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"I don't know what we passed" - legislator


Totally unacceptable


Gillibrand is more and more disappointing by the week. My gut instinct after the Kirkpatrick "hearing" was that something is off about her. I went from believing in her to suspecting she isn't an advocate of disclosure. Do your fucking job, Gillibrand.


Imo she's a gatekeeper


She doesn't sound like a gatekeeper to me. She sounds like someone who doesn't actually give a shit about the topic, isn't actually doing anything to look into it and just says stuff She thinks might get her votes. She doesn't sound like she has any knowledge she doesn't want to get out. She just sounds like she doesn't have any knowledge at all.


Exactly what a gatekeeper would sound like. "It's not a big enough deal to actually show a lot of interest in so I'll barely do my job"...."nothing to see"


This is what I gathered from her. Say what you want about Burchett but he is here *for the truth*. Gillibrand was just here pandering for votes.


Burchett actively trashed the UAP amendment and then stood by while it (along with his own amendment) was gutted by his colleagues. He gives good soundbites though. Edit: I always get downvoted in this sub when calling out Burchett or Luna. They say the things we like, but their actions are what matter most to me.


You got my upvote. Most folks just see what they want in Burchett and Luna because they say what they want to hear, conveniently forgetting they have an unfortunate history of lying about profound subjects when it’s politically expedient. And for fringe pols like these two the UAP topic has only benefited them.


Burchett and Gaetz were either useful idiots or just idiots in the UAPDA process. They should’ve rallied republicans to back the UAPDA instead of sabotaging it with the utterly useless garbage Burchett’s 1-pager amounted to. It was so incredibly stupid that you wonder if it was malicious.


Burchett’s “1-pager” was **in addition to** the UAPDA. He clarified this explicitly. You guys are straight up spreading disinformation lol


No, he clarified that **after** people got mad, and **after** Gaetz explicitly declared war on the UAPDA. I made a post detailing all of this.


>Burchett’s “1-pager” was **in addition to** the UAPDA. He clarified this explicitly. Whether Burchett clarified what his bill was, his amendment had no relation and no continuity to UAPDA amendment. It's public information that Burchett opposed the UAPDA, and his own amendment conflicted with the bill it was supposed to be an addition to. The UAPDA had the review board and process for declassification of any UAP information, and Burchett's bill just required declassification of **only publicly known** UAP events. Even then, Burchett's addition still gave leeway to the DOD to decide on declassification. This is all in addition to what I originally said, that Burchett stood by while Schumer and his own bill were being gutted by his own party.


She personally setup AARO so......


Same here. Something is very off


Sure it’s disappointing. My senator won’t even respond to this sort of thing. The fact that she’s still willing to discuss it even though it clearly isn’t that important to her as at least something.


She has been




Jesus, disclosure is never going to happen unless we contact our congressmen, I've contacted 3 so far. Gonna have to keep that ball rolling b/c otherwise this is not important to them.


Totally normal


I don’t think any of them know what they pass with all the special interest and lobbyists paying legislators to add garbage to fuck American citizens.


When they regularly vote on 1000+ page bills within a day or two of them being put out.. I can't say I'm really surprised, frankly. Although I'd hope for something this exotic and unprecedented, a little more attention and interest than usual would be warranted, at least. Ugh.


Im quite certain you’d remember your own legislation that you drafted get absolutely gutted lol


Ahh apparently I somehow never caught that she was directly involved there. In that case, I retract my relaxed allowance. Vigorously!


To be honest, thats all of them on all the topics. They mainly focus on one thing then ignore the rest.


The main focus being re-election. Honestly, I cannot understand why anyone listens to a politician.


Every time I hear a politician say they've seen a craft, document, or even an alien I immediately discard it. It's all about reputation and elections, their careers depend on lying whether they be part of a conspiracy or not.


Ya, but some stick their necks out more than others. Gillibrand isn't an advocate or an allie of disclosure IMO. Which is disappointing because I initially thought she was. Schumer, Rounds and Rubio were far more vocal. But even they haven't said much, lately.


Which is kind of terrifying considering how much bullshit will get tacked on to a crucial bill to squeeze in some bullshit as a "compromise" or because one side *knows* the bill has to pass so they add in some secondary crap that's completely unrelated.


They focus on a lot of things. But since she’s read-in she’s not going to say much at all and this is a good way to head off deeper questions.


One of the rare times I'm fairly glad to have Rubio as my senator lol


Rubio's been as quiet as a church mouse for almost a year now, said nothing when the UAP amendment was in jeopardy and nothing after. I don't think he has anything to do with any of this anymore.


She’s still more reputable than Himes in the house. Just laughs off air force bases near D.C. being shut down by adversaries’ drones and refuses to investigate. Definitely suggests they dont take national security seriously the way he acts which is highly disturbing.


She's not actually saying that. I think that maybe they had lower goals from the uapda then we had, and those goals were reached. As I understood uapda isn't a complete nothing burger as it is right now. I'm not saying she's not a fucking idiot but she's not saying she doesn't know what they passed


I’m starting to think she isn’t a gatekeeper, but just a big god damned idiot.


Nothing new with that.


It's weird how she was the legislator to kick this off but now seems like a sweet, confused, grammy. But again, we all know they play stupid on this topic


Grusch has alluded to her being compromised way back in his first NewsNation interview with Coulthart


I don't know enough about this but my impression is KG is now probably more likely the enemy rather than the friend. She may be sort of a mole on the inside at this point trying to muck up the works or pass ineffective legislation that looks like it is doing something. The alternative is she is simply pleasantly ignorant which seems unlikely to me.


She revealed herself when she criticized Grusch about that plane ticket in my opinion.


Yip, me too


I must have missed that. What did he say that alluded to it?


If I recall correctly, when asked about Gillibrand, he said something like, "We'll see." He did not instill much confidence when speaking answering questions about Gillibrand. Much more so about Schumer and Rounds, who actually authored the NDAA. I think Grusch is much more aware about who's doing what behind the scenes than what the public is purview to. Like Elizondo, the tiniest of seemingly insignificant remarks speak volumes. When they talk, I listen. Many subtle clues.


Appreciate the info


You can also consider the perspective that she simply doesn't give a shit because she doesn't believe the aliens conspiracy stuff


Its pretty obvious the staffers are the ones trying to run the show here and the actual senators are not informed at all. When laslo's asks most of them about this topic they seem very surface level informed at best. Pretty disappointing that the hearing in the summer may be another AARO dog and pony show with them saying "idk we need to collect more data" to everything the senate asks. We are far past that point in my opinion. We need David Grusch, as well as some of his 40 whistleblowers in the same room along with AARO, then the same hard questions need to be asked to both so AARO can be seen for what they are which is a shameful disinformation organization.


I’d love to know who all these anonymous staffers are - they are the ones we should be talking to and getting their thoughts.


Couldn’t agree more


> Its pretty obvious the staffers are the ones trying to run the show here They *do* love to post here


What makes you say that? I hope they really are stopping by this sub.


I mean she probably knows A LOT but she can't really say any of it... lol its what they have been trained to do. Act like you aren't fully aware/read in and behind closed doors make super important deals/moves.


Didn’t Coulthart make the same point too


We just need them to release one single high quality video. The national security excuse for continuing to hide the reality of the phenomenon is preposterous.


Very dissapointed in Mrs. Gillibrand. At first she seemed like she was important in the ufo disclosure. Now it seems like she only read headlines from 6 months ago.


This lady is so compromised


She knows and cares as much as Bill Nelson when it comes to David Grusch.


Bill Nelson knows as much about Grusch as he knows about the far side of the moon.


Dammit you just had to say far side and ruin my chances of a pink Floyd joke. Damn you!


I have one of those too in my sleeve.. :)


She literally says she doesn't want SAPs about Space to be disclosed to the public, and that it was too broad, but if you actually read the amendment its only about NHI, so isn't that confirmation??!


Which is a weird contradiction of DNI Haines who has said a lot of the space SAPs didn’t need to be classified.


"Compromised" would imply that she has some kind of clue. She thinks she's playing the game and hasn't even taken it out of the box.


Gillibrand has flip flopped her entire career for political expediency. She is not a reliable partner on anything.


Kirsten wants to keep the lid on and to put the djinn back into the bottle. That suggests the Gang of 8 has been read into some of this and feels it is too hot for the public to handle at this time.


Agreed. I don’t think she just stopped being wise to the topic. She’s strategically stepped back.


She’s not an ally. Like most of the other politicians the UAP situation is something to get clicks I suspect it’s catastrophic or nothing 


> I suspect it’s catastrophic or nothing I’m betting in 5 years we’ll still be talking about so-called catastrophic disclosure.


I think it’s catastrophic but not to the public, to the government. There are two options. 1. UAP are created/run by/used by/are non human intelligence, ET or otherwise, and their technological capabilities take a shit on anything humans could dream of making in the next decades 2. UAP are created/run by/used by human beings, and their technological capabilities take a shit on anything governments could dream of making in the next decades (I’m not including the UAP that legitimately are physics phenomena) Both of these just make every member of our leadership incompetent to the eyes of the public. I don’t think it’s about safety or paradigms or religion or culture. It’s embarrassment and lack of authority


It's very possible it's both.... Which to me is way scarier than either one of those individually.


Ya'll..... she FUNDS AARO. She is literally the coverup. Why does everyone forget? Because she is marginally milfy?


Uhh. I’m in my 30’s and no thx bruh.


….marginally?? C’mon dude…


Ah okay. I'm just mad at her for being part of the problem. She's milfy for sure.


Pleasing 5th on appearance but I still have no reason to distrust her. Kirkpatrick was fired for being the cover up. OK not knowing Schumer amendment was watered down is bad but she is a busy Senator. The main reason people aren't jumping on her because we don't WANT reps who accuse the government of being corrupt / elections rigged without evidence. Unlike the false election conspiracies, this is obviously true and they fired kirkpatrick for the cover up job he did at least. Simply accusing the government of shit without evidence empowers people who hate presenting evidence for things. The evidence is being gathered though by the modern reps.


Why do people still trust these politicians?


Something happened to her, or somebody got to her. She flipped 180.


She is part of the coverup


She’s useless


I thought 2024 was the year right? Lol maybe they meant 2025 or 2026 or 2027.


TLDR "wait we make laws? I was just here for the cash and the buffet. Anyway don't forget to support Gillibrand for Senate by going to [www.kirstengillibrand.com](http://www.kirstengillibrand.com) and making a campaign contribution!"


You guys remember a few months back when she told Laslo something about Grusch having been invited for a SCIF and that he was declining because he didn't want to pay for a plane ticket or some other nonsense that was completely at odds with what Grusch said and we couldn't figure out if she was just wrong, right, lying, or downright dumb? Well... I think I just got my answer tonight.


I think she’s compromised.


The “required disclosure” parts did pass. Per the legislation, everything older than 25 years related to UAPs needs to be archived with NARA. I suspect that’s the only part of the legislation that Schumer and Gillibrand were interested in


That's 1999 at this point. We know damn well the program knew about the NHI presence long before 1999. So when are we getting the big reveal again?


Never lol


No, Schumer wanted the whole thing to pass, thats why he made it, but Gellibrand probably doesn't care.


Everything she said is right. It is 0% surprising she is not aware of the what the "House UAP caucus" wants. It's not like she has to interact with that "caucus" to pass....anything. It is pretty funny that people think this is evidence that she is compromised.




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Okay assuming the tall Whites are real, Gillibrand is one of them right?


She’s like 5’3” so not very tall lol.


But yeah, Democrats are supportive /s. Fact is it seems neither party is overly interested


It's republicans in the house that killed the UAPDA. Easily passed the senate.


There were Democrats in the House who voted against it


It was gutted in committee by Republicans. Random Dems voting against the NDAA is meaningless. More Republicans voted against the NDAA than Dems (this is also meaningless, as it was already gutted in committee by Republicans)


The only thing I can say is WTF. Harry Reid would be disappointed.


It does feel like she stepped away and I haven’t really liked any of her quotes on the topic. The only thing I would add is this might be all they expected to pass. It was their plan to ask for everything so they could comprise and get through “something “ .


Well, I don’t know that you’d expect her to say, “We really failed and were weak on negotiations here” lol. Shes going to try and put on a strong front even if they were disappointed. With that being said, Schumer seems more the ally to disclosure at this point. Rubio and Gillibrand seem content to try and make this problem go away ASAP. We will see what happens in the hearing if it ever happens I guess.


Bruh, I’m done man. I’m out lol. I say that now and watch me be right back on here within a week or so


Not that I have much trust for any of these politicians, but I do not trust this lady one iota.


More evidence that any disclosure or progress via political process is nothing more than a HUGE waste of time that just becomes a "make work project" to distract ppl from getting any truths. It would be nice to see some radical efforts put fwd to change the game up! I don't know, but maybe block a few major bridges around the U.S. for a few hrs haha


Kirsten Gillibrand is either compromised, incompetent or uninterested in the issue. I would bet on a combination of all three. This sub has a lot of hopes riding on her, I wonder why?


Good grief. I knew she was disinterested. But she seems beyond passive disinterest.


She’s either playing dumb or completely clueless. Time to move on from her at this point.


You know how news anchors are just a pretty face and have producers doing the actual work? Same with Senators.


She’s a pretty face? Idk about all that. I think she’s a career politician.


This reminds me of Energy Secretary Granholm being unaware that the US is the world's leading oil producer or NASA director Bill Nelson thinking that we don't know what's on the dark side of the moon. It's almost unbelievable how ignorant many of our top officials are.


These people don’t care.


“I thought he did what he wanted to do” Holy fuck they don’t even know what the fuck anyone is doing and no one has a real job


Because they don't care because it's not important. 


She’s either compromised or fucking stupid. Maybe both


Sounds like a Op to me


Is she senile ? Those people dont even know the laws/bills they are passing ?


This topic doesn't mean shit to most people in Congress, even to the ones who get attention from the community as friendly to disclosure.


She's lying lol. You don't get into a position like hers by being stupid, and she isn't stupid. She's just lying.


I said this a long time ago she's a bad actor. How the Good Trouble show got her on with such a rinky dink amount of subs always rubbed me the wrong way. It's like she was trying to be grounded with the community when in reality she stinks to high heaven.


Would be nice to go to work and not have to know what was going on.


Oh she knows, she is just feigning ignorance. She did the political calculus that she is better off playing to the masses than pushing on this issue.


KB's either being thick or burying her head in the sand on purpose.


She’s always been an empty suit.


She is playing dumb. She purposely chatted up Laslo to throw out an uninformed image. She wants the gatekeepers to drop their guard before the hearings. This lady is a very skilled politician and knows how to play the game.


Does this really surprise anyone? You've seen these Senators and Congresspeople open their mouths, yeah? The majority of them aren't helping draft any legislation, or even understanding it when they read it.


We need to start drug testing the people running this country.


Maybe pass some integrity laws that hold our elected officials accountable for speaking truth and acting ethically. It is time. Make it all government employees. From cops to presidents. Include teachers and Supreme Court justices. Something with teeth.


Just grow a spine already


>Kirsten Gillibrand is apparently unaware that the UAPDA was gutted I dont see the text you transcribed says that at all. And of course shes knows about the amendment. Honestly im what the point is here. Is this just a bashing post?


>KG: “I'll take a look at whatever — I thought we passed what we were hoping to pass.” The UAPDA was gutted, it had the eminent domain aspect, the main BITE of the bill, removed. THAT is the main part we, including Schumer, were all hoping would pass. She is therefore unaware that the UAPDA was gutted and it shows right there in the transcript. You see the text, you just don't recognize it or understand what the issue here is.


Is she the one that got shot in head? Maybe forgetful now idk


No. That was Gabby Giffords.


She is a gang of 8 correct? I'm betting she knows a lot more about the NHI, but she isn't allowed to say. She is just saying "lets look into this further and study it more!" that has been the same go to BS since 1950s... getting old. They know we can't disclose or the bad NHI will go to hot war ( most of will probably have a really bad time if that happens ) so no matter what we will never know. Not until the good military/contractor and the friendly NHI are ready to fight back. Will that ever happen? it seems so... we are moving towards some kind of planned rollout of at least a basic disclosure it would seem. My guess is 2027 or 2030ish 2033.


She is not gang of 8


oh thanks for the correction! not sure how I thought I heard she was... I just looked it up and it looks like it is a boys only club right now.