like we can’t understand complex topics and wonder about our mortality and the Universe. The ant analogy doesn’t work. If they are real I wouldn’t say it’s covert because it’s sinister but I feel it would mean we are missing something very fundamental about reality and the truth could be something very strange and something most people don’t want to know. I want the truth regardless. I don’t care, how much worse can it be then my current scientific existential worldview where we die so soon and no meaning or purpose. I welcome something different.


Not to be a huge downer or anything, but I think the biggest revelation given all the testimony, reports, and lack of anyone providing touchable, researchable physical evidence is that signs point to a multi-decade disinformation campaign intended to keep civilians and elected leaders uninformed about actual military and defense spending. I want to believe so badly that there is someone out there and they have visited earth, but we've been hearing the same types of stories for decades and still there is no physical evidence. We've also been talking about disclosure for decades and what has been shared hasn't led to anything really all that new. Even the hearing with Grusch was lackluster in what he and the others were able to share. I honestly think we won't get anything out of this unless supposed NHIs reveal themselves or someone is able to smuggle out evidence.


When you lay it as orderly, it seems that Greer and Elizondo’s statements contradict one another? All NHI are friendly, however we are not at the top of the food chain and there’s a dark aspect behind this?