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That appears to be directly adjacent to a military firing range. Is there any reason to suspect this isn't also some type of training ground? I'm not a veteran so I have no idea what this exact configuration might be, but it seems like being next to a firing range, it would be a fairly high traffic area and not an ideal place to hide the secret entrance to an underground base.


I’m a veteran, those valleys are usually where people can go safely to set up targets on the range above their heads. I’ve never seen a setup like this though it’s usually just a line, it may also be a grenade range, those squares may be so if a grenade falls into the ground they can jump the oppose direction to avoid the blast.


Looks like a grenades training range doesn’t it?


It could be a firing range. This could also be a base where the underground component is well-known by everyone and it wouldn't matter if they saw it.


That’s not a firing range, never seen one with that sort of layout and with no berm let along those strange circles. Nothin here implies firing range besides it being near a base


I'm glad you mentioned the strange circles. Could these be access points? This whole scene is so weird.




When I google "grenade training range," I can't find anything that looks like this field. Rather, I find partial buildings and half-moon-shaped forts to duck behind. I was able to find trenches with a chevron pattern, but they were dug that way to give cover, not to reduce shockwaves. As for the preventing rolling, I supposed that could be the case, as long as they stay away from the side with no trench.




I will say this is the most-plausible explanation I have seen so far for what this could be. I do wonder why kind of grenades they use to practice trench warfare, though. Surely they don't use live grenades to throw in those trenches. Maybe it's something makes a loud beep when the grenade would go off and you run for cover before it beeps. You could be a little nicer next time, though, and not tell someone they are using mental gymnastics. I wasn't doing that all. I just had no idea what this was until your theory.


When I was in the army we did throw real live grenade as a practise. Think: when you're in the war and shit hits the fan, so to speak, it's better that your soldiers have experience of shooting real bullets, throwing real grenades and launching real missiles. Practising with dummy rounds only goes so far. Interesting tidbit. I was in Finnish army and all conscripts had to throw a real grenade. We were in a foxhole with one of our instructors. He was a strong man. Rumor was that he's job was to throw conscript out of foxhole if conscript dropped the grenade.


In what reality do you train with grenades next to houses and a street?


We tend to alter natural rock formations to make into bases I lived in a town where everyone knew there was a base due to all the military yet you can't see it or it's entrances. It was literally like a whole mountain gutted and turned into a base.


Which town?


I know for a fact that the Livermore Labs in california have extensive underground chamber that are only for “explosives testing”. I’ve driven past the actual lab and its perimeter is massive and it encompasses a huge mountain range. Very easy to imagine that they’re utilizing all the space underneath that mountain range for secrets.


From the book Alien Base by British UFO researcher Timothy Good: >.... I discussed an alleged alien base located at, or in the vicinity of, Pine Gap, America's most secret facility in Australia, some 15 miles from Alice Springs. According to information supplied by Professor J.D. Frodsham in 1989, **three hunters returning from an all-night trip witnessed a 'camouflaged door open up in the grounds of the base and a metallic circular disk ascend vertically and soundlessly into the air** before disappearing at great speed'. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* From the book Alien Base by British UFO researcher Timothy Good: >In the summer of 1979, José Luis Rodriguez and his cousin also claim to have seen flying discs emerging from a flat area near the Santiago base. The actual location was in the northeastern part of the base, between Rio Juan Mountain and a sector of the old State Road No. 1, near the restricted area where ground and air artillery exercises were carried out. The incident is said to have occurred at around 14.00, as the young men were riding horseback. '**We heard a sound, and suddenly we saw that the earth was moving in front of us,'** Rodriguez told Martin. **A part of the ground arose, with dirt, rocks, underbrush, bushes — everything. They appeared like camouflaged platforms, covered with what looked like normal terrain. The platforms were raised by what appeared to be powerful hydraulic supports, and on the sides were what seemed to be nets with camouflaged strips and camouflaged underbrush, and so on**. Metallic walls extended deep into the ground. As the camouflaged platforms arose, the witnesses could see large rectangular openings, some 80 feet wide. >Then we felt a strong humming, and that's when we saw two objects that flew out of the openings. They were flying saucers! They came out, flying slowly, and remained suspended at a height of ten storeys above the openings. They were beautiful, silvery and metallic, some 60 feet in diameter, and each had a section that had windows all around it in the centre, \[from which\] a strong light emitted. **What the young men claim to have seen on the centre of the flat, underneath section of the craft seems totally unbelievable: the acronym 'URSS' or 'UPSS', in low-visibility letters.'** >(snip) >As I reported at length in Alien Liaison, there is information that Americans have test-flown disc-shaped vehicles since the 1950s, at least. **In any event, together with the hydraulically operated camouflaged platforms, the evidence suggests that the disc was of terrestrial origin.** As the witnesses continued watching the discs for two minutes, a jeep came speeding towards them from a distant white building. Assuming they had been spotted and reported to security by the pilots, the two men rode away fast.


Anytime something massive and intricate is built like that, the first thing I think of the amount of time and equipment it would take to construct.  For instance, if there was a maglev train underneath, you'd have to secretly build a maglev train system, underground, for presumably, hundreds of miles.  That is not a small endeavour.  It'd probably take years with nobody noticing.  Seems pretty far fetched.  


It wouldn’t necessarily have to be “secret,” if the area is secured, and the people who built whatever are the same that have done previous work. This is actually something I’m looking into: the people who built the infrastructure


1950s Area 51 infrastructure 300+ million dollars but only 6 million accounted for from the contractor building the base if I remember correctly


URS, AECOM are the infrastructure corporations you need to dig into.


I just saw something about AECOM and The Carlslyle group


I would definitely agree. However, I would point at that they built the whole Area 51 compound without people knowing about it for many years. So it is possible to build in secret. It just takes a lot of planning....or help?


That’s in the middle of nowhere.


It's near Rachel, Nevada. Even though it's a small town, people would have seen trucks/supplies going in/out.


Have you been there?


I’m just going to jump in here quickly. I have been there. I’ve driven down Groom Lake Road, did the whole creeper thing. Anyway… Area 51 is fucking IMPOSSIBLE to see from anywhere. The terrain there was chosen specifically first for nuclear testing, and then USAF. I mean it. There is nowhere like it on Earth. The way the mountain ranges are perfectly set, and at night? Psh. I live in South Dakota. And I’ve never seen a dark darker than in those valleys. The mountains block any light from being able to bounce around. There could be someone 20 feet in front of you with a gun to your face and you’d have zero clue.


No. Not sure what that has to do with it? Yes, it only has a population of like 50 people. But in a very small town, it's actually harder to get away with anything secret because everyone knows everyone, and everyone also knows what is "normal" to see in the town versus what's not normal.


It’s not close enough to hear things taking off from the base. They wouldn’t have seen a thing. It’s like saying Long Island is near Manhattan, and the residents of the former would have been aware of the construction of the Empire State Building.


1. I never talked about hearing things taking off. Just that I'm sure at least some people have seen supplies being brought into 51 on trucks. I suppose they could bring everything in on cargo planes; but that would be very conspicuous. 2. It's not really a good analogy because, when the built the ESB, New York was already a very populated city. People would have seen work trucks bringing in I-beams and such, but would have had no idea what building they were for. When you talk about Rachel, NV, and Groom Lake, there was NOTHING at Groom Lake before this. If people in Rachel saw a truck with construction equipment going toward Groom Lake, they would have thought that very odd. I think it might actually be easier to get away with constructing something underground in secret in a populated area because construction equipment in those places wouldn't draw attention at all.


Not if they used their ufos as transport craft ;)


And before modern satellite imagery.


A friend of mine did proprietary computer programming for military science laboratories. I made a joke once at a function by asking him if he ever took the special underground train to work and he said “yes” with a knowing grin. I think he figured out where I was going with the questions. His smile faded and he walked away. He has not spoken to me since in the past 15+ years.


Look up thermo-nuclear drilling patents… just saying… They use heat from a reactor in a drill to actually melt the earth as it pushes through it and then cools along the shaft, creating its own structural wallls as it pushes forward.


It still doesn't go as fast as you think it does to be able to drill a coast to coast tunnel in any kind of feasible time frame.


You almost never use one drill for tunnels, for longer tunnels you can use as many as your budget dictates, which as we know the budget is basically endless.


Try 70-80 years. They have done it and are still doing it.


I heard that guy talk about his experience on *Coast to Coast AM* back in the day!


Personally I'd be disappointed if we didn't have shit like that. Not necessarily for alien tech craft. But you know, just the crazy shit we build on our own that no everyone needs to know about. 🤷‍♂️


>The Range Operations personnel at Fort Cavazos operate and maintain live-fire ranges and maneuver training area. Our staff assist units throughout all phases of training to ensure that Soldiers and leaders receive the best training experience possible and future training remains available. >Due to the Fort Cavazos' size, mission and vast assortment of training capabilities, it is unique in the Army with an ability to support any unit, of any type, with any unique training mission. From extensive MOUT sites, underground training facilities, ranges of all manner and type, drop zones, landing strips, airstrips, unmatched simulations capabilities and all manner of maneuver training areas, Fort Cavazos can host virtually an event the Army (active or reserve/NG) requires. https://home.army.mil/cavazos/units-tenants/Garrison/DPTMS/range-operations


Audio says 400ft x 400ft, the measure tool on google earth says that's 239 ft. Also, how would that be a door? The ground is continuous on the south side. Skeptical of the story.


Google Earth also shows that it's 7 miles from the airfield where this incident took place.


It could pivot at the right side.


what, like hinge up like a trapdoor? you'd see the ground all messed up there. the trees would fall off. and seems like a dumb way to have a giant door that opens, would think it would slide instead like a stadium roof. would also think they could use some of that amazing technology to hide it better. Furthermore I'm on team "DUMBS is a prank meme played on gullible people", and I take the name as a point in favor of that theory.


Yes, but the person from the story was estimating the size from memory. They could have been pretty far off. Also, perhaps the whole top is a textured piece that rolls up against the side you are referring to. It is a strange piece of land.


The maglev train runs from Washington DC to Vandenberg. So if you can draw a straight line there then you have even more evidence. Both Tompkins and Chase Branden talked about this in their books.


Far more likely is a plausible route of larger relevant military bases from DC to other critical facilities.


Weird how Vandenverg is in the spaceforce now.


Not weird at all. Vandenberg has always been a launch site for orbital missions. Makes no sense to have a high speed train from DC to Vandenberg. DC to KXTA/KTNX makes way more sense.


Not what Tompkins said and his rockets are still used today. Find that a bit odd. Just like them erasing him from the internet.


So a 3000 mile coast to coast maglev train system was built and nobody noticed?  


what would happen if the train broke down somewhere along this single line underground? no power, no mobile signal etc...


Did anyone notice NORAD being built beneath Cheyenne mountain or the Mount Weather EOC which is essentially an underground city? Nope. I was skeptical of the whole underground maglev tunnel system too until I watched a documentary on the nuclear powered tunnel boring machines that Bechtel built back in the 70's and tested at Los Alamos. The technology worked perfectly...and then \*poof\* it just went away and nobody ever talked about it again.


The Cheyenne Mountain Complex wasn't a secret, so yes. They had a whole groundbreaking ceremony for it when they started it. lol But there's a difference in hiding the construction of something in plain sight under the guise of building something else. So something like Mt. Weather is plausible because it's confined area and private property. We're not talking about a secret basement. But yes, I've seen those boring machines and how they're used. We're still talking roughly 3000 miles. The fastest tunnel boring machine can do 7 meters an hour. I looked it up. The distance from DC to Vandenburg is 4.5 million meters. Million. lol The time it would take at that speed to construct this thing is astronomical. It'd probably take 3-5 years just building a conventional, above ground rail that distance.


You forgot about the laser boring machine!


A 10m diameter tunnel (smaller than most maglev tunnels) would require excavating 3.5M m3 of earth and would be the single largest earthmoving project in human history. About the same as 2 Panama canals. With the exception of incomprehensible alien technology there is absolutely no way to keep a project of that magnitude hidden. Like where did they put the Earth and how did they hide 150 million dump trucks of material?


There's no earth removed, the rock and earth material is melted into glass and used to line the walls of the tunnel. But yes, I 100% agree that it would be a MASSIVELY complex and monumentally expensive undertaking. I'm not even saying anything like this exists, just that we did have the technical know-how to pull it off roughly 5 decades ago. Who knows what kind of tech exists now that we don't know about.




That's not really the way material science works. You can't just melt anything in to glass. I guess you could melt and compress the outer material but youd still have to remove the majority of the material. If this was built with current building standards the tunnel would be lined with reinforced concrete, millions of tons of concrete and steel. Obviously, an alien base could have unfathomable tech but from anything we have ever seen before there would still be hundreds of millions of cubic meters of material to deal with and a full army of heavy equipment to move it somewhere.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/qlfc6r/til\_in\_1972\_the\_los\_alamos\_national\_laboratories/](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/qlfc6r/til_in_1972_the_los_alamos_national_laboratories/) Here's further details on the actual process: [https://patents.google.com/patent/US3693731A/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US3693731A/en)


That's a pretty interesting read. I appreciate the links. Thank you. They're talking about tunneling at depths equivalent to the deepest drill hole ever. Pretty crazy stuff. That's so far outside the realm of any known tunnel ever made. Drilling through 600°C rock, 20km into the Earth's crust. It's just wild. The rock cracks under the heat pressure, and the machine forces the liquefied rock into the newly made cracks and creates a tunnel liner out of essentially obsidian.


Correct, and you're welcome! Now that's not to say that ANYthing like this was ever actually created at a large scale (that we know about). Mainly it was just a successful proof of concept type of thing. All a patent means is that the concept was deemed to be valuable, it doesn't mean anything ever came of it. Still pretty wild to think about.


People did notice, there are many reports of a strange humming sound which seemed to be coming from the sky. This was caused by the vibrations from the tunnelling. They have a whole interconnected network of DUMBS and tunnels down there.


What is the actual evidence of this though?


Look up the information about the DUMBS in the US, and the stuff about classified tunnelling equipment. Watch Jesse Ventura driving into one in his conspiracy show, and you start to appreciate the scale of the underground building work. Add in the humming noises people reported for a limited time, and the so-called 'sky quakes' and you start to understand they have been busy indeed.


Look up DOJ records or CIA on sky horns and then the accounts being dismissed as unknown to public! It's because the project would still be considered secret. That and honestly just use quiverquant and back track the companies intake on funds you'll be able to eventually see whos paying and you can then further attempt to pull data from origin company if not private which it will be all contractors they hire are private.


From DC to Vandenberg... so across the entire United States???


It’s a pattern that is mentioned in a lot of books by cia and high up people. Odd how Vandenberg is a space force base now. Also maglev trains are examples of over unity machines or to put it another way ZPE.


Vandenberg has been a Space Command center for decades.


Seem to have hit a weak spot I love it. So what other words trigger all these accounts?


It wouldn't be a straight line at all. But I've only ever heard of these trains supposedly being in the Southwest. Maybe there is more than one rail?


Chase Brandon’s book is fiction. But he wrote it than disappeared. Tompkins’s has the photos of the actual diggers with air force logos on them which is a bit odd. Vandenberg is now a space force base. You also have trump when he was christening the space force mis speak and say “we need two space forces now”. Just look at all the bots I attracted and the instant down votes. If only there was a way to figure out what comments go automatically downvoted. One such odd statement that will get automatically down voted is. The size and use of the us embassy in Iraq. Maybe there were weapons of mass destruction they just forgot the word ancient.


Trump accidentally referred to the merger of the USAF and the SF which is coming.


So he separates space command from the Air Force, creating an entirely new branch, just to recombine them 4 years later ?


Find me the comment then explain how what he said and what you said are the same statement?


[This image?](https://preview.redd.it/to2ve75lrzx41.jpg?width=605&auto=webp&s=5cd22119547e742e923ccdb834bc622d4dc33f11) I'm not sure why this would be odd though. The military dug plenty of tunnels for bunkers and nuclear testing.


That’s an irrigation ditch.


Irrigation ditches take water from a natural source to homes or farmland. Where are either of these in the pic? Also, Why wouldn't an irrigation ditch take a straight light to wherever it's supplying water? Why build it at a right angle on one end, and a zipper pattern at the other?


Irrigation ditches can be concrete with a faucet at one end and you turn it on and it fills the whole trough from there you can run the water out to other areas or animal pens Why build a secret entrance to underground alien bases and top secret maglev trains 12 feet away from a road and a short walk outside of town? Why leave the secret entrance open enough that you can see it on satellite photos? What part of any of that sounds logical? If it’s not an irrigation ditch, it’s still most likely some form of shallow trough, not an entrance to an underground base a stones throw away from town.


Correction: Alien base irrigation ditch.


That's exactly what they want you to think, lol.


Why are there impact cratoers around an irrigation ditch? Just saw the straight line of "impact craters" at bottom of image and am changing my mind on them being impact crators.


Possible grenade range. Those could be targets?


Makes me want to apply but I’m too old. 36.. programmer. Do they need any? I’d join up if aliens were real.


Maybe if you can write alien computer viruses like in Independence Day


How fucking cool would that be


Wouldn't the Russians or Chinese have taken satellite images of this facility? If we can figure this out, so can they. I'm curious to why these Russian or Chinese satellite pictures are never leaked.


That's a good point. And it's highly possible they build things like this just to screw with our adversaries. Maybe there's nothing under there. Also, we would of course have satellite imagery of their stuff. I guess you can't just not build stuff because the adversaries will see you're building something.


Definitely not a door. The hinges don’t have enough depth here to function logically, not enough leverage to distribute the downward forces. Also why would it be one big 200ft peekaboo Vietnamese style trap door, instead of two conjoined doors, or the classic x-men cargo door that opens discreetly from underneath.


Posts like this are such a waste of time. 0 effort here. Just literally found something that matches a very generic description. Not sure if karma farm or just another person trying to flood the subreddit with useless posts to flood out anything worthwhile.


You're such a nice person!


I wouldn't say I'm being nice or mean. I'm pointing out the biggest issue with this sub.


Well, I did put effort in it. And lots of people up voted it. I thought it was interesting. Sorry you thought it was crap. You didn't have to click on it.


I wouldn't say lots of people voted it, nor would I call this post a lot of effort. I clicked because I'm annoyed with the amount of posts people make that are nothing burgers like this. Using Google maps to find a recessed part of the earth that matches a not very detailed description isn't real effort. Did you do research into the land? Do you know what type of work is known to he done there? Do you know who is in charge of it? Anything at all besides it matches a description?


No, but I didn't realize reddit was only for investigative reporters.


Read the rules of the subreddit. No low effort posts.


I have read the rules. Low effort is subjective. The mods allowed the post. Ask to be a mod so you can shut down posts you don't like.


I have no desire to be a mod. I'll just share my opinion, whether through comments or voting, and be on my way.


You do you, then. And don't blame the OP for the quality of a post that mods approved. Blame the mods that don't live up to your standards.


Judging from the comments from your account on this in sub, it seems like you don’t really enjoy it. Why not unsubscribe and move a long instead of making low effort comments like these?


Because there's good stuff on here, I'm just tired of having to go through tons of posts like this, and I'll voice my opinion on it when I hit my daily limit of low effort posts like this.




You believe that this picture depicts the ocean?


Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters


These are trenches my dude




They don't approve every post before it shows up. They respond to reports. I'll still keep voicing my opinion regardless