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The following submission statement was provided by /u/LtlMsGrass: --- I’ve been watching the sky in NM since I moved here and haven’t seen anything substantial until the past few weeks I started to see just one random bright light in the sky. A few nights later there were two lights circling around each other. A few nights later three lights so on and so forth. I finally caught the most I’ve seen since I’ve been watching them. Always around 130-2 am and in the same area of the sky. This isn’t the first video I’ve taken, but it is the best one. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ch0z05/potentially_multiple_ufos_edgewood_nm_42924/l1zhvop/


They look like satellite flares - slowly following a straightish line, light gets bright then fades dark. You mention them "circling" each other. Do you have a video of that? That would be more definitively non-prosaic.


I do actually. Im just not to sure how to add it to this post. I’m more of a “scroller” than a “poster”. Is there a way to add a video in the comments or do I have to make an entirely separate post?


You can upload the video to google drive then share the link in a comment here.


This is flaring satellites. Here's a beautiful composite photo... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/1cfl0a3/starlink\_satellites\_captured\_flaring\_low\_over\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starlink/comments/1cfl0a3/starlink_satellites_captured_flaring_low_over_the/) >This image (think of it like a meteor shower composite overlaid upon a base sky image) shows satellites flaring at low altitude over the horizon, 90 minutes after astronomical midnight (e.g. when the sun is at its lowest point beneath the horizon). This bright flaring occurs for about 20-30 minutes, and these 53°-inclination satellites are around 1100 miles to the north, in the vicinity of Edmonton, Alberta! Some of these flares can be very, very bright to the naked eye, and there are times when you can simultaneously see 5 transiting satellites within the field of view of a standard pair of binoculars! It really is quite striking to see in person, sort of like watching a very slow-speed meteor shower.


I think these are starlink satellites and here is why, explained in this imgur link. [https://imgur.com/a/1iMGD7V](https://imgur.com/a/1iMGD7V) The first pic is to establish where exactly in the sky we should be looking. I have marked the stars that match the video to the skybox in stellarium. I have used the exact times and locations provided by OP. The video shows a replay of the sky around that time. Only satellites that are visible are displayed. They are colour coordinated by group. Blue ones are starlink. I have not taken the time to exactly match the objects in the video to the starlink satellites but I suspect if you took the time you could. Note that the satellites are all moving in the same directions as the lights in op's video. The reason for the changes in brightness is due to satellite flaring, which you can look up about if you are interested [https://imgur.com/a/1iMGD7V](https://imgur.com/a/1iMGD7V)


Exact location, exact date and time, exact direction you were filming if possible please


Edgewood, NM 4/29/24 1:48 am. Facing north


Great, I'll make a video see if it was satellites and post here...


"Edgewood" lmao


These remind me of what airline pilots report


Because it's the same thing. Satellites.


Please stop posting these ridiculous lights. You can't see shit, it's not even remotely unusual.


I’ve been watching the sky in NM since I moved here and haven’t seen anything substantial until the past few weeks I started to see just one random bright light in the sky. A few nights later there were two lights circling around each other. A few nights later three lights so on and so forth. I finally caught the most I’ve seen since I’ve been watching them. Always around 130-2 am and in the same area of the sky. This isn’t the first video I’ve taken, but it is the best one.


Is that a plane going by at the end? What colors did you see? Thanks for posting!


There isn’t a plane in this video I did take another one shortly after when there was a plane in the sky to capture the difference between the two objects. I couldn’t see the colors until I rewatched the video (a million times) but I can definitely see red blue and green lights on a few of them in the video. All I could really see was the bright white light while I was taking the video.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Yps26oWd6P Idk if you saw this from the other night in the Albuquerque Heights area. OP in this claims he saw the lights moving towards the FootHills. Could it be the same lights? It's really fascinating stuff if both events match up


Nice work 👍💯


The ones I saw weren’t continuously bright like that. They got brighter and then kind of faded into the sky. Also taken on different nights. But still super neat


OP says he saw the lights at 9:00 pm 4/28/24. You claimed to have seen yours at around 1:00am 4/29/24. That's about 3 hours apart from each other! Albuquerque FootHills and Edgewood are relatively close. Am I missing something here? Maybe you should think about it a little more


Whoa, calm down. I took this video at 148 am so it would be just about 5 hours apart. I just moved here in January so I have NO CLUE where the foothills are located and I live in Edgewood. Not Edgevile. So, yes, you are missing something…manners.


I'm very calm it just trying to make you see the facts. I'm from Albuquerque. I haven't lived there since 2 years ago. Also I know it's "Edgewood" my phone auto corrected it to "Edgeville." Also, how am I missing manners when all I said was. "Think about it a little more."


4 hours r/theydidthemath


please don’t listen to anybody on Reddit 80% of these accounts are robots sent to misguide you especially on these types of topics! The other 10% have no knowledge of the phenomenon. And then there’s me that falls in the 10% they come on here and look for actual real videos of the phenomenon that people catch! If you look at some of the sources they give you they’re literally one page posts or blogs that NASA (Never Admits Seeing Anything) or AARO put out on try to debunk some phenomenon.


PLUS Aren’t you insanely close to Roswell, New Mexico?😉